elr in
Endowments for state universities
were advocated by President Harry B.
Hutchins in, his farewell address be-
,fore the Alumni association meeting
Wednesday morning. The impossi-
bility to secure funds from the state
at times and the necessity to keep up
with- the procession in education,
were given as reasons by President
In line with this principle he pointed
out that since 1910 the University had
been the recipient in cold cash or in
pledges about to be redeemed, of ap-
proximately $3,000,000. Alumni and
wealthy men in the state have been
the donors.
Michigan Alumni Loyal
"Some say that a state; university
can not inspire such love in the hearts
of its alumni as an endowed institu-
tion. This may be true in some insti-
tutions," stated President Hutchins,
"but not in ours. The Michigan uni-
versity alumni is a loyal, well organ-
ized- bunch of men and women, and
with one possible exception it is the
largest body of living alumni of any
American university.
"I do not exaggerate when I say that
there are Michigan alumni in every
civilized country in the world, men and
women who are leaders in the business
and professional life and in the civic
advances of their coun'try. Michigan
has 43,783 living alumni. The Michi-
gan alumni are a tremendous body
which have functioned nobly in' the
past and which will continue to do so
in the future."
Alun f Help University
Illustrating the good which the
alumni have done the University, he
pointed out the increasing ease with
which it has been possible to secure
funds and appropriations from the
legislature, due to the great number
of alumni, whoteither by working i
the legislature itself or by their influ-
ence in the different communities,
show the great things which Michigan
has been doing.
President Hutchins also said that
the many gifts, which had been given
recently, were proof of alumni loyalty.
In closing he thanked the alumni for
their hearty cooperation with him, and
expressed the desire that they exteno
the same to his successor, Dr. Burton.
Business Transacted
The meeting of the Alumni associa-
tion was practically an appreciation
meeting for President Hutchins, al-
though in the early minutes some bus-
iness was transacted. Judge Lane was
the presiding officer, and he intro-
duced Judge Alexis Angell, of Detroit,
and Regent Victor Gore, both of whom
paid high tribute to the retiriig head
of the university,
Thlrt&-two lits Accorded High Dis-
tDietion 48 Awarded Diplomas
'klth DilstInct ion
One of Michigan's largest senior
classes in history, containing in its
ranks 1,017 seniors, was graduated
this morning, and as the members of9
the 1920 class stood at attention with
their new diplomas in their hands,
taps sounded out, announcing the end
of their undergraduate days.'
Shortly afterward reveille sounded,
:roclaiming the beginning of alumni
days for toe recently graduated se-
niors, and as the last note sounded,
the 76th annual Commencement exer-
cises came to an end.
Burton Delivers Address
Dr. Marion, Burton, president-eledt
of the University, delivered the address
of the day, and in concise words told
the seniors what was most needed of
them and the quality which they
needed to make a. success. "Being
Alive" wa: the subject of his talk, and
his message was brought home to all
of ihe audience.
Students' interested in working
on The Wolverine this summer
should come to the offices andI
consult with the managing editor
from 1:30 to 2:30 o'clock Thurs-
day, F riday, and Saturday.
Michigan Chief
Laws;- Speaks of
Legal Pri
opular Place for Old Grads
,her; Registration in
Memorial Hall
E. C
aied to
ent out,
Judge Angell characterized the day
as a "sad pleasure," and expressed re-
gret that Dr. Hutchins felt called upon
to retire when he was apparently in
the best vigor of strong manhood.
Regent Gore, in opening his address,
said that Michigan might well be proud
of her presidents, who have all been
unusually able and devoted men..
Brings igh ideals '
"President Hutchins succeeded one
of the most successful and beloved
university presidents that ever lived,"
,aid he. "To his credit let it be said,
he has kept theistandards of the un-
versity at their highest, with ever
widening efforts and ever increasing
influences. President Hutchins lirought
to this high office not only ripe schol-
arship and lofty ideals, but a great
(Continued on Page 6)
tentiality. A live shel is loaded and
has actual capacity to do its work. A The
live wire is charged with power. It engin
is dynamic. days
Alive Means Energetic laws,
To be alive does not mean restless annua
diffusion of energy. It requires poise visesl
and quietness. At times, however, to Att
be alive N calls for prolonged vital ac- many
eivity. So the man who is alive is paren
eiergetic, alert, keen, arousyd. He tionc
burns with enthusiasm and glo'ws with campi
the white heat of intense, determined Presi
convictions. Like a live axle he im- semblf
parts power to all his connections. In which
fact rich, full life brings the color of
health. It gives quality. He who is Will
actually alive in every atom of his of the
being sparkles with bright, vivid col- an ad
ors. He is simply irresistible, scintil- the cl:
lating, and magnetic. He sustains the Carl r
truth that nothing is so potent as per- team,
sonality. counci
To decide whether a person is alive Russe
or not, it is only necessary to examine castin
his contact points. If they are clean memb
and firm, he will meet the test. Is read t
there evidence that the receiving lines and n
are intact? If so, he is marked by ,a the '20
high grade of receptvity. He accepts At 1
facts as facts. He is not ruled by his neerin
ignorance, prejudice, or superstition, gram
but goes through life with his eyes large
wide open and-actually sees what the speakE
world is trying to say to him in science, progra
in history, in art, and in literature: work:
His mind in a highly proper and sci- to do.
entific sense is a tabula rasa. It does dent's
not attempt to twist the world to meet readt
preconceived notions or special in- at lol
senior clay
eering colleg
Tuesday mor
the other c
l ceremony,
Monday aft~e
ending in ca
hundred Ben
ts who had c
us near the
rlon 'c hn -
o threw him out<
ebach Scores
ut in Midhigan's
enebach singled
cored on a neat
ewell. Langenha
ailed show a t
they scored big
augh Rohwer's l
al by a' foot, the
on second, and
e, he was called
Rohwer on thin
st, Scheidler hit
rer, the
n then Thirteen hundred alum'ni, members
we was of the thirty-two classes which are
acrified, holding reunibns this yfar, have been
heidler on the campus for the last few days.
we, and In various places around the Univer-
unding sity groups of the old grads may be
at first. seen assembled and talking over old
tines together.
The most popular place for gather-
hlf ing is the Union, and almrost every
[, stole corner of the building is being utilized
Texas for reunions. A large number of
n flied classes have met in Alumni Memorial
hall, and some of the Laws came to-
.hing inlgether in the Law building.
in the Badges GIven
it was
on a
safe at
rd ,and
forcing in a run. Lowe made the
out -by fanning" and White sacri-
, Makin, scoring. By knocking a
ty single, Myers scored two more
(Continued on P ge 6)
utler Elected
arry Butler, '21, was elected cap-
of the Michigan track team for
season of 1921 shortly after the
ference meet here in June. For
years Butler has run the quarter
for Michigan, which he does con-
ently in :50. His best time was at
Pennsylvania Relays, when he was
ked in 48 4-5 seconds.
i the Indoor Conference meet But-
took first after a hard race with
ery of Illinois, but in the outdoor
t the Illini man came out ahead,
ler takhig a third after a Cornell
ege man. Besides doing the 440]
running a quarter mile for the
relay team, of 'which he is anchor
, he occasionally runs a 220 in dual
t an irtrscholastic meet at Ann
or, Butler set the Ferry Field rec-
of 50 2-5 seconds. For the last
weeks he has been working out
er Steve Farrell, to get in shape
the Olympic trials at Chicago Sat-
Registration for the alumni is con-
ducted in Memorial hall, where the
returning men and women are given
cards to sign and badges of their re-
spective classes. On a bulletin board
are put the names of the persons who
have registered, and this serves as a
directory, by which the class members
may know which of their number have
Much entertainment is being provid-
ed for the graduates, despite the gen-
eral tendency to permit them to renew
old acquaintances at will. A dance on-
both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock, has been
been put on by the Union. In Hill
auditorium Tuesday night there was
a student entertainment, at which
some of the' best student vaudeville
artists performed.
The Varsity band played several airs
and the Camp Davis men sang a fewv
songs. Singing songs from the opera,
Knight Mirrielees, with "Pinky" Rode-
rick as accompanist, made a big hit.
Tom Hart did some clever impersona-
tions, and "Sandy" Wilson, with Jean
Wallace, put over a fine act. Novelty
jazz played by a nine-piece orchestra,
of which "Sandy" Wilson was con-
ductor, concluded the program.
Association Teets.
The California games were sched-
uled especially for the alumni, and the
Alumni association meeting Wednes-
day morning drew a large number of
men and women. Many fraternities
are holding reunions for their old
Several stunts have been put on by
the different classes. Two Scottish bag
pipers were brought out from Detroit
by the Class of '99, and the Class of
'01 displayed a tank, which proclaimed
a greeting to Dr., Burton and a God-
speed to President Hutchins. The ath-
letic record of this class was recorded
upon the sides of the imitation tank,
whose motto was, "Go Forward."
That direct action in government by
the people-unbridled democracy-is
leading America away from the found-
ation upon which this government was
erected-that of a representative re-
public, was the warning of Dr. Harry
Burns Hutchins, retiring executive of
the University, in his baccalaureate
address to nearly 1,100 graduates Sun-
day night.
A menace in this condition was,
found by Dr. Hutchins, and that it was
not possible to find salvation from the
troubles besetting us-unrest, labor
discontent, bolshevism, anarchy, and
threatened revolt, was his belief. Lack
of respect for constituted authority is
evident in this new democracy, which
lends itself readily to the unscrupulous
and puts up bars which are keeping
the men best qualified as national lead-
ers out of political life, he stated.
Initiative Dangerous
Dr. Hutchins characterized the ini-
tiative, referendum and recall, and the
primaries as dangerous, and he urged
upon his audience that safety lies
mainly in a quick return to govern-
ment by representation, the republic,
which America's founders conceived.-
He declared that there is a common
lack of respect for law, and because of
this such agencies function imperfect;-
ly. "If people generally fail to rever-]
ence the law they have made and sup-
port the instrumentalities for their
enforcement they have created, what
can we expect but the loud and angry
voice of those who would undermine
and destroy," he asked.
7Iaw# Evaded
He referred to corporate control of
the manufacture, distribution and sale
of necessities of life, tax evasion by
fraudulent returns and reduction of
taxable incomes under the federal in-
come tax law, wholesale corrupt prac-.
tice act violations, smuggling, evasion
of the prohibition law; profiteering, no-
torious frauds in connection with war
contracts and among the more com-
mon examples of wilful law evasion.
It was an impressive ceremony to
see the seniors gather in caps and
gowns for the march to Hill audi-
torium for the exercises. Of the 1,017
in the class, 539 received degrees from
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, 161 from the College of Engi-
neering and Architecture, 73 from the
AMedical school, 54 from the Law
school, 18 from the College of Pharm-
acy, 27 from the College of Dental
Surgery, fi( from the Homoeopathic
school, 97 from the Graduate school,
:I from the University lhospital
Nurses' Training course, and seven
fi uin the iHomoeopathic urses' Train-I
ing School. A number of honorary
degrees were conferred.
22 Accorded High Distbiction,
Thirty-two members of the literary
class were grauated with high dis-
tinction, and the names of 48 were
read, who were accorded distinction.
The dean of each college read off the
nam-nes of candidates for degrees from
his college, and as the names were
read, the individual stepped to the
platform for his diploma.
Following the opening music and the
prayer by the Reverend Arthur Doug-
las, Dr. Burton spoke to the class upon
the subject, "Being Alive.",,
He said:
It is usually expected that a com-
Incncement address will aim to be of
service to the graduate as he enters
upon life. Accordingly the message
this morning must not be regarded as
an educational pronouneement by one
who is shortly to assume the presi-
dency of this University. Other occa-
sions will doubtless afford ample op-
portunities for exploiting one's no-
tions about education! Today the em-
phasis is clearly upon the student.
These young men and women are about*
to et out upon the challenging sea of
life and the occasion demands that we
attempt to give them a hint of what
we think we may have learned about
that strange and fascinating venture.
Students Are Alive
There is one phase of it which im-
mediately commends itself tovthe judg-
nient and interest of the typical stu-
dent. He instinctively regards himself
as being thoroughly alive. Ti him the
fact is self-evidencing and axiomatic.
To be a student is to be alive. More-
over he is quite right. The university
man at his best is the living embodi-
ment of our thought today. As baffling
and comprehensive as it may at first
appear, our subject is "Being Aiv."
Precisely what is it to be alive?
Probably there is nothing which all
men covet more. Doubtless there is
nothing which the university man
dreads more than the possibility that
he has started away from life toward
death in its deepest spiritual sense.
When we speak of a person as being
alive we imply that he possesses rich-
ness and fullness of life. It carries the
implication of,reserve power and po-
(Continued on Page 3)
19 Senior's Take
W3iter Portion
Oae of the most interesting tradi-
tions among Michigan women-inter-
esting for obvious reasons-was the
senior girls' breakfast which was held
Monday morning in Helen Newberry
residence. Candles, lemons, and cupid
figure in this tradition.
If a girl is engaged she eats a slice
of lemon from a platter piled high
with bits of that luscious fruit which
is passed to her; if she is to marry
within a year she blows out a lighted
candle which she receives; and if she
is already married she is supposed to
arise and run once around the table.
Nineteen girls ate lemon this year,
and one announced her marriage.
Those who thus acknowledged their
engagement were:* Emily Ruelle, Ger-
trude Cripman,' Dorothea 'Bristol,
Myona Dopp, Anna Mai Crow, Ruth
Diebel, Dorothea Flinterman, Roberta
Dean, Ida Mines, Mart Ware, Hazel
Eichar, NaDean Jones, Geneive W1alsh.
Ann iutchings, Julia Martindale,
Dorothy Cross, Janet Parks, and
Evelyn Scholl. Mrs. Gladys Schultz
Cuthbert announced her marriage.
The program of speeches took the
form of current literature, Anna Mc-
Gurk acting as toastmistress. "Out-
lo'ok" was the toast givep by Mar-
guerite Chapin; "World's Work," by
Mrs. M. L. Burton, and "Review of 'Re-
views," by Dean Myra B. Jordan.
In closing her toast, Mrs. Burton
stated that so long as she and Presi-
dent Burton are at the University of
Michigan there will always be. "open
house" in the old ."President's house"
for Michigan women who may return
for reunion.
Dean Henry 14. Bates, of the Law
school, has been reappointed chairman
of the Michigan Bar association com-
mittee on Legal Education and Admis-
sion to the Bar. This will be the sev-
enth consecutive year that Dean Bates
has held this position.
ence between an engine
nician. "A technician,"
who does his work with
sits back, content to dra
the other hand an engin
is not satisfied with wI
complished, but continu
fields." He urged all I
men to become rea) eng
to be content as technit
Exercises of the ser
were given at 2 o'clock
noon in the law bull
Lambert presided. Foll<
the class, the -vice-pre;
Haworth, delivered an
then the oration was gir
Phillips. Ben Mathews
dictory address.
Joseph B. Moore, chie
Michigan Supreme Cour
address, in which he spc
sibilities of the law an
fore the graduating cla
ing of "The Yellow a
closed the program.
n-eers, a
the futi
Great apprediation
president of the Ur
pressed to' Dr. Harr
the Board of Regen
last meeting of- the
Most. of the time of
given over to discus
executive's great w<
and the Regents in i
tified their regard fo
Dr. Marion Burto
elect, who is to take
when Preskent. Hut
in at the meeting, a
business of the Regi
pressed his views in
mnatters of the Univi
A contract with tl
carrying on problen
search was approve
adjournment of the1
members, with Presi
ram~ u,. t - -+.rl .3
10 men will be
npic 'squad in this
a good chance of
ited States' repre-
kntwerp games in