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October 07, 1956 - Image 13

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October 7, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thirteern
-Too ]u-A els
The DetectiveA(toryIs tUnpopuain Rwsia
B DOALD A.YAFS 1tave ra thr Inteestngand sct- resat it was. T wote to Mocow, veengiz also pbishes a series of \yell, if thins lookpromisin;fo
drocunmentd studes ivailabte to- to Russia's greatest library, to beĀ° Fantastic Stories.' te science fictionsalin Rs-
IF THERE EXISTS any ~nnersal day ott the literartyerime beitng, exact. And the reply swas most in- In thse series appcear stories by si. hess the otlook f or the de-
tie.r fm n lieas done in FanceSpain, Englatnd, ter stng. indeed the most poplr ERssiats sv rters tecive store is ver beakinded
Traseork hih f, sreds Holland, the Coted Stales, ansd Duringthte early years of tteof totay: G. Adamnoc, A. Iacate, The cimate, one fears, is atl
atLatin Anettea Noting tat the Secotnd World War, Hosard Ha- N. i Troblait, L. woomn, N Tomatowsrono, The eplatation fot this
geographical and ellurot bariers, general tote xltated abovee hotscrft th foremost Arcrii l andt V. Iano, Two othe' writers, we hae sttgested aready.
sturely ttis otomistaikeabte trn to ttrue its all of these ases-thatdetc of the deetire stoy, w rote att G Byantse sod N. Spno ' The past tod Chief Justice of
that of the drtective story. The tective fictions is essentiallyaike aticie for the New York Time, w~ite a tope of fiction, the Mocow'EnldLrHeatoBuy
traditiotnal1detective tate posses trn all countriestoat it is a fosmBokeiewhcheftstDe correpondent sates, that aip- En nLr eato uy
Boust 'eviPowcwhicdetctivetfictonbut is once made he following obser-
ses a vety foinoa1 stscture that at-itternatiotnal litertue"-this ttorss Democrats, atd Dt eties" poce ecoiefcio u svton on one of tte healthiest
adhtr t i ao cuttt a nt ec ory cno c Iit waso a profosnd and extremely silcasetalfoay iterary' genre inSle Britisho Em-
wioch undo-tak'es to totoduce lit- about lisp incidenceanil 01statusOfswcit-informed essay, a piece that Ile goes on to say that in slepie "The detectivec story, as dis-
sraure of the "whodunt" genie the detective 'nor'l in the Sovit Sput oth atheory sticto hastood Soiet Cnion sand, oe asumes, tntfo h rm trfor
'lrether it be ito SpanesEtetoctoUniot. up swell the deca de atd a h. ttin the Lenin Libray in Mosos),ci rmtecie trfor
]Dtch, Eto'li-toor Dottistohter.r mn rasaiososhes otly in a settled comtnonity
Inases tn ttrcttsu f1Ttat ods'past Hayratstook stivantafe of sceaemaytasatoso~ here the reader's sympathoies are
In aSelse tis haratersticof IS1T fSofruontete at esdys articlesewsar sole illustratet hi fhis tihBritisricaswaksodndAiloerisdean tworks.an nAndr
linmitatioin is sef-defitning;ifa fonat~oi ont teccutuiot obsevtioon the sideive of the laists',nmbandf riot onri
Sritee violotes a 5traitiotlde-'actisities' of Russia is mote easyswasscaotoaStoat dutctirefietihe litsanBer ofwrtesewhAmen-ISle side of te criminal 'too is
tectice toi'y rule thttori ees to to cotne by tats ever before,5Isemoracies; and that, Onthoc works are classed as detetie fieityn to escape ram justice"
srite ealside tle rutles, wht h sue ht.teewssmsi ohrhn, twnneiten ortoisIttis itieresing to note11h0 Tte statetmentothtosmeat sit
pre tacerosno' t'tnouotstobetoerleistittRsttsia inthetc detectie een discotragcedt tnder te totai-;three names lhe' rtooses a er-fc c in he rustion of sle oo-
setctire fietoot tariant torns of goernomeint setatire of wha a fuitait migtht' dtint in ~Ras ia Wien a country is
T't>ouiilvro u ebs eostt tal, so I toos the moot direct fiti on the Leninit Litrar shtetvs:c'rutled ho' fore, where a geieral
tis s oot st soxiluciscuhiefore. we iseasoplossibe of find tgot' Tthe news articles te matte refer- Conatn Dole, Wilkie Collis uth-tntls'viei ot tordi
etnee to s'sre those thtoanntotitted,' or of the cassics, The Moon-one thte mte of oerttnet, the 'en-
- - -- - - - - siclrotized silthte rise of it-sad The Woman in Whute and o'al conicion tht justice is to-
ler snot Mussolintha tst AmericatnErgar Allots Poe. Ttese a e alitpre- us done is not in eideiceWee
asnd Englistsdetetivite tories swere reotiosnary vilr. fo ttdso~n h i i
officially boniotd its esriany n'faradsicotnotroiid
Ittly ,cotoest-ptowl 1 te the ttees tte
1AKING a broad streyof ite people cost find to enomeeto-
Atn Artor-s ol dest e-itit)is drug. Dtecive siser.Itiserafte0 - history sf tttc setetrtle'tspehoas ev010itnotpcthension-
i, taeinsepasotly intttked o 'oterelies thal tuissi hs mdet itt anoteltwichitlstroate that
store, etoetirustseed ftotouof1proof-an element at lat oneotr'montmetalotcontots t oicinsst b ooneatd isdone
store reeeitly eiuideled for y ur 'not.ly lckingi'-it the functiont of butiots-a book tat all otf-rse-'accoditg to la.
} { a ditatrstip To ilusstate: coulct pe~titg collectors of rime fitlonj
toni'fen i seee, offer-s 'Olt lie fol low'- isnetiagine te 1an retoo iv- uiltkep itotheir lirat'i's T,i prof, ot w'tictt tll justice ard
isn air 10the proof" of some s Lestoevky's Crime and Po- conseuently, atl detectie i-
iu services: atiun Germasoitsuden of the ihmni, Cekov' is also knoon'to SO tion i toased, is foe the subject of
-acoo-,plovoet" cautses of the have made ate s one excotsion toalitiarians rute a forein cotteet.t
totrning of theReichstag: Tnt te esnre So seasee tisa- Stich a reader sold find iuhtery
poiied o knosw that the detective unreal and puzlin a typical En-
O, pre-cotnditioned hby Hoycifts oy is not bing cultivated in "lsso neiat e ieioe
essa, and tint a sateI of con-Rtsia toay Atd we may ak: isg isorAecadtcivnvl
CoMpletely nett Presceription 110011 , t s5O'Ig isterestsoverhe stahos of thee a future for Sle detctive 'h! frtc o'Ooeehe o
1the deetiso story i Rusa I sot 5 in Rsi? paes, holds the eader's susense
If. e-reued e~lI~lie finOtt hh les r ttOto Maros jOf sir.o 1 'e tt o t toover the oe question of whether
Terepy' came bac, and open- mae cojetuesonthis p Iito peo aiyc rv ta
Tditeresinlylooint iththseGeoffrey Blck wssaucutly a the
Sperb xselectin of camera goods , twlerrlince 'eenuuesswhOhhtwtllHocentorf sotnerfmatunssestoolswsilt
goods s~I ords: 'Its Russia, d ttve liter-xiurely influencethe suces orscnoftesmentadfs,1k
afr otvr evlpding -aon, te seashose ox he to.it-
fatniesok -sor o o 0d ilrie of the genre in Russi are tans.
' [es~ae sfIDIC-of inoktciitg supplies , The orrespondent ent onto aprnttoh osrertdy
mseioshtome of the Stypea of For the AnloSxon rea dee.itt
' s oris mre r lss ordrin onI The ret inres of the Rsi.sian
dehocie mric tio,sboreringpott'geswsthotsayigt't5a suspect
dehetirficion hh.t 're oporeading asdienco today in the field
Itar in the Soviet Union Mot of of "iminstie" siing, seemstoOurjuince-iteurallypiroterwgilte
OEWEEKDAYS, 8 AM TO 6 PMhso tye of literature boiled downlie in the dieton of "fantastic" (Duecnsjushctteso11hisorinothe.
a hoah.tse commonly tr i-i tertr.Tt ti tsef 'ayA Russian eadet may find the
ittgs o fantas.y, or, more popularsrte as a ake-off pout for an in-
IXTIT/t'1 sience fiction, D xhu i, a pubet eslng theoriation of the stI- oce oe~ its oso'
liiIC IE II'I CKI I,11i1 firm, p~~ eusotta 'Library tdcs,, ani ouotokof the hRssin thttsprftxsi~s d ssbuhinsoCost-
of dvntros nd natuosereadinog psitlic, The bosie onclu- mns usa
324 South StateSreet Phone 3-4287 Fan1asy Storiea;" thes asmie pub- sotsn tovorisemisS to te simply As lone os thssis so tho d-
1-tarlso mci.kekt an "Aimanc-' tat cince fitisn is hre to saray tecie sorys se its ol'ysiceptd,
- - -- ----- -- -athich is ompsosed of simiar Itale.'fo a whie in tho Soiet Unoin.iIn hitserntiona ferm sswilt iobe
- d - -_ _ ittoeffSlis is tot too sitpri, ig. read is ussi. Isviii not inter-
-- --- --- Clerlythte great achieoment of 'tan. In s aytsprlh'ps teee-
c iomonism isno tobe sects in aswe-gacl tog glathhsf-Ri rstoti
the psenoit, but is rather to be ie stoy is too soal. In a sese,
toited at an anticipated by the matnyRussan" live a detective
communists for somtime in the 'sory awithlclusdeectivs, in-
M A C IN O SH ;futut pe Science fiction is a form Sios, ch ss I is a dedti'
' T of p1,ayingo ith that deam, story that its monssc es is tot.layed
one may a praise more closelyt as Ispmector Hadleys knock on
OR 1.- x L, t~ll.TY CATSRu'als lieary- areomplishment -testpecta door reminds a Rust-
within the geire o sience fiction sin of another knock on he door
a yreading the article by Alexander 1--that may come ats any hour and
it tporl ri from Lou io Marsh.ak on "Scietc-Fiction Se- j shich may mean "a trip to thead-
et style" which appeared in Sle !quarters' from which there may
S.turdayReview foe June 2 of !b no reurn-the detective tory
this year. It is ott extremely in- sttb ui
Rapidly kecoming the moDst popular terestinsg arti'e hose only short- Unmder thes circumstances, d-
rh"aps idadri om, tSt h niedsu-tetie fiction ertinty ill not b
Coats on teCmu.Widadriion is aesi ons asingle sork of
Russian 'iene fiction-f. A ef- ritten And until the political
repellent, light in weight, easy to pack rmia'tis o h tr"Isittiation cisngro frotmswstat it is
md so smarthy British its appearance. pblished in 195.7i nos, it cutl scarcey be read.

r ;H t oiac . ',e's copnio n eot 2995 Ao PNrrat 1' rl,
Low (icttTroarth '"Rk(
.101 3yollSee (and71Ride.th 1, - N TII X1
Stoe Houres )lly 9 to 5:307
_____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _ J1~

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