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June 24, 1920 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1920-06-24

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"Duke" Dunne has also entered in
this event, and although. he has not
been o~fficially credited with anything
better thtn 150 feet, he tossed the
,javelin 1850 feet in 'the Conference meet
and stepped over the line. As he has
been working out daily in this event,
hie may yet throw the weed t~hat ~far
officially. Dunne has the build of a
javeli thrower, and shows promise of
becoming a wonder.
Landowski, a freshman, will' also
compete in the javelin throw, and he
may be another of Michigan's repre-
sentatives onf the squad.
Baker P~uts Shot
Joe Bake'r, Michigan's prenmier shot-
putter; has been working out for the
Olympic trials, an~d as he has been the
Western Conference champion for
three years, he, will 'force his comn-
petitors 'hard. His main obstacle will
niot be in the West 'fr~om colleges, but
from athletic clubs, and eastern schools.
Ho6wever', his steadyr work will prob-
ably land him'p a berth.
What promises to be the shinn
lgtof the whole Michigan. represen-
tation is fou~nd in the two freshman
sprinters, Hart and Simamons. These
gen 'are almost unbeatable inl their
,events, and Steve Farrel believes; that
with a year of training they will be the
best in~ the country. Az the piesent
time' Simmon~s is capable of doing th~e'
100. every time in :10 1-5, and he can
do better.' Hart is said 'to be even
better, and if he is in the best form,
he will run Scholz of Missouri, and
Hays of Notre D~ame, a close rac~e.
TIo Cboas6 Six Mebn
From the m~ore than 200 entries in
lthe Chi~cago trials, about six men for
each' event will be chosen to compete
t n the fnals at Harvard July 17.. The
trial events iil be run off in the
morn~ing and 'the finals~ in the after-

no.Some of the best material in
the couintry will enter these preli-
inry ,events~, and the meet promises to
be one of the most fiercely fought in
some ~time.
After the finals at Harvard, the
'committee will choose about ten men
for each event, and the squad will sail
for Antwerp about July 20, where the
games will be held in August.

Mtaga~zine Review

Other articles of particular interest
are those by Carl Johnson, "Olympic'
Material,," in which he reviewis in. an
interesting aind readable way the varn-
ous even'ts which will take place at the
Olympic gamnes, the possible mmeiterial
that is. to be fouind at present in the
various colleges anid athletic clubs of
the, cointry, anid America's probable
chances for success in each event.
Coming as the story. does, from one so
prominent in track competition, it has
an authoritative 'note seldom found in
the average college athletic review.
Other articles of particular note are:
"An Alumni Endowmfient: Fund," sug-
gesting a permanent method of "build-
ing up a fund for the sole purpose ofl
unrestricted use by the university au-
thorities, for whatever need seems most
crying; "Wantled: Gymnasium Facili-
Ities," which gives some interestingI
sidelights' on the conditions at otherl
universities and the present inad6-
quacies of ou~r own equipment; "Vaca-
tioning With-, the Faculty.," telling of a,
few of the varied activities at which
some of the more active of the faculty
I will spend their s'ummer' months.

The fiction in this mnber is prob-
ably above the average of the ordinary
university magazine, "Clippings,"' the
winpling, story of the annual Stylus
.shobrt story contest, is ant excellent bit
of writing. and "None So 'Blind," by
Arthur W. Brown, is 'also readable.
"The Greater Giving," a one-act play,
is somiethzing different fromi the ordi-
nary run of undergraduate plays and
displays'considerable talent.
There are a number of other articles'
and fiction representing greater va-
riety than has characterized Chimes so
far this year, and while the illustrating
is somewhat inferior to some of the
previous numbers of Chimes, this final
number of the year is an unusual one."
wA plorsonne vase, which will be pre-
sented, as a memorial of~ Presiden~t
Hutchins' admilnistration and in rec-
ognition of the things he has done for
the Chinese students, has been ordered
by the Chinese Students' club, and it
will be given to the retiring. president.


The June issue of Chimes, along
with other monthly puiblications, has1
just come from the press and the mail-
ing list sent out.
This number is an alumnni numberI
primarily, anid the various articles
have been chosen with an idea of
making 'an appeal to alumni interest.
The frontispiece is one of President
Hutchins, and the opening story is an
appreciation of his work and his vari-
ous achievements.I

ILuck plays a large part in determiln-
ing the plot of "The Luck of the
Irish," which will be shown at the
Arcade for the last time today. If it
had not been for William Grogan's in-
heriting a fortune, which enabled him
to forsake his plumibing work, and if
it had not been for a chance meeting
on a ship, there would have been fewv
eventful things' happen to Grogan.
However, all these things, together
with a great many others, did happen,
and consequently a, clever show is of-
fered. Ann Q. Nilsson, at Ruth War-s
ren, is charming, and" makes a bid for ,
the star rote. Taking the ch~aracter of
William Grogan is James Kirkwood,
the screen 'favorite, who is playing
with Miss Nilsson in this production.
The screen~ show is an adaptation
fprm the book by the same name, which
was written by 14arold IlacGrath, and
which has had a large sale throughout
tho country.

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