Y kwrinr IAT YOUR Di THREE TIN -1V A WEEK -. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1921 PRICE FIVE i i . Plan Summer ETennis Tourneyl OLD TEAM MATES mno iIN ]-iv-vF 270 ENROLLED, FINA EISTIMATE1 I: LL; ,NEED for at for the for ad- pital for ment, 28 the staff Arrangements are now being made' I UL II I. LFuULI to hold an all-campus tennis tourna- ment for Summer school students. Perri and Parks Oppose One Anotler The tournament will be open to any . CombinatIon student of the Summer session who Debut has not been a member of the Mich- gan Varsity net squad. It is. plannedB to open the preliminary rounds of the. JACK BRINGS TWO RUNS BUT tourney towards the last of this month FAIL TOCLOUT SLICKER in order that the play may be com- pleted before the middle of August. j'Jack" Perrin, Michigan's star cen- Entries for the tournament may now ter fielder, and "Slicker" Parks, pap- be made at Waterman gymnasium tain of her 1920 championship base- daily, except Saturday, from 10 to 12 ball nine, broke into the Big league and from 2:80 to 5 o'clock. Entries yesterday at Detroit, Perrin, with the so0 will be received at Moe's Sport Boston Red Sox, playing against Shop. A small fee of 25 cents will be Parks, of the Tigers in the first of two required for-those entering and a prize games which resulted in a 6 to 1 win will be awarded the winner., for the Bostonians. The matches ,will be played off on Out o'f five times at bat, Perrin got the Ferry field courts. With the abun- two hits, drove in two runs, and then dance'of capable net men now attend- brought in a pair of tallies himself. ing the Summer session it is hoped His only chance in the field, a long that this tournament will offer sharp fly, was handled prettily competition and create much interest .Third Man Up i on the campus. He was the third man Bostun sent ito bat, and stepped into the first ball I pitched to him in the Major leagues: for a neat single between third and short. The second time at bat, he TRR struck out, but carne bsack on his third IT 1,9 trip to the plate by driving a single Soverthe head of Blue the Detroit first baseman. The rest of 'the game he -PROFESSOR HORNE. went hitless, but got to first once on a fielder's choice. Are the First Fruits of the Wftr; Parks took the mound for Detroit in the Greatest of All is the ninth. He allowed two hits, and Political then struck out his last man. The stands were united in thunderous ap- ROVERNMENT IN iNDIA plausd when he returned to the pits. IN NO WAY AUTOCRATIC and, on one occasion when Boston way n1 A I,~4 MANY CLASSES OF WORKERS MAKE UP SUMMER TOTAL yith nearly complete lists turned in of students enrolled in all -schools and colleges' of the Summer session, it became clear yesterday that the final total would be. well over 2,700. tudents continued to enroll Saturday and all day Monday, bringing the fig- ures for most departments apprecia- bly higher. Some change will con- tinie to be made up to the end of the session, but if the figures for the sec- ond meeting of Camp Davis be disre- garded the final total probably will be near- that announced yesterday. Literary College - 1,174 The enrollment in the different col- leges of the University in order of size follows: literary college, 1,174; engineering school, 592; graduate school, 399; medical school, 292; law school, 147; College of Education, 51; public health nursing, 35; College of Pharmacy, 27. Of the number enrolled, 'over 500 Ultimate Number Impossible wcertain; Will Etceed Figures Given to As- . TheI "JACK" PERRIN, .FORMER VAR- sity slugger, made his Big league debut yesterday by attaining a bat- ting, average of .500 in his first at- tempt. FRESH IR CAM READY OR *BOY ch is now maintain size," he are teachers and . instructors from I the variou throughoutl ed in this n dents of se supervisorq 1 f nn1h' ne w l ,e: H. W. Com 1. W. clouting Oldham all over the lot, o' each ear( Stern, (By Ross Campbeil) cries of "We want Parks", apd "Send determined Herman, At no time since Great Britain has in Slicker", rose from all the stands many failed rns now taken over the government of India and bleachers. . at all. R. M. has she faced problems of such mag- . Face One Another Besides t L. Mil- nitude as she does today. In all her The two Wolverine team mates, who ors, many( Adams, rule of over 150 years Britain has no tad played together for two years on have enrolle , Owos- been brought face to.face with s; many Michigan's championship teams, both road clerks . Busby, problems that demanded immediate smiled slightly at the fate which im- tists, athlet D. J' settlement as she has since the ter- pelled them to face one another in the engineers,' Harther mination of the Wor'd war in 1918. ninth, Parks on the mound and Perrin journalists, ents en- These prob'ems and' the methods of.s o tin bin usd y te .'tcl n njat th:e plate. The Michigan fans rath- 'iree p are: solition being used by the British mln- er breathlessly awaited the outcome. mists, and G. Cow- -stry were the subject of an instruc- -d what actually happened was the "housekeepe G. Bell- ive and interestlng lecture delivered '-eningly impossible. Perrin did Col Ann Ar- 'ast evening by Prof. E. A Horne, of ',nnect and took first on a fielder's Many of t) leasant; the University of Patna, India. choice, but in this way did not get resentatives A. D. "The problems confronting British credit for a hit from his old captain, fron O. S. >tchkiss. rule in India," said prof. Horno, "are 'lthough putting himself in a position Harvard, Ya st, Ann the first fruits of the war. The great- to bring in a run when Parks was hit versity of M and; H. est of these problems is. the political ior a triple. versity of P R. Sny- one, and is to give native-born Indians Perrin played right field in .boti Chicago, Mi uff, Mo., real control over their own affairs games yesterday. and others.I without causing a complete breakdown Michigan S of the British political machinery built IISIIOP OFFERS TO SHOW have a larg tS 'up in the last century and a half" ! WOMEN T1lROUA1 LIBRARY are, moreov nig Unsolve d --- and assistani e"s For a long time there seemed to be The Women's league announces that colleges, tal no adequate solution to this problem. Mr. William W. Bishop, university li- here offrere The only way seemed to be to -give brarian, has ofered to conduct an ex- The stude :cher on complete control into the hands of the pedtion through the. Library at 4 tives from1 ine, Indians. This, of course, wod hve o'clock Thursday afternoon. After well as fro de %as resulted in no less than anarchy. But the many points of interest have been Turkey, Pol e of .500 recently a solution was found, and it seen he will give an illustrated lec- South, Afric vwas this: to divide up the functions tye on the Library. All women, are Philippines, tis fol- wasltis:mtdivie iw heRussiaon tting at of government, somewhat modeled welcome tina, Russi ting ee after the federal and state system in onathertheUnitedStates.19fk s "The government of India since Eng- 't oates land took it over can in no way be Coveralk SWhen-considered autocratic," sad. Professor Horne; "at least since the Sepoy muti-" ny in 1857."' Since that date down to (By G, D. E.) - (Since thi the present reforms have been numer- The writer is a shark at Spanish writer has f eus afid greatly varied in character. nd he always admits it under pres boy is real] Xefoins Not hi Vogue was brough NIGHT But not until 1921 had the recen sure. He has taken four terms of it ng is what sweeping reforms been in vogue. The and he knows the idiom 'perfectly. the lecture. visitor first work of these reforms'was to Thus fortified, he anticipated eagerly Mr. Mich will also break up the power of the strong cen- the lecture on "Panama" given by Mr. early Spani students tral government in the eight provinces Gugtave Michaud of the romance lan- quests andg - ' ,. -I - _ a.. ..... l...,.+ ..:+ - 4...- :+ - - - D s educational Institutions the United States. Includ- number are 40 superinten- hools, 39 principals and 3: of schools. The number rolled', however, cannot be accurately, inasmuch as d to name any occupation he teachers and instruct other classes of workers ed. Among these are rail.' , Insurance "agents, den- ic coaches, yard clerks' missionaries and ministers stenographers, 'chemists, nployment agents, phar- three who signed as ers". leges Represented f he other colleges have rep- here. There are mep U., University of Illinois, ale, Purdue, Cornell, Uni- Missouri, Washington, Uni- ennsylvania, University of ami, University of Maine, Vassar, Wellesley, and the tate Normal college also* Ie representation. There' 'er, about 10 professors nt professors, from various king the summer course d. 'I ent body has representa- 19 states in the Union, as m China, Japan, Hawaii, land, Uruguay, Armenia, a, Central America, the Canada, England, Argen- Preparatiors Week; FIRST TO BE ESTABLISHED; IOUIS REIMANN IN CHARGE Louis 0C. Reimann, '16, director of the first University Fresh Air camp, left' the city this morning for Detroit iNi charger of five Ann Arbor boys. In Detroit'he will pick up 41 more young- sters, when he will proceed to Port Huron by boat, there take another group of five, and go at once to the camp. (By B. P. Cambel. Special Corre- sponde4) Port Huron, July 11. - Five days have seen much progress Made in the work of pitchng the University's first fresh air camp, which will be located on the shores of Iake Huron, eleven miles north of Port Huron. When the councillors, in charge of Louis C. Reimann, '16, camp director, arrived last Tuesday evening, it was found that tents and b'ankets were among the equipment which had not yet arrived. Camp was pitched as best it could be thanight, and actual work did. not begin until necessary equip- ment arrived the next day. At pres- ent there are six tents up, aside from the mess tent, and one more is to come. The first group of boys, numbering' 60, will arrive Tuesday, and by that time camp will be in readiness for Are Under Way for 'A Youngsters Leave Today PLANS ANNOIJGED NIVNERSITY KA MASON' hALL INCLUDED PROJECT FOR IM-. PROVEMENT ,LTERATIONS WILL g START IMMEDIATEL tbject of Change to Secure 2KC Room for Various ;Offics Plans for the remodeling of U versity hall and the sputh end of M son hall were announced yesterday Registrar Arthur G. Hall and work the alterations will start as soon possible. The object of the change to securesmore room for the offca the registrar and to permit small private offices to be introduod 11n that part of the building.. The arrangements as decided upi at the end) of last week provide for tJ extension of the registrar's office in room 101, Mason hall, at present b 'ag used as the offlce of the Latin d partment. Two of the smaller root adjoining the ofilse as at present a out will be turned over to other d partments. The private office of ti registrar will be used by Prof. W.: iHumphrey's newly appointed assis ant dean of the literary college. TI small west rom will be turned over Dean Joseph' A. Burley, for the u of the employment bureau and t work of the federal board. The Latin department, fter vaca 'ng their present offices, will^ ha threp recitation rooms in Newberi hall, which has been turned over the use of the University by the C. A. The auditorium room on ti second bIoor of the building will I rebuilt into a large lecture roo I'his space has not been in use f several years and it is thought w make an excellent new auditori for faculty lectures and entertainmej programs. HYODE INELIIKIITY I 180LO TO TANK TEAR The announcement of the inelig bility of Warren Hyde, '23, ie years' swimming captain-elect, ea i serious blow to the Michigan info mal swimming team, Hyde is one the best all around swimmers in t West and, in the back and brea ,trokes, is better than anything h3 the Conference can offer. Hyde will not only be ilissed as swimmer but, as Coach Drulard ha resigned his position, the tas of d veloping the newer men must nece sarily fall to the captain. As a coac Hyde was particularly well quaifie due to his remawRable versatality the water. It will be difficult to ,i another man so well adapted to th responsibility. On the whole, however, the swif ming team's prospects for next ye are bright. Only two cf this year team have graduated. On the oth hand, the freshman squad becomi eligible in the fall will contribute se eral remarkable tank performers an already well-balanced team. PASTOR OFFERED COLLEGE CHAII Rev. John Mason Wells, pastorc the. Ann Arbor First Baptist churc announced Sunday morning to h congregation that the presidency Grand Island college, at Grand Islam Neb., had been offered him. He h not arrived at a decision as.y whether to accept, many of his frien arguing that his influence here greater than it could be as chief e ecutive of the school. Grand Island is a denomination institution. Founded in 1892, it h been officially adopted by all Bapti churches in Nebraska and Wyomit Some $68,000 is received annual eragE but is hi Mme io he to a, and Thrace. Attempt To .On Panamac them. Transportation to and , from Port Huron will be furnished by the Port Huron alumfni association;, which to- of India, with a combined populati of over 240,000,000. But all of the all- people had never been under Engli fur- domination. At least one-third of t ec- land area and one-quarter of the pe )PM pie had always been under their n; tive rulers. This fact presented a b obstacle, as a satisfactory arrangeme for both people and princes had toI 0K effected. This was overcome by establishi the a bicameral legislature with, a mu gue enlarged members-hip. Indians we ter- eligible to be elected to the elegis ved ture, and this body was given comple ing, control over the affairs of the provin ces in which it was located. However, t tha work of this body may be vetoedI on guage department at five o'clock yes- se teYday afternoon in the Natural Sci- sh ence auditorium,. he Surprised and Chagriped o- It may be imagined that he was sur- a- prised and chagrined to find that Mr. ig Michaud was giving the talk in Chi- nt nese instead of Spanish. Occasionally be Mr. Michaud interpreted a few Span- ish words, such as "hombre," which ng means "man," and ."el," which means ch "the," but he did not attempt anything' re really difficult. la- The reason the writer knows that ete he was talking Chinese is because a ce Chinese lad sat right in front ofj he 1Mm and he understood the lecturer' by perfectly. ect When asked why Mr. Michaud spoke of in Chinese he said that the lecturer is spoke.Spanish, and perfect Spanish at ivlat+.. The writr nne nethat the count of Bal cific, broug modern Paw canal. The illusi gold, of the before the S of an. old i mission and modern ca shown also ama, the typ older towns quaint secor A view of to the canal as well as p locks and th is article was written the found out that the Chinese ly a. Filipino and that he it up on Spanish. Follow- he told the writer about aud, after sketching the sh explorations and con- giving a more detailed ac- lboa's discovery of the Pa- ht the subject down to nama and the work on the trations showed works in type done by the natives Spanish conquest, the ruins mission, a view of an old d a modern congregation, a thedral. .Pictures were of a modern town in Pan- pical narrow streets of the. s, and houses with their nd story balconies. View of Bay the bay and the entrance was shown on the screen, pictures of the ducts to the he work of construction.. has also donated a small truck, row-' boats and a motorboat, as well as both money and small supplies. Councillors for the first session of camp will be: L. C. Reimann,'16, di- rector; Sidney Jackson, '21L; John Gustus, '22; Wallace Elliott, 23; James Clarke, '24; Perry Hayden, '24; Brew.: ster Campbell, '22. There will be three two-week sessions of camp, and some of the councillors will not remain the entire. period, while other men will take their places. FYesterday 's Scores . American Leagu'e New York 4, Chicago 0. Boston 6, Detroit 1. Boston 7, Detroit 3.., St. Louis 5, Washington 4. Natioal League Chicago 7, New York 2. .,Boston 2, 9incinnati ). Brooklyn. 9, Pittsburgh 8. Philadelphia 9, St. Louis 8. Theda Bara Is a Bride New York, July 12.-Theda Bara, siren of the films, is a bride. Her; friends here learned Friday that she; had been secretly married recently at Greenwich, Conn.. to C. J. Brabin. Doubtless Mr. Michaud said many interesting things about the pictures shown, but the Filipino lad was in a