IU BY HARDING AT Washington, July 4. - The widest possible powers have been granted to Charles G. Dawes in 'his undertaking to produce a workable budget in 30 days and put the government on a basis of "business-like efficiency". This was the first announcement Wednesday afternoon when President, Harding,, members of his cabinet and all the bureau chiefs in Washington met together to take the preliminary steps in what is resigned to be a great effort at tax ,reduction. In his role as director of the bud- get, General Dawes will take prece-' dence over .any member of the cab- inet where hscal affairs are concern-, ed. He will come and go within the departments of cabinet officers with- out consulting them. This wide authority - greater than has been accorded any other officer of the government - has been given General Dawes with the full consent of the cabinet itself. Given Distinguished Service 1edal Washington, July 4. - Rear Ad- miral A. S. Halstead, U. S. N., Wed- nesday was awarded the Distinguished Servic Medal. JSubscribe for the Wolverine, $1. I1100L POOLING IN FULL SWING AT PRESENT TDIE /i Lansing, July 4. - Wool pooling has struck its full stride for the 1921 season, according to an announcement made by the Michigan State Farm Bureau. Producers are now pooling at the rate of 360,000 pounds a week. They are said to have more than 1,500,000 pounds in their state pool and are expected to reach the 2,000,- 000 pound mark by the end of the first week in July. Under the present system of pool- ing, according to the farm bureau, pooling and grading are practically simultaneous. Every day sees, more than four carloads of graded Michigan wool ready for market. Sales report- ed from the pool last week were 150,- 000 pounds. C. J. Fawcett, American Farm Bu- reau Federation wool marketing di- rector, has sent a statement to the Michigan Farm Bureau in which he estimates that between 70 and 80 per- cent of the spindles of the country are now operating. He adds that the general tone of the wool market is better and that many woolen mills have orders that will keep them busy, until well into the winter. Subscribe for the Wolverine on the campus or at the office. $1.00 delivered to your door for the entire summer school.-Adv. Summer C Summer clothes need frequent trips to the dry cleaners. Palm Beach Suits, particularly, need fre- quent cleansing in order to present an irreproachable appearance. You need the tried and Service of this efficient, s institution. "Swissilized Garments Stay C THE HOME OF Gari ENERINE PHONE 2508' 209 So. 4th Ave. I " fe } ome 7- I. '4'N" LAST TIMES TODAY BEBE DANIEL / \ I ; J' S I I IN "TWO WEEKS WITH PAY" ADDED: MACK SENNETT COMEDY "OFFICER - CUPID" TOMORROW AND THURSDAY SESSUE HAYAKAWA'S Make This Summ -and at the same pleasure, and enjoy -b Ameritat 207 GREATEST TRIUMPH One of the J Jiusical Instru NT ot only would tlis accomplishment be b N joyable to yoirself--- but alsosn unli tainment for ) our family and acquaintance an avenue to a well-paid profession. CertE this summer to commence. Let us tell you how really easy it is tq h small instruments: all Mr.j day or ''The First Born ROBERTSON-COLE'S SUPER-SPECIAL PRODUCT- ION VIVIDLY ILLUSTRATING SAN F'RANCISCO'S FAMOUS CHINATQWN IN THE DAYS BEFORE THE FIRE IN A TALE THAT IS A THRILLING COMBINATION OF ROMANCE AND DRAMATIC INCIDENTS ry, suites. summer suite for .en. 725 mNandolin. Guitar, 1anjo, Ukulele. l3Iinjo- Ukulele, The Greatest of Chinese Dramas From the Play by FRANCIS POWERS ADDED:- VANITY COMEDY BANDS . ' BURTON HOLMES "HANDY HUS- - BRAY COMIC To inspect our large stock of the best makes of i us quote prices and other information will not obliga Splendid service, courteous,intelligent salespeople. "Everything in the realm of Me 116 South Main Street Victrolas and Records IIIIIII1110fl11111111111Iflllllpllllllllllllifllllllflll1111| Theatre by test 20 degrees cooler than the street Summer School x T B 0 0 K S New and Second-hand ' Slater Book Shop 0 334 S. State St.