_ .
fl Play 'Richelieu'
- U Is Offering Of
Class In Drama
Eight scenes from the play "Riche-
lieu', by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton
will be given by the class in Shake-
TION spearean reading at 8 o'clock this
evening in Sarah Caswell Angell hall,
) The action of the play takes place
during the reign of Louis XIII, about
the year 1641, and deals with the ef-
ON forts of Cardinal Richelieu, prime
minister of France, to check a con-
\LLTH spiracy on the part of the nobles to
dethrone , the king by allying their
Iversity forces with those of the Spaniard. By
the aid of De Mauprat whom Riche-
lieu had pardoned after an unjust
charge of treason, and of Francois,
a page, Richelien succeeds in finding
Univer- and revaling t'hem to the king. AI
ted the love affair between De Mauprat and
,blished Julie De Mortemar, an orphan ward
tion at to Richelieu, adds interest to the
an an- play.I
- The characters will be changed each
,y, and 1r, _ +, ,,,t1,-,8-" U
Economist May Accept if Allowed to
Wait Until January
Witl' the intention of conferring
HMental Exams Show Students On
Probation Are Not Below Average
scene to enable all members of the
g i class; to participate in the recital.
gram Will Take Definite Form
After Committee Returns j
From EastI
that "Work on the plans of six new Uni-
ndle versity buildings, including the addi-
ivide tion to the Dental building, is pro-1
one gressing rapidly," said Prof. J. F.
Shepard, of the psychology depart-~
ment, yesterday. The plans will be
the completed when the committee re-
foot- turns from the East, where it will
f in- study the plais of buildings of many
this eastern universities, according to Pro-
hich I fessor Shepard.
time Plans for the new School of Edu-f
Dr. cation building are being drawn up by
Mr. Perkins, a Chicago architect, :end'
the will soon be submitted to the commit-
one tee, It is hoped that the plans of all
with the new buildings will be ready when
pre- the state is able to provide the money
the for construction of the buildings.
give Professor Shepard and a party re-
be- cently returned from a western trip,
'hich where they inspected the buildings of
stu- many of the leading schools of the
West. Professor Shepard will leave
Ann Arbor on another inspecting trip;
the about the middle of this' month and
the will return the first, week in Septem-
r f ber.
with Prof. David Friday, of the econ-
omics department, regarding the pres
idency of the Michigan Agricultural
college; at East Lansing, members of
the State Board of Agriculture will
meet in Ann Arbor Saturday. The
special committee of the board has de-
cided one Professor Friday as the most
logical man to succeed Dr. Frank S.
Kedzie, present head of the college.'
and it is understood that a decision
will be made at Saturday's meeting.
Although Professor Friday recently
telegraphed his refusal of the offer
to Governor Groesbeck, it is under-
stood at Lansing that he bias recon-
sidered it, under condition that he be
allowed to retain his present positions
until the first of the year, at which
time he is said to be willing to a-
cept the M. A. C. job. Dr. Kedzie was
anxious to have someone chosen who
would be able to take over the work
immediately, but, although the Board
of Agriculture has not met since the
latest decision of the committee was
given out, it is thought that the other
members will favor the acceptance of
Professor Friday's stipulations.
Professor Friday has been in Wash-
ington a part of this week doing some
preliminary research work in connec-
tion hWith + proposed legislation for
changing federal, reserve banking
laws, and will continue this work un-i
til about January 1. A telegram re-
ceived from him by Mrs. Friday Wed-
nesday, however, stated that he prob-
ably would leave the ,captial that aft-
ernoon, and it is expected that he will
be on hand to attend the meeting of3
the Board of- Agriculture here Satur-'
Shaw Outlines ,
Policy For New
Weekly Alumnus
Wilfred B. Shaw, general secretary
of the Alumni association, and editor1
of the Michigan Alumnus, has just re-
turned from a Week's trip to the East
where he visited Harvard, Princeton,
Columbia, Yale and Cornell, for the"
purpose .of accumulating new ideas on
the administering and publishing ofi
the Alumnus.
, "The plan now is to have a mag-
azine of 24 or 32 pages, each page to"
be seven by ten inches in size," said
Mr. Shaw iq giving his outlook for'
the new year. "This will be published,
36 weeks in the year, omitting the
Christmas and Spring vacation periods1
and most of July and August. The
first issue will probably be on Octo-
ber 13.
"It is true that the growth of this1
new weekly will be something of an
evolution. Some new features that
will be included are more short items
and fewer long ones, one or more 1
pages devoted to Michigan Union news
and longer and more detailed accounts
of athletic events. .
"The Michigan Alumnus subscription
list has reached the 7,500 mark, which
equals the number of alumni sub-
scribers to the papers of Harvard and
Yale. Princeton, however, has a
larger subscription list that includes
85 per cent of its alumni. This is se-
cured by having each class subscribe
as a body."
Mr. Shaw was unable to state the
exact nature of the Michigan .Union
news. George Brophy, Jr., '22L, the
managing editor of The Michigan Daily
during 'the past year, is to be the sec-
retary of the. Michigan Union this
Mental deficiency is not the cause of
students being placed on probation.
Most of those whose worjk is unsatis-
factory have normal mentalities, and
many are found to be above the aver-
age. , These facts are shown by the
r mental examinations given each se-
mester to delinquent "students, ac-
cording to the statement of Prof. G.
M. Whipple, of the School of Educa-
tion, under whose direction the tests
are conducted..
."A surprising number of students
who have really excellent mental ca-"
pacities are placed on probation," said
Professor Whipple in a recent inter-
view. His explanation of this cir-
cumstance is that the student is gen-
erally one who has always been able
to pass courses by "bluffing," but who,
when taking a course requiring con-
siderable statistical study, finds hin-
self unable to pass by merely having+
a good general knowledge.
A number of University students!
who were not on probation took the
Dr. Cabot, Speaks Tuesday on Scope
and Problems of Modernt
mental tests at the same time with the
others. In a comparative analysis,
it was found that the average of the
tests taken by those who were on pro-
bation' was but little higher than the
tests taken by those who were on
''More than 80 per cent of the proba-
tion students are found to have aver-
age mentalities, but this number of-
fers many and varied reasons for fail-
ure. The most common reason is that
of self support and the resulting lack
of time "for application to lessons.
Many students claim, that they are ig-
norant of the method of studying and
are therefore unable to - get the full
benefit from their courses.
Professor Whipple said that many
students have come' to him after fail-
ing examinations to say that the rea-
son for the failure was due to worry
over home affairs or money matters.
"Part of the game is meeting just
such adversities and overcoming,
them," said Professor Whipple, "and I
don't believe that he average student
is to be entirely excused because of
troubles foreign to scholastic affairs."
' Professor Whipple asserted that im-
proper high school training is large-
ly to blame for the number of stu-
dents placed on probation. This opin-
ion is substantiated by the large num-
ber placed on probation in the fresh-
man class in comparision to probal
tioners from other classes. .
Within the next few 'years it is
planned to llave intelligence. tests in
all high schools of the state, with,
recommendation of onlF those who re-
ceive a "B" grade or better. It is be-
lieved this measure.- will prevent s
number of the failures at the Univer-
"At least three distinct civiliza-
tions have entirely disappeared be-
cause they have not been able to com-
bat disease and preserve
said Dr. Hugh Cabot, dean
Medical school, in a lecture
of the
on "The
Development of Medicine : in Relationj
to the Community", given in
ura'l Science auditorium,
the Nat-
nvitations to early fall practice
ve been mailed out to 42 Michigan
>tball candidates by Coach Fielding
Yost. These 42 men constitute
st's most promising gridiron men,;
d it will be largely from this list'
it the 1921 Varsity will be *picked.
e date on which these men are,ask-
to report is September 15.j
According to Conference rulings'
ne of the members can open foot-y
l drill before the middle of Sep-
nber. Michigan will start this Sep-I
aber with the largest list of early
ndidates that she has had for a
nber of years. Coach Yost, although
hard by the loss of Goetz and Wie-
n through graduation and several'
shman linemen because of ineligi-
ity, is optimistic over the prospects
'this fall. The famous Michigan
rtor will be assisted by Coaches,
eman, Sturzenegger, Hahn, Mather,
d Fisher.. Mich.igan will not open
e Conference season until Octo-
night. "Disease, and not war," he
continued, "has been the greatest sin-
gle factor in lowering the virility of
the race."
Until 50 years ago specialization in
medicine was entirely unknown, and
the general practitioner was fully
acquainted with the entire scope of
medicine. Specialization has been the
natural outgrowth of the many dis-
coveries of modern medicine. No long-
er can one man assimilate and carry
with him all the knowledge of med-
icine. Subdivisions have become very
numerous in the last few years, but
lDr. Cabot is of the opinion that they
will increase still more in the next
few years.
Development of Kos11iWdls -
Closely allied with the development'
of medicine has been the development
of the hospital. "The hospitalization
of a communitr," said Dr. Cabot,
"might be termed a criterion of its
industrial condition. The prospect of
the state entering into medicine or
public health is Causing a good deal
of unfavorable comment, especially
among the medical profbssion, but
these men forget that the state now
controls our private health by means
of its laws.:
"Too many of our doctors think that
they are the only ones who should
have anything to say about the
health of the community. But 'this
situation calls for the best brains of
the community, and not merely the
ideas of men trained in one branch.
Rural Districts Lack Doctors
"One of the greatest problems be-
fore the American people today is the
fact that the doctors in the .country
are leaving for the cities, and young
doctors refuse to go to the country.
Unless doctors are supplied for the'.
country districts," remarked Dr. Cab-
ot, "it will soon be unsafe for people
to live 'in the country. Too long has
the medical profession preached that
the sinkholes of disease were to be
found in the large cities. The exact
opposite is the case.. It is the coun-
try where we find disease and unsan-
itary conditions. .
"The only solution to this problem
is for the state or community to build
hospitals and laboratories through-
out the rural districts, so that young
doctors will be encouraged to go to
the country where, every convenience
"Dante represents the perfect bal-
ance of intellectual and moral qual-
ities at their highest," said Prof. W.
A. McLaughlin, of the French depart-
ment, in his lecture on Dante, deliv-
ered in the Natural Science auditor-
ium at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon.1
"He has been for many the perennial
source of pleasure," declared Professor
"Six hundred years, ago there lived
in Ravenna, in exile, a poet, well past
middle age, of gentle berth, thirsting
for justice and peace, a' Florentine by
birth but not by character," said the
speaker. "This was Dante Alighierix.
His passion was intense, sublime. He
was a lover of music, a draughtsman,
and not insensible to color, light and
shade; a master of mass and propor-
tion; and a born diplomatist. Politics
were his deep concern, and he was a
philosopher of high intent; deeply re-
ligious, ever alive to baffling prob-
lems, which the mind seeks constantly
to solve."
He was exiled for his beliefs, and
long hoped for the removal of the
bann of exile, travelling about from
place to place; stopping often at the
homes of the nobility, whose names'
he commemorated in his poems. He.
remained a foe to his political en-
emies, and so would not return to
One day as he was walking the
streets he saw a little girl of nine
years. This was Beatrice, who in-
spired him to write most of his lyrics.
"Beatrice was his ideal,:incarnate,- his
inspiration," said Professor McLaugh-
lin. All these lyrics were collected
in book form and they stand to this
day a powerful tale 'of love.
"At this time Italy was in a state
of turmoil, "cities one against the oth-
er; and there was murder between
families," he continued. "Dante had a
solution for the problem in his 'Treat-
ise on Monarchy,' which took up
amoAg other things' the relation be-
tween the state and the church. A
polemic and partisan pamphlet, it con-
tains, nevertheless, much which is of
interest today. Dante argued for
temporal power, justice, unity, con-
cord and freedom."
"His title to fame is due to his 'Di-
vine Comedy.' Posterity adds the
opithet 'Divine,' and the work is un-
rivalled for its sublimity of thought,"
added Professor McLaughlin. who con-
Farrell Thinks Post-Season Wor
Too Strenuous for.jTrack
Coach Fielding H. Yost, Wolve
football mentor and newly-appoil
head of Michigan's department of
tercollegiate athletics, and Coa
Steve Farrell and E. J. Mather n
put their stamp of approval on
plan recently suggested by The V
verine for the installation of a sys
of summer intercollegiate athletics
tween Big Ten universities,
"I have not had an opportunity
consider the plan definitely, of cour
said Coach Yost, "but at first sig
would seem that the scheme is ent
ly, feasible."
Five Schools Teach Coaching
"There are five of, the Confere
schools which in 1922 will offer,s
mer' courses in coaching," he ad4
The five schools he named were:
cousin, Illinois, Ohio State, Chic
and Michigan.
"In all of these schools the the
and practice -of coaching in all m
bran hes of sports are taught;"
Coach Yost. "Competition bettw
teams in summer school should al
lot in the work of instructing them
in these coaching schools, and, mi
over, ought to increase the inte
and spirit of the summer session v
Coach Yost went on to say tha
would be a much- better plan to h
summer Varsity teams as sugges
than the present system df infor
teams which are now organized for
purpose, of instruction in the vai
coaching schools of the Big Ten.,
also added that the coach of thd si
mer team, especially in base
could count on securing a number
men for his summer Varsity squad
rectly from the ranks of the stu
coaches, while it would be possibe
get the greater part of the team fi
the student body itself which would
interested by such a system of sum,
Help Put Theory Across
"Those fellows who did not p
could then stand around and t
notes," he went on, "and could
how the game ought to be played
could get a better notion of how
train their own teams to play, l
on. Theory ought to be well pre's
ed, and this summer athlotiq
would help in putting it across rig
(Continued on Page' Four)
Faculty Concert
unusually GOO
- (By V. V. T.)
Robert R. Dieterle, '24M, of
School of Music, gave the major I
tion of an unusually fine musical 1
gram presented at the Faculty c
cert in Hill auditorium last even
Mr. Dieterle gave th.ree groups of
lections, beginning the program i
a- recitative and aria from Goun
"Faust," which was enthuslaa.tic
received by the large auditence. '
number gave ample opportunity
the adequate display of Mr. Dieter
vocal ability, on which no furl
comment, is needed, for he is
known in Ann Arbor as a young s
er of great promise.
The second group comprised I
numbers of which "Adieu, C1
Louise," by Monsigny, proved the r
well liked. Mr. Dieterle concluded
program with four light little sc
which were rendered in a most cha
ing manner.
Mrs. George B. Rhead, of the SO
of Music faculty, contributed to
entertainment with three numi
from Chopin, which she played in
usual excellent style. Mrs. Rhe
. 4. - Ambassador Jus-
d here Wednesday from
d left at once for Paris.
re was expressed by
omatic representative at