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September 17, 1956 - Image 13

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September17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thir
Notebook On A Town
(Cont ad from rae o9) to buy all new pairs for school in preciation and homage offered to But I reprieve myself and man- truth of the Great Ideal, we c
the fall. But the shoes were a her. kind with a final consideration, stantly strive to disentangle
them down from above and then small investment on what I gain- It is simply this: today as I finding comfort in the thought selves from a burdensome pas
pulling them back up again; and
finally, of course, the main campus ed in insight. For when you tramp walk along a campus street no that as essential idealists we are harnessing present, and we r
itself, a dozen miles across the lawns of longer do I notice the blue Uni- all alike in this respect. We are on, swiftly and disencumbered
I wore out two pairs of shoes sixty separate buildings housing an versity trucks that cruise by. They thoughtless our rendezvous with that "so
covering this itinerary, and I had .nare there, of course, but I really thing big" that's surely still so
ifrestimable amount of knowledge don't see them - as once I did. In a college town this description where up ahead - just around
- t from the fields of human under- Although I actually shouldn't let fits us: always confident of the corner.
H standing, you begin then to per- this bother me, it does disturb me - - - - ------
lceive just how great the idea of a little to think of the talent I
university really is, once had for spotting them which Try FOLLETT'S First
is now completly gone.7
HE last entry I am able to dis- This, I feel, is my crime - a
cern on the pages of my mental crime of unawareness. To me,
(Continued from Page 12) notebook on Ann Arbor has to do another crime of unawareness -
- - - - with my very personal feeling to- one of which perhaps thousands
land emerging-cellophane wrap- ward the town; it also involves a are guilty -- (and here is where BARGAIN PR ICE
ped and misty--through the black- ie University panel truck and the homage enters in) is that
ness of the night. n ankind. I feel I must apologize, which carries us from day to day l C
"The streets were thronged with ere for the philosophical tone it in virtual ignorance of the charms
hindow shoppers. And there wass taken, but that is the fault of of a most gracious and outgoing
music. The melody of a Salvation the years, and should not rihtly hostess, of what s ems to me an
Arm lasi oic riingabo b t e sray ton telnieds isposac of ap- ity ofrisdsrhe autumn STATE STREET at NORTH UNIVERSITY
jingle of the bell she rang seeking obervation - which is one of ap city of the autumn west
people's pocket change for the
hungr',. the ratged ad d loome - -
less. Even the sooty walls of office
buildings were wrapped in clear,
clean notes from the majestic For ALL : your t
chimes of church bells.
"In front of the merchant's -
windows there were the loud-
speakers piped from the record
p1layers insiede. 'Silent Night' - u c a e f u c
'Virgin Mother and Child'-and
white shirts in the window, 'Three
For Only Ten Dollars-Gift Wrap.ic
ped.' E
"Glancing from the shirts to- EverythongrPhotographic
ward amaothaer waindowg we hsapsema-
ed to notice a man clutch at lhs
stomach and fall. The people at
that window walked aound and
over him.
"We walked over to the man.'
He was middle-aged, neatly and
expensiely dressed, One of the
people, in order to let a better
view of the sports slacks draped
around the jolly Santa Claus, had
inadvertently stepped on thei mi
man's sarist. A dirty heel nark
was imprinted on the white fabricx
of his shirt cuff,.
"We ran for a cop. The cop;s>gs
called an ambulance. And, when
tise amlanmce came. the cop had
to tom-ce the peoaalz osat of thse a-ay
in order to load the stricken man m
on the stretcher.
"The attendant closed the am- Ip $
bulance door, as snowflakes fell
through the red beams of the
blinker lights. And through the
loudpeaker, piped through the
window with the white shirts from
the record player inside came the ,
consoling phrase, 'Peace On
S ocs & Coins
"O"Simply "kdthis," we-answrcmed.
"You, as a book reviewer, have
been wondering why writers don't
scribble nice, sweet books. We Ann Arbor's Only Exclusive Camera Shop
things that writers see. Now, what
would you advise the writer to -
do?" Authorized Dealer
"te might go buy a pup and,
raise himself a dog for a friend," For Most Nationally Advertised
Harvey replied. F
"That's out of the question," we -
coaunteeed. Merchandise
"Why?" asked Harvey.
"Simply because the writer I -
too poor to buy a pup, and too
doggone lazy to steal one. Youncluding-
know that as well as we do!"

"I'd better go," said Harvey,
picking up the bandanna-wrapped ANSCO CANON L EICA
bread crumbs. "It's getting late
and the pig is probably hungry." ALPHA EXAKTA POLAROID
"Don't rush off," we quipped.
"But I gotta go." Harvey went GRAF L EX PRAKT IF L EX
to the door of the hovel, paused, ARGUS
and turned around. "Do you have H E ILAN d REALIST
a dime?" He asked. BELL and HOW ELL
"For what?" We wanted to H E KEYSTONE REVERE
know.Acup of coffee," he replied. BESELER DU PONT ROLLEIFLEX
"It's our last dime," we mused,
as we removed the tarnished coin EASTMAN KODAK LA BELLE VIEW-MASTER
from the sock hidden under the
refrigerator. "But you know what Photo
they say about the Widow's Mite," Prompt Photo Finishing Camera Repairs Equipment Rentals
we concluded, angelically.
"People ain't all bad," Harvey
brayed, as he reached for the dime.
"Somebody could write a decent
book yet! Here you gave me your
bread crumbs and your last dime
and-" 1116 S. University NOrmandy 8-6972
"Down, boy, down!" we yelled.
"Go home and braid your wife--__
some umoccasins."

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