.. . 7 Take a Kodak With You There is a Kodak that is just suited to yourl needs. It is our business to help you find it. We have the equipient and the supplies and, we "do the rest." Come and see us. (,COOK ON% SUNDAY? e to the "Y" INN ood -:- Cool Dinin Room Family Dinners ~- - __ Y RAISE MOR! TTHAN $1,750 I!PkESENT BUDGET FOR CHINESE CONFERENCE I(PLAN INADEQUATE (Continued from Page 1)i Bazaar a Feature (Continued from Page 1) The Chinese bazaar will be one of priations committee. Each committee the features of the Conference and makes its report without a clear idea special efforts are being made to make of the relation between its recommend- it a success. A great amount of Chi- ations and the total expenses of the nese art, embroidery, porcelain, and government. There is no machinery many different kinds of articles have to bring the committee heads together been ordered., This work is in charge to make a balance between appropria- of S. C. _Wong, chairman, and Miss T. tions and revenues. L. Li, '23M, of the bazaar committee. Auditing has been honest and fairly The exhibitIbn will last three days, efficient,. Prof. Hayden stated, but the beginning September 4. various departments have no uniform The Mid-West section of the Prohi- system of accounting, which gives rise bition League of the Chinese Students to confusion. of America will hold its, annual bust-'1 Bill Pro'vides Budget, ness meetings and election of officers The efforts of the last Congress to for the following year during the con- secure budge reform were discussed. ference. The time of this meeting has The proposed bill provided for a bud- been arranged so that it will have no get of estimated expenses for all de- conflict with the Conferenceactivities. partments except Congress and the su- The League has contributed two silver prem'e court to be submitted by the cups to the Conference for the best two President to Congress each year. Fur- ora'tors, whose orations must be of a ther provision was made for submit- nature concerning the prohibition ting estimates on revenue income from movement. existing laws, or h w much might be KARPINSKI GIVES I ,STATISTICE LIVI1NG IN LECTURE I (Continued from Page 1) mum, an equal annual increment as a recognition of successful teachingdex- perience, and proportionately larger salaries for teaches who have more college or university training than 'others." Prof. Karpinski presented charts prepared from the statistics of the. Bureau of Labor snowing reiative i creases intthe cost of living. Fr 19*00 to 1914 there 'was a steady ri in prices amounting to 50 per cent, compared with a rise of 120 per ce in the last six years. Families with an expense of le than $2,500 annually spend 43p cent for food, 13 per cent for clothir I8 per cent for rent, 6 per cent f fuel and light and the remainder entertainments, doctor bills, and m cellaneous items. L ., ! SEE HOUSEHOLD PACKING :Ce C. E. RHE AD, MGR. PHONE 391-J Moving, Packing & Storage Leading Packers of China, Cut Glass, Plados, and Fine Furniture. Let us unload your goods and settle them. Rates tor Cars Furntshed For Moving Household Goods Remember the Plpone Number 391-J 40c Adults 75e' lOW, DAIRY COMPANY id Calherine Phone 429 BUTTERMILK : CREAMj iR.AUS TO GO TO WISCONSIN_ BEFORE RETURNING FROM TRIP Prof. E. H. Krauv, who will leave Sunday night for a week's visit to Camp Davis and the biological station at Douglas lake, will then go to the University of Wisconsin, from where he will return the evening of Aug. 6. REV. DOUGL S WILL SPEAK ON OUIJA BOARD AT SERVICES "TheOuija Board" will be the sub- ject on w'bich the Rev. Lloyd C. Doug- las will speak at the Union services Sunday ev'ening. The services will be conducted ;t 7:30 o'clock Sunday night on the steps of the University library.: KIMBALL IN CITY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK ON NEWS Kendrick Kimbal, '20, assistant edi- tpr of the Gargoyle and former humor editor o, The Daily, was in the ciy today, previous to his leaving for De- troit, where he will begin rork as a reporter on the Detroit News. expected if revenue laws were ohanged. A idget bureau, headed by the sec- retary of the treasury and a director of the budget, was provided by the bill. It was empowered to recommend revisioh in the amounts and purposes for which estimates were made by the bureaus. It was hoped that the budget bureau would bring about a more in- telligent organization of the various departments and prevent overlapping, duplication and waste. The account- ing departmenV was to be provided with a controller general of auditors, appointed by the President but. subject to removali only by the authority of Congress. For this rea'son President' Wilson vetoed the bill on the grounds of unconstitutionality. At least one reform in this direction was effected by the last Congress, Prof.' Hayden said. A resolution was passed, concentrating the power of appropria- tions in one committee of 35 member,. SUNDAY SERVICES AI First f Baptist Church \ 1uroni St., beloly State JOHN MASON WELLS, MINISTER Morning Service at 10:30 Fourth in Series of Expository Bible Sermons: "The Meaning and the Message of Jonah." 12:00 M.-Guild class for Sum- mer Students conducted by 'Dr. Howard R. Chapman. Qibstions and Free Exchange of, Opinion. ST. ANDREW'S EOISCOPAL CHURCH REV. HENRY TATLOCK, D.D., RECTOR REV. CHARLES T. WEBB, CURATE 7:35 a.m.-Holy Communion. K I [ONS rting SUN DAY, COP :t 9:30 a.m.-Church School. , 10:30 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon by Rev. Webb. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner Huron and Division een 's Most Pop,- I -0 FOR RENT , Acior SAUNDERS', CANOE LIVERY, On tIle, Huron River HALLER & FULLER. I FIRST METHODIST CHURCH COI. SOUTH STATE AND EAST WASHINGTON STS. REV. ARTHUR W. STALKER, D.D., PASTOR 10:30 A. M.-Morning Service. Dr. C. H. Haas, head of the Hospital at Adama, Asia 4 Minor, will speak. ' 12:00 M.-Bible School. Student Class under direction of Dr. Stalker. Study of Amos. 6:30 P. M.-Young Peopla's De- votional Meeting., 7:0 P.Al.--Union Service on the Campus. A ,WELCOME* FOR ALL I LEONARD A. BARRETT MINISTER. /, ,I I ace, a FOR RENT SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY On the Huron River JEWELERS State Street Rev. Lloyd English speaks at Wallick, Pastor of Lutheran Church, 10:30 A. M. i I BE51MER'S GRILL, Charcoal Griled Porterhouse Steaks t yilillli S'lseaker for the Students' Bible 4M1ass at the close of the serv- ice to be announced later. ,C. E. at 6:30 P. M. Ice cream at 6:00. -1 f I. I I 5:30p.m. to8p. m. 113 W. Huron St.-Upstairs / Opp. interurban Station, over Rae Theatre FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH., Cor.. State and Huron Sts. REV. SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Pastor Morning Service 10:30 The Unitarian Liberal Point of View.. l I A discussion .of the relation of religion to denomina- tions and religions;.to be followed, at the close of the Extra Special service, by a question-period open to all. 's / STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME '4 -Just arrived a shipment of Arrow White Pol- Shirts l i . ... ?: .... . II J, ' E -ftr ''..,.' ;,r. / v.& ' r ~ I 6 I Specially Priced .$3.39 2,f for $6.25 /IN snappy farce comedy _ BEYOND THE CURRICULUM To-morrow morning, at ten-thirty, in the Congregational Church, Mr. Douglas, will deliver the fourth address of his series "Beyond.the Curriculum." The topic will be, "What a Child Should be Vaught About the Uses of Adversity." These addresses are intended for persons who are professionally or otherwise ihter- ested in the mental and moral develop- menit of children. fti }1I I 'I I'll i Assisted by LuTz CLOTHING STORE, f 3iE E 1kN I E LS 217 SOUTH MAIN STREET III till tIll 110 liii till iiILl.IIL.kJll...iJIliflIt..i.J1 IlhIIJIt {