September 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nin 'nn Arbor is the autumn city of the autumn west.. with unique temperament' writes Mfr. Yates, who admits to carringon a love affair with her for 18 years.' With the open ing of the f all ANY summer later when Ir emester, two distinct ways of life Ad oealnYoscola begin to operate within Anni Ar- Michigan, I took a summer-term V bor. The town'folk generally show lo .thteUivriya ldn a mild lack of interest towarsdsod and Giounds depatment sods smild toleranoce for the students, these gined my last najoss insight while the latter masnage to accus- into the soul of Ann Arboi. on themselves to a lown whose My main assinment sith B & G0 wter sotening plat they'11 nev- fiom te trtws othe lasso cc seewhose industries tey11 Imoewing rwIw s ly issuedY never heas of, srhose farmers' my eripilment snd poudly oled) sarket they'll probably nesei vis- out mayimossecitiiat fist day in iF ihe rompamy of thi membeis of" There ,are noitsartuolly mans ai our simall mossing 5 a td_ With "sbsirdes footibalt shetrethe Lto 'orke stI iprd to tseas isr.tan- 0- slersity slid thetoen elemzents de ad "s amclippsras" ss er1iito$ comearinto consat. 'ieeis one mos'bartkipockret I as ra iN o e ,prot, tiasissl, wseare a toy :roswsa out 1or etatevci ariven5trse is ina AnsaAstor maycersise iaso day mitt ihod. resitors swithawretistirossly irds ea- T moseirise'hite wsse riied as Mihgnt radient's ook 'tir orsr isaers to ziczorIt~i h roeu. frt o i h.dylvsoe _ taheaa u rThicst tirs s ou non as: w ~m thle B &rrGtsins as'tosevthi iainnl ertract of Usis . tiae Busth "isstssat a esi ai risperry wiselahra undeigrosacno ansipitd isn ts igialtont. imiprovement orsmod esasosysiiso hesusineaand the esnai n ina cestisy. It lies clean oosnisag ass txT'°a boot raie to the south anrd east l'hsscay swe eased sno thla day' ~ of tiaesito of Northa Camapus, o in o rcou 'sssism his side of the Hurosa Rives, and times not arivin" at a dstint as- it is covered with husidieds of Aothmerteugtiloei hetclock carefully tagged plants, trees ando gao-therngef eas othe atedimthat~ nhrbs. It is formally dedicated to o rs utn a h atta the pursuit of botanical studies at no matter where we happened to Bt & G LAWN MOWING CREW Michigan,.bepushing our mowess we nevers. an easy pace, with sunshine and elean morning air eemed to be very far sway fiom Informally, though, nd more a drustore or restaurant One commonly, the "Ab" iskinwn as r the traditional "lovers' Ilane," the beamIlare, htavsyn ideal spot for the picnic or a too a tecsoms'i morning trip for cofee And moonlght tollagain, arounad two in the aftes This approximately mile-square noon, it was a Coke that we slip- ale area of soiling hills, pine fores ts ed awa y for. and mossy glades has subtly 5- These refreshment peiods how- quired a bit of the connot.atin ofever, were not legally authorized thse parked-ar-o-the-side-road 'lfits, and taking time off froam-x s in the snigg'ering usato of the work for them wasa risky bui e smale students ad coeds alike at nss We acre oblied to keep a ; Ann Asrtor. sharp eye out for thacbss's blue1 panel trucks wilia the yellow ands- 0 NCE tipon a time thso Arboretum, red Univrsity asal painted gsa the had an entirly diffrent set of doors. naeanings for me. That was maniy I had sever particularly noticed years ago 'hena asa boy of.thosse''tuck: before I casae tow - twelve, and iii the comapay of1 work for B & G; but clealyoow. awenty-eightt other y osisatantle- I had to develop a perceptlioin for mesa I attesaded a summer dray hem. After no more than a ew 'amp days, I mist radssit, I wari spotting We lintousr rcap ess quarters ,them lake a'vterraniB & UGsitews loc'ite'd osathe tdi os proprty ad- ' m' a-lertesi by thour image isa latent 10to e Arboretuss. From t he cornae of my eye beflose they z1 soere swc made daily invs ions isaotwithinsa' block!l ao the University territory awichla se consid'ed as our rightful, 4UR mowing roitinese aap realm; and throughiosuteig'ht 'eeks 1 d to the mater-,acheme of of sine hstatrainlss ' summer se x-,'Nrtare a'ichinva'rriably scaused lared 'cery known trail of the the goass to tOlart;rseing all oer hil'ly tra cisaid struck out on m'any, agaiassoona as w adasOit cut oe oesTeplcasIrali 055.. h' h cas realle'evolved acycle, a s otatsog realyhas somre wonderful hide- schedule of areas whicha we visited out Spotsl!urn regularly st about two-week in HER HURON RIVER AND "HFR PARKS Seveal years later,duigm tervals. Sig coom ersmfenieeoruig h ous f htsu h iamanaged to e kind to children without seeming to try simrnights I used to walk mrIrntruhti shdl alone out to the Arboretum to many times, Some of the plates apilosophize and, 'waen in love toI most ditinctly remembrvst 'ompose inspiredvese.'e msowitha my mower, sckesod clippers wcre -- the Univerity" J re mb uit viidlytheTerrace Aprtments, the VA Bos- veys pot -- at the crest of a ia(wtamzeogrstof. wooded ridge - where, as the sun out, half ' dozen ourss quartes rand dormitorie,' on University susag low one early summer cv-,awned Isaod; the Rackham Build- ening, I sat and pnned these"ia h .a n etQ deathes: lines of a tragic impas- (iwth almaot no grss)'ohte girls' sindls edormitoise:the osly osaes then.x3 'Iae torstuous da y i' esding, 're StockwelMoser-Joidan 5' A dusky shroud appears; , ad N berry-a'-Irbos ra lteii-os 10.a's sadow" moan and fa de'orasy Fsodveric', 'rI es away; k Cosol, 'ilent nighat ia hoee. ta .( pe iszcs. Prissitorliscesne'besoose re P't alosc fo e ioin and will be sissel iebresiCa r Pecdb oa att 9P ) Hi 'red ' 'si, rhdrtsariiaes n "I' ito 'err Id and Dis'olverd its'elf to darssa Ietn" ssi isi, I i As th e Golden Disc departs. a teachingit si i the Spaniish " Tao valiant oak ahoye me- pirtm sit, f Gay ra inbow stiller with gf . t t h~rir'ltl ds Its isr elir it, do at one side behrind tall brick wall It 'ig'his'ad seds a Isef. ai iassretO ra er ig mall, delirious, fruit -sad a J A uZ 'Ii : t uty 'okoa m mo is tire bacik ar'accghs akatree thast 'alan en on: fororn' survived tie Isast Ice At'e), tire Mis- My iser bet' loss for it 000s ' on ad the Zoo 'at tine backx Iknow ilo4la srvtoywhrew 'he tratic memories borno. , mowedt thi ee t loiaa. 0the The Ar'hocr'turnalways emed lawn by tying copea to the han- to me to have an ear attunoed to dies of the mowers and lower'log"CHAR MING LITTLE GARDEN" AT THLLEAGU' sich melancholy plaints . Se NOTEBOOK, Page 13.. apricots anda gbinka lieeio the IasC Ice Age