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August 16, 1921 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1921-08-16

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eaching assistants have no me
teaching whatever. They ass
he instructor is more interes
research problem than in1
nen in his class or laboratory
all events, the question of "h
,lity rates" among students 1
ed th'e interest of the facult
e University and the educat
state, and soon will arouse1
st of the parents of the comm



Editor, The Wolverine:

er question than that
It is the problem oft
ication of the youth
Reach a Focus

The entire matter may soon be
brought to a focus by a regulation re-
cently suggested to the faculty of the
Medical school to admit only those
students who have never received a
I grad'e under "B," a consummation de-
voutly to be implored. For, by a
careful selection of instructors, any
student could receive the necessary
certificate of admission.
Many an excellent student s'elects
a low-marking instructor, for he de-
sires to elect the man more than to
draw a "big C or a small B." Further-
more, a well-directed "D" paddling by
a "damn upperclass assistant" is
sometimes loaded with more perman-
ent educational values than parental
advice, socialized education or intel-

I want to express my appreciation
of the "Critique" which was publish-
ed in Saturday's issue of The Wolver-
ine regarding Knut Hamsun's book,
"Shallow Soil."
I was particularly. impressed, as it
was apparently intended we all. should
be, with the fact that G. D. E., the
writer, had been successful in break-
ing into print in the Detroit iFree
Press. I don't know whether this is a
novel experience for him or not, but I
can guess.
Mr. G. D. E. gives a lovely review of
a book; at least he seems to think
that he does. He has a glorious time,
all through his "Critique," parading
up and down before his audience with
a constantly-repeated "Just look at
me," and a gentle hint dropped now
and then in regard to the character
and plot of the bools.
Ah! The last article especially was
superb. Permit reference to one or
two passages. e
The introduction, for example: "Inf
reviewing 'Shallow Soil,' by Knut
Hamsun, I am inclined to let my crit-
icism which appeared in Sunday's
Detroit Free Press stand. After send-
ing it in, I read 'Pan,' by the same
author, in the introductiom of which
book was an estimate of 'Shallow Soil,'
by Edwin Bjorkman, a famous Scan-
dinavian critic. I was -astonished that
one so'fair and young as myself should
hit so close to the mark, especially
in view of antagonistic professorial
remarks concerning this column and
its writer."
Or again! "As for the translators'
preface which lauds 'Shallow Soil"
as Hamsun's 'most significant work'
-Pish!" "Pish" is a nice word, don't
you think?:
And yet again: "Pan' I shall try
to review early in the coming semest-
er, or, possibly, next week. It is as
good as 'Shallow Soil' is bad." Which
satement, by Mr. G. D. E., no doubt'
settles the question for good and all.
Dear me! We do hate ourselves,
don't we? Let's announce our en-
gagement next week!

gence tests.
It is not the "B" grade, but the
istructor in school, high school,a
Allege, be he Latinist, historian
1,000,000 Folks Present
Chicago, Aug.,16.-More than a1
on "persons attended the pageant
rogress industrial exhibits wh
losed Sunday night, it was announ
day. Exhibitors reported a la
olume of business in the 16 days
he exposition, one firm alone tak
225,000 in orders. It is expected
ageant will be made an annual ev
Served at CHUBB'S
on State St. opposite Lane Hal



:g any line
hment of


sare depend-
ion of all the
tious support
e most ener-'
ficials would

S of


employs argumentation 'that I should
not have mentioned it In his connec-
tion. In nearly every one of his "Crit-
iques," he merely tells the story, sup-
plementing the narration of theilott
with an occasional clause or sentence1
written in a critical vein. These lat-
ter, however, are dropped in with all
the calm assurance and finality an
accomplished critic might rightfully
employ. .
But for all his calmness and self-
laudation of youth, the writer oft
"Critique" has always impressed mc
as being merely a clever Menckenite'
and nothing more. Apparently, he is
trying to make Mencken's methods'
his own, and, I should say, is failing
sadly. There will never be but one '
H. L. Mencken, but there will always
be a great many G. D. E.'s. k
His scathingly slanderous article,
few weeks ago, on Dr. Frank Crane,
showed him up. His self-importance'
is nothing short of amusing, and hlir
methods of throwing about big words
th ride apparent shallowness of
thought is decidedly naive, to say th
lea t., I am not a Dr. Frank Crane
edthusiast by any means; but never-
theless, G. D. E.'s "jazz Messiah and
public sop" knows more of life, has
a better philospohy, an does more
good, for all his possible failings, than
a thousand writers of G. D. E.' type
can boast of in a lifetime.
Will you kindly suggest to your high
and mighty kneeler at the feet of Knut
Hamsun, that he forget H. L. Menoken
for the time being and make an at-
tempt to stand on his own two legs for
a while? He may not be able to do
it, but it will do him no harm to try.
In an article on the selection of
eight men for a rifle squad, published
in Saturday's issue of The Wolverine,
it was both stated that this was an
R. O. T. C. and official University team.
This was incorrect. The team men-
tioned is the Civilian State Rifle team.
The name of the acting president of
the Gun and Blade club, local organiz-
ation for federal board students, was
wrongly stated in the issue of Aug
]3. L. F. Donaldson, '23, the vice-
president, is temporarily managing the
affairs of the club during the absence
this summer of the president.
In the article having to do with the
plans of the Union for listing stu-
dent rooming houses, it was stated
that the "canvass would be begun on
Monday, Aug. 5. This, however, should
have read Monday, Aug. 15.
The Women's league will give a
party at 4 to 6 o'clock, Friday aft-
ernoon. As this will be the last gath-
ering this summer, all ,who possibly
can are requested to come and make
it a success. There will be dancing,
after which refreshments will be
Helen Newberry residence will be
at home from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon to all women reg-
istered in the Summer session.
Betsy Barbour dormitory will give

a tea Wednesday afternoon for all
women students enrolled in the library
methods course.
Miss Lillian Hughes, assistant *eg-'
istrar, will leave'' Wednesday for a
month's vacation at her home in New
York City.
Betsy Barbour domitory entertained
at lunch Sunday evening for the wo-
men living at the Gamma Phi Beta
house this summer.
Standish Enters Tournament
Muskegon, Aug. 16.-James D. Stan-'
dish, of Detroit, three times amateuri
golf champion of Michigan, has enter-
ed the Muskegon Country club's re-l
sorters' tournament, which is to open
here Friday morning. The event is
open to any amateur golfer in the


--OUJR G. D. E.
Editor, The Wolverine:
It is really surprising to my mind
how omnipotent it is possible for some
persons to become, all because they
have been praised up occasionally.
The work of G. D. E., your writer of
"Critique," is the best example I
knowt of the baneful effect ordinary

(Continued from Page, Three)
those operating boarding and rooming
houses in Ann Arbor to get what they
can from the students.

Valuations Higher
"But," say the owners of property
in Ann Arbor, "our valuations are
higher than those in the towns men-
tioned; therefore we must have a
higher return." But to increase the
valuation from earnings and then t
expect a nominal return on this new
valuation, in an iistance where there
is little competition, is. clearly reas-
oning in a circle. On that basis, re-
turns would always seem reasonable
but there would be no limit t which
prices might be raised. However, this
increase in valuation, if we admit that it
comes from in creased earnings, comes I
largely from the money. spent by stu-i
dents. Here, again, we see an effortj
tq take all that is in sight and ask for
As further evidence f this spirit
mentioned above, as reflected in thej
prices asked for board and foodstuffs
in Ann Arbor, we submit a comparison
of prices asked a year ago and those
prevailing this week in Detroit pro-
duce market for the week of a year
ago and those of this week. These
data are authentic as taken from the
files of the Free Press. While they
are wholesale prices, a careful perusal
of the material presented will disclose
a notable decrease in the wholesale
prices of this week as compared with
those of a year ago. Here we are con-
fident to rest our case and let the
reader draw his own .inferences.
Here You Have It
The following is the presentation' of
prevailing prices for foodstuffs enter-
ing largely into the daily ration. Sweet
corn, formerly 25 to 40 cents per doz-
en, now 20 to 25 cents; sweet pota-
toes, formerly $3.25 to $3.50 per bu.,
now $2.50 to $2.75; potatoes, formerly
$6.20 per bu., now $2.60; hogs, dress'
ed, formerly 18 to 20 cents per lb.,
now 10 cents; veal, formerly 23 to 25
cents per lb., now 15 to 16 cents;
poultit, formerly 22 to 45 cents, now
15 to 30 cents; butter, formerly 52
cents per lb.; now 30 to 33 cents; eggs,
formerly 48 per dozen, now 30 to 33
cents; sugar, formerly 25 cents, now
8 cents.
The prices in Ann Arbor are guided
by the Detroit markets. We can only
say that if the boarding houses and
grocers of Ann Arbor are paying more
than these prices, they my be hard-
ly be judged, competent to do busi-
In every item of 'food listed-this
holds true for those not listed-there
has been a noticeable and substantial
decrease in price from that of a year
ago. In comparing' the figures for the
two years, we have a comparison as
1513 to 818. Clearly it is merely a
mathematical process by which we
reach the conclusion that there has
been a reduction a'prroximatng 45
per cent in the prices of those food-
stuff listed above. We might rightly
and properly infer that other food-
stuffs have experienced similar re-
ductidns in price.
We ask, has there been a, corre-
sponding reduction in the price of
board over that of a year ago. He
who reads may. well know whether or
not such is the case.
We may advocate and heartily sub-
scribe to a boycott of the confectioners
and the like, but we cannot get along
without eating. We must do some-
thing more than that. It is not
enough to say, "Don't patronize them,,
or, "That is as good as you can ex-
pect." No one as yet has. dicovered
how a student can survive without
food or a place to lay his head at night.
Our social order has long since ceas-
ed to subscribe to the theory that it
adds scantily to the acts of the gun-

man 'simply because he holds forth
on the only open highway on which
the pedestrain may travel. Nearly1
analogous to this state of affairs isI
our condition as student. We must
raise our voices until the nefariousI
practice ceases, or make an appeal toI
the state to relieve the situation by
constructing more dormitories and
providing a commons, such as other'
institutions have, where students can1
secure good board at a figure some-l
where near cost. Such a propositionE
is not only practical but will furnish_

laudation and praise may have upon
n youthful mind.
G. D. E. has apparently received an
overdose of Mencken. Like many oth-
er young, clever, and moderately com-
petent writers, he seems to have let
the power of this man's word* over-'
come him to such an extent that he be-
lieves himself capable of doing all that
Mencken has done. He therefore
starts out to use the master's meth-
ods, though' all the while showing,
through his work, the limitations of
an amateur mind. In short, your
friend G. D. E. appears to be a slave
to clever verbiage, and constantly em-
ploys mere words to cover up obvious
deficiencies of argument.
I beg your pardon!' He so seldom

Washington Aug. 16. - Preside:
Harding asked congress Monday f(
$200,000 to defray expenses of the di
armament confer~ence beginning he
Nov. 11. The President transmitted
letter from Under Secretary Fletch
to director of the budget, showing tl
amount needed, and also transmitt
an official copy of the invitation to t
nations to participate.
In hi's letter to Dawes, Mr. Fletch
said the estimate of $200,000 had beE
"prepared after full consideration
the ,finimum requirements which ti
government will have to meet, inclu
ing the organization of a secretari
general for the conference, the maii
nance of an adequate American de
egatjion, together with the prepai
tion of information and material whi
it will be absolutely necessary to ha
available, to assure the successful o
eration of the conference."
The letter urged t.at the money
made avilable "at the earliest prE
ticable date."
The communications were taken i:
mediately under consideration by t
senate appropriations committee wi
the purpose of making the $200,0
provision a rifler on the shipping boa
deficiency appropriation bill to hast
passage. 'The bill has' passed t
Premier Briand, of France, has a
sured the United States govrnme
sured the United tSates gove me
that he will personally attend the d
armament conference.



Detroit. Aug. 16.-Following a peti-
tion for involuntary bankruptcy filed
by creditors, the Union Trust com-
pany here was appointed receiver for
the Detroit Times company, by Judge
Tuttle in the federal court Saturday.
Earl C. Rayner, an advertising agent
of Chicago, the petitioner, cited that
$4,000 in commissions is due him on a
contract for soliciting adVertising on
a percentage basis; that the company
owes $150,000 on a mortgage held by a
local bank now due and payable, and
that an additional $150,000 is due and
payable to other creditors.
James Schermerhorn, president and
general manager of the Detroit Times
company, filed a petition admitting the
truth of Rayner's allegations, and
joining in the request for a receiver.
The Union Trust company was placed
under a $25,000 bond.'
Big, Rapids, Aug. 16.-Word receiv-
ed here of the marriage of Ex-Gov
Woodbridge N. Ferris, head of the Fer-
ris institute here and president .of the
Greater Michigan Development assoc-
iation, to Miss Elsie McLeod of Indian-
apolis Sunday at the home of 'the
bride came as something of a sur-
prise. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris are now in
Chicago and it is understood will not
return to Big Rapids until early in
- Boulogne, France, Aug. 16.- George
Carpentier will retire from the ring
following his fight with Tom Gibbons
at New York in January, Manager Des-
champs has announced. It is stated
that Carpentier will fi-hbt %n English
boxer in London some time in Octo-
ber and then meet a French heavy-
weight in Paris before his fight with
Harriet Prescott Spofford Dies
Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 16.-Mrs.
Harriet Prescott Spofford, novelist and
poet, died at her home on Deer Island
early Monday. She was born at Calais,
Me., in 1835.


to a


ration is invar-
1 the stores of
rhen the store
otes a prosper-
ed population.
tore must have
will of 'the peo-
support, the
rith the people,
or better val
than they can
ieighboring or



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805 East Huron Street
Courteous and satisfactory
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Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00
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707 North University Ave.
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