iw ~Unlurizw AT Y JR D SLIGHTLY IER TODAY THREE AWEE No. 1t. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1920. PRICE FIVE i (AILMENT Of URIIES URIE 'MISS GRII NIagara falls Thrills Delegation Of 100 University Sightseers COST OF ECT OF TALK LIVING" HER IS RUPULOUS 3H PRICES DEALERS UP*WARD leas of Labor and Life Must be Re- constructed to Conditions, She Declaresv The necessity for individual curtail- ent of luxuries was stressed as a eans of reducing prices of the neces- ties of life, by Miss Helen Grimes, of e Department of Justice, in her ad- -ess on "The High Cost of Living," ven last night in the Natural Science iditorium. "Fair price commissions, organized roughout the country to aid the de- trtment, have done much to bring the -ofiteers, to time. An effort is made get the retailer to be fair, and fail- g in this, the department of' justice eps in. The underlying principle is r the government to act as a pre- ntor of profiteering instead of- a' inisher. Prices -Rise "Prices rise in war time because of, creased demand and lessened pro- uction of necessities. People curtail eir wants and put up with these con- tions during the war, but once it is rer, they fail to realize that it takes a ng time for economic conditions to adjust themselves. "Today the condition is aggravated y unscrupulous dealers who push rlces still higher. We must cease iying luxuries. What is a luxury? hie war tax will soon tell you, but ore generally, a luxury is anything' at you can do without. "Buy things that are good when you buy. Staple goods are more eco- >mical than the extremer styles be- .use the merchant takes a greater sk of the goods failing to meet the >pular demand, and he must conse- uently make a larger margin of 'ofit. Prices of necessities are higher cause the rerchant is forced' to rry a large stack of luxuries. "Competition in dress among school rls gives them a taste for luxury at is no small factor. Let them learn wear staple clothes, and to reduce e amount of candy they eat. Everybody Should 'Work "The tendency is to do just as much :rk and no more. We must recon- ruct our ideas of work in order that (Continued on Page 4) (By Carlton Wells) "Skipper" F. W. Frostic gave the signal to the D. U' R. motorman and the good ship "Niagara" pulled ou from the Ann Arbor station. This was last Friday when a full hundred suro- mer sessioners left for the Niagara Falls excursion trip. Detroit to Buf- falo over the pleasant waters of Lake Erie was accomplished during the night. By noon of Saturday the party was luncheoned, hotelled, and direc- tioned, in Niagara Falls, and equipped with cameras for the-gorge route. Day to See Falls A full day and a little over was then' at the disposal of the excursionists in which to view the Falls, the gorge route, and the chief beauties of the region. The gorge-loop trip Saturday down the Canadian side to Brock's monument and back 'on the American side by way of Lewiston, was the longest and most varied feature of the program. First the panoramic view of the falls from the arch bridge; .he close up en- joyment of the mighty horseshoe falls; the aeroplane-like observation of the heaving rapids from the precipitous. limestone bluffs; the witnessing of the whirlpool from the aerial car running across the gorge on seemingly slender cables; pretty Niagara glen with its delightful honeymon trails; and then the lofty Brock's monument: These were some of the principal sights of the trip- Runs by Rapids Returning on the American side at the foot'of the 200-fpot cliffs, the 'elec- tric ran by the very edge of the rush- ing, seething rapids. Right on up the gorge to the point where the Falls could again be sighted, the rail-trail led until the car crept up the inclined shelf, to the level of the city. That finished the day's official program; the remaining hours were at the disposal of the sightseers. Sunday, despite intermittent rain, the Michiganders took the most thril- ling of all trips, that through the Cave of the Winds. The keenest fun it was, and well shown by the fact that mem- bers, including the fair ones, slipped in for a second passage behind the Falls. Taking off the brownie gar- ments-necessities for the above ex- perience,-the group next boarded the Maid of the Mist for a near glimpse of the cataract from the deck of this remarkably powerful boat. Leave After Dinner Dinner time and the last visit to the Falls-came between the noon..hour and the departure. Goat Island and the wooded, rapids-surrounded Sister Is- lands; and walks to various vantage points for a last glimpse of the "Thun- derer of the Waters," used up all too quickly the short ,afternoon. ' Homeward the party went on the speeding trolley to Buffalo. Boarding the worthy craft scheduled to carry us to the Michigan metropolis, the party got tflieir sea-legs .back again, and prepared for a jolly sail. Led by the ever-optimistic and thoroughly ef- ficient Mr. Frostic, the Michigan folk held an old-fashioned sing and yell fest. Detroit to Ann Arbor, dropping off a delegation of Ypsi lassies who took the trip, completed. what was, to all who enjoyed the good fortune of going, one of the pleasantest week-ends of the summer. HEALTH LABURATURY LEAVESCAMPUS MALL DRAWiNGS COMPLETED'. IN TENINiSTOURNAMENT FOUR PLAYERS RECEIVED BYES FROM FIRST ROUND PLAY JAZ ORCHESTRA To HEAD SUMMER SPOTLIGHT SHO TOM UNDERWOOD WILL LEAD QUARTETTE.-WILL SING POPULAR SONGS PROGRAM TO OPEN WITH ORIGINAL BANJO ACT Mirrellees, Roderick and Jean Wallace to Offer Unusual Musical . Nuybers An all-campus jazz orchestra under the expert directidn of Don Rhodes, '21, is to be the headline act of the Union Summer Spotlight vaudeville, to be, given at 8:15 o'clock Thursday evening in Hill auditorium. The orchestra, composed of two xlyophones, two saxaphones, and two' pianos, promises to be one of the big- gest hits in the way of syncopated music ever heard ?n the campus. Richie and Weatherby, the duet that will manipulate the pianos, are well known on the campus as jazz artists. George Chute, '22E, will open the program with an unusual and original banjo act, in which he will present several popular numbers. Underwood, Jones, Keena and Rigg, who will com- pose the quartette, are well known to the' Univei sity as excellent vocalists. Johes was, a member of the Varsity1 Glee club last year, while both Keena and Underwood had prominent parts in the last Union Opera. A recently added feature to the pro- gram is in the form of a black face dialogue, rendered by two sons bf the sunny south,-Johnson and Barnum. Jean Wallace, '21, the attractive fem- inine star of the senior y audeville given during commencement, will head a special song act, supported by Knight Mirrielees, '20, and George Roderick, '21. Mirrielees, who has been termed Ann Arbor's Al Jolson, and Roderick, who is considered a sec-: ond Berlin, aided materially in making the Union Opera, "George Did It," a success. Another one of the big attractions will be Kemp Keena, '20. He will sing selections from former popular Michi- gan operas. An unusual whistling act, presented by A. E. Coates, '22, is coil- sidered to be one of the most original acts on the program. Coates will give imitations of bird calls and other diffi- cult whistling specialties. Tickets at 50 cents are now on sale at State street book stores. Mr. Earl V. Moore, under whose direction the rehearsals' are being conducted, said last night that this Spotlight vaude- ville will probably be among the best ever held on the campus. FOURTH DIMENSION EXPLAINED BY FORD An explanation of the fourth dimen- sion was given by Prof. W. B. Ford of the mathematics department, yesterday afternoon in a regular' 5 o'clock lec- ture. He showed that such a dimen- sion was highly, probable and explained what could be done, if the people of the world could see in the fourth di. mension. "The trouble is with us and not with the fourth dimension," stated Profes- sor Ford. "We live in a three dinen- sion world, because we have never been used to anything else, and be- cause we have been brought up to in- terpret in three dimensions." -By various analogies he pointed out the extreme possibility of a fourth di- mension, which can not be' seen or handled, but which can be studied mathematically. "We know so little about the present world," he said,' "that it permits the supposition that a fourth dimension world might not con- tradict the present one." President Speaks to Women berry Residence; Hurry Activity Dangerous ARBAUGH SPEAKS THIS AFTERNOON W. B. Arbiugh, secretary of the Wayne county educational system, speaks at 5 o'clock this afternoon on "The Wayne County Experiment." This address is of particular interest to educators, as it deals with the prob- lem of making all the Wayne county schools of equal rating. At 8 o'clock this evening in the Na- tural Science auditorium, Dr. C. G. Parnall, superintendent of the Univer- sity hospital, kwill lecture on "Health Insurance." An elementary, non-technical discus.\ sion of the much talked of Enstein gravitation theory will be given by ?rof. W. F. Colby of the physics de- partment''Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday evening the weekly con- cert of the University School of Music faculty will be given. Tickets for vis- itors' nights at the observatory, which are at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday, Thurs- day, and Friday nights, may be secured at the Summer session office upon presentation of the treasurer's receipt. i C HEARS Dt BURTO in New. and , AUTO MOVES ON TO SUMMER RESORTS STATE JOHNSONI DUNNI WIN PLACES (LMICS 1920 CAPTAIN MUST RIGID PHYSICAL AMINATION INSPECT OF Y GRADUATE DIES vN ARBOR SATURDAY Eugene George Mann. '18, for a quar- r of a century a druggist in Ann rbor, died at his home at 528 South .fth avenue, Saturday night as a re- zlt of a stroke of paralysis. Mr. ann lived in Ann Arbor practically I lis life, having been born here in 65. He was graduated from the local gh schol in 1874 and from the Uni- rsity in 1878, taking the degree of echanical engineer. Private funeral rvices will be held' at the Mann home 3 o'clock today. Thoroughly equipped for all sorts of' testing work, the truck laboratory of the Michigan state- department of health left the campus mall last night for its tour and health inspection of the state resorts. During the day large numbers of students and towns- people inspected the auto lab, and noted the compactness of the equip- ment. No Space Wasted Not one inch of waste space is to be found in the car, although there is ample room for conducting all the necessary work. Safe drinking water, clean milk, safe waste disposal, safe bathing 'beaches, and the cleanest, safest summer playgrounds are the things which the laboratory aims to accomplish. Beginning today, there will be a scout car in connection with the truck, ad its duties will be to escort the larger machine and to visit places, in- accessible to the other. Before leav- ing for Jackson, Washtenaw county will be .thoroughly covered, and sani- tary investigations made of all places, in this vicinity. "Michigan First in Health" is the in- scription, which is to be carried on the side of the truck, and every endeavor is being made to carry this out. Com- plete tests will be made of all water, milk, and sewage near the summer re- sorts with the view of bringing Michi- gan's typhoid rating up to that of other lake states. Hirn in Charge In charge of the truck is Mr. Hirn, sanitary engineer, and assisting him is E. D. Rich, formerly of the University, engineering faculty. Following the visit to the lake re- sorts this summer, the car will be em- ployed in a drive against stream pollu- tion. Short Time Remains Owing to the short time, which re- mains inwhich to conclude the tourna- ment; it will be necessary for all of. the first round matches to be run off this week, and it is thought that a good start in second round play might be made. The list will be left at George Moe's store, where men,. whose phone num- bers have not been given, should leave them in order that their playing part- ners may get into communication with them. The singles drawings ' are: R. B. Dryden, 1612-J, vs. W. E. Harris; F. A. Sargent, 783, vs. Robert Brown; F. M. Greenwood, 341 East Jefferson, vs. A. M. Stull, 1032-M; F. Sanchez, 2280-M, vs. E. E. Custer; Gordon Baten vs. H. E. Workman; A. R. Wood vs. Thomas Underwood, 63; J. C. Stevens vs. R. M. Burley, 1611-M; A. P .Ohlmacher, 856-M, vs. D. J. Gilchrist; T. Beddow vs. J. L. Hess, 783; Carlton Wells vs. Anderson; W. H. Riley vs. R. J. Krieden, 1767; E. C. Bomert vs. V. C. Rumseyer. The following men drew byes into the second round: C. C. Merkel vs. G. C. Clippert; A. S. White, 1128, vs. J. S. Kayser, 1172-R. Donbles Drawings. Tle doubles drawings are: First round, J. L. Hess, 783, and F. A. Sar- gent, 783, vs. F. M. Greenwood and W. E. Harris; in the second round, W. L. Stoddard and R. M. Burley vs. C. B. Dryer and C. C. Merkel; Robert Brown and J. C. Stevens vs. the winner of the first round match; A. S. White and Anderson vs. W. H. Riley, 1460, and P. E. Kraus, 1460; E. E. Custer and A. M. Stull vs. T. Beddow and Carlton Wells. Drawings i'n the tennis tournament pleted, and play is mence immediately. Summer session have been com- expected to com- EDUCATION IS QUEST FOR QUALITY, DECLARES EXECUTIVE "Education is a quest for quality," said President Marion . L. Burton, speaking before a meeting of the Wom- en's Educational club Monday night, at Helen Newberry residence. Quantity and quality, President Burton said, are not mutually exclusive terms. "Quality does not depend on size," he continued. "America must deal with large numbers, it can't escape it, but Americans must try to thrust into life the thing which gives to it quality and worth. There is no vital relationship between quality and quantity. Life1 challenges us to secure quality re- gardless of whether the thing is large or small, and if education is to be real it must not be relhteq to quantity in any sense." Involves Dangers Setting out.to be better inv'olves cer- tain dangers, he said The seeker for quality must be careful to avoid snob- bishness, and he must be extremely cautious that his quest does not rob him of contact with life in its entirety;, President Burton pointed out, for In specialization in a particular field and concentration on one subject, he is apt to lose the symmetry of life. President Burton defined quality as "distinctive excellence." "America as a whole is afflicted with the idea. that it is too busy. In this hurry and in- tense activity is one of the first dan. gers to the quest for quality. Quality comes only as a result of hard work." Can Do Better "The only permanent fact in-'life," said President Burton, "is that some- thing can always be done better than it was before.. Americans are dom- inated by the idea that they are what they are and cannot be any better, but the spark of life is that every one of us can do- something better than it was done\before. People don't step up by accident. Sometimes they fall up, but usually they fall down. The only way to do better is to have a clear intention of doing better." There is no such thing as luck in the world, he said. The world is eager to offer 'its highest tribute to the per- son who actually engages in the quest for quality. The world is crying out for people who shall insist that the things they do are done better than they ever have been before, he said. Befdre he addressed the club, Presi- dent and Mrs. Burtoq were entertained at dinner by Miss Hope Conklin, acting dean of women. BUTLER GETS SIXTH IN 440,""BUT NOT CHOSE Hart, Wolrevine Sprinter, Comes Yard Behind Winner in Fast 100-Yard Dash Heat Both' Carl Johnson and Robert Dui won places on the 1930 Olympic sqi through their work in the recent t outs. The team leaves July 27 Antwerp where the internatio games are to be held this year. Before actually being sure of place, Carl Johnson must pass a p sical examination, but it is expec that he will pull through satisfactor Johnson did not perform up to usual standard Saturday, proba due to his light workouts in the br jump recently. While he kept in tr ing, he did not practice jumping, this, combined with a heavy squall the field, was sufficient to keep 1 from leaping more than 22 feet, w gave him a sixth place* Dunne Pentathon-Entry Dunne will be an entry in the p tathlon, ln which he tried out Jul It was thought that he had been el inated, but °his wonderful showing the 'mile run, after being ruled . won him further consideration. In reconsideration of Dunne and Ca an army man, Joe Baker lot out, though he had finished in a tie fifth position which should have gi him a berth. Despite the fact that he finis sixth in the quarter mile which ou to have won him a place on Olympic team, Captain-elect L Butler was not chosen.' The ieomz ,tee named Driscoll, of the Boston A letic club, in his stead, and gave as reason that Driscoll did not hay chance to run as he was in a box. His good records in the past s that he can do better, said the comi tee. Apparently the Olymio com tee forgot that part of a good runn merits should be the art of avoidin box, and it overlooked Butler's : work. He has finished close bel Emery and Bretnall, two men I were chosen, and in the Indoor C ference meet he defeated Emery. I ler has also outrun Bretnall, doing ' in the Chicago trials. 'Hart Runs In Bad Luck Hart, the flash of a sprinter v represented Michigan in the 100 Harvard, also ran in hard luck. first he was placed in a heat that run in :10 1-5, but Joe Loomis, wl Hart can beat, protested because was in a wide outside lane, and officials changed Hart's heat. In pl of being in a slow race, Hart against Paddock, Hays, and Woodr all three of whom made the team. 1 time of the heat was :10,'the fas of the meet, and Hart, in fourth, only a yard behind the winner. If he had been in the original i he would probably have placed ti at least, and have been eligible for finals, in which base he might 'h been chosen. As it was, Lomis picked for the 400 metre relay te when he did not place among the f tour in the finals. Some exceptional records ".w marked up in the Olympic fnals Harvard Saturday. The best. of day was made by Sol Butler, of buque college, who fiew through air in the broad jump for a distanc 24 feet 8 -inches. This broke American record, and came within inches, of the world's mark. In real games when Johnson is agai, (Continued on Page 4) ' CARD OF THANKS Those who took the Niagara iagara Falls excursion wish to ike this opportunity of thanking lose who were primarily respon- ble for its complete success: Mr nd Mrs. F. W. Frostic, and Prof. D. Scott. I Tickets on Sale HILL AUDITORIUM at Wahr's, Graham's UNION SUMMER SPOTLIGHT VAUDEVILLE Ti kets l I "8:15P. M. us THURSDAY, JULY 22nd 50c,