FILMS, MUSIC, FEATURES, 4 flA JH SPORTS, FASHIONS 4IL54UI I( J, THE SUNDAY MAGAZI NE u. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1954 ltcA Inter-An e. sy B; PHILIP B. TAYLOR e Asuk,iiii P'rof'eo t Iepart en, of Politi science N NOVEMBER 22, the nations of the Organization of American States will Smeet at Rio de Janeiro for an Inter- American Economic Conference. The Latins long have looked for the chance to pin down United States eco- nomic policy toward themselves, and this meeting, first agreed to by the United States in 1945, is now to occur after many delays and quasi-evasions. One wonders if the quite divergent viewpoints of "North Americans" and Latin Americans can be reconciled in principles and prac- tices acceptable to both. For it is in the economic area that inter-American rela- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN PAGE ONE merican Relations: Stocktaking Latin Americans, U.S. To Hold Conference p h ions are, over the long run, worst. Latin views toward the United States are not merely those of the weak toward the strong. They are, by the Latins' de- finition, those of the poor toward the rich, the cultured toward the uncultur- ed, the idealist toward the pragmatist. They are those of a people largely inex- perienced and misled in the arena of po- litical participation (and thus without practical criteria for the Anglo-Ameri- can notion of "democracy"), but bitter- ly experienced in the ways of dictator- ship, economic exploitation, and grind- ing poverty. Born in Iberian feudalism and Catholic fervor, the Latin plainly does not understand the largely Protest- ant, industrialized, politically democratic, -radical (and yet conservative) United States. To them we are Yanquis, past and pres- ent exploiters, rich because they are poor, slightly drunk with power and verging toward fanaticism in our anti-Commu- nism. But their principal complaint against us is our overflowing generosity toward Europe and Asia and our niggard- liness toward themselves. A current Latin American joke: a presidential adviser, gloomily observing our massive aid to Germany and Japan, suggests war on the United States, because we are so gen- erous to those we defeat. His chief ob- jects: "Suppose se won?" NTER-AMERICAN relations were pois- oned early this summer by the Gua- temalan affair. The handwriting had been put on the wall at the 10th general Inter-American Conference at Caracas in March. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles introduced, and secured the pass- age of, a resolution condemning interna- tional Communism ( [its] domination would constitute a threat to the sover- v and political independence of the rican states .") by a 17-1 vote. But it is significant that the nations that sprang to Dulles' support were not the democratic nations but the dictator- ships: Venezuela, the Dominican Repub- lie, Cuba, Paraguay among them. Guate- mala's Foreign Minister Guillermo Tor- iello, denouncing the Dulles proposal as . . . the internationalization of McCar- thyism, of book-burning and the impo- sition of stereotyped thought," received twice the ovation that Dulles did, The New York Times' reporter, Sidney Gruson, later put it succinctly: "Senor Toriello had said many nasty things about the United States that virtually all Latin Americans believe." And after the vote, Uruguay, frequently a Latin bellwether, said through its delegate, "We contributed our approval without enthusiasm, with- out optimism, without joy and without the feeling that we were contributing to a constructive measure." This is not to say that Latin govern- ments consider Communism to be either non-existent within their borders or with- out menace. Most concur that it is both, & nd Latin democrats frequently despair of the frequency with which Communists successfully join with reactionary na- I ~ -- Wood uby Stu 'Rosy .. FIGHT TOWARD ECONOMIC WELL-BEING . . . tionalists to carry the sday for dictator- worth, had been used to justify thorough- thip. ly disreputable means. the least we can do is reciprocate when they are in relative crisis. 2, Guarantees that we will make avail- able to them a minimum quantity of manfactured goods at stated maximum prices. Today they import more from the United States than any other section of the world, and the increasing prices they receive for their raw materials do not give them the increased dollar stocks necessary to meet our constantly increas- ing prices. 3) Guarantees that we will make avail- able gigantic quantities of investment capital, preferably from government, not private funds. They had unhappy exper- iences with United States private invest- ment prior to the depression of the '30's, and want no repetition of the military and diplomatic intervention it generated. They would prefer at least twenty bil- lions, by the way. They do not propose exceptionally great risks for this money, but would offer sound investments sub- ject to amortization on reasonable terms. Their answer to the United States gov- ernment's announced preference for do- ing this job through private investment is an ingenious one. They will have less objections if these are .. . 4) Guarantees that private investors will not suffer loss of iivested capital as the result of expropriations, eminent do- main operations, or just plain discrimi- nation. This is based on the argument that private money is nervous at best when it is abroad, and that the well known Latin view toward capital, which is considerably different from the Anglo- American, provokes considerable ner- vousness. If the United States were to guarantee its own investors against loss, the uncertainty would disappear and so would the possible interventions. And, the Latins argue, these private investors would become even more optimistic if there were . . . 5) Guarantees against double taxation -income or other--on profits earned in Latin America. 6) Latins want a considerably augment- ed technical assistance program. They regard as a pittance the average twenty millions we send them annually, when Europe and Asia have split melons of billions in gifts, loans, technical aid and just plain boondoggles, 7) Lastly, they want a stabilization of United States tariff policies which will permit them to have some faith in our pretense of support for increased inter- national trade. They find it hard to be- lieve that taxes which preclude their ef- fectively competing with United States producers help us commensurate with the harm done themselves. MANY OF these demands do not make good sense in United States terms, They smack of irresponsibility for one thing, and we can be excused if we are inclined to believe the not-too-mythical argument that to call a Latin efficient (or if he is a bureaucrat, efficient and honest) is a contradiction in terms. And it would force our government into acti- vities which is has usually-or always -left to the private enterpreneur- But the Latin argues that he can best fight Communism through economic de- velopment, and that such guarantees would help his achievement of the latter. To him the real test of our sincerity as anti-Communists is not in the verbiage we employ, nor in the interventions in which we engage. Rather, he argues, we should give him the requisite tools. Ideo- logically and culturally, Iberian Catholic Latin America has little to gain from Communist affiliations. But those nations cannot make their fight toward economic well-being or political democracy effe- tive without real help from their great Nort iAmerican neighbor. They feared the result would be inter- vention, an all-too-real bogie they have fought with moderate success since the late 1920s when Herbert Hoover inaugur- ated the attitude later christened by nklin Roosevelt "t heGood Neighbor Policy," For the Latins it was largely a matter of fearing the devil they knew. The "civil war" in Guatemala in June, triggered by the CIA announcement of iron curtain shipments of arms, with the United States arms shipments to HondurAs and an unofficial blockade as reaction, was fought in a hothouse situa- tion. Ambassador John Peurifoy virtually abandoned any pretense of diplomatic impartiality, and gave currency to the Guatemalan contention that this was really nothing but a Yanquii-United Fruit Company joint venture. Guatemala took the matter to the United Nations Security Council. But Rus- sia was the principal gainer, for United States representative Lodge allowed him- self to be maneuvered into the position of attacker of the jurisdiction of the United Nations, a Russian policy which had received his scorn only scant weeks before, Guatemala's Communist front government was replaced by a none too-. savory reactionary one. But the prin- cipal loser was the good name of the United States. The end, for what it was AS WE GO to Rio, we find Latin eco- nomic views relatively solidified. They are the views of semi-developed, largely one-crop nations which have had bitter experience with the disastrous effects of dollars-and-cents decisions by United States corporation managers. United States housewives, for example, are as much to blame for the death of Presi- dent Vargas, in a residual way, as any- body else; the semi-boycott on coffee precipitated a severe economic crisis which provoked his action. And the Latin views are also those of nations which are highly socialized, and tend to take it for granted that private capi- tal and investment can be manipulated by the state. In an economic sense, the Latin governments are far freer of pres- sure group influences in this regard than is our own. The Latins will demand several con- cessions from the United States, and our probable reaction can be anticipated, 1) Guarantees that we will purchase a minimum quantity of raw materials an- nually, and at a guaranteed minimum price. We are committed to parity prices for farmers, they argue; why not for them as well. After all, they established "crash" procurement programs for scarce raw materials for us in World War II;