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August 20, 1921 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1921-08-20

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PLANNED BY M.C. .I 1 7 'msc

." ' llG 1 515 . 54r1 115 J .AG
Accommodations for students leav--
ing Ann Arbor next Friday on the
Michigan Central railroad will be ar-
ranged for according to th number of -
h reservations that are received by the
" ticket office by the middle of next week, Many and divers are the comp
according to A. J. Wiselogel, station office regarding the service at the S
agent. As many cars will be added to efit of those who may have similar
the re ular sections as will be neces- verine has taken steps to secure in
sary. to be followed in cledring up any
Trains Friday morning will leave at
the following times: Westbound, 5:34 William E. Underdown, mana
*o'clock, 8:50 o'clock,S:19 o'clock (10- is reported to be willing at any tim
cal) to Chicago; Grand Rapids con- plaint with the Saunders livery an
nection, 8:40 o'clock.' Eastbound: 5:30 ers have been of no avail. The Hu
o'clock, 9:43 o'clock, 112 o'clock to the entire boat house and grounds,
Detroit only; 7:00 o'clock, Buffalo and teetr la os n rud
points east. maintaining direct control over the
Trains Friday afternoon will leave at Their policy has been to giv
the followingtimes: Westbound, 125 whatever precautions have been fo
(Continuedon"Page Four) eraI instances where a misunders
and a student might have precipital
peal to Mr. Underdown settled the m
have been added to. the original l
/arisen problems.
The offices of the Huron Farm
I1etroitEdIson company, corner of
Agreement Reached With Soviet Au-
thorities on Terms of Work
in Russda
Washington,;Ahg. 20.-A satisfactory
agreement has been rea'ched with the Dean Whitney Reviews History of De-
Soviet authorities at Riga nder which partment, Giving Future
the American Relief administration Plans
will begin immediately to fight famine
among the children of Russia, Secr'e- APPRECIATIVE RESOLUTION
tary Hoover announced yesterday. PASSED IN JOINT IEETING
The agreement, he added,, ccepts thea
conditions laid down by the American (By J. W.) \
organization for safeguarding the lives"With an attendance of mre than 200
of relief workers and insuring Amer- a ' t
ican control of food supplies, the banquet of the joint Men's and
While the negotiations have come to Women's Educational clubs was held
a successful conclusion, the secretary at the Union Thursday night. ,Thisy
explained, it may be a day or two be- meeting was the last of a series heldi
fore a formal agreement is signed.
Important details such as means of uring the summr t' tese worbi
transportation and location of serious frming a regular part'of te work in
famine areas remain to be morked out, the School of Education.
he said, before the final document is Prof. Whipple Speaks
drafted. 'U. S. Wilson, of Toledo, opehed the
The work of food relief in Russia ryg1
will beginat once, Mr. Hoover declar-
ed, adding that the New York offgie o a few familiar songs. Toastmaster
the administration was already prepar- M. R. Keyworth then tok charge, in-
ing vessels to rush supplies to Danzig trpducing Prof. Guy M. Whipple, of
for trans-shipment into Russia. The the School of Education, who spoke on
q an ,tity of food, however, which will"-s
be needed, it'is understood, can not beR no -
determined until a survey of Russian uate days at Clark university. Miss
famine conditions is made. Francis J. Broyn, of the Women's Ed-
ucational club, was next presented to
introduce Miss Newel Mason of Macon,
Georgia, speaking on "The Treatment
[ ! of the Negro Problem in the South.".
DrIAL fl1"T Toastmaster Keyworth then read a
resolution drawn up by the school men
* expressing their thanks and apprecia-
SPEGIL FIELD WORI I DETROIT tion for the work done by Dean A. S.
AND ANNARBORISPLAWhitney in establis'ing the School
PLAN- of Education at Michigan, and for the
NW-co-operation of his staff in the work.
Representatives of each club signed
Increasing demands for social work- the resolution.
ers throughout the state have induc- Davis Stresses Development
ed the University to change its depart- Prof. C. 0. Davis, of the School of
ment of social sciences, according to Education, stressed the development
Prof. A. E. Wood, of 'he sociology de- and recognition of the teaching pro-
partment. fession since the earliest times, in his
Special curricula will be offered for talk on the "Development of Educa-
thre groups: Undergraduates, grad- tion on a Professional Basi " Profes-
uates, and more mature students who sor Davis emphasized the phenomenal
have not secured an A.B. degree, but growth of the Summer session since
whose experience and training fit them 1918, especially of the educational de-
for the work. 'partment. "The summer school is fast

The undergraduate must do his maj- becoming a teachers' college, and the
or work in the social sciences, such as ; Graduate school is' becoming a grad-1
biology, history, philosophy, economics; uate school of education," asserted
and sociology. This is to give aback- Professor Davis.
ground for further socialized study, "What School Men of Michigan Ex-
and will also give a better understand- pect from the School of Education,"
t ing and judgment in handling social was the theme of Charles Spain, de-
problems, according to Professor puty superintendent of Detroit schools.
Wood. While most of the work of the "It is the mission of the new s'chool
undergraduate will be done' in the to carry the principles of scientific
classroom, the student in good stand- education into all corners of the state,"
ing m'ay have some field work in De- he said, adding that "much will be ex-
troit or Ann Arbor substituted. pected of Dean Whitney and his asso-
In Detroit the University will carry ciates."
out the work in connection with the "Not alone the mothers of the flesh,
heads of the various sociological de- but mothers of the spirit as well take
partments of the city. The Ann Ar- their joy from that which they have
bor professors who will assist in the born," said Miss Marie I. Rasey, of
work are Prof. A. E. Wood, of the so- the Detroit Teachers' college, in point-
ciology department; Dr. C. G.Parnall, ing out the pride the teacher may feel
director of the University hospital; in her work. "The opportunities which
Prof. L. Lubin, of the economics de- present themseltes for educating the
partment; Dr. C. E. Berry, of. the youth to control' and development of
c ,. . ,-AAT- - f-Pni nn a - atura -fnrea A-aof gin- -m


aager Willing NAVY'S BACKBONE
Washington, D. C., Adg. 20.-Joint
army and navy board reports on the JOfFEIT 1
results of the recent aerial bombing
off the Virginia capes declare that theAD
battleship is still the backbone of the
laints coming in to The Wolverine American navy. The analysis of the
aunders' Canoe livery. For the ben- value of the experiment, published
complaints in the future, The Wol- with the approval qf Secretary of War SAYS GOVERNMENT HAS P
formation concerning the procedure Weeks and Secretary of the Navy Den- CONCESSIONS IN LAST I
difficulty that may arise. by, says that it has demonstrated the TER TO LEADERS
importance of the airplane in warfare
ger of the Huron Farms company, but has not proven its value as a WILLING TO PURCH.
le to see those persons finding con- strong offensive weapon. PEACE AND GOOD
d whose interviews with Mr. Saund- The report, as summarized declares
that the bombing plane can be of as-
ron Farms company is said to own tace ioning ial ines i sBellevs Only Hesitation at P
leasing them to Mr. Saunders and toaniportation he no opn Mere EsltsO tlion o
management of the livery., met from enemy vessels; that addi-
tional mobility must be provided by
e the best service possible, taking men 'oircraft c e i a y London, Aug. 20.-The Briti
und absolutely necessary. In sev- means of aircraft carers if any in-erment, declar Premier
~tanding between the manpigement George today, in making its sel
ted a serious altercation, timely ap- proposals to Ireland had dec
atter amicably, it is stated: Clauses putting the whole of its terms
ease to take care of these newly- letter to Eamonn de Valera;
9019NC IN- TUOY ' keeping anything back, and te
had proved, he .said, that it w
us company are located above the H Ein adopting that course.
Main and William streets. He' had heard no suggestioi
any part of the world, except
Menders Law, 'Brought to Light in he remarked, that the propos
1900, Starled All Investi- not "gone to the limit of possl
gation cessons."t k'
°I want to make it clear, cc
L!!! SHULL GIV'ES REVIEW OF the pime minister, that theI
BIOLOiNCAL 4'IECHANISM whent did not put-forth hagglin
but put forward everything the
"Irogress since 1910 has been rela- possibly concede to purchase
tively greater in heredity than In any the good will of' the Irish peo
Dean Whitney Outlines Plans other scientific field," said Prof. A. F Ireland itself, so far as I can
Taking as a theme "What the School Shull, of the zoology department, in doubt is not so much astoth
of Education Is Going to Do," Dean his lecture Friday afternoon in Natur but as thether the gov
Whitney reviewed the history of the al Science auditorium on "Ten Years "That is a question of or
department from its foundation in of Heredity."
1879 to the present day. "It was chiefly Was Thought a Simple Process the terms-of elucidation and 4
due to President James BurriIr d ,tion-not a changing of the ter'
due to reidet ame BrriilProfessor Shull explained tht, outline can not be altered nor t2
Angell," asserted Dean Whitney, "that though work in heredity was begun in t-t
the eventual success of this school 1900, when the discoveries of Mendel changed.
was assured. It was an uphill fight, were brought' to light, it has been In view of the fact ,the f
though, even with his untiring efforts, mainly in the last ten years that a
and, although we were the first of Am- series of discoveries occurred which very disquieting statments ha'
erican uniersities to have a depart- have made the study of heredity under- made, nd even of a few dis
ment of education, we were the last go a great change. Before 1910, the facts, we are bound as a gove
t go atortakecthoughtBofoall1possible
to have a .school of education," he re- inheritance of characteristics was to take thought of all possible
marked. An increase of one has been studied as a comparatively simple pro-
made in the staff for next year, and cess, without regard to the independ:;be.""
plans are being drawn up for new ent hereditary transmission of simple
buildings to house a greater School of traits, the assumption being made'that MICHIGAN COACHES APPEA
Education. Present plans are to locate they were inherited ensenble, and not AT DETROIT MEET, S
them east of Martha Cook dormitory, as unit characters-the modern belief.
and so to construct them that there Professor Shull gave a brief review Detroit, Aug. 20.-In order
will be a chain of the units of educa- of the biological mechanism by which crease interest in athletics am
tion extending to the south. "The chief the hereditary characters are trans- departments in Detroit, policemf
mission of the new School of Educa- mitted, and explained the technical men, mil carriers and M. 0.
tion appears to be to save the literary terms which he used during the re- ees will engage in-an athletic <
college from itself," said Dean Whit- mainder of his talk. to be held at Belle Isle, S
ney - Gives Illustrations Sept. 3. * Fifteen events ha's
Original sketches and original prose By the use of concrete illustrations, scheduled and the competition
rhyme depicting the University and its Professor Shull explained in detail es to be keen.- Carl Johnso
staff of former days and that of today, many of the complex phenomena of Scholtz and other track sta
were presented by Mr. Barnes, whose inheritance which have been studied coaching the men.
theme throughout was "We're with and discovered during the last few Fielding H. Yost will act a
Dean Whitney and his whole darn years. He explained the cases of link- of the course, while Steve
crew." ed inherited characters, of the cros- ichigan track coach, will be ti
- ing over of independently inherited er. Efforts are being made
traits, and the interchange of these Governor Groesbeck and Edw
0010OF MUSIC P LA N 5 traits, especially illustarted in the by, secretary of the navy, on
cases of small flies, which have been guests.
FORn [IRS[ EROLLM NT observed and studied exhaustively. So
carefully has this work ben done, that Women's League Party Sui
F I Lit is possible even to predict the fre- More than 50' women atten
ALBERT LOCKWOOD ANNOUNCEDT quency of the interchange of charact- last Women's league party y
AS A TING DIRECTOR FOR EDer.Yafternoon in Barbour gymnasi
A NTI YEATRWork Complex Fisher furnished the music c
NEXT YEAR Ie went on to say that much of the ing, which began immediately
work which has been done in the past short informal reception. Ice w
Plans for an exceptional year dur- (Continued on Page Four) ed later in the afternoon.
ing 1921 and 1922 are being made by
the University School of Music, accord- "THE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE",
ing to Secretary C. A. Sink, in a state-
ment yesterday, basing his predictions PRESENTED BY CLASS IN DRAMA,
on the requests for informatidl and PROVES FINE ARTISTIC SUC
advance enrollments that have already__

been received. The total attendance is
expected to be well above the figure of (By J. P. D.)' realization of their wrongs to
680 that was reached during the past An excellent performance, contain- er brother and of the pride t
year, with the usual increase in the 'ing at least two star actors and handl- prevented ietribution.
porportion of advanced students that Drain-Man the Featur
porortoning a theme of the utmost difficulty, 'The most successful chara
is reported with every session.
Practically all the members of last was presented by the class in play jthe cast was that of the Dra
June's graduating class have been production under the direction of Prof. played by George D. Wilner.
placed in positions throughout the R. D. T. Hollister in the play, "The and complete poise were the n
state, according to Secretary Sink, Servant in the House," Thursday night usual features of the perform
many being in charge of the musical in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The stu- resulted in a comedy charac
program of large towns in the vicin- dent actors showed unusual dramatic fully realized the possibilitie
skill and fine self-composure, consid- script.
Pending the appointment of a perm- ering the high emotional pitch of the The part of Manson, the bul
anent musical director 'to succeed Dr. characters and the necessarily limited finely played by Harold B.
Albert A. Stanley, temporary arrange- time for preparation. whose spiritual strength han
ments have been made with Albert The plot of the play by Kennedy, part of central character in
Lockwood, head of the piano depart- well known, in the dramatic literature most successfully.
ment, who will serve as acting'director of England, treats of the change in The caricature of the Rev. P
of the school. Earl V. Moore, who was the lives of an English cleric family Makeshyfte, the wizened an
assistant director of the choral Un- that is wrought by the return of a oughly pragmatic brother of tI
ion under Dr. Stanley, willPlead the saintly brother from India. His dis- wife, was well received, the
chorus as acting director, and will guise as a butler, the "servant in the the part being E. Ray Baxt
also have charge 'of the University house," enables him to work silently practical point of view and rai
Music department, with the title of in upon the lives of his self-centered dignified vocal squeaks reliev


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