,, Thursday February 7 1957 T HE MIC H IGA N DAI1LY Poge Nineteen Thursday ebruary 1957%TH MICHIGA DAILY1P 1 1Iq;;ntee I FINLAND (Continue ifrom Pag- 1) have been nothing else but the Finnish word for "American." Still others came out of the house - there must finally have been ten or more - and each came forward to shake my hand. When we went inside, I dis- covered that I had met only a portion of the family outside; there were additional women pre- paring food, a few hungry children waiting for supper, and two or three more men. The oldest wom- an in the group, probably sixty or thereabout, was standing bare- foot before a wood-burning stove loaded with oversize pans and kettles of steaming food which she was in the process of preparing. Once again I was greeted with hand-shakes and a friendliness both shy and wordless. Dinner that evening was in two shifts. While the children and young people ate, the men with- drew to the Sauna building near- by where I was a participant in the rigors of Finnish bathing which combines the qualities of fire and ice to clean the body, shock the senses, and relax the mind. When we returned, the large table was again loaded for us and the women and we sat down to eat. THE MEAL was eaten largely in silence either oat of deference to my speaking inability or be- cause eating is not, in Finland, accompanied by conversation; or, I was beginning to think, these were people who had lived long and intimately together and found verbal communication inadequate or superfluous to their needs. Oc- casionally, some one made a quiet remark and others would look up k or chuckle. That was all. When dinner was almost over, one of the men left the table and returned with a thin paper-backed pamphlet which he handed to me. I opened it and found that it was evidently a kind of instruction book for learning beginning Eng- lish. Appended in the back, I found a double listing of simple words, one side English, the other Finnish; and I went through it until I found four words which I pointed out in order to the man who'd brought me the booklet to say "You are very kind." He repeated the sentence and the others smiled and nodded. After we had eaten, my friend motioned for me to follow him outside. He led the way along a path through the woods until we came to a clearing in which a wooden house stood, solitary, brown, and sturdy. A man came to the door and after a brief con- versation between the two of them, he turned to me and said, in German, "Welcome to Finland" and asked us to come in. AS rr turned out, the man had spent two years in Germany himself, spoke the language flu- ently, and through him, I was able to explain more adequately something about myself for the benefit of my friend. We had not been there long, however, before one of the children whom I had seen back at the farm house came in. She said, I learned, that neigh- bors of theirs who lived in the summertime on one of the islands in the lake had stopped over to call; and finding that a foreign visitor from America had arrived wanted to invite me to their is- land retreat for a cup of coffee. I said, of course, that I would like to go, Four of us went: another young man and two of the girls. We rowed across the lake, taking turns at the oars. It was not a large lake and the water was smooth and unresisting; and before I was regdy to leave the boat, the calm of the lake, and the golden gener- osity of the late evening sky we had arrived. Our host, who had preceded us to the island in his own boat, came out to greet us and ushered us inside. The house was tiny; one room and a kitchen closet. But it was rough and unfinished and human and I felt at home as soon as we had all squeezed inside and found space to sit. A moment or lish dictionary had been dis- panions, as we proceeded, was taken me into his car in the first two later, the woman of the house covered plus a map. By pointing small against the wonder of the place. He patted me on the back appeared with cups of thick, black coffee and passed them around, at single words, like sister," nd night, and said 'Hyva, hyva," d I did The conversation was apparently "age," they could ask me clemen- Back home again, I found a bed the same. As I started up the about me and, strangely, it even tary questions which I could an- waiting for me in the living room; road, I turned to wave and found included me somehow because as swer by holding up fingers or and I fell effortlessly asleep. them waiting to return the gesture they talked they looked at me writing numbers; and when they of farewell. with open and cordial inclusive- found the word for "home" I "HE NEXT morning, early, there It took me four days to reach ness. They were people of simple. could show them with the map I1Twas a big breakfast for every- Kilpisjarvi where Finland, Nor- miraculous good will. I wished where it was. A finger on a map, one. When it was over, I knew it way, and Sweden come together some further miracle might occur of course, is rather impersonal, was time for me to continue on my far above the Arctic Circle; and that would enable me to talk with but they were people who under- trip and for them to return to one more day to reach Troms on them. stood the meaning of the ward work. I held up my bag to indi- the Norwegian coast of the North and it sufficed. cate that I was prepared to leave. Atlantic. It had been an almost WE STAYED rather late because When we returned to the other Immediately three or four dis- wordless trip; yet warmth com- there was plenty of coffee, shore, we left the boat at another appeared from the kitchen and municates as surely as words and plenty of talk, and plenty of light; landing some distance from our returned with their cameras and I whenever a car stopped and a although it was approaching mid- starting point and walked back we went outside to photograph door opened, there it was. One us- night, the sky was still pink-gold through the woods. It was after one another. That done, I shook ually speaks of the frozen North; and semi-bright and all the North midnight but the sky was still hands around the circle and said but I have also heard it called the seemed timeless and kind. Fur- light and every tree was clearly to each one "Kiitos" (thank you); Golden North. There is no ques- thermore, another Finnish-Eng- visible. The laughter of my com- last of all to my friend who had tion in my own mind which it is. Shapely Spring Suits ByDuchess Royal 'ew fashion excitement in these softly rounded Custon styled suits. Exquisitely tailored by CDuchess (oyal with couturier touches not ,I s //, A 4' often found at this price. 25°c; Above, Fitted unlined jacket with Empire effect banding curved to flatter. Short-stop sleeves. Acetate- and- rayon with the sheer worsted look. In navy, Wedgewood Blue and Mocha. Sizes 10 to 18. Left, Short unlined jacket with panel blouson back. Soft bow on peplum, and straight back wrap skirt. Cotton-rayon-silk blend that looks like silk linen. Black, beige, red, Wedgewood. 10-18. SUITS -- THIRD - THE FASHION FLOOR DOWNTOWN