[TI! FIRST OF BILLIARD TOIJR\I~ I TOURNAMENT PLAYN' MEHA LITERAk11TURE Is 1 iTUJRN M3ATCIRES PLAYED LAST NIGHIT END AP RIA hIN1 AUSNG 9NT SE.IO1I',SAID of the The first of the billiard tournament' Co' md/roi1ae1 3 from matches being held at the Union were! The play is drawing, near the finals ending played last night and Gornall was the in the Summer tennis tournament, and b ogs n etmnaim u of Sep- high man with-six- straight, in the three by the end of this week the winners asrdysmtii of respect for all gistrar cushion match, From all appearances,:, in both the singles and the doubles orts and conditions of menz and for aounce- however, A. D. Moore seenms to be the w ,,ill be known. In- the third round all v aluable act(ivities is implied in I favorite." Snodgrass defeated Phens- yesterday, Sanchez wlent to the inl democracy. sen, 25-19; Gornall won fromr Webb,'.by defeating MYerkel 6-0, 6-3, 6-0. Bed- tDemcratcy has always been in lit- [ON 25-1~0; and Moore outclassed Kelly,r dowv will play the 'winner of the Cree- erature to some extent. We can find ATION 25-6. don-White match and the victor will tae fi nte OdTsaeta This evening Merry will play Brood-I battle with Sanchez for .-the final well ,as; in the New, among the Greek aler of rynch, and White will defend his repu- honors. poets, again amng the preachers andI LI leave tation against Hsich. In the second round of the double;.,;poets of the M iddle Ages whose lot d from Sanchez and Bowers won from Green- lay withz the m;asses. ~where WyOMEN': S LEAGUE W11ILL, CITE wood and Harris, 6-2, 6-0. B1urley and "It is like a st~reamr which runs August, TEA AT )IRS. RAiNKIN'S TODAY Stoddard won from Dyer and Merkel, paty udrgoI n partly it. 4. ___ 6-2, 9-7. The winners. of the Burley eme~rges. Todai t isa° broa d torrent A tea will be given for the women; and Stoddard.vs. Bowers and Sn~zsepn eitesyonward in the students of the University by the Womn- will play Custer and Stull, who hav.e t:uni lht, Sen and heard of all men." en's League, at. thae home of Mrs. T. El. been wvaitijng in the final column for --_-___.---- Rankin, 605 Oswego avenue, this aft- several days. PLE' IS OA EI~, (D6you read liners? A good way tor STATION BIOLOG APPEAR1S t HJAPPY HOURS will Most certainly ie yours every dlay this summer-rnd every day the year 'round if you can play some SM ~lAL MSICA L i INSTRUMENT It pcve your time now by learning oniec iascinating little instruments. It will take sh ort tiie to become quite proficient on any themn. Your ability to play will proive a i, 'splenctidly entertaining your friends, besidesq ending sourc'e of enjoymient to you! V'isit our small insrm ent depiartmient. us demonstr'ate any instrument and to give information will not obligate you in the lea invite you. Vio©lins, Banjos,' Uk'uleles, advertise.-Adv. SEE 19D PACKING CO. ), MGR. PHONE 391-J icking &Storage keys of China, Cut Glass,. and4 Fine Furniture. 'our goods and settle them. hied For Moving Household Goods te Phone Number 391-J Particular People ~3iI~rr "Old Timers' Number" of the Bio- logical station J3i6log, the weekly pub- lication, contains an acc^ount of an ex- cursion to Cecil Bay, on Lake Michigan. Some 1~8 students mnade thec trip, and inspected the neighboring region. A special feature of the paper is a story each_ week, telling of the work and life of the professors of the camp. Prof. Paul Welch 'was treated this tine. Another feature was an article on the "Natural History of Inverte-y brates" and it tells of the class' trou-t ble'7 in this connection. The remainder' of the paper,, which is a three-page edition, 'contatins some 1 of the camp gossip. "BIKE" RUTJI AND, NEW YOR1K OPEN DETROIT SERIES TODAY "Babe" Ruth,_ champion home, run slugger,' will be in. Detroit with N ewv York for a series of games, which Ibegint today. WNashington, Aug. r.-MArs. Annette Adam"Is of San Francisco, 'the first wo- mran ever to occupy the office of assist- ant attorney genet al of the United States, began her duties 'yesterday at theQ dej),rtment of jastice. She will uj ,1 ervise the wr of the department in the regulation of taxes, revenues and isI o ns nd imatters pertaining to shipping. It Lit a r s,, *Saxophones, Ban jo-Ukuleles, Mandoliis, ° Band Instruments, Etc. of these?. e but a one of calns of a never- To have you full ast. Wate lowe'st 1 Ad sales- :calmn oft I; U, I Well knowvn makes; greatest' assortme'nt; prices always. Courteous. imisically-informe peo)ple to attend you. "Ev erythiing in the RF Music." I GRINNE LL B$RO0S. 'Pianos, Player- Pianos, Etc. 116 SOUTH MAIN' T, '- Ont the Hluron River , r r ___ FAI Arecde .I a FOR RENT SAIJNDER S' CANOE sLIVERY, -t Jiarcelling, _____________________________. IOn the Huron Rivher. Ii t Last Times Today OK he Is~a~lld Of lleirat/ion" Feat rng ANTONIO- MORENO and EDITH STOREY ' one, week, starting Saturday, Aug ust' 7th, will offer yTou your choice of entire stock of h-grade Clothing at STAR COMEDY, "TWIN LIZZIES" --KINOBRAM WEEKLY .. . Tom orro w an d Sa;t urday HATS 4 T AYV'LQR HOLMES PRICE 1-3 Off IN 66otiog'Bult Lies" UNION SUITS AT BIG .EDUCTIONS / / 77 'a'°: now s\ "."$26.67 "; 0 " 4. *6 64 O S* S 00 Suits now, 00O Suits nowv " " " . " "S"* ". " e f * " " "*"s. " o* " 0 q 0 ** * SStlitsnow ,. 0Suits now,,., " 0 a a f f i i " * " i ".. *$33.33 " $40.00 .$33. . $46.67, *,$50'0 George Washing,. ton Gross had ne- ver told a~ lie--- But. he learned that a little pre- varication n o w and t-hen was a handy thing - fAnd once he got started s! Makes An anias look like a piker ! He thouight up an 18-karat lie right on the spur of the momnent. "To make goos4 on it he had to tell her another. And there !!? -_ .It's a screen ver- sion o f William, Colli e r' s Bi g B~roadway S u c - cessby Aaron Holfman. w 0 0 & * * 0 0 0 0 * 0 *. * 0 S " " "@' t *" + " f "." " _ Sa " e " " Sa * 00 Suits now. " s "S"*" i " " " " " " " " " " " " " s s I iTERMS CASH. ALTERATIONS EXTRA Clothing Store 217\ SOUTH MAIN STREET 6 s ~TAYLORJ1LVIE5 rntiTT7f1B'UT LIES'' ALSO C ALIE CHAPLIN in "The, Immigrant"~ Ir ckets, at Dancing~ at ?;lay; IMAM 0 Y Tickets at o r Door 0 every Saturday .Evening During" Summer. School1 $1 .0