. .. left little to be desired. He was at the apex of his game and played better, than at any time in the tournament. Simmons, on the other hand, was er- ratic and made many errors. His ser- IN vice was brilliant but he was unable, to control it and he lost many points by driving the ball into the net or out of the court. He played much the same in- in the doubles match.1 "The first two matches were ordi- nary exhibitions, Simmons failing to win more than one game in either set, and falling victim to Wesbrook's net play. The third, however, presented a different picture, as Simmons came, back strong and carried the set twelve games before Westy could win. From start to finish the play' was filled with remarkable volleying and almost irn- possible returns. (fGames Evened all, but from that point Wesbrook flashed at his best, During the fir-t part of the set Wesbrook appeared to be tired and his showing in the last three games was quite a surprise." From Cleveland Wesbrook goes to Buffalo, where he will enter the Great Lakes tournament. The Wolverine net star was offered a trip to the intercol- legiate meet to represent Michigan, but he turned it down, preferring to gain more experience by constant playing. ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF WAR QUITS TO GO INTO BUSINESS Washing June 26.-Benedict Crowell, a nt secretary of war, has resigned, effectively July 1. He plans to enter private business. The resignation has been accepted by Pres- ident Wilson. SCHOOL U MUSIC T FOMSUMMER CHORUS INITIAL 3EETING TO BE O'CLOCK THURSDAY EVENING AT 7 I 1 games at four , Following the custom of past Sum- mer Sessions, a mixed chorus will be organized by the University School of Music to study during the coming week, Sullivan's "The Golden Legend." The initial meeting, at which all pro- spective members are urged to be present, will: be held at 7 o'clock Thursday evening, and at this time the date for future rehearsals, which will be conducted at least o ce a week in the basement of the dongregational church, will be determined. In the near future this chorus will perform with a quartet of soloists at one of the later concerts of the series, which are being given in Hill audi- torium by the School of Music on the Summer School lecture prqgram. Ability to read well and a good voice are the only requirements, no partic- ular preparation or experience in other choruses being necessary. Hicks, '86, Headsx Cinneinati L reformed him; at least this was whit Joan Caretall, the daughter of the boss- politician, told him. At any cate, he changed his ways, and in so doing won the boss's daughter, became the pcplular idol, and took a second term} h. (Alice. As Joan Caretall, who has always liked the wayward Wint, Jane _n yak is very convincing, and she takes the part ably. Supporting Torn Moore is a capable cast, which makes the lAy more realistic. The play, "The Great Accident," recently appeared in The! Saturday Evening Post, and was writ- ten by Ben Ames Williams. AT THE MAJESTIC illiam S. Hart's John Petticoats" will be the feature at the Majestic for the last time this afternoon and even- ing. It is one of Hart's best produc- tions: vehicle of Miss Dalton. Ca wife of an aged husband, wi interest in life is the solving cult chess problems, Dorotk becomes involved in a chai cumstances which make her old friend appear to be imp the murder of her husband. Through the aid of her f old sweetheart, the real mu discovered, but Lady Miria wood, played by Dorothy Dal that her lover loves someone Wolverine Classified Ads aults. Ads should be brough o'clock before day to be run. PHI Dorothy Dalton,. in '"His Wife's Friend," comes to the Majestic Wednesday and Thursday. Several murders, a deep mystery, and a re- FOR RENT SAUNDERS' CANOE L On thejluron River 165 , s 1° _ " / ! ' Swan Laundry Frederick Charles Hicks, '86, and Ph.D., whi has been professor and, dean of the School of Finance at the University of Cincinnati, was recently elected head of that institution, his term of office to begin July 1. For the last few days President-elect Hicks has ben in the city, looking over the University. He has been spending his summer vacation in Michigan. GREECE EXHIBIT OF ART OPENS FRIDAY Beginning Friday and continuing for [two weeks, the Greek government ex- hibition of photographs of modern and ancient Greece will be shown in Alumni Memorial hall -under the aispices of the Ann Arbor Art association. Marie Economidy, a personal repre- sentative of the Greek government, will be in charge of the exhibition, which includes views of ancient ruins and also of modern buildings. Relics from the Parthenon and specimens of embroidery of the Grecian women will also be on displ y. rhe desire of the Grecian gove'rn- ment to spread the knowledge of what Greece Is toddy is responsible for the circulation of this exhibit, which has already been to New York, Baltimore, and Philadelphia.4 Co. Ltd. Sts. OSWAL D KATZ ... HABADASHER ... Oldest Cleaner and Presser in the City PHONE 2383-J 814 S. STATE "LIBERTY TEA SHOP" 620 EAST LIBERTY STREET "HOME-COOKED MEALS" I 3 MEALS.$..........................$ . 20 MEALS.. ............................... 7 SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNEI.................... L. ROSELLE HIGGS, Prop. FREEMAN'S DINING ::ROOM LUNCH AND DINNER (per week) ............$6.5C BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER (per week) . $8.0 803 EAST WASHINGTON STREET (One block north of Hill Auditorium) Calkins*FOUNTAIN PENS It is easy to find one of our stores an Dr of them has a stock of pens from which y Co, surely find one to suit you. 324 SOUTH STATE STREE -E. & S. UNIVERSITY AVENI 711 PACKARD STREET S WA I N CHUBB HOUS 713 E. University Avenue 209 South State dev'elops films OPEN FOR C; SUMMER MAKES' PRINtS "TASTES LIKE HO with care G. S. ,CHUBB, PRC THE ALLY OF EVERY OTHER SPORT- KODAK FOR KODAK AMATEURS THIS STORE IS G. H Cameras, Photographic Helps and Conveniences that make Picture -Making all the Easier,-,Filmn and Paper EVERYTHING'S HERE LYNDON AND COMPANY 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY ft Water only The Screen and do reasonable free of charge I CE ON REQUEST. AT THE ARCADE "Mothers of Men,"' which features Claire Whitney, will be the main at- traction' at the Arcade .for Wednesday and Thursday. In addition there will be a Star comedy, "Caught in the End,". and a Bray pictograph is also scheduled. The last showing of Tom Moore's most recent picture, "The Great Acci- dent," will be given at the Arcade this afternoon and evening. Expelled from college onaccount of drunkenness, and continuing with his wild life for some time after that, Tom Moore as Wint Chase, Jr., finally reforms himself and a wet town as well, when by a .'great accident" he becomes the mayor of Hardiston. His father was hard hit by the prac- tical joke, which defeated him and put into office his son, but his wrath is not of long duration. It was the' pe'- verse nature of Wint's character th't ta E" Leave -Copy at Quarrys and The Delta 11 EU WANTED several Summer WANTED-Is there a young college > help in kitchen man who has at least some knowl- for board. The edge of women's apparel, and who wants a chance to learn the business _ __as it is handled in a large depart- lyerine gets re- ment store? We want such a main 'ertion if less than for assistant in merchandising wo- r word per -issue men's apparel, and we want a chap whq is in earnest. He must be will- ing to4 work hard-to stick at least for fraternity three years-to do all kinds of work all 1328. --whatever there is to do. It is really a wonderful opportunity for T a man who has tact, good taste and ability. We would be glad to take d case containing applications from other than college et and cards of men. Address Wolverine, Box No. lease call Telfer, AB. FOR RENT SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY, On the Huron River t4 ( e"E 1V_ ERlCREAM Y' 'ine find it. r records; one I and one from nia, on Campus Oilding. Return FOR RENT FOR RENT-IRooms for students; 2%/2 blocks east of campus; good quiet house. 1349 Wilmot. Phone 2384-J. FOR RENT - Garage for summer months. Located 624 Church street, near S. University ave. Five dollars per month. Phone 1523. Such a difference in Sodas and Sundaes-and VELVET BRAND ICE CREAM IS ONE REASON. The Detroit Creamery has established a permanent Branch in Ann Arbor to supply the demand.