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June 16, 1921 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1921-06-16

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PRICE 1l11i)




By a vote of 47 to 25, the sold-
iers' bonus bill was sent back to
the senat'e finance committee late
yesterday afternoon. In return-
ing the bill to the committee,t
the senate carried out the re-
quest of President Harding made
earlier in the week in a message
warning the senate that passage
of the bill at this time would
"seriously imperil the financial
stability of the nation."
Party lines were wiped out in?
the vote, when nine Reputlicans",
voted against recommitting the
bill, and thus against the ad-1
ministration, and eight Democra- \N
tic senators went on record as
being in favor of coiplying with
the administration's request.
The President's victory led to a.
lively row, culminating in the ex-
change of challenges to physical;


Facilities For Art Instruction
Increased1 By Summer Courses
Offered In Architect College

.,. A

Cou~ntry EX-

ing re-
of col-)
se first
L920 is
:ers at


A notable advance in the facilities color and in black and white. The
for art instruction at Michigan has class, numbering some 23 .students,
been made by the development of the is very enthusiastic over the new
work of Mr. J. PaupSlusser, '09, and work.
Miss Emma Grattan, of Cedar Rapids, "There is," says Mr. Slusser, "a fine
Iowa, during the Summer session. The opportunity the year round for in-
fact that, courses in the creative struction in freehand drawing, spe-
phases of art are coming to form an cializing in landscapes." The course
increasingly important part of sum- is given in the Architectural college'
1 imer work show the interest that it is and is open to all students of the Uni-
I arousing throughout the University. versity.
Slusser a National Figure Miss Grattan's Courses -
For the purpose of giving a course Stressing especially the correlation/
in freehand drawiig, the services of of art with all other primary and sec-
Mr. Slusser, a national figure in the ondary school studies, an arts course
field of art as a painter and decorative for public schools is being given by
designer, have been secured for the Miss Emma Grattan, director of art,
Summer sessions. Mr. Slusser has Cedar Rapids, Iowa. With the idea in
exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum mind that "everything turned out,
of Art, the Architectural league of must be beautiful", Miss Grattan 'is
New York, the National Academy of conducting a laboratory replete with
Design, the Art institute of Chicago, exhibits - from her charge at Cedar
the Connecticut academy at New Hav- Rapids, for the purpose of training
en, and the Portland academy. her students to be supervisors of
Mr. Slusser, who is a professional drawing, manual training, grade
landscape painter and designer, grad- teachers, and all who are responsible
uated from Michigan in 1909. He for the educational. development of
spent two years studying art at the children. -
Museum School of Fine Arts in Boa- The recognized need of art in'
ton, also at the Art Students' league American manufactures is placing
in New York, and one year in Munich, greater emphasis on sound art in-
Germany. struction not only in American art
Before the war Mr. Slusser conduct- schools but in our public schools as
ed independent classes in landscape well. This means that it is vitally
painting at Lake Geneva; Wisconsin, important that teachers have at least,
o rid, laer maintained a studio in a fair understanding of freehand
Greenich Village. drawing, design and color with a defi-
Given }Out of Doors nite purpose for use in their school-
For the fifirst time the course in room activities.
freehand drawing is being given out Begun Last Year
of, doors,,-the students sitting down in It is with this viewpoint that the
front of one of the big oaks or fine courses are being offered in the Arch-
elms. Work-Is being done in water (Continued on Page Four)

_" --

The personnel of the Uniaen dance
committee for the summer was an-
nounced yesterday at the Union offic-
es. Frank Anidrus, '22A, is appointed
chairman and Albert Plambeck, '22E,
Daniel Karney, '23, and William H,
Stone, '22A, are assistant chairmen.
Men interested in trying out for
Union. activities during the summer
or the regular session next year are
urged to interview R. Emerson Swart,
'22E, next year's president, in his 'lf-
fice in the Union as soon as possible.,
His office hours were announced yes-
terday to be from 1 to 2:30 o'clock
on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
afternoons and from 4 to 5 o'clock on
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The billiard room will be open dur-
ing the Summer session, contrary to
an impression on the campus that itl
had closed until the fall. The tap-'
room will close at 11 o'clock during
the summer, instead of at midnight,;



the regular time. h ~ a
LL~ euir ie, the corroot famiWy liAX tha har.
1, .
America grsat,' 3upe<ntcndent
ort ensn, of thz Chicago
,choois, said n speaking befor
M',[ TOer sio eetags y-
aftern!oon a-,d even ng in Natura
_.ce wa.:ditorium.
' 1111'Le c2 ildren of today are Yn
Reeves and Vibbert Invited to. he same sound moral training
International Political was the family heritage of e.-ery
Conferencee t years past," he sa'd.
good old-fashioned family life
MANY SPECIALISTS WILL N io echldren bag agwl
DISCUSS WORLD PIROBILEMS come ahroot a meuory to the p
. ier11ton. The churches cenno

Concludes With Optimistic V
Moen Cendi'ions ,ud
(_:,y R. IL P9.)
"It is. the duty of the state tc
erly care for the social life
mass.es of foreigners within iits
and to teach them, so far as it


t have]

Liam W. Bishop, University Ii-
an, on Thursday afternoon gave
ure on the Library, its uses and
ization to members of the Wom-

facilities) en's league, followed by a tour
I'through. the Library building.
1tion Mr. Bishop explained the plan of.
being is-I
a list of the Library building end its con-
[ons, and structioh, after a careful study on the
'en~tion, a part of Mr. Albert Kahn, the archi-
tect, in' db-operation with the libra-
bssatetherians of many other 'modern library
tius insbuildings both in the United States
rstitutio and Europe. Mr. Bishop stated that
the next our Library is built solely for utili-
tarian purposes, with a view to the
univer-Imaximum of efficiency.
iaedun-r-The building is the first library in
ate un- the country to be constructel of re-
the Con- inforced concrete, a form of construc-
The ex- tion which allows for large spaces at
)mits the smallest possible cost, $and the maxi-
mum span of floors, 'which, owing to,
d secre the strength-of their construction, will.
tado Paul hold almost any weight without ne-
th of the cessitating a large number oft sup-'
porting columns. The lighting is un-
nation in usually good, from the necessary
assed by north light in the main reading room,
s reportto the large windows throughout,
e report, which admit the greatest amount of
ice. Un- gets muto
as they light possible.
a lfey Mr. Bishop explained clearly the
scial life form of service given by the Library
Lgued to- staff, and' the efficiency obtained by
tand frthe, fact that the required reference
peents reading room is set off entirely from
present the main reading room.
vigorous bue to the burning 6ut of a fuse the
uccess. lantern slides which Mr. Bishop
wished to show could not be used, so:
after his lecture, a trip was taken
through the building, including the
reading room, stacks,alibrary exten-
F sion service, and the large work-room
LG ' for the Library staff.
Entries Now Open
Tor Tennis .leet
er Spot-
chi Dr. George A. May, director of the
gan gymnasithm, announces that entries
litorium, for the Summer school tennis tourna-
y Frank ment to be held the latter part of this
1 for the month, have been coming in rather
program slowly although he attributes this fact
several to the small amount of publicity the
proposed tournament has received on
nged, the campus. The tourney is open to
hairman everyone except Varsity mer and is
s assist- expected to attract a wide interest
, '23, R. among the students when it gets into
Patton, full swing. Both singles and doubles
ket com- matches will be played. A small fee of
h, '23E, 25 cents will be required for entrance.
. Horn, To the winner in singles and to the
ambeck, winning doubles team a prize of a
assist- dozen tennis balls will be given.
program. With the large number of net men
P. Daw- from other schools now enrolled in the
K. Gal- University for the summer the tennis
R. S. matches should offer some interesting

Negligence in making bookings for
the three-day excursion to Niagara
Falls may cause disappointment to
many, was a statement made yesterday
by Prof. I. D. Scott, of the geology de-
partment. Reservations must be. in
his office no later than Monday after-
noon, July 18.
The excursion to Niagara Falls,
which is open to all, students and their
friends will ldave Ann Arbor the aft-
ernoon of July 22. Professor Scott:
who has conducted like trips for the
past 15 years, will guide the party.
Explanations will be offered from time
to time by both Professor Scott and
Assist.\ Prof. K. C. McMurray.
The necessary expenses of the ex-
cursion amount to $35, less than half
the amount an individual would pay
for the same trip. The stateroom de-
posit can be made to either Professor
Scott or Assistant Professor McMur-
ry in rooms 223 or 217, Natural Sci-
ence building. Any information about
the trip can be had at these rooms
from 9 to 12 o'clock or from 2 to 4
Out Of an enrollment of 2,213 stu-
dents in the College of Engineering
and Architecture, 20 received all A's,
according to figures given out yester-
day. This number represents nine
per cent of the engineering enroll-'
ment, whereas, as out of 6,576\ stu-
dents in the Literary c6llege, 35 or
6 per cent received all A's.
The list of all-A engineering stu-
dents is as follows: Paul C. Acker-
man, '22E, Barnet ' Brezner, '21E,
Ralph F. Cohn, '23E, A. Maywood
Courtright, '23E, Lester , K. Ferris,
'21E, William L. Fink, '21E, Roger C.
Gleason, '24E, John D. Hausett, '22E.
George J. Higgins, '22E, John W.
Kennedy, '21E, Kim Lee Khemmani,
'23E, Howard F. Kingdon, James N.
Landis, '21E, John R. Polhamus, '24E,
Robert F. Ruthruff, '24E, H. Riplo
Schem, '24E, Dean C. Seitz, '23E.
Arthur H. Stuart, '23E, Theodore C.

"Niagara Falls and Vicinity" was
the subject of the lecture given by
Assist. Prof. K. C. McMurry, of the
geology department, Thursday after-
noon in Natural Science audtiorium.,
Indians Used It
In giving a short histor" of the
Falls he told of the time when their
chief importance to the Indians was
as a fishing place, where they caught,
the fish after their fall over the catar-
act. He then spoke of their import,
ance' as a portage route when the
French and English first penetrated
northern United States and eastern
Canada. The other essential feature
of the Falls, aside from their scenic
beauty, is the great water power furn-
ished by them.
"Geologically, the Falls and vicinity
-are a picture of some thirty--five or
forty thousand years ago," said Assist-
ant Professor McMurry. Among oth-
er geological facts he explained that
the Falls had receded a distance qof
seven miles since the glacial period
and that the present rate of recession
is about four or five feet per 'year in
the case of the Canadian Falls while
the American Falls hardly recede at
alt. Thlis is partially caused by the
fact that 95 per cent of the water of
the Niagara river flows over, the Can-
adian portion of the cataract.
Could be Great Waterway;
In speaking of the commercial and
industrial value of the cataracts, he
described the great resources of the
Northwest which might be carried
through the Great lakes and the St.
Lawrence to the Atlantic if it were
not for the Falls. If this difficulty
were overcome, ocean liners could
follow this route and the lake cities
would become ocean ports. "A project
to overcome this impediment will like-
ly be carried out," he added. .
In 'concluding, Assistant Professor
McMurry spoke of the Falls as a
source of water power. There has
been a great deal of discussion as to
whether the water should bq used for
power at the risk of destroying the
scenic beauty to a great degree. As-
sistant Professor McMurry stated that
if the resources of these gigantic cat-
aracts were developed to the fullest
they would furnish from four to sev-

Prof. Jesse S. Reevos, of the politi- o1 the le' d
cal science department, and Prof: C. .fy. The reso ility r ti
B. Vibbert, of the philosophy depairt- t p 'hm pubbuc school."
meat, will attend the Institute of T arge audiences which at
Politics called together by President ';. Mrrten n's lertures were
Harry A. Garfield, of Williams college, posed chiefly of school teache
Williamstown, Mass., July 25 to August tend ng the Summer session. For
27. Professor Reeves will conduct a b st he dwelt upoi their wor
round table at the' institute, while responibic'i. in tz aching the y
Professor Vibbert attends as his I~
guest. "Jave faith In the pr esent w
Round Tables Planned : nibi ti; an d opprrtunitie
Distinguished diplomats, ambassa~ '- jy tha
dors, and political experts of Europ., t(ac " e v :
and the United States have been II I- o h 0 contL
vited to discuss the problems created t rotor1ty J eO) rcsrcns
by the Peace conference. Those con t , w tld sor
ducting round tables besides Profe t - i shoulders of
sor Reeves, are: Professors Coolidge, ;o lasy vre uo'ld go a
Hascltins, /Taussig, Lord, and Wilson y tward eliminating bolshe'
of Harvard, and Professor Garner of "wy hld aisn in your
the University of Illimois-all special ,e;member that you are not tca
ists in political economy, political sci- .ject, t children. oHappin
ence, or history.-" sntial to success in the tea
Lectures will be given by such well- prohess in both the teacher and
known statesmen and publicists as The, human element must be
Lord Bryce, former British ambas- 1lge" in the system of educatio
sador to the United States; M. Vial- is to be a success."
late, the celebrated French economist; World Bctter
Signor Tittoni, former Italian ambas- Mr. Mortensen takes an opti
sador to France, and now president view toward lifc by insisting th?-
of the Italian senate; HeIr Redlich, all its faults, the world is getting
Austrian minister of finance; M. Pan- ter. "I do not believe that we s
aretoff, Bulgarian minister to, the teach religion in the schools
United States; Baron Karff, of the .creed," he said, "but religion
University of Helsingfors; Frank L. broadest sense as distingu
Polk, American representative at the right from wrong, is a necessar:
(Continued on Page Four) of the child's training."

,' t


Douglas Leaves Ann Arbor for Akr
Next Week After ii Years of Ser

"After dealing for over 11 -years
with university student life, telling:
people how to do it, I am going out to
see them do it." Such is the feeling
of the Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas, pastor of
the Congregational church, with refer-
ence to his departure next week for
Akron, Ohio, where in the Fall he will
assume the pastorate of the First Con-
gregational church of that city.
Mr. Douglas, who has had what he
considers sufficient experience for the
time being as religious advisor to stu-
dents, now feels that he would like to
take up religious work in the indus-
trial world. As Akron is an industrial
center,\and as the church to which he
he will go is one of the leading church-
es in that city, Mr. Douglas /feels that
the opportunity offered him will make
possible a .complete fulfillment of his
hopes and plans. He will have there,,
as associates on his staff, a parish
house director and a religious educa-
tional' director. The Rev. Howard S
MacAyeal is the minister whom he will
During his several years of service
in Ann Arbor, Mr. Douglas has found
occasion to do considerable writing.

Christian Century and the At
Monthly, and is the author of a
ber of books. Of these, hisnao;
cent, "Wanted-A Congregation,'
published in December, 1920, an
met with- considerable success,
now in its second edition. The
ing of this particular volume w
spired by 'comments on the well k
fact that Mr. Douglas has had
exceptionally large attendance
his services here.
In addition to his religious wr:
Mr. Douglas has lectured in prac
ly all'of the larger universities c
country on religious subjects. L
the war, moreover, he was acti
the national nublicity work for t
W. C. A. drives, the United War
council, and similar organization
sides beeping up his work at the
time as pastor of the church he
After his departure, Mr. Dc
will go on tour for the remain
the summer with the Mutual C:
qua company, leaving his fain
Chicago until his return in the
Fall to take up his new work-
ron. He will preach no farewe'
mnn o +' lhc nn -n-r- ~o+4nn '-h-. I-,

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