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April 29, 1956 - Image 11

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Sunday, April 29, 1956


Page Eleven


THE STRUGGLE The Right Time for West
(continued from Page 3) I arose to think he enlightened the (continued from Page 8) munists. He loses a leg in a bear Eliot's skeletons leaning back-
trap and is scalped by Indians wards with a lipless grin, and
world by his discovery' LEMUEL PITKIN, the hero of while thus incommoded. Finally leopards feeding on what was con-
tAN ATiEMPT to summarize But conservatvism can attack A Cool Million leaves his little he is shot through the heart and tained in the small round of the
the differences n the disputesfrom more than one side, disput- Veont villag seek his for- is posthumously proclaimed the skull are not completely unrecog-
between liberalism and conserva- ae.i "American-Boy," the first martyr nized by us as both grotesque and
mg the liberal ethic at any or all tune in the big city. He is com-
tism, to describe them so that they points-inintainin thst human of a coon-skin hatted American religious.
relate to both contemporary and wantsthemselvesarevain,hmean-pletely trusting and idealistic and fascist political party. The world's ability to under-
historical problems, we might at- ingless or secondary, that they should, according to the rules of stand West may be momentary,
tempt a definition along these are purely personal and none of Horatio Alger stories become a TODAY West's writing doesn't Our time may be as far as the
lines: society's business, that society can great success. But the world pro-, seem so out of tune. The world world will go on this path. There
Liberalism is a belief in the do nothing to promote thir ful- ceeds to gobble him up rather than has singe been trained to recog- are signs that once more a re-
legitimacy of human wants as fillment. raise him up. A benevolent prison nice the value of a religious point versal of direction is beginning,
the primary concern of organiz- , warden has all Lemuel's teeth re- of view and years of college ex- this time a turning away from the
ed society, perhaps the only con- auconsistentiph hlms lyandon- moved as a potential "source of ercises on metaphysical poets have painful and the religious, but in
cern. atnsism ros oly n that infection." He loses an eye while trained up special critical facul- these few moments before the
servativism consistent only in that altruistically stopping some run- ties to a point where we can recog- journey begins we should take ad-
Liberalisme ris usuallychassociated it disputes liberalism. This does away horses. His left thumb is lost nice and appreciate a touch of the vantage of the pause and appraise
direction of greater fulfillment of vativism be negative in outlook. in an engagement with some Coi- poetic grotesque, and perhaps approve West.
those wants. Rther it mean. that con e ati-
vtsm has enjoyed a firstbility of :;.'"'~> ''"""'u..'.
WHILE few writers explicity state;direction as well as of degree it
the liberal point of view, as de- can give primacy to infinite num-
fined above, the criteria listed bers of demands above the sole
would seem to divide best those ethic of fulfilling human wants. Remember Ann Arbor
we call conservatives and those Justice, morality, culture, psiva-
'e call liberals. cy, revealation, "die process of W ITH PICTURES
The Pragmatist philosopher, law," duty, "rugged individual-
William James came close to ism," discipline, "liberal educa-
enunciating the pure liberal view tion," are a few of the ideals tok w
'hen he wrste: "Take an' de- which the true liberal suibscribes .utaken w ith a
mand, however slight, which any only insofar as they represent hu
creature, however weak, may man wants but which more than
make. Ought it not. for its own one modern conservative has ad-
sake, to be satisfied? If not. prove vanced as a legitimate check on
why not. The only possible rea- hiuman desires. r ,p/c 3
son there can be why any pheno-
menon ought to exist is that such 'HE DIVERSITY of possible
a phenomenon is actually desired." conservative objections to the
The ethic James derived from rising liberal ethic keeps conser- "PUSH-BUTTON FOCUSING
this reasoning was similar to that vativism alive in every generationj
of Utilitarian Jeremy Bentham and as one roadblock is shattered ny the Graphic 35 has modern, easy-co-use
who held that the end of society another soon iappea. Push-Button Focusing. Squeeze the buttons to
was the greatest happiness for the' The debate is still relevant to !F'sOMPLETE OUTFIT.
greatest number, a maximization the social, economic, political, and bring the picture into accurate focus. For flash
of the fulfillment of human wants. legal issues of our day. As long pictures just match the color bands on the Visi- camera, case 50
as human wants are considered by ' Ready footage scale and exposure scale to get and flash
JOHN ADAMS reflected the crux some to be of primary concern, as correct setting. These exclusive features, along
of conservative dispute with long as others find no inherent with other built-in advantages, help you get ONLY 10%/4 DOWN
liberals when he said of their prec- validity in anything so transitory' superlative travel pictures you'll be proud to
ions human wants: "That the first or find need to rationalize their show, whether you're a beginner or a past mas- on our payment plan
wants of every man is his dinner own status at society's expense,. ter of travel and camera. Ask for a demonstra-
and the second want his girl were there will be no resolution of this tion of the Graphic 35.
truths well known . . . long before most important and enduring con-
the great philosopher Malthus fist iin our history. "! u uId('u ACur rrnkAu DIs runAC00"
tU5,Fl~hL r~,,Mv PsuOURH SE"



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