and (in ne Tala- 'h School) Hedri cl , 'ions -ora Crated) nization and Supervi- )Dean S. A. Courtis, lege, Detroit. r Ilighl School 1Ma the;- R . Hedrick, Univer- ,Pr * AuguiSt1%) p. m.The Conservation of th Through Food an~l Drug In7- tion, Prof. C. C. Glover. p. m.-Concert. Faculty of fthe ersity School of Music (Hlill aud- August 11 p. in.- The Bicentennial of llett, Prof. R. M. Wvenley. p. m.-E''dicational motion pic- s. At1gulSt12 p. m-Subject to be anniounced, 'stant Prof. C. C. Fries. p. m.-Recital, Fitch's "Nathan ",Assistant Prof. R. K. Immel ah Caswell Angell hall). Ali £,', vl5 p. 111-A Broader Field for Teach- and Teachingz, Particularly in In- ri«.l Education, Mr. K. E. Smith, e supervisor of,, Industr°ial Edu- rn. August16 5 p.,rm.-The Unsolved Balkan Problem, Prof. W. A. Frayer. 8 p. m.-Miscellaneous eRadings. The Class in Interpretative Readting (Sarah Caswell Angell h~all). August 17 5 n. m.-Mvodern Theories of Mat- ter (°llustrated) with slides and mod- ols), Dr. E. F. Barker. 8 p. m.-Educational motion pic- tures. August 1S 5 p. ui.--The Platoon School, Mr. C. L. Slrin, deputy superintendent of schools, Detrp it. 8 p. in. -Kennedy's "The Servant in the House", the class in play produc- tion, under thle direction of Prof. R. D. T. Hlollister. Admission will be charged (Sarah Caswell Angell hall). Aulgust 19 5 p. m.--Ten Years of Heredity (ii- lustrated), Prof. A. F. Shull. 8 p. m.-Kennedy's "The Servant in the H-ouse", the class in play produc- tion, under the direction of Prof. R. T1D. T. Ilollister. Admission will be charged (Sarah Caswell Angell hall). Auguist 23 8 p. i.-Recital, the class in Sbhespearean reading (Sarahi Cas- well Angell hall). Students and others desiring to go on the excu4rsion to Niagara Falls, July 22 to 25, are requested to consult a~early as possible Profs. 1. D. Scott or. K. C. McMaurry, rooms G' 217, (x~ 42,. or G 440, Natural Science build- ing'. I THIS COL UMN CLOSES AT 3 P. M. Phi' Kappa Psi pin. Name' alker on back. Finder l t8s. 2-1' 'OREINT kpartment and two coolj niversity instructors or qe block from campus. Church St. 23 [oomis for summer stu-, Tickets for Visitors' nights at the Observatory, July 11, 12, and 13, may be obtained at the office of the ;Sum- mer session from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. in., beg inning July 6. These tickets are intende for students of the Summner session, who will present their treasurer's receipts when apply- ing for them. This program is subject to revision' jWeek>ly bulletins will be issued and should be consulted for changes. The revised program will also be publish- ed in The Wolverine. FARHER-S FAViORtPROGRAM OF AMERICAN FARII BUTREAU nable at 715 S. State 2-2 ,NITY che f ELI wit] r th ILansing, June 29.-Farmm bureau L:1 \1 0US members throughout the country have anting first class' comnpletely endorsed the American hb references, call Farm Bu1reau Federation's legislative 2-2 program, which was recently submit- antads Thy bingted to a vote.~ The program includes 15 points and was recently voted up- he Wolverine, $p1. ,on by Michigan State Farm Bureau _______________memblers. Reports fron other sections til& G il19118G(iA;'of the country indicate that the farm- - es have declared themselves about ~ S 10 to 1 for positive action on su'ci questiors as live stock financing, = truthi-in-fabrics legislation, retention =10of excess profits taxes, opposition tc "A KISIS E a general sales tax, for the Greal IN TIME" Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway and ~fot EFSTfR A legislation to further co-op erative A MerQ itaketing. The bur~eau questionnaire -~ e ~ pcaI went to 1,473; county farm bureaus it _ - - 4'7sta:tes and touchied 1,052,000 mem- :; ~ t!0',3gFS9eg~tR+u 'hers. ==Iil THE1111IH1111IIIIIlUI1011111fllIlil1111111pli1i1111t~l~ll~111[lll -w $ t4 iN r1. 1I E 1i "TeBetPrto Sme Sho Capu i-I City. Worl Subscribe at. Wols-erine office or - Caampus o r Telephone 960 $1.09 Local. $1.00 Fo reig -~;BY CARRIER TO YOUR DOOR in ORCI rs" quick, at the same time careful creasingf number of Customers, radical change in the arrange- areful study and expert advice, uwe eled the Sale-, Stock and Prescription this thought in,, view. N pleased with the result. Quarry Prescription Store city Ave. and Sty. State St. PHONE 308 CIPAude DT--le, PrOp.