:, (Continued from Page 1) given more inspiration than any he had ever before attended. He further stated that the depart- ment of education has come into its own as a strong department of the University. It has built up a strong7 faculty and is 'now able to meet thea demands made upon it. He also re- marked that the, Education club has been a strong feature in the Summer, school work. The Summler school here is starting on a new era, he con- cluded. For the women here for the sum- men, Miss E~dith Seekell of the Kalam- azoo State Normal, stated that she had found the students here with serious mind for' business and the workers have all been enthusiastic. She believ- es that more teachers should take ad- vantage of the oppertunities offered here for summer work. "I was told all the'summer schools from Maine westward were a joke," she said, "but I have found the state- ment entirely erroneous in regard to the University of Michigan." , Notes Progress Miss Sussana A. Clough, - of the Northwestern high school of Detroit, stated that although she hated to see' the old library go, she had enjoyed the facilities offered by the new build- ing to a great degree. She was also pleased to note the progress obtained in building women's ,dormitories. She hopes that the women's Educational club wil be more active in the future as she thinks it has an important field. The women in the Summer ses- sion should make more of the advant- ages offered by Newberry hall, the Y. W. C. A. building, she concluded. NATIONAL SUMMER INSTITUTE OF COSMOPOLITAN CLUB HELD The first national summer institute of Cosmopolitan clubs was held herq during the recent Cosmopolitan week end. There were four delegates from other schools, one, 'Miss E. Romero, being from the ,University of Califor- nia, ahd the other three, F. Romalis, M. Shaviro, and E. Kemp, represnting the University of Chicago.. The insti- tute was held in connection with the Cosmopolitan program. It is hoped that this convention may be a start to bigger and more important meet- ings in the future. DEQAN KRAUS WILL ADDRESS EMBALMING STUDENTS TONIGHT Dean E. H. Kraus of the Summer session will address the students in embalming this evening at the Un- ion. Fnr TAYT nr BAGGAGE ball 230.- ! 1 1L.a VW .W..L..7V F' a~1, l' 1 j FRESHMEN ADVISOR SYSTEM could be avoided easily. BEING PLANNED ly UNION The duties of the upperclassmen will be to keep their men from becom- (Continued from Page 1) ing lost and isolated, and to get them During the average man's first year, interested in the University's work. it has often been found that he be- In this way it is thought that a great- comes lost in the large crowd of er class and University spirit will be freshmen, does not make friends, and developed, through the insistence of is bewildered by the many activities.j the advisors that the men take part in Not knowing the traditions, the fresh- all the activities of their classes and man often makes mistakes, which of the University. For.TAXI or BAGGAGE call 23.-- For TAXI or BAGGAGE call 230.- Adv. Adv. ttllttliilllt111i l ltil illl tl tlf tltli111[1 111I 111ttil lltlitiltlttt#ILI I1tlIII Illtlltlltttl, The WOLVERINE advertising has been very E satisfactory and we wish to thank them for the many customers brought into our store this summer. We hope to see you again. Trade lvhere PRICES ARE RIGHT - - - SERVICE IS PROMPT STATE STREET ,HARDWAR E PH ONE 1610 THE ALLY OF EVERY OTHER SOORTa FOR KODAK AMATEURS THIS STORE IS G. H.Q. Cameras, Photographic Helps and Conveniences that make Pictur~e Making all the Easier,-Film , and Paper' EVERYTHING'S HERE LYNDON AND COMPANY 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY Exams Study Tired and Hot Light Lunch Cool 'Drink Refreshed a Qduality and Service t 709 N. Unibersity Abe. 4- - e n Plan of Musical Mer- chand ising1-- A" TODAY ONLY-RETURN . MACK SENNET'] BIG FIVE-REEL COMEDY SENSATI "Down On The Far Featuring Louise Fazenda, Bert Roach, Marie Pr Tupin ande John Henry, Jr. It's a roit ance give of a and you vacation in an h and furious fun -Get back to nature! Christy C "Oh, Doctor, Fora W TOMORROW and THUR NOR-MA TALMI - in - "'Captiv'ating Mary C I I N- A rainstorm oftentimes plays queer pranks. In this f ture the deluge of rain causes the star to seek shelter in a serted house. Varney, the hero, has also been driven there, in -this way they first meet. But she mistakes him for so one else and things become pretty complicated for a time. FORRENT SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY, On the Huron River - TYPE WRITERS Bought, Sold, Rented and Exchanged HAMILTONEBUSINESS COLLEGE State and Wiliams Sts. NORTHWESTERN UNITERSITY School of Commerce A University Professional School Graduate Divsion-One year graduate work, leading to de-. gree, Master in Business Ad- ministration. Open to students having a professional or bach- elor's degree, from an institu- tion of approved standing. Bul- letin No. 51. Undergraduate Division-Two- year course, leadng to degree, Bachelor of Science in Com- merce. Open to students with two years of credit from a col- lege of approved standing. Op- portunity to specialize in Ac- counting, Banking, Finance, Sales Management, Advertising, Factory Management, Foreign Trade, Employment Manage- ment, and allied subjects. Prac- tical work in a great commercial center. Fall semester opens September 20. Bulletin No. 1. Address inquiries to NORTWESTERN UNIVERSITY School (df Commerce 33 West Lake St. Chicago, Ill. For TAXI or BAGGAGE call 230.- THIS IS A RE-ISSUED TRIANGLE P TURE AND WAS ONE OF MISS TAL ADGE'S FIRST STARRING PHOTOPLA' IT STARTED HER ON THE ROAD TO FA\ SEE IT AND COMPARE IT WITH HER LA ER -PICTURES :: :I STAR COMEDY, "KIDDING THE LANDLORD" BRAY PIC TOGRAPH 116 S. MAIN ST. Steinway and other famous pianos: Pianola Player-Pianos Duo-Art Reproducing Pianos Victrolas, Records, Sheet Music Small Musical Instruments, Player Rolls, Cabinets, Etc. The immense volume of our business and the extent of our organization (26 stores) are a means of lowest prices-an assurance of saving for every buyer. Through our experience of over 40 years in the music business, we know beyond all doubt, those instruments which will most please the music-lover. The manufacturers of the best makes of mus- ical merchandise are only to glad to have us represent them and their products tare to be found in our stock. Our aim-satisfied customers-has al- ways been our guiding principle in every- thing from the selection of our merchandise to its sale and the satisfaction it renders in' your home. No matter what your musical needs may be-you'll find greatest assort- ment; highest quality; consistently low prices; courteous service-at the House of Crinnell! Grizjellff gGs "Everything.in the Realm of Music" 116 S. MAIN ST. FRIDAY-SATURDAY ALICE JOYCE in "THE PREY" A Tale of Society, Politics, Finance and Love STAR COMEDY, "CUTTING OUT HIS VACA TION"-INTERNA TIONA L NEWS OTHER BIG FEATURES COMING TC ARCADE IN NEAR FUTURE WATCH FOR THEM VOILA DANA IN "A CHORUS GIRL'S ROMANC MADGE KENNEDY IN "HELP YOURSEL OLIVE THOMAS IN "DARLING MINI UrnP DOUGLAS FAIRBAP "THE M( IPd'