ma the Cad'llac Motor T'e Screen Detroit, and accord-l ned his position with ool paper. AT THE MAJESTIC Kern, '22, will suc- as managing editor. At the Majestic tonight moving pic- I Lure fans will see Miss May McAvoy, press agented as "the screen's most talented late acquisition", which means that she is a new star and that she is -a real luminary. The press agent told the truth about her talent for her work in "A Private Scandal", the farce comedy that ap- proaches the dramatic at t-mes in which she is now appearing, is about the finest bit of acting seen on the I C H T screen in several weeks. W A in The plot is not new;it is true, and R N " there is nothing else that the every de! day theater- goer has not seen, but -de that does not prevent the picture from t i o n S being an excellent" entertainment. Those who have not met Miss McAvoy ',DAY in "Sentimental Tommy" will be de- lighted, with her. Other features 'on the bill include! a Century comedy, news, orchestra N T ER and Miss Johnny Hereford, a dainty' soprano, secured from the Fine Arts UKT LE' U 'Concert Tour Booking association of S UCKILE Chicago. Miss Hereford has a pleas- ing ,personality and will meet with aione approval. Tomorrow the Majestic has a come- dy booked. They have the right idea in booking as many comedies as they S E " . can secure in the summer time. Suf- fice it to say that they claim "See My Lawyer" to be a roaring mirthful at- traction. You need only the eyes to e alterations be entertained for 90 minutes. Other usual short subjects round out a very good program. MARINES OFFER COIIMMISSIONS iiisI#IIttettitttI'ettl le' TO QUALIFIED COLLEGE MEN Wicons~n summer session is shown ,y the figures in recent catalogs: 528 ummcr students enrolled in 1905; ,128 students in 1909; 1,925 students > 1915; 3,213 students, in 1919; and ver 4,300 in 1921. %sTFFANSSON WILL RETURN TO ARCTIC Iowa City, Ia., July 6. - Vilhjal- =nur Stefansson, famous University of Iowa alumnus who has gained fame as an Arctic explorer and who claims the discovery of a new race of blond Eskimos, expects to return to the Arc- tic for further investigations. A company capitalized at $100,000 has been formed at Vancouver, B. C., with Stefansson as president, with the object of conducting further explora- tions in the vast Arctic regions to the eotreme' north of Canada. It is said that he expects to investigate the pos- sibilities of marketing reindeer into the channels of meat supply in the, United States and of developing the fur trade in the Arctic circle, as well as to explore unknown islands. The new corporation will be known as the Stefansson Arctic Exploration .Co., Ltd., with Vancouver as its head- quarters. The expeditions will con- tinue over a space of two or three years, it is said. Commercial Teachers are needed. Enter our summer classes July 5th. Hamilton Business College.-Adv. W E BELIEVE you will I bank. And a bank like better Farmers & Mechai 101.105 SO. MAIN STREET 330 Member of the Federal Reserv T. illl.ill.lll tlllllllll 1 {111I I lIII 11111111111 COOL DRINKS LIGHT L You will enjoy Miighty Service Miighty will enjoy serving you " BLIGHTY "The Home of Sweets" 709 North University Avenue CANDIES GIF' FRESH ,. _ SHOWS AT r; 2, 3:30, 7, $:45 Washington, July 6.-- Graduates: of distinguished military schools and! colleges, who pass the required ex- amination, will be given an opportu- nity to secure commissions as second lieutenants in the Marine Corps Re- serve, according to an announcement' made by Major Gen. John A. Lejeune, the commandant of the corps. Whil' on active duty in the Reserve at Quantico, Va., they will be given in- struction and training, pending their examination for permanent commis- sions in the Marine Corps next De- cember. L A S T T I M E T O D A Y DAVib BUTLER In "SMILINiG ALL THE WAY" F R I D A Y- S A T U R D A Y MAJORIE D.AW "THE BUTTERFLY -CGIRL" STARG I" H E F A L L OF BABYLON" LAS E O Gi -., :ic About 150 officers will be required to fill vacancies existing in the corps next January. Fifty non-commission- ed officers are to receive instruction at the Marine Corps institute hdre, and will take the examination for per- manent commissions in the Marine: Corps before the officers, serving tem- porarily in the reserve at Quantico, are examined. Phone Orders Promptly Filled Store closes at 12 o'clock on W ednesday during 'July and August Mail Promp EST. 1857 S front suitel rried couple. hone 2545-M. 4-3 ho picked up lie University on report to ment or call 4-1 ,ame "T. P. 738. 4-5 NEARLY 4,500 ENROLLED IN - WISCONSIN SUMMER SESSION Madison, Wis., July 6. -The larg- est summer session student body ever enrolled at the Univerpity- of Wisconsin registered for classes at the opening of the session last week. More than 4,300 students enrolled dur- tng the first three days and late reg- istrations may carry the total to 4500. Early registrations showed an in- crease of 700 over last year when the enrollment was 3.600. A larger num- ber of the regular university students have remained this year for the ses- sion than ever before. t h The growth of enrollment in the DOLLAR D Saturday, July. 9 are a few of the ma~ Shop Saturday at a Saving-Here Specials we are, offering- in Latin. E. Atkins, 4-1 now. Tes Week, Beach Suit in the 65c Trifles That Count with one's appearance Fancy beads, in values to $3'.75 for $1 An assortment of collars, vestees, sash- es, and collar and cuff sets, in $3.50 values, for $1 Choice of any two 75c fancy barpin, brouches, earings, at $1 Two 69c note or address books, at $1 Two fancy hairpins for $1, in 59c 69c and 75c value. Any metal or shell bag top in values to $3.25 for $1 (Main Floor) A number of things for $1 SOc rick rack braid, special, 3 for $1 lOc hair nets, 12 for $1 65c and 75c bathing caps, all styles, 2 for$i $1.50 bathing caps, special for $1 One'lot of writing paper in boxes that are slightly soiled from handling, 3 for $! $1.50 boxes of stationery for $1 20c Bestyette double mesh hair nets, all shades, special 7 for $1 39c rickrack braid, 4 packages for $1 $1.50 and $1.75 parasolsforchildren $1 30c anc 3 sc children's Hickory sup- porters, 4 pair for $1 (Main Floor) What in the 1; ,.._ ..,, Summer corsets, ing, back lace, re (size 20, only) (Sef Of Gowns, of a good daintily trimmed w: ularly priced $1.75, day. A special model of brocaded mull in fle Envelope chemise, well made and prett larly priced $1.50 f< to $2.i0 I.1 .pad Floor) Price $Day in Underw $1.25 to $4.40 Chester Suits Ladies' bodice top three for $1 Ladies' vests in 59 Ladies' lisle union value, $1 ire