&'durrzz AT YOUR DC THREE TI A WEEK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1921 } PRICE inical Laboratory Conducts 'est On Steel Automobile Wheels A physical test to determine the re- lative strength of wooden and steel automobile wheels is at present being conducted in the mechanical laborator- ies of the University. The work, which S is being done for the Jefferson Forge company, of Detroit, is under the di- rection of Walter E. Lay, professor of mechanical engineering. The test is of special interest because if it can be demonstrated that the steel wheel ) does not "fatigue" faster than the wooden one, much of the danger of b our exhausting our supply of second growth hickory will be eliminated.' A set of specially constructed steel automobile wheels fitted to an old Ford car is undergoing a severe test. The car is braced so that it cannot move, the rear wheels being allowed y to turn naturally at an average speed of 25 miles an hour on two large wood- sen wheels, constructed so that the rims are on a level with the floor. Bumps in the form of cleats on the rims of the two wooden wheels make the strain and wear 'greater than that s found on ordinary roads. So severe is the shaking the car receives that it has -been necessary to install a com- plete set of wiring .and also a new L commutator. Before the test on the - wooden wheels acan begin it will be necessary to rebuild the car. One set- g of tires and the best part of a second set will be worn out .before the re- quired 25,000 miles is traversed. Looking into the futur and seeing I that some substitute must be found for the wooden automobile wheels, the Jefferson Forge company have put forth their efforts to make steel wheels that substitute. It is known that steel under excessive strain will "fatigue," that is it will become brittle and break easily. "This test," says Professor Lay, "is to determine just how much strain steels will stand, then by testing wood- en wheels in the like manner, the com- parative physical sterngth and endur- ance will be determined. Should the steel wheel compare favorably, then we need look no further for a sub- stitute." So extensive in Michigan and so im- portant to the state'is the automobile industry that all research work that can possobly be done at the University' is accepted in the cramped quarters of the mechanical laboratory. EFFIIENTNURS ' t 3- 1 i s E WARTH'IN EXPLAINS Says the Disease Results from De- struction of Normal Cell Organbsation RAPID GROWTH RENDERS RE- MOVAL ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE "Cancer, one of the most remarka- ble phenomena in the whole patholog- ical world, is not due to a parasite but to a destructin of the normal cell organization," said Prof. A. S. Warth- in, of the Medical school, in his lec- ture Tuesday night in the Natural Science auditorium. "The cancericell itself is one of a group of growths called neo-plasms and we cannot de- termine its fundamental cause until we, learn the principles of cell growth." Professor Warthin -started with a, short history of the processes through which the normal cells pass after leaving the ovum stage. Each cell1 has its own individual life but is completely subservient to the social and common organization of the body. Long Continued Irritation "It is when the normal function of the cells is overthrown. by an exte- rior force, such as long continued ir- ritation of a certain tissue or gland, that the neo-plasm or the more par- ticular form of, neo-plasm, cancer,' sets in," he said. The cancer cells, ceasing to be agents in the body's system, take all the nutrition from adjoining tissues. The cause of cancer, according toc Professor Warthin, Is obscure except for certain accompanying circum- stances that have been observed to be invariable. The tendency to cancer has now been proven to be inherita-{ (Continued on Page Four) ILLINOIS GOVERNOR INDICTED Springfield, Ill., July 21. i Gov. Len Small, of Illinois, Lt. Gov. Fled E. Sterling, and Verne E. Curtis, of Grant Park, were indicted yesterday by the Sangamon county grand jury for conspiracy and embezzlement in connection with the interest earnings of the state treasurer's' office during the terms of Small and Sterling. The indictment returned against Small for embezzlement Is $500,000, and that against Sterlin'g for $700,000, while a third against Small, Sterling, and Curtis is for $700,000. An- other indictment for confidence games and conspiracy to de- fraud runs against all three. j Bonds of each of the three man were fixed at $50,000 on each count. SPOTLIGHT PLANS NEAR COMPL-ETION Three Acts Already Secured; Four Others Are in Process of Prepajdtion Must Look After Home as Well Attend Patient, Doe. res Dr. Bartlett as eers 1B eat y Viewx Nine REVIEWS TRAINING NEEDED FOR ENTERING PROFESSION. "An efficient nurse must care for the home as well as for the patient," said Prof. B. H. Bartlett, yesterday after- noon, speaking on "The Training of Health Nurses", adding that health nursing is one of the oldest occupa- tions, and one of the newest profes- sions. :I PERFORMANCE TO LAST BUT HOUR AND FIFTEEN MINUTES. (By L. W. Millard); (Special Correspondent) Camp Davis, July 20.-The ball game *. last Saturday between the camp team ge and Bay View was the big event of Ce the past week. The team, together y with 15 br 20 rooters left camp early e Saturday morning for Bay View to Ip take on the fast aggregation "from that 11 city. The camp nine took the lead early in the contest and held the large to end of the score during the entire game. This makes the second win for r Camp Davis this season, and from all available records that is the best al sho'wing made in some years. se Field day or visitors' day, the big- nt gest event in the camp program is to n be held Saturday of this week. A fine e program is being arranged under thej -g direction of "Red" McCordic, '22E; 'h "Bum" Tramp, '23E, "Chick' Wattles, 24E, and "Milt" Goetz, '22E. Two of the camp members met with as an accident today. Harry Lifsit, 21E, - is hobbling around on crutches-owing Of to the fact that he tried :to amputate a toe with an axe. His partner, George' ) Emery, '22E, got careless with the e- same axe and cut a gash above his e- knee. The boys admit they wanted a m. vacation but are not just satisfied with the way they got it. After having completed the regu- iar nursing course in some university or school, the prospective public health nurse is required to take a post-graduate course of one year, the speaker explained. Her courses con- sist of the principles of health nurs- ing, the rudiments of sociology, psych- ology, and public speaking; together with special courses in hygiene and sanitation. Economics and bacteriol- ogy are sometimes substituted for two of these courses. Equipped in this way, the nurse is sent to a small dis- trict where she may acquire a prac- tbcal knowledge of the subject. In order to be a successful health nurse the girl must be possessed of many fine qualiities, said Professor Bartlett. Among these are good technique, excellent ability, an alert mind, the -ability to teach, social vi- sion, sane judgment, and most impor- tant of all - tact. She must be ready. to give herself to her work at any, time, her hours are not specifified ones. She must be ready to solve many problems instantly. When her treatment of the sick per- son is over, it is the duty of the, health nurse to turn her mind to the attention of the mother of the home- to tell her how to care for the pa- tient, and above all to educate her in the' rudimentary principles of keep- ing herself and her family well. In this respect the health nurse is & public officer as well as a mere bed- side nurse. DENTAL BUILDING TO HAVE ADDITION As the first part of the work to be undertaken in the nev' building pro- gram of the University, it is announc- ed that a $100,000 addition to the pres- ent Dental building will be built, the work to be begun as soon as conditions will permit. The enlargement to the Dental build- ing will be 38 feet wide and 167 feet in length, and will contain a quantity of new equipment, for the) purchase of which an additional $100,000 has been set aside. Included in - the new equipment will be 114 dental chairs. Jttihigan- Grad Takes Helm Of New Newspaper (Special to The Wolverine) Port Huron, July 21.-With a Mich- igan graduate and former managing editor of the Michiganensian at the helm, and with numbers of students and graduates. on the editorial staff, the Port Huron Press will make its initial bow to the reading public of the state on or about July 25. Capital- ized at $100,000, installed in a new' three story brick building, and equip- ped with the most up-to-date and fin- est machinery the paper looks for- ward optimistically to its future., Osius Priminent at Michigan Charles R. Osius Jr., '20, is editor and general manager of the publica- tion. Always prominent on the Mich- igan campus, Mr. Osius steps into his new post fully prepared to handle the work with the greatest of success. Be- sides holding an important position on the Daily he was managing edi- tor of the 1920 Michiganensian. Heading the sports staff is Vin- cent H. Riorden, '20, former news and telegraph editor of the Daily,-and un-' til his acceptance of the Port- Huron position, connected with the Adrian' Telegraph. Another former Michigan man whose name appears on the staff roster is Bernard Ferneau,, ex-'22. Writing special articles for the Press is Mildred C. Mighell, '19, who; dur- ing her four years at Michigan, at- tained the honor of being the only woman ever to hold the post of man- aging editor of the Michigan Daily. In addition to her publications activities she was social director at Helen New- berry residence. Two More from Ann Arbor Two names familiar '.to Michigan students appear on the reportorial staff. Marie Crozier, '21, has accepted a position with the Press, her jour- nalistic activities at Michigan having (Continued on Page Four) t i 7 1 i f 7K 1 ; 9t 1 i + 1 With material for three acts already secured and with preparations for four others well under way, arrangements, are nearing completion for the Mich- igan Union Summer Spotlight vaude- ville, to be presented Thursday eve- ning, July 28, in Hill auditorium, ac- cording to iFrank McPhail, '21, 'en- eral chairman for phe entertainment Howard E. Ramsay, '21E, will give a monologue as the first act on the program, his talks being a well known feature of past campus entertainments. His sketch will be given partly .in the Scotch dialect. Robert Dieterle, '24M, another Mich- igan favorite at vaudeville perform- ances, has been secured to give a solo act. He will sing a number of college and popular songs. The third entertainer whose act has. been accepted by the committee Is Max B. Jaslow, '21, whose skit will be a dramatie monologue. Jaslow has appeared at other camnus entertaih- ments and made a marked impression with his dramatic ability. He has also participated in a number of profession- al performances.. Although it is planned to have a totalof seven acts on this year's pro- gram, the committee expects the en- tire performance to last not more than an hour and a quarter. TO REQUETF BESTQUALT STUDENTS DO NOT WANT IN IOR GOODS! DECLARE MERCHANTS ONE FIRM ARRANGES FOR FALL REDUCT "It Can t Be Done," Says One Can," Says Another; So The You Are While one State street firm nounces that it is planning on low its prices on ice cream and sod the near future, othersare stal pat on present charges, suppo their stand with the statement tI is impossible to cut rates and still the students the quality of se which the'y demand. The Busy Bee has already mad rangements for a 25 per cent e the price of ice cream dishes and make the cut effective as soon a: Fall stock of goods arrives, acco to the statement of Preston W. ted, proprietor. "A wholesale dr price of ice cream to 10 cents a di impossible at the present time," Husted said, "but with the dro price of other foods, it is possib make a reductiq~n of 20 to 25 per on all ice cream dishes and confec ery. I do not believe that the stu want us to serve goods of if quality, )%nd that would be nece if we were to lower the price o cream sodas and sundaes to 10 e No Excessive Profits . There are no excessive profits made in the ice cream business in Arbor, according to Miss C. J. Ad manager of the Grey Shop. "Vey people realize that the costs of d business in Ann Arbor are higher in most towns of this state," she (Continued on Page Four) NET ARTISTS 'SIGNIN6 FOR TENNIS. TUR! Tennis enthusiasts of the cam are fast availing themselves of opportunity to play in the ca summer tournament and are ente their names at Moe's, sport shop at the office of Dr. George A. director of Waterman gymnasiun The interest which the tourna2 entries have shown in the past days has assured the men in ch that it will be a success. Dr. May, is the chief official sponsoring summer tourney, is Highly ple with the way developments have t: place and is confident that the this year will be the most succel of any summer net contest wh ch yet been held at Michigan. There are already more than 2 tries in the singles; and a dozen i doubles. The ,larger attendance o: Summer session has been one re for the increased interest taken;w the net men from other institui are availing themselves of the op tunity of competing with the Micl entries. Although the tournament will be started until the latter part 0: month it is requested that all who intend to enter do so befor end of next week. After all of entries are in an opening date be set and drawings will be made the preliminary round. ThgeL number of players yet expecte enter make it certain that not a rounds will be played before tourney can be settled down to final round for the championshi] the doubles also there should enough entrants to make the co: tition strong. [ I, DY OF MRS. SENSEMANN TAKEN TO GREENVILLE, 0. 'he body of Mrs. Katharine Sense- nn, wife of Harley L. Sensemann, ector of the alumni catalogue of- 'who died shortly before midnight esday night, was taken to Green- e, O., this morning, where burial I be made. irs. Sensemann is survived by her iband and two sons, Wilfred, nine rs of age, and Robert, seven years .Large Audience Hears Recital A combined piano and vocal program: was given last evening before a large audience in Hill auditorium, Mrs. George B. Rread and William Wheeler, both of the School of Music faculty, joining in the entertainment. Mrs. Rhead opelled the program with a Sonata of Betthoven, ,from Opus 10, No. 2, which was well received by her audience. Mrs. Rhead's work is al- ways of an unusually high order, and proved no exception on this occasion. The remainder of her program consist- ed of selections from Schubert-Liszt, and finally the Marche Militaire by., Schubert-Tausig, which- was one of the best received numbers of the eve- ning. Mr. Wheeler, of the voice faculty, appeared in two groups of charming songs, the first number of selections entitled "Gypsy Songs," by Dvork. He later gave songs mom Grieg. Mrs. Rhead played the accompaniments in a most satisfactory manner. et Enrollment chitecture has an han at any previ- with 35 students ctural design, 27 course, and 23 in id outdoor sketch- WOLVERINE The Best of i Delivered at your Door m -s-.. 75c