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June 14, 1921 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1921-06-14

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Indian UniversitIy Plan Peculiar,
Says Professor Horne in Interview



Prof. David Friday, of the eco-
nomics department, in atele-
gram to Governor Groesbeck
just before the State Board
Agriculture met yesterday, deli-
nitely refused to consider, for
the present year, the position as,
president of Nichigan Agricul-"
tural college, as successor to
President Frank S. Kedzle.




Detroit Boys 'Are Guests for
Days at Resort Near
Port Huron


An interesting comparison between
the methods of university organization
and instruction in the United States
and Indian was given in an interview
Tuesday by Prof.,E. A. Horne, of Pat-
na university, India, who spoke on the
Summer session lecture program
Monday night. Professor Horne, an
authority - on his subjects of history,
geography, and political science, upon
~which he has been lecturing since the
first of the year in America, has been
intimately connected with the whole
British system of government in In-
dia for. a number of years.
Attended by Natives
The Indian universities, of which
there are a total of 13, were organized
at the initiative of the English gov-
ernmet and are attended almost ex-
clusively by natives. The plan of the
majority of the institutions is pecu-
liar, theirprototype, London univer-
sity, being unique among 'the univer-
sities of the Western world. The
primary function of the Indian uni-
vepity is to examine students for de-
grees, all preparation being in the
hands of affiliated colleges. The only
work with which the old style univer-
sity concerns itself is the instruction
of candidates for higher degrees. Of
late, however, the Occidental plan of
university organization, upon which
our American institutions are based,
has been adopted, although the exper-
iment is in too early a stage for defi-
nite conclusions to be determined.
Students in India matriculate reg-
ularly at the age of 16 years, said
Professor Horne, and as a conse-
quence are two years' behfind the
average American graduates at the

time of leaving college. The course
for the B.A. or B.S. degree is four
years, as in this country, although it,
is possible for an Indian student aft-
er two years of work to secure anj
"intermediate" degree in either type
of study.
Student Activities
Many well-organized activities ex-
ist at the University of Patna, from
which Professor Homne comes:, An
increasing number of students live at
the dormitories, or "hostels", as they
are called, thus secui\ing a fuller
share of university life; Physical ex-
ercise is compulsory, including drill
and gymnastics twice a week. Stu-
dents are also required to play on the
football and hockey teams in their
seasons, the ground being soft enough
to play football only during the rainyf
The calibre 6f students in Indian
universities varies in the different
provinces, said Professor Horne in
conclusion. In general, the nativev,

With the score 4 to 0 in fav-
or of Philadelphia in the sec-
ond, "Slicker" Parks, captain of
Michigan's 1920 championship
baseball squad, went into the
game for the Detroit Tigers yes-
terday, his second Major league
contest, and, in seven anq twot
thirds innings, pulled Detroit
out of the hole and vanquished
the Phillies 11 to 5.
gan star, was taken from the
bench and put into the box
without being given an oppor-
tunity to warm up, he allowed
only 5 hits in the innings he
hurled. Only one of these, in
fact, was 'allowed during the en-
tire last six.

New Structure Will Mean to Wo
Students What tile Union
.Means to Men

$500,000 HAS BEEN

te Na-
eve- '-(Special to the Wolverine)
at as Port Huron, July 13.-With a week
point- of the hardest kind of manual labor
behind them the counselors of the
Univversity of Michigan Fresh Air
e im- camp had the camp in prime shape
are f when the first contingent Rf 50 'boys
)octor arrived xfrom Detroit yesterday.
hat in Chief Counselor L. C. Reinan, '16,
n the yesterday appointed his. assistants to
cared their respective tents and nqmed the
esides routine jobs for which they will be
nately individually responsible during the
a ac- first 10 day period. John Gustus, '22,
tests Is in charge of all athletics; Perry
Hayden, '24, is sanitary officer; James
three clarke, '24, is cnp storekeeper and
r. A banker; Sidney Jackson, '21L, is to
herit- care for fatigue details; Brewster
cause, Canrpbell, '22, is editor of ete camp
djust- paper and i charge of all publicity,
fested and Wallace Elliott, '23, is camp doc-
eases. tor.
"All work and no play", however,
cause has not been the rule for the camp-
gen- ers. The hard work of the daylight
s for hours is interrupted regularly twice
riage each day for a dip in the welcoming
nable waters of Lake Huron, while the
at the nigfitly visits to Port Huron furnish
es to a distinct "summer vacation" at-
rasce," mosphere. Upon the arrival of the
kids, however, the real work of the
weak- camp began, and the counselors find
r the themselves bus' with their lively
octor young charges."
over Hardly a more ideal spot for a
olism camp site could be found. The tents
eigh- are pitched along the edge of a dense
wood facing a 60 acre ,tract of level
ground which affords opportunity for
its as all sorts of athletic games. To the
Bar- east a beach of white sand almost 75
over- yards wide leads t, the gently shelv-
ficant ing sand bottom which the. crystal
which clear aters of Like 'Huron fail to
eople, hide. The water is surprisingly
fost- warm, and the beach, sloping regu-
rtain larly and with no sink holes, is as
.unity nearly perfect as one could desire.
hools x_
our e Secod Concert
Well Received
(By S.C.)
A delightful musical program was
listened to by a large audience in Hill
auditorium last evening when several
members of the University School of
edu- Music faculty joined in an evening's
eve- entertainment which was enthusias-
r the tically received.
nan s Earl V. Moore was the first to
ier. appear, opening the program with two
in a organ numbers by Ravenello and d'
oman Evry. He also closed the program
Miss with selections by Noble anld Gull-
f the mant. Last evening his work was of
gen- exceptionally high order.
pur- Frank L. Thomas, of the voice fac-
rmer ulty, also appeared in two groups,'
first offering selections by Handel
five and Carissimi, in which he displayed
harge his voice to splendid advantage, and
llow- later giving songs from Clay, Salter
com- and Burham, where' he again delight-



scholar excells in industry and the
type of work that requires a good
memory, although he lacks the Amer-
ican student's ability to work things
out for himself by constructive tink-
ing. The facilities for scientific and
engineering study, together with the
means of giving instruction in higher
graduate work, are notably lacking in
India, as compared with the United
States. As regards actual attainment
at the end of equal periods of study,
the Indian student, despite these
handicapsi has on the average a stand-
ard fully up to }that possessed by his
fellow in the American college.

.President Waldo Sees Progress in'
cent Acts Affecting Edueca-.
1 tion






Plans are being formulated by the
Gun and Blade club, an organization
composed entirely of wounded and
disabled veterans of the World war in
training under the Federal board, for
the first social event of the Sum'mer
session. Whitmore lake has been
chosen as the place where the picnic
will be hea1 and a tentative date set
for Saturday' afternoon and evening,
July 23. Swimming, boating, danc-
ing and games will keep the veterans.
and their guests well occupied.
The Women's league is co-operating
with the officers of the club in an en-
deavor to make the occasion thor-
oughly enjoyable. Owing to the large
crowd expected to attend, some diffi-
culty is- being experienced in obtain-
ing ample transportation. Anyone
with a machine who is desirous of as-
sisting with. the transportation will
please call 2344-R o- 1878-W.
Rfreshihents Served in Assembly Hallj
An innovation will be made at the
regular weekly dances at the Union
tomorrow evening. Refreshments will
be served in the assembly hall so that
the dancers will not have to go down-
stairs as has previously been the case.
The practice will be continued as
long as those attending the dance
show a willingness to co-operate with
the Union management in preventing
damage to the floor of the assembly

"There is no reason why the peo;
ple in this part, of the world should
not have more wonderful, and in time
more famous gardens than do the in-
habitants of Rome or England," said
Prof. A. Tealdi, director of the Un-
iversity arboretum, in his lecture yes-
terday afternoon on "The Flower Gar-
den in Relation to Small Homes."
"There' are so many kinds of shrubs
and flowers that will grow nowhere
but in a temperate climate that our
gardens should be the envy of the
world," he declared.
In constructing a garden people
should take into consideration the ar-
rangement of the trees, shrubs 'and.
flowers in an artistic fashion instead
of being concerned only with the cost,
Professor Tealdi remarked, adding
that a man cannot expect to have a
good garden unless he is willing to
expend considerable effort in caring
for it.
Professor Tealdi pointed out the
importance of shade in planning the
home ground. Too much or too little
shadow are common errors found in
most landscape design. "Maling a
garden," he said, "does not require a
large variety of plants or flowers. If
they are placed in the proper propor-
tion to one another, and each one adds
charm, the garden is a success."
Lecture Program
5 p. m.-Niagara Falls and Vicinity
(illustrated), Assistant Prof. K. C. Mc-
8 p. m.-Educational motion pic-
July 15
5 p. m.-School Administration from
the Social Side, Mr. Peter Mortenson,
superintendent of schools, Chica'o.
8 p. m.-Our Great Undeveloped Re-
sources, Superintendent Mortenson.
July -18
5 p. m.-The Asteroids and Rings of
Saturn, Assistant Prof. L. A. Hopkins.
8 p. m.-Plymouth and the Pilgrims
(illustrated), Dr. S. S. Robins.
July 19
5 p. m.-Rural Education in State
and Nation, Prof. E. Burnham, of the;
Western State Normal school, IKalam-
8 p. m.-The Nature of Cancer, Prof.

(By J. P. D,)
Problems in educational admini2tra-
tion and their soluton by a nAmber
of states recently were discussed in
an interesting manner by Pres. D. B.
Waldo, of Western State Normal co-
lege, in his lecture at 5 o'clock Tues-
day afternoon in Natural Science au-
ditorium. His subject was announced
to be "The Public Schools of Michi-
gan," but recent developments in the
field of education made him deeme to
change his topic in favor of matters
o'f more direct interest to the large
crowd of teachers and students of ed-
ucation that filled th.e auditorium.
President Waldo first mentioned the
bill that passed the Michigan state
legislature recently requirmig gradu-
ation from an accredited high school
and one year of professional work for
all prospective teachers. He then went
on to describe the movements that
have been carried on in otner states-f
in New York, where one year's cam-
paign brought an increase by one leg-
isative act in the salaries of school
teachers .of $25,000,000, ftnd in Cali-.
forni, wher. determined action by
the educators in the state resulted in
bringing normal schools more direct-
ly under the control of the common-
"One great aid in the movement for
higher professional standards for
teachers," said President Waldo in
conclusion,. would be a campaign
among high school principals and
teachers to induce the higher class
students to take up teaciung as a pro-
fession. The movement is now going
on irresistibly and with the whole-
hearted backing of the teachers them-
selves will bring greater rewards than
have yet been achieved."
Davis Engineers
Feel Rather Low
(By L.W.Millard)
(Special Correspondent)
Camp Davis, July 13.-Everyone be-
gan work on the morning of July 5, al-
-though most of the gang felt a little.1
low, having spent the Fourth in Che-
boygan and other nearby towns. The
weather continued extremely hot
throughout the w:eek, but everybody
managed to do their alloted work.
At roll call Friday morning it was
voted that work be continued through
Saturday afternoon, July 9, so that
the camp might be relieved of the
regular morning's work the following
Saturday. The reason for this was
to allow the 'ball team to go to Bay
View to play the squad from that
city. An interesting contest is ex-
On last Saturday evening a banquet
was given at Ingleside resort, on the
north side of Douglas lake. "Red"
McCordic acted as toastmaster. Pro-
fessor Mitchell gave a short talk and
"Stew" Warner also offered a few
One of the few things which Camp
Davis lacks is a thermometer. Most

The women of the University
Michigan will some day, an it is
be hoped, not many years hence, h
for their own, use a clubhouse wh
will mean to them what the Mlchi
Union means to Michigan men. T
formal name for this will be "'
University of Michigan League", a
it will be one of the first of its ki
in any American university. .
No Place for Community Life
It is-felt that it is not alone a 'wo
en's problem, but in reality tait it
there is no place at Michigan I
women to congregate, and no sort
community life which is so vita
necessary if the women are to
' the most benefit from their colle
lire. There are few places wh
good meals can be secured outs]
dormitories and sororities, no co
mono where the University worn
can be together at meal time .
- Pond and Pond, the Chicago arc]
tects who planned the Michigan UniU
have made tentative plans for
building in which charm .and chars
ter are to be mnade into a practical
stricture which shall .house the
cal and non-academic life and acti
itins of the woman student body a
alumnae of the institution, just as it
Union serves the men students a
the alumni body. These plans m
be seen .in illustrated pamphlets, d
eribing the building and its' us
WVhich are to be found at present
Tbe office of the dean of women.
$1,0I000S Set as Goal
Though the campaign for ralsi
unds fard thee building has but i
cently been launched, there has'a
ready been subscribed $12,500, a
200 women are already life membe
of the league. There has been set
the goal the sum of $1,000,000, b
when one-half of that amount h
been pledged, the Regents of .t
University have promised to prese
the women with a suitable site som
where near the. campus. Part of' t
amount which has already been a
cumulated has been received from t
returns of the Junor' and Sen
Girls' plays, besides gifts from alun
A'Michigan woman 'who has earn
15 units of credit in the University
counted eligible to life membership
the regular life membership fee
$50, payable in installments of $10
Interest Every Michigan Woman
It' has b en decided to make t
coming yeah a life membership ye
and work will be started immedal
ly to interest every Michigan won
an, undergraduate and alumnae,
taking out memberships. Not un
the larger part of the Michigan wo
en have been solicited will the ca
paign for large gifts be started.
Any woman in summer sch<
wishing to take out life minembersti
may do so by communicating wi
Mrs. H. J. Goulding, 719 Arbor stre
who is the treasurer of the Alumn
council and - who handles all t
money received for the league.
Yesterday 'sScore
American League
betroit :11, Phladelphia 5.
Cleveland 4, Boston 3.
New York 11, St. Louis 1.
Washington 10, Chicago 9.
National League
Pittsburgh-Philadelphia (Tai).
New York 9, St. Louis 4.
Boston 3-5, Chicago 1-3.
Brooklyn 6, Cincinnati ,2.
Biioklyn Pitcher Suspended
New York: July 14.-The suan



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ly pleasing portion of
was that allotted to
iitmire, acting-head of
,rtment, who offered a
id movement from one
s concertos and also a,
4, by Mylnarski. Mr.'

Subscribers of The Wolverine
who are not receiving their pa-
per regularly on Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday after-
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