I L v v J- V *J S. A 1lVLI- i In The Line Of Sports i l -- _________________________________________________ I r ormance, prob-- mnetime in Sep- Subscribe for the Wolverine, $1. 11!11391W111M III111lTE R S 11111{1 For Rent or Sale Typewriting Done Multigrapl'ng ILTON BUSINESSCLEE STATE AND WILLIAM -I 7ur Noon Lunch at the Biase Ste 1i nrwas in diifficul1ty, he had a man on ITy Cobb, manager of the Dtroitseod ndti.Felg hmef Tigers, has come forth W-ith anexwakng he decided to call for 'a re- planation for the great increase in lief pitcher, so hbe deliberately took hitting in the big league circles and f his glove, placed it on the ground the decrease i_1 base stealing. Accord+- '11h the ball beside it and walked off ing to the tormeLr king of base steal- eh field toward6 the dugout. The ers and batters the game moves in Ameri;can rdayers were quick to take cylsan d following great cycles of ,advantage of this misplay and before high class pitching and base running Waiseda realized w;hat had happengd, we have the cycle of hitting which is=thtwo: men had scampered. across evident in present day baseball, the Mate. rrhe WA aseda boys deserve Cobb declares that withi the slug-; 'Tdit for the sftrong game they play, gers of today base stealing, is a back blut it nMay b some time before the number but hie further states that the' art of ourr national game pis fully ac- hitting streak will pass and then we qie by its newer enthusiasts, the will return to the cycles of p)itchig Jaanese. rand base running. Cobb said: "In fivel - years my base running marks may be i Tennis eclipsed by somne youngster now in N ew po)rt, I I., July 8. The net grammar school." e~mrepresenting Yale and Harvard uni vers ities won the intercollegiate Track hevcnis tennis tournamecnt from the. Oxford Pasadena, Cali., July 8. - The tIbreQ and Camb'ridge universities of Eng- ycaposi trh adfedantt;wecpuigfurfte Smeet of the National A. A. U. finished sxsingles mnatches> together with a here last Tuesday. The New York viory in one of the three doubles Athletic club took all five of~ the re- natches. The pWayers representing, la aeso esterday's card. larri - ,the American nd British universities j so)n Thompson, of Los Angeles, tooks were evenly miatchedt, but the Amen- first in the all around chamapionship'TC --1s playedi in better form, especially) with what is thought to be a net,- -n the siing;les. The deciding match' world's record for points scored. ':::J teeni Wheeler of Yale and Hep-' total wias 7,594. The farmier recordb rn of Oxvford was an e2xcitir~g affair. BATHING S UV] all Wool or jersey for men, women and children S+port, Hiking and Riding Breec for ladies and men A large assortment in Khaki, Whipcord, Cordu~roy, Serge,E Golf Breeches, Khaki Sport Suits, 0. D. an~d Khaki Shi; Puttees and and Sport Hose. SHOES: Munson Army, Dress Shoes and fords. TENTS: All sizes, Gold Medal Cots $4.50, CI Bags. Army Blankets, Rubber Boots, Rain Coats, Comp,~ etc. Su rplus Supplies Store 213 North 4th Avenue AlThings llNecessary' Foi Your Vaceation Trips Picnic Sets, Grids of all sizes, Icy-Hot Bott Fishing Tackle, line line Be prepared for any emergency Accessories for the Auto Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires and Tub Shop Iervice and jl' 'S SO®UT vDiLs" ImikV Street I r f M __1± was held by a brother of Tuesday's' 1winner, Fred Thompsvon. E+arl Gilfil.- lan, of thle Illinois A. C. and former Notre Dame star, headed the Mliddle West entries for gall around honors and captured fourth place in thec +mee-t. In the 440 yard relay a new rteoerd wv as set by the New York Athletic Ti t")o' the Old Eli player five sets toff conqu.er the English riacqueter and to win the match for the American! schools. AEETUNER EW O NDITIONS -20c *loc OEIN club. T'he ne time was 42 3-5y This - e York, July 8.h- Jack Demp- n ew. record is one-fifth of a second wrdshayegtcapo "ste Pma.':(l ge Creniehis defeated fast er than the 'time .ma:de by -the, fliers from the University of Penus y l- ch'allengser, will meet again soon, butj vania in 1919. net as fighters, !ohW~sadJci a learned, consider themselves pretty Vi oc o gk Albert M. Barron, formner Penn' ar"annesadte aeacp Stfate football star, has been selected Aani invitation to race in a large' .:s football coach at the 1idchigan A- _swPimming pool here. There is no ~icultural college for a three yearprean It s no nune pu se a d t is ntin oud to succeed "Potsy" Clark, who wheth'er the contest for aquatic su-I has resigned, according to Director preacy wvould be open to the pub- Chester 'L. Brewer. lic or not. We are ±expecting another large s POLAR CUB ELECTRIC Ice Cream Fi GARDEN"T 9 **1 e.Dp-2 U14± 310 5. ; , Japi~iicse in Baseball X TI ILUC I SMichigan's .two baseball games play- -- o ed with Waseda uniiversity, of Japan, a during Commence-ment week, showed~ -cleairly that, although thle sons of the =Orient can play ball, they doo not have the baseball instinct or the knowledge - of the finer points of the gamhe which I are characteristic of the game as play- l ed in America. The Japanese play(-se - were agile and often brought applause =by their brilliant fielding, but thiey j failed to take advanztage of the Sbreaks which the American~ boys havhe = been trained to do since sand lot ~days. ~~ One striking example of this lack of baseball instinct tooks place in Detroit when Waseda was playing the uni- ~versity of that city. The Jap pitcher Commercial Teach~ers are needed. , "tor our summer classes July 5th.1 Hlamilton Businiess College.-Adv. 1'se Wo'lver ie want ads. They bring r sults.-Ad'v. For loome3-Cooked Meals TRY' TUTTLES On Maynard Street, 1-2 Block South of Majesic Theatre Wht inlFOR QUALITY AND Si ;AL N - - _.--- -1.. III iI , PE NS S WAhrTERMAN, CONK] SWN Silver and Gold., EV.E7?Y1A RP Pencil FY)VE POINT AILARM CLOCKS Haller &Fuller State Sreet Jewlers LIN Our methods and machinery are u] detail. The result is better work v the fabric. We'caterespecially to One day service on rep TRY US PHONE 16, H. G. Pretty man i .- J I N 11 SUND ODAY-TUESDAY SHOWS AT 2:00,14:00, 7:00, 9:00 su~mmner St openl- C FITH MASTE I I " ;AND CGRFITH ~PLAVERZS i N THE 2MAMMIOTHl SPECTACLE? . PPM. MVajestic campus.I ;t Ave.l 5-21 "T. P.- COT$31000, 000 To MIAKE 2 YEAR~S tN PRODUCTION~ I t . I L MAJESTIC - PR'ODIGIOUS- 35c SPECIAL MUSIC lR1?E: "Piue Dame" ' - -