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June 07, 1921 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1921-06-07

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A cordial relationship between th
University of Kentucky and the Uni
versity of Michigan is shown by th
reports of Prof. C. O. Sauer, of th
geology department, who is in charg
of the geology camp in southern Ken
NED tucky. of the welcome extended th
students of the camp by the neighbor
ing university. The president, Dr
Frank McVey, headed the list of speak
R ers at a luncheon in their honor, and
the visitors were then driven through
the grounds of the university and the
and nearby town of Lexington.
A total of 28 students are enrolle
in courses offered during the summer
at the camp, which is situated on the
Cumberland river in the south centra
a of portion of Kentucky. The trip has
de- been a regular part of the work in
se- the department for some time, al,
ries though this year's enrollment exceeds
the by 10 the total that were present last
uate summer.
i at
ex-B T-A
:ent 9 I M

Understanding Is
World Peace, Says



(By J. S. Morris)
ess this county and Great Brit-
ach a better. understanding,
peace is impossible," declared
laude H. Van Tyne, of the his-
partment, in a lecture on "Great
and America," given in the
ium of the Natur'al Science
g Tuesday afternoon.
ssor Van Tyne gave as an ex-
of the misunderstanding be-
the two countries the situation
beginning of the World war,
the sympathy of the average
a nwas with France, while Eng-
position was regarded with
n. He advanced as onie great
for this condition the i correct
nt of the. American Revolution
ory text books.
a result," declared the speaker,
nk of the Revolution as a war
dom-loving Americans against
ressive British people, rather
civil war in the British empire
i the liberals and reactionaries.
>w little about the terror that
England's heart lest we lose,
tle about the British leading
who freely declared, 'If America
England's liberty is lost.'"
Co:inued on Page Four)
memorials of a particularly
bind were chosen by last year's
junior, and freshman engineer-
ises when they erected lighting
on the steps of the Union. The
-iginated with the senior class,
s purchase of all four pillars
ought to be too great an ex-
or the one class and the other
lasses decided to secure one

e Two Addresses by Faculty Members
Le Conclude Week's - Lecture
- Series
d Two professors on the regular fac-
h ulty will give the lectures scheduled
e on the- Summer session program for
tomorrow afternoon and evening.
d Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the politi-
r cal science department, is to lecture
e at 5 o'clock in the afternoon on "The
1 Ballot",.,his subject being an argu-
ment in favor of the short ballot at
all elections. Prof. Herbert R. Cross,
of the fine arts department, will speak
at 8 o'clock in the evening on "The
t Art .of Portraiture".
Illustrated Lecture on Panama
Monday will be a day of special in-
terest to students in the Summer ses-
sion. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon
Mr. Gustave Michaud will give an il-
lustrated lecture in Spanish on "Pan-'
ama". These topics were first started
last year in Summer school and prov-
ed such a success that they are being
repeated this year. At 8o'clock in
the evening Prof. Eric A. Horne, of
the economics and political science
department of the University of Par-
na, India, will speak on "Some Prob-
lems of British Rule in India". Pro-
fessor Horne is a well known studentl
of history, geography, and political
science and is reputed to be an au-
thority on the subject. He has been
lecturing at Harvard university for
some time and has just finished a se-f
ries of five lectures at the Univer-c
sity of Chicago.
Visitors' Night at Observatory l
Another feature of particular inter-e
est is the Visitors' night t the Ob-1
servitory at 8:30. o'clock Monday
night. Admission is by ticket only.
The tickets may be obtained at the bf-t
lce of the Summer session by stu-
dents, upon showing their receiptst
from the treasurer.n
"The Public Schools of Michigan"
is the subject of the lecture by Pres.
D. B. Waldo, of Western State Nor-o
(Continued on Page Four) i
- f
Jack Perrin, hard-hitting outfielder
on the Wolverine baseball nine for two
year% has accepted a offer from the
Boston Red Sox ad will report toa
them tomorrow in Detroit. .
The former Michigan 'athlete hungf
up an enviable record during his years
of college competition both in baseball
and in football. On the diamond her
was one of the most feared battersa
in the Big Ten and his long drives
have turned the tide for Michigan in
many games.
As an outfielder Jack was one of
the fastest and surest men on the
team. On the bases he was speedyt
and had the uncanny habit of sliding
safely into the bags even when he was
beaten by the throw.

Boston's outfield is not particularlya
strong at present and Perrin will have
a royal chance of breaking into thes
lineup. Liebold, Menosky and Collinso
compose the Red Sox outfield. All of
these men are veterans and the team
from the Hub is loking for some .new
from the Hub is looking for some newa
machine. Perrin's debut with the' Redr
Sox in Detroit will afford the Wolver-r
ine fans a chance to see the former'
Michigan star in action.'


Taft 's Appointment Recalls Later
Years Of Other Former PresidentsL0 LI.LV
The announcement of the appoint- came so overbearing and insulting in
ment of ex-President Taft as clief their conduct toward the young Amer-
justice-of the United States Supreme ican republic that a state of .war ex-
court brings to mind the later years isted. Washington became command-
of former presidents and vice-presi- er-in-chief of the provisional army
dents of this country. Many of the but died the next year, Dec. .14,.1799. YESTERDAY'S TOTAL 0
former chief executives of the nation It remained for John . Quincy PASSES FIGURES F
retired to private life, only a few of Adams to demonstrate that a man can' 1920 SESSION
them exerting much national influ- become mere famous as a member of
ence after their retirement, _ congress than as president. Adams MEDICAL SCHOOL I
One former president was later was defeated for re-election by An- SURPRISINGiNCI
commander-in-chief of the armies of drew Jackson and retired in 1829. In
the United States, another was, a the following year he was elected
leader in the' lower house of congress congressman from his Massachusetts Engineering4 College Also S
for some time, a third was elected district and became the leader of the Gain; Literary Colleg
to the United States senate, another anti-slavery movement. It was dur- Enrolls 1,109
was prominent in the congress of the ing this time that he waged the fam-
confederate states and several others ous "petition fight". Congress did not )i for e i
remained prominent in politics after wish to hear the petitions against ... ses u tolast ni
giving up their post. slavery, so Adams would spend hours
Two Terms for George to show public that the possible total of 2,
reading these petitions toso ulcad been prepared for by t
George Washington retired in 1797, sentiment upon the question. When
after serving two terms. In 1798, bow- the "gag-rule" prohibited their read- f the session will be eceede
ever, the French, under Napoleon, bd- ing, he would go as far as he could and possibly more . ell d
before being stopped. His eight years es have been well in a
KS fight against hushing the slavery he totals at similar times
-question . is said by some historians year's session.
to have had more influnce in deciding Ieturns from most dep;
the question than any other single ac- last
ntion. Compared to the Inal figures
T ffARD UTe uestBachelor o the whole of last year's
James Buchanan, who preceded Lin- Enrollment will probably
Dean If. E.,Cooley Says Unwise Pot- coln, was the only bachelor present. Throughout the week, acco
Icy Has Injured Enter- while Madison attained tlie greatest Dean E. H. Kraus, and\with t
.sage of any chief executive, dying in tion o the figures from the
Prihe, 1836 at the age of 85. cal station and the Engineeri
Former presidents in this later day vil1 be well over the 2,700 i
ONLY REMEDY IS FOUND IN ,t.1n- Inci'ease In Medics and En
CHAGEDPUBIC TTIUDEseem to be more_fortunate financial- The most marked increae
CHAN6ED PUBLIC ATTITUDE ly than Jefferson or fVonroe. Many of the engineering c eases
them have been able to make a liv- the engineering college and
school, with totals of 67 and
(By J. P. Dawson) ing by writing alone. To others their
A plea for sanity and reason in deal- legal training has been valuable. spectively. The figures for ti
ing with the great public utilities that (Continued on Page Four) ing iha particularly
ing in that the total' of the
constitute one of our most importait .session is 450. The literary
problems was presented yesterday aft- [Thas figures that are about e
ernoon to students and faculty mem- 0A LIUIOU U last year's, with 1,107 enr
bers of the Summer session by Dean date
Mortimer E. Cooley, of the engineer- TIhmIe m" .ns
ing college, who gave the third lec- school is estimated to be i
ture on the special summer program. PARTY WILL LEAVE AN ARO1I by from 1 to 15 fer cent,e
Dean Cooley, national authority on
the subject, has been called before FRIDAY AFTERNOON, sion included. The total to
many commissions in recent years to July 22 144, after nearly two weeks
evaluate the properties of public serv- ular session. The pharmics
ice corporations, and he gave the the- Bookings for the three-day excur- show an increase, their figu]
ories that he has evolved in that time, sion to Niagara Falls will be closed 207. More than, "840 gradua
in this lecture, his first appearance be- Monday, July 18, according to the an- been enrolled last nigt.
fore Summer school students. nouncement of Prof. I. D. Scott, of (Continued on gage Foti
"Public service corprations, while the geology department. -The excur-
their impolitic practices up to a few sion party will leave Ann Arbor Fri- First G t
years ago have secured for them an day afternoon, July 22, and return the
ill repute, have nevertheless an in- following Monday.
centive to efficiency that can never be Going to Detroit on special cars
possessed by the publicly operated en- over the TD. U. -B., the party will pro-
terprise-thg necessity for making a ceed directly to the docks of the D. (By S. C.)
profit on the capital invested," declared and C. line and embark on the steam- A brilliant musical progra
Dean Cooley. "The illegal methods of ers "City of Detroit" and "City of given in Hill auditorium last
ny utilities in years past were not Cleveland". They will arrive In Buf- by several' members of the fa
.houghtvasareprehensibeiin thosevdays the j
thought as reprehensible in those daysfalo at 9' o'clock on Saturday morn- theUniversity School of Mus
as at present and have almost ceased ing and go by special interurban to Nell B. Stocl well, pianist, a
"Th rect eas. tthe falls, where the gorge trip is twice, opening the program
"herpractical effects of thenarrow Sunday group of five short numbers
and prejudiced policy of the public, morning and a part of the afternoon.u a ,
which Is unwilling to grant to this devoted to side trips icludingwhich she made a splendid
frm of business enterprise the profits isadevoted nde trp iaie uin t sion. Later in the program sh
considered quite reasonable in others, Liszt's Rh od
,Winds." The return to Buffalo will beas i .,
are being shown at the present time. by special interurban Ther e scored a real hit.
No increases are allowed in rates at sby seialIterurban Ther he- Marin C. Wier offered foi
a time < when all other prices have same steamers will be taken for D= numbers, by Popper, Hubay
nearly doubled. troit. zart, in all of which he app
I'As a consequence the' companies The excursion is open to all stu- splendid advantage. Not only
cannot make extensions of their prop- dents and their friends. All -neces- Wier play delightfuiy, but he
erty and investors refuse to lend new sary expenses, including fare, board such a sympathetic understai
capital. Nearly 300 companies were and all party trips will be within the composer's efforts that his
forced into bankruptcy in one year and $35, The only required deposit will ances are always exceptional
many old established firms are com- be for the stateroom.' factory.

ing near to failure. The only remedy In preparation for the excursion an William Wheeler, of the v
for present conditions lies in a new illustrated lecture on "Niagara Falls partment, appeared in two
attitude by the public, coupled with a and Vicinty", stressing scenic effects first, offering four smaller
sane and careful estimate of the values and the 4 geologic and geographic sig- by Hammond, Lehmann, Vinc
of the properties by experts." nificance of the falls and the gorge Ward Stephens; and later a
will be given July 14 at 5 o'clock in several folk songs from the
Will RaIse Philippine Debt Limit Natural Science auditorium by Prof. Man. Mr. Wheeler, as usual, p
Washington, July 6.-The house bill K. C. McMurray. real musicianship and renderer
authorizing an increase of the Philip- Professor Scott can be seen daily merous - and various songs i
pine Islands debt limit from fifteen from 9 to 10 o'clock in room 223, Nat- lightful manner. He was obli
million dollars to thirty million dol- ural Science building, and Professor the other artists on the eveni
lars was passed Wednesday by the McMurray daily from 10 to 12 o'clock gram, to return to the platfo
senate. and sent to conference. in room 440 of the same building. finally responded with an en


were erected dur-
week and are of
the decorations in
n building. Irving
of the Union, de-
ter the classes had

poles still re-
the building,
e already been
and '23 phar-


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