"age Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 7, 1957 ..gFourTHEMCHGAN DAIL.Thu.s , ,brury 7.1957 I Punch Magazine An Editorial Revolution Has Achieved A Striking Change By VERNON NAHRGANG Scattered drawings on the map S sCount?'. page book section, "War and The bulk of the magazine is9 Daiy staff sriter showed United states cultural in- Peace" (Count L. Tolstoy). collection of short, humorous arti- fluences as: --Cola, money, 4A cartoon showed a cowboy on This is followed in Punch'sI les by P. G. Wodehouse, Alex At- A British humor magazine re- Tine Magazine, movies., baseball the open road, sining and American issue by Alex Atkinson's kinson and numerous contribu- cently departed from the tra- and jaz playing a guitar wahile his foot "Handy Guide to U.S. Faiths Lo's. which are, for the most part, dition of portraying on its cover A hymn, 'Congregational" be-' w(Supplementary List)" and "Tour- satiric in nature. beak-niosed hmp-bciked tl an wth the first stanza:' ts Guide to American Money." Each issue has its poetry, also man and his dog to deaict instead 'thc flat tire of his oa, too, new ("In Ike We 'T'rust" appears on light and humorous. a darkened city street lighted by "God of the US. way of life, model car. each coin and part of the comT- foir giant neon signs, "Food," Lord of our far-flungA The main section of Punchcon- "Duag',""Beaty"and 0, ," , expot trdeAnother deicted a lold-uno- nentary reads, "The dololat should eudes with "a the City," "In "rugs ai"Beaut" and "Gasn" export trade, the robber's weapon a rolled-up tinever be givel a a tip. Waiters the C y, IP The magazine was winch, and Who saw ussettle Europes strife Sunday edition of the New York sneeze at it") the Countryand"Essence of Par- the issue was devoted to a satiric fr Mt'a and ith Times, held over his hea The five chapters of "'The Last liamnt," in which te ek in loAk at America a departure fomt A middle section wsas devoted of the Americans' by J m senmnt isexied with at- Pochssrua 'e'l;coaass L itoed God of Dollars, bless us st' .''--'' 'mutustentio is5tolose items which are Punchs usual weekly comment on Lest we forget-lest we forget to six lages and the cover of te i F n m re C P r present modern, not usually covered or covered things British. "Redigu'sted Digest" ("Articles of roek-and-roll Americans in a prominently in the newspapers. Included in the contents as "A Featured in the issue was the lastin' comfort"). Among the colonial approach. A seond sectio of eriticim Map of The Unitedi States Empire complete, illustraeut d four-pa e contents: "Can Slugs Count?"' exaines fe eek's offerings in Atd Spheres of Influence and In- text of "'Kity, Wake!' Adapted (Wall Stre tJournalu "Inside tl (ontentS. literature. th'ser, filnms and tele- fitration," with shaded areas of from Anton Chekhov's 'The Sea- Greater Intestine" (JoIn Gut- lae uorld map 'mdicatintn fhe gull' By Ru'chtrd Rdg 'rs and ther), "My Dog Taught me to ALTHOUGH lmited to satire of . latter. Osc 'r Hmm rst n It Pra" (Mae Hagger and a thr- the Unitid Stls, the Nov. 7 issue of nuseh isnesetthetess in- ConijpuriMO 'o, dictiive of the magazine's cotent during the past two years. 'UNCHS list of contents brings The first 10 to 20 pages of the' to mind The New Yorker.per- magazine are devoted to adveraps the closest American maga- tiing. as well as the sare number zine in format and content to the at the back of each issue. British publication, although the This leases the cenfer section, two magazines sere two different the ma"azine itself, free from ad- purposes and are quite unlike each vertisin and the page here are oter. numbered consecutivecu' from issue Punch is basically a humor to lss. magazine; its short articles and The magazine begiii with the cartoons set out to entertain "hile week's "Charivaria" (replaced in a short section is left to inform the American issue by "Transat- readers of the merits of new pro- lantivaria" in Time's style of ducts of the arts. People in the News), a series of New Yorker, on the other hand, short comments on the week's is a guide and a running history happenings and selected news of the big city; its stories and items, cartoons set out to entertain while Prominent in each week's issue a larger section is devoted to the is the full-page political cartoon, week's events and reviews of often anti-Eden or anti-Dulles. books, films and plays. Others are anti-Nasser, anti-Suez, Punch has no real short stories, anti-Eden and anti-Dulles. See CHANGE, Page 23 NEW and USED .. - TEXTBOOKS Every ook for Every Course A LOOK AT AMERICA .. 'A Redigested Digest' with Marshall Aid Adak r I -' 'asa -I/ A beautifult new Arzberg pattern has been created in porcelain. SKYLARK- 5 piece place setting, $8.95. MICHIGAN BOOKSTORE J1011N LIDY South State at North U. BOB GRAHAM, Mgr. Phone NO 8-6779 * 601 East Liberty