1 1 1 Ar- wVV Lr ~V Ar.. AX1. IN d-. tions are being versity School of Maynard street in rge increase in at- tendance this fall. The building is being ,.extended at the rear 30 feet, while a floor of studios is being pro-I vided above the auditorium. In this way about 20 additional teaching and practice studios will be- provided. The attendance last year was more than '650 students, reresenting nearly 40 states and countries, an increase of nearly 30 j er cent over the high- est previous attendance. "From the number of inquiries and advance reg- is'trations which are being made," said Mr. Sink, secretary of the School of Music, "the attendance for next year will probably be in the neighborhood of 500." LIVERY Patronize Wolverine advertisers- liver they are your frieids.-Adv. IOR DAIRY COMPA INY ind Cafterine Phone 423 BUTTERMILK CREAM NW REGJATIoN HOPE LIES WITW- STIDEINTS-DOUGLASt (Continued from Page 1) Dr. Douglas said, "We attempt to deal with social unrest by deporting rad- ical leaders to other countries where their influence is just as bad. UsC of habit forming drugs in'this coun- try has been reduced to. a negligable quantity, yet a large part of the drugs used in China are shipped in by post from Amercia. Motion pictureP which cannot pass even -the leuient censorship boards here are shipped to any- country where prohibitary laws have not been passed. We are not the mofal exemplars of the world, in spite of the fact that our history is viewed by most of our citizens as a wonderful story of providential guidance, and the belief tlat America has been vouchsafed a strange lead- ership among nations." NATIONAL SPIRIT DOMINANT, STATES PROFESSOR WENLEY (Continued from Page 1) something ra'ther than to be some- thing, the fatuous proclamations of the, self-styled Liberalists. nincomn- poopish "Internationalists," a n d "know-it-alls," pronounced Professor Wenley., In conclusion he said tlat nation- alism is the gift of the -fathers;i the knowledge that they achieved some- thing without which the civilizationj of the world would have been retard- ed, the knowledge that -those fathert have left uss inspiration and ideals worthy of emulation, and the feeling of their presence as we stand in re- view. . ALLER & FULLER JEWELERS State Street (Continued from Page 1) will stand in reference to the other Conference schools 'is a difficult ques- tion, which has been puzzling malny. On paper the material looks good, but the same thinig was true last year and the final results were disastrous. Mowever, other schools jindoubtedly rave just as good material out, per- haps even hetter, and Michigan will -have a hard time to break even in its Conference games. One great help will be the large and able coaching staff, which will develolp the 14>20 men. At the head of, the rest and the outstanding genius, is Coach Yost, who has turned out many. strong teams while here. His trouble last year was insufficient and incap- able assistants and lack of material. With this eliminated, he should show most of his stuff this yeir. ,Seve 0 Help Yost Assisting Coach F'lelding Yost will be seven other mentors, all' experi- enced in their work. Douglas, of the University of Detrcoit last year, will be first assistant to Hurry-Up, and he will mould the backfield men into rilaps. Bob Wat on is to have charge of the line, and Sterznegger will direct lthe work of the candidates for end. Training ,of the men will fall to Archie Hahn, recently track coach and trainer and assistant football coach at Brovn. Tie will also act as an assist- 56 FOOTBALL MEN COME BACK EARLY ant to Yost. Coach Mather will in- struct the yearling aggregation and during the early period will work with Yost in developing the Varsity. The. latest addition to the football staff is Maddock, '03, who has volun- teered to come from Utaj to assist, without pay, the other mentors, and he will help Watson out with his line-. men. Whoever is selected as the base- 1 FOR RENT SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY On the Huron River FOR TRAVELING ANYWHERE, ANY TIME - You.Wili Enjoy Using the - A.B.A, Travelers' Checks as issued by this bank. They come in denominations of $10, $20, $50, and $100, and are cashed by Banks, Hotels, Railroads, etc., without identifica- tion. S~~ASK US FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101-105 South Man Street, 330 South State Street (Nickels Arcade) I- DAY-SERVICES take the reserves VS CRILL Grilled e Steaks * * to 1:110P. M. *.M -t on * eJ 5' {' ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH REV. HENRY TATLOCK, D.D., RECTOR REV. CHARLES T. WEBB, CURATE 7:35 a.m.-Holy Communion. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH COR. SOUT STATE AND EAST WASHINGTON STS. REV. ARTHUR W. STALKER, D.D., PASTOR 10:30 A. iVl-Morning Service. Dr. Ida Kahn, of China, will speak. 12:00 M.-Bible School. Student Class. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's De- votional Meeting. iron St.--Upstairs r Station, over RaTheatre 0 9:30 a.m.-Church School. FOR RENT I S AUVE )S' C ANOE LIVERY, Oii fine h uI rsn Ili ri. I w Z VACATION ily spent if you >wn cooking" Calkins Drug - Co. Take a Kodak With You 10:30 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon by Rev. Webb.. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cornet Huron and Division. 7:30 P. M.-Union Campus. I A WELCOME FOR ALL F U 9 IFirst Unitarian Service on the I There is a Kodak that is just suited to your needs. It is our business to help you find it. We have the equipment and the supplies and . Church ;1 on an # we "do the rest." Come and see us. L +ONARD A. BARRETT MINISTER Cor. State and Huron Sts. Rei. Sidney S. Robins, Pastor 'RIC TOASTER STOVE I .. I I DID- YOU N'OTICEy OUR ANNOUNCEMENT? r Regarding that fine dislay of Fall and Winxter Woolens I Rev.. H. R. Chapman, Director of Baptist Student Work in Ann' Arbor, speaks at,10:30. Rev. T. M. Iden will addre's the Bible Class at the close of the service. C. E. at*6:30 in the ChurchPar- lors. Morning Service, 10:30 Subject of service will "Religion in Philanthrophy." A gy. Strangers are always I They are still here Awaiting your inspection And we are still here Ready to serve your wants I 7 4 , - -- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH DETROIT COMPANY EDISON Huron Street, below State Let's Go JOHN MASON WELLS, MINISTER I DISPLAY ROOM R. MAIN AND WILLIAMS ,r 'Karl Malcolm 604 East Liberty Street p.. -.-- Sunday Shows at: 1:30- 3:0- 4: 30- 7:00O & 8:30 10:30 A. M. Public Worship with Sermon by J. M. Wells. "THE MESSAGE OF DANIEL." Some questions that will be answered: Does Daniel give "The Divine Plan of the Ages " What are the Four World Kingdoms given in the Image? What do the Four Beasts represent? When did Daniel think the Seventy W'peks would end? What is the Goal of Human History What is the great message of the Book of Daniel? 12:00 M.-Guild Class for Summer Students, conducted by Dr. Howa'rd R. Chapman. I I / - - a t I Daily Shows at: 2:00- 3:30- 7:00- & 8:30 I.. ,, -I 0 TODAY--- LAST SHOWINCS OF Taym rHolmes IN "NOTHING , BUT LIES" Questions and Free Exchange of Opinion. I AND CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "THE IMMIGRANT"' TOMRROW and MO AY &LHOLE BAliceB dy "A D]ARK N ER" BEYOND THE CURRICULUM To-morrow morning, at ten-thirty, in th - Congregational Church, Mr. Douglas wi deliver the fifth address of his serie "Beyoid the Curriculum. The topiwill be, "What Child Shou' be Taught Aboit -Religion and Re 4These- addresses are intended for person who are professionally or otherwise iiter ested in the mental and moral develop ment of children. le ll es "x"11 rT T, Irl I Ir' Id e- Yes--- The Lanterp was very,. very dark, until a brave woman lighted tile fires within- The cynical man feared to trust her because another man who loved her was un- worthy. Christie Comedy- "SHOULD A WIFE COME BACK?"_- Weekly ADULTS 25c -::- CHILIDREN 10e I- Lij( "Br ad ""'Yi@7