Sundav. Februarv 24. 1957 Tl-#F AAIrWE(_AKI C1A t, 'V Yundnv Ft M4 Of7ICJtAN UAfILY Pge Seven FACULTY ART Vitality and a Fragmentary Effect Characterized Exhibits At A Recent Art Showing ily StafftWiter "START a wok you must let the paint dtat'te te fit st brush tmovements this original iI', : action determines the subsequent' brush strokes on the canus,' youn, faculty atttst J EL Ed_(' r : ridge insists.r Edrirle's paintings, plus those of Louis Ta ellt, Albetrt Muli n tlbert Wiebert Leonrtd Zamnuska and Jtm Miler, etcexhibited February 4-18 at the Rtitkh'm Gallerites itsa olection b De aitmunert of Arit faiculy 'itist s. ' *~ Web it s atnd Zirnika's works gi'garg5 i1 tre desetiburd by Edidea h artists 's ntcipietttiioofas e Stip LIje uv1 e tangible ohet or ancite. AmongA ,~T the works exhibited wite "Stll- ec Srpe De< byAlet ~ee ight" atndi"NuieewithItLimp" b Weber. Cuttrently pontularitabstratlits Pt esstout m"isypifiestheiwork of Aibet Mullen and Louts Tavellt. lionmofyuns ,n omytsil lissatiigsote oo s lsu, feteharengctsisofthitesea twotit o tsy fo. e"Rdi ay. Vt AL' cif siiecsare eriii wtosok:ph usnaiatotydwilen Tis carrie a r ioe s.-iketee Teofx thrighoutsinselpatidgsJimaMil- irb JmsPle te.lnerato'b jmSMle i'panetins 0ofteI ntonks Itryugto heythabngteen throgh5a thce cr hecavyfEldride,"Elarine ru GraVITALTe wokelyingth, altk minu adellic powduler, iscnvesavmr ineo theeoi susoft Iigeav el aer Jmvem.'I AInuthrwpaintingsttitr"Pn bingutementfcoul dsribe rhuehmoamnth orin of mudriit"..o enretinofe rt i dlsrib lingd useixiingts:aintincallis"Foth-y iful rss.formhofotry,emlyn altmismpranthutalpicoder hAveoatepting en led,"Painth young artist, upon elicit oitering abright yellosw work lie ceated fto s p Iaint-soaukednespaopetrs. I T IOGRAPC WORKS wex shotwn by Eldridge. He cx- plaiuned tisey were printed ftr0m0a lithsographingstone reproducing the original as manyisy 'thirty timeos.y ''Tlecc litlsgrtut is seem to me vtry eausy to interpret. I was quit imydwe so on coe menttd that this human hueyd ud 'wsan excellent reproduction of the skull of a lion. "'sen more discouragingth Isana this,' Eldridge concludeae te eople who snicker at theipr i paintings," 'Butldiht' heAlbert '\Vt 0 . %AV jtuFuv ar mp x A, 4, v."1 1, f P w," I