October 7,1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Which One of Them Has the Twelve-Year Old's Mentality? By ERNEStJ TI:IEOOSSI photographers seen to have even Daily Mscaine Edt, iA15 peopl vho ike t d Still shots for exampole, are made )AORpeol h iet eli after a pitutre is cootpleted for generaliza tions, a fav orite de dition to mental earpetiss rep aeIhnwsaer.Gteal Hlollywood conceives of the Amesi- te htga aatmtt n can ili n sa telvepr oldatgeat the ty'pe" of picture swe will &t~~~b tese cod eintg. The style is equally on- Th t pi, e aegnly~ inatlie and believable. Fott 'd in this generation is r Eamine the pictturesp on the that~~1= loll ptoo oeete . Firtt there is a still for The thts ttlyd pouerstte cirete Bespe'rados starrin,, Glenn Ford tsanpefrescudret admore artistic films, hot thtey think aand Evelyn Keyes. Presuatbly e they hsad better inot bectuse tse should pet the ilusion of twvo lot- Amerea~ pubc i not inellientets menaced by an external force. ettouipt to accepst atnythtitg othert dsKys hrfb yls - F'atWsensitiiitUlte- ' eyes open its Ioeor, looks as per-- toreant eticts, seltimeta lov tuibed ais a polai hear in ice sat- stoisadato pc.TONY MA RTIN AND RiITA HAYWORTIH er. Tis, it wvould seem, leitds tthe a frm Ago Calet tom Valus dent forget her " then" Or thse muisicalI still from The oatty thick entoughi to bide anty! married Prihce Alp Kha t Val y N. D. Atnn inhserited musssical produter mate ttan it sill tseve Ito Bsy fBoda.Hr h net onlids'siiro otii posed, teeth-filled smilea are atp- doutihs tabotit its comipetentcy. That ounis, France'" Tslent froos hter violinist ,,randfa- year-olds. pos ed to convey sophistication! * inteltee~tnal dsvarfs dot the Ani Continuding this instriationa IChtei and tier mother, a concert The film is The Bad Seed, take'n Fred Asta ire and Ginger Ropers iran landscape like pieces of co igeotgiaphy lesson, the ptiece damint5sipe Si o etpie'o from Maxwell Anderson's play ( nautting their way through, life, tiuaeLrs onadit teC i ttle Margaritti Cartment Canosino 1ltc h at y o about a six-year-old murderess dancing away their problemns. Both ivdei;biitiettateitathas come a long way from Itert whose mother esentuially tries kill- are standard, overworked tech- tht a large sare of these in- teen-ape ye.ars as a. dancer w hetn otigina Imutsicasl comptositions tand han the brat so she will stop men- nipues, w telectual dwtarfs are contetrtatedi shte as sipotted by a tattent scoot ws asettt to Detroit to representd acing society. ine pbliitywd dpartet oty t in Agua Caliete, Meio. th rSate of Minnseota as an otit- "Please remember The Bad S eed 14merican advertisitng It's be- Then twe airetl toldtiett ofa t''iisenin othu opoe. soasr mtio pittie stdio Ttense re oltltls t isi i5et ittig yuthul ompse was mtade only to entertain you, come a kind of basta rd art in mjrmtopitrstdo. a wonderfiu1 opsportuinity fat Bay-~bgn."ta aei h the pat few decades. When it i Cm-mena pubticity - aside fiom woith fans to see hser on tetevsiion, Aside from its genetic flvr th visual ti eeal troye tnsadpeirs- ssa o h a oen okfrti nomto s osytelat o ifta oa' oi uineadnnecit hni spo its ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ le tedat today' movicaton uds-etdiceasyet.Saldn'itoris, generally'il welomereotyserped Is mdiof ommtniatits ~assI mdiu a et.So dn Iforet ery'itil.hold '-barred dramatic sensation. 'ate, it partakes of a kind of stIlt- tpatpes and niagazines fat thse imost matte fanss, to see this awandetrful, In all probability its story is tic- ness that nmakes one wonder who- hart. Adverttisements, piess te oantic mstsical1 starrinig Amaeri- 'ne of the most atnnoying ad- tion--that is, it couldn't hsappen ther the writer is possessed of any lease, and "still." are thte stan- ca' Cinderella thetn." advertisemens to apeat in to you tar the special peson you I sense--common, horse, or other. dard weapons of -'aslt:uo thlOt le Ifp this ts aimed at a tsev-yar er concerts the film verstats 0f losvet. So iso matter how it- jolts Advertising may be aimed at a minds (atnd cventua lly aIts) old mind, then it be-es little evi- Robert Anaderson'., Tea 'nd Svm- you or frrightens you or een nation where a thinking mind is of the public' aind. (the islikely declte of being created banything pathy, a p1.ay about homsosexu- alarms yon-rememb.r, it's anty a rare, but only a non-thinhting ao conclside after careftilly in.az,mote thtan a thirteen-yeai-old stity its hop',' Uosedisg sehool wonderftil motion picture' mind could pen that deathless line its these weaptons that it is tot mind: it tackles the rudiments of IPlaced ,strateitaIly in bomber Onfiltqetoneaty'y~or the NationaI Ciparmakers As- thsat thsey are a itmed at indcividuailis ant mpghy tuetto onlytl whyst taiy ~fr n ttletpo h d bioghrlimite inbuten sol grase tniy vermtiement th "MAD BT the ad he writerts) thinks an audience socation, "Ever notice? Tlie man " ~ ~~ with wantse toeliec be jolted frightenedt or"AD Y D who smokes a cigar is a happy ly ,a they are mtanufatured by The same treatment is tendered TILTS-PO3R ADULTS." 'ten ifwattobjledfrgendrmn" individuaIs seith limiited .kill a blurb for Ida Litt' Let's jthis sentence got stross the idea,evnarmdbuths aeilis an (Get arid"dt'drmtehtIthwrtrtnksuettbso' obviously silly that it must be 'rho puppy does, the Hollywood FOR examole, severaI day ago ;r age goes back five hundred yeara lotely no one will miss the nu- -rejetted with the aplomb with starlets, the happy American lam- we received "publicity blurbs ashen her ancestors were the favo- anssu tpplying,, immedia tely be- which one refuses the sixteenth iliea, the girls with too many bones from Coltumbia Studios, an omgan- 1 it' jugglers and strollits' pl1.yers low, thse comma ndment "Nat Reco kal n isptdepesos h ication whichs has recetntly sold Iof the Italian Renaiss'atce in the ommended f or Children," Of course, thia is not all. "Please - are the now standardized images 1014 of its older films to televisiotn. courts of the Italian niubles and ("Those who said Robert Amder- don't tell aboutt the gil" is placed wth which one ts constantly con- Its order Io acquaint the public Ida's obviously carrying on te sons astotunding pla cmln'- eside agicto a 'wdroma inofrntehe proper pshaes ndt with its Proiducts, the org.anizathan fa mily tra ditiots." oven shtouldn't-be filmed," thesohuteaintabdom or.hepprpeuesavbenot hs conveniently prepare 104 Togteiimpetanls'advertisement c o n t i n a e a." will f this is euphemistic, it will sure- like ''ear-ever tools, the publi-Th orsodn oo-yesoisdamnai eei aeti neie n htpoal etefrtt he h ynvrsgetnuhyci-csske mlyn hm h on the pictitre, These blurb- hav'e I it ue sp'dmefn t-s-st.ars' delicaite yet passionate par- dretn. tn a nother place it reads "A formulas are there, the publicist. beenr ofies for the teation ntos-ethits jugespodbe itt acte tr! aa'As nIpofo hidden shame out in the open- put in the variables, come out ith l~peofie1 blurb wueite onbe.ud a the theeya. film'. supe'ritirity, theprfo studio and the most tenrifying rock-bat- the same resultas. d'aily new's pag'es. -promises tha t "....MGM has mnade cam a woma n ever hit for lover." After we have scrubbed our- no doubt thsat Mise Ltptna is quite certain that time electric tinele that This film, too, is "Recommended selves cloan and beautiful, eaten One f tem i fo an ld ita.a l!"ruin doswn Broada-y on opening for Adults Only!" For the cus- our "minute'"' tood, smoked our Haywortis film entitled lusie In Onsce agaims. 'neorsmetency seems nighut ntow rutis down your spine tomer with heart trouble, the the- joyous cigars, put on am' no-snag- My lie'art, It read.s: more evidemnt thanm the phetoime- when you see Tea and Sympathy." atre promises ". °, a brief 'catch- seam-rrotch underw'ear, had our "BeatiPtul Rit. Baywortht is - non of an exmper'ienced writer "ta 1k- your-breath' itntermision each drinks of distinction, we can leave mistakably thse modern day -ins- in dawn, ' Thero is 'ls laniothuer advertise- Showing!" (Those exclamation otir world of wonderfutl, new p1.a- tdereila - the beutiful little gird further ricsss of detail is w eist curretntly on display points hate a ppuarently replaced tics atnd dash down to otir local who grew from d.ancer to Movie- -ev'idenced by time informatiomn giv- ( wuich is comprised 1.argel1 of un- ,periods in H~olly'wood)t cinema; there we will be fright- Itand's Na. 1 actr'ss to pt-tnte's. (en abouP Attn Soul-Iemn for Lt's trsuthsaeuflly sugesttd thtrou_ h cned,; jolted, and al.aroted--but Manhattan-btin Nit, becumme fall in Love, a: sries of shockitng sentence.. 'et, if thse writers lack intelli- don't worry, "it's only 'a wondor- Prince. - Rita it 1949 'whent alt- "Born Harmriette Lak in -Valley Evidently, the picttir. attacked thme 'enco and itmagination thue fur motion picture." -- x'4 5 : , it e r AF' .. .: -W , ~ e ' > ba . 4 , Tf a r ,tr i t 'J/ fi: d ! f Ry 1 k C: PANGS IN THE AIR ANN SOTIIERN IDA UUPINO SOPHISTR":z .. uolar bears in ice mater ... first t rizc «.. jugglers, genetics ... lots (,t A:"_ th 0 0 t FVA*At Ajlutvx ;l AAA AVIF, Vt a 4S ;A ! " w 1dd i9L vxlolls