tinuance of it later, does not lie so much in a change of location as in a variation from the usual round, .Y....__._ . 0 F U ,T rrs r, n OF OF .N. rsday, and Saturday Afternoons. Press Building, Maynard Stret. es, 96o; Editorial, 2414. ICE HOURS: o to 5:oo Daily, except Saturday. eed 300 words, if signed, the signatures shed in print, but as an evidence of will be. published in The Wolverine -r, if left or hailed to the office. will receive no consideration. No unless the writer encloses postage. necessarily endorse the sentiments ex. ns. ORIAL STAFF lone 2414 or 783 .Managing Editor JE EDITORS John P. Dawson, Jr. -.................Harry B. Grundy .G........wennyth Wrentmore ........Clement Smith SSISTANTS E. Sloan Alfred J. Wright James B. Young :NESs STAFF one 960 or 374 . .." .Business M anager .. . . ..Assistan t B usiness M anager ANTS Don Allen Walter Fiske Joseph Vlack coupled with frequent periods of utter relaxation. All most of us of us need is to get -away from the routine which surrounds us in everyday life; we need' to feel absolutely free for a time to do any- thin~g and everything we like, without having to worry about the problems which must be taken up each following day. Perhaps the, summer resort promoters are fool- ing us. Maybe home and relaxation are two in- gredients, and comparatively inexpensive ingredients at that, for a really successful vacation after all. NEWS, NOT MEDICINE. One of the mast cheaply disgraceful violations of all that is good and holy in the newspaper man's art of' make-up is that advertising trick indulged in by so many sheets of the one-horse variety, and some of the larger metropolitan papers as well, of dispidying medicine "ads" under regular news heads. The slick advertiser, the peddler of. fake "cures," has apparently evolved a little method, of his own for exhibiting 'accounts of his wares. There medi- cine-ad foolers must be quite effective, or they would' not continue to be used. Nevertheless, to put up a suggestion to the reader as an item of news, to catch his eye by means of a regular headline and innocent looking "story" unadorned by anything that looks like or savors of the ad sheet, only to let him down with a thud at about the second para- graph, is a means of securing patronage not in- dulged in by the most reputable dealers in stomach powders and pills. Moreover, although this method of putting a product before the public is often em- ployed by the business departments of many seem- ingly worthy publications, it is a disgrace to the ed- itor and an insult to the reader. It is in itself, more- over, a condemnation of the product to sell which it becomes necessary to use such abominably cheap methods of advertising. The sooner some of our papers stop the use of the old medicine fooler and begin filling their columns up with real news material, at the same time leaving the displaying of Dr. So-and-so's yellow backers to the proper treatment of a rejuvenated advertising d-partment, the sooner will those papers become more reputable in the eyes of their more. skittish and less gullible patrons. DANGER, FROM FIRE Signs posted along the boulevard and the river extend a continuous warning to picnicers to exercise a certain amount of care in the building of fires. With the present dryness of the weather, the foliage and the shrubbery in the woods, a consiaerawle amount of caution should be taken by all persons who find occasion to camp either -along the bank of the Huron or on some of the bluffs overlooking the river. A conflagration is much easier to start than to ex- tinguish during this dry period. We should, there- fore, be unusually careful to see that no live coals or small fires are allowed to remain. Better the ex- ercise of some care than the needless destruction of some of our woods. Use Wolverine want ads. They bring results.-Adv. Summer school students' headquart- ers at Wahr's Book Stores.-Adv. HIGH CLASS FOOD Served at CHUBB'S on State St. opposite Lane Hall T P SE R b buys a brand new Corona portable typ writer. Other mnakes at attractive prices. See usbeforeyou buy. T Y PEWRITERS of lead ng makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and repaired. O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade For BRome-Cooked Meals WHITE SWAN LAUNDR3 FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE' Our methods and machinery are up-to-date in every detail. The result is better wor with less wear to the fabric. We cater especially to the student trade. One day servic on request. TRY US. H. G. Prettyman PHONE 165 W. B. The Ideal Hot Weather Fo P r Bd s K A H A M TWO COL EGE ST KERDS 0. A . A M_ Both Ends of Diag~~skiWalk~ TRY TUTTLES IC I'l R E JUY 21, 1921 - G. P. OVERTON ND STUDENT compiled by the Univer- i association, show a ree- I and six students, seventy- nen and five hundred and express no 'church prefer- t blanks. If the remaind- ere all church goers, as is percentage of thosse in the ligious services would in- figures yy 4bout ular at- uch ado number the ;k' among most hip. Undoubt- d to draw rap- hich have been come a "rather s the church is :hurch's value, us careers, we ns are more a ick to turn our o us, more en- merely for the re are no leav- so many other that we seldom at of going to voods and the icing, we occa- :h our valuable it, say once or Lord. We are Ho hum! meandering rest gets to This business of continually prompting personages to give Alichigan's lawns a be terribly boresome after a time. Smithnereens nience of iust such entirely like eivin, University service services are now be- t of, the Library. the meetings are of who make any pre- ng owe some small at we consider our vening spent in the eaker should be no V of us, in spite of the Glenn. A headline in the Free Press announces-"Drives auto five miles minus gasoline tank," One guess, His Fatherland Frosh (appearing at postoffice window)-"Any mail for me tonight, sir?" Clerk-"Where would your letters be from?" Frosh-"Why, from Pawpaw." Clerk-"Yes, I know, but who is your father, my boy?" The Grand Rapids police force have denounced taxicabs as "rolling barrooms."' We have always been able to find a kick in them. You Sweet Thine Hobo-"Say lady, could you' give me a bite, please ?" Ancient Housekeeper-"I'm sorry, but my teeth are all out." Some asinine society or other, meeting in the state recently, nominated Edgar Guest as ."Poet Laureate" of Michigan. Gawdelpus ! One On Emerson "And what did you see at the Union tonight?" "Nothing much, only Em Swart." "S'that so? I didn't know Em was afflicted with them. Delirious gent, reposing under dripping eaves- trough-"S-shave the (hic) women an' children- I c'n shwim !" General Grant didn't have it so hard after all. When he said he "proposed to fight it out on this line if it took all summer," he didn't have our job on The Wolverine. Poor Little Thing In the want columns of our esteemed contemp, the Times-News, we read-"Child's sulky at 439 Spring St. Good condition." Even the best of them will have their off days in this weather. "I'm e'ivinp him hell." said Dante, as he mailed a On Maynard Street, 1-2 Block South o Majesic~Theatre Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Saings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00 rwesources.......$5,000,000.00 707 North University Ave.' Nortl~west Cor. Main & Huron FA ILINOS' DINING' R00MS $7.00 per Week-3 Meals $6.00 per Week-2 Meals HOME COOKING Electric Fans Col, Ventilated Rooms 714 IXO ROE STREET East o Cutting's Flats Summer School Students for Fountain Refreshments and Fine Candies visit The V13esy Ross Shop The Fountain Room Beautiful 13-15 ANiekle'sArcade COO, I T4 AN +V' Rho % to We A1e T'E PLUMBER6 N case of an emergency phone 525 and we will promptly attend to your plumbing wants. If any of your pipes start to leak or otherwise misbehave them- selves we will attend to the matter in a jiffy. Our prices will please you. IDEAL QUELQUES FLEURS (Houbigants) L'ORIGAN CHYPE STYX (Coty) Preferred By Students and Towns-people I The New Way of Perfumi Always ready with just the requir amount for immediate use. Nips and Flaconnettes ,.., V %, t Drug and Prescription Store Cor. N. University Ave. and So. State St. PHONE 308 G. Claude-Drake, Prop. -dailyservice Big Steamer Put-In-Bay Capacity 3270 Passengers Finest exclusive Excursion Steamer, Largest Ball Room, Finzel's Orchestra. No extra charge for dano- ing. Steamers leave on Eastern Time, Every day from Detroitat9:00a. m. for Put-In-Bay-Connecting with Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co., and Steamer Arrow for Middle Bass, IKelley's Island8& Lakeside. Sandusky-Connecting with Railroads and Suburban Cedar Point-i5rin. byferryfromSandusky, Farein Excursiod fares, (retunaig same day Pit-In-Bay, week day, 9oc" Sunday$1Holiday.s $1.25 R ' r resorts get :ampaign, the ut at a great ' commonly rts on a fren- ith the inten- teks of free- o and hubbub really effec- over the pro- getting our nd from the osquitos will from Big our Dock 2:0r~ut u i Dancing Moonlights. Leave De trot8.45 p. m. Fare Wed. l Tur. oc Sat, & Sun. 75c.4J., Wite for map fold~ Ashley & Duo Foot of First St. 4 rom his e hurry he was W. M. Hochrein Plumbing and Heating Phone 525 2