r I WHAT'S, GOING ON Bathing S Si t s Have You Called Yet For Your Copy of the ov e B lues" We know that you have heard this new song hit, for all AnnArbor is b e g in n ing t o hum it. It's the"bluest of the blues." WE ALSO HAVE IN STOCK THE SONGS WHICH YOU WILL HEAR TONIGHT AT The Spotlight Vaudeville B 1 u e s My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me Wishing That Dreams Will Come True Bring Back Those Wonderful Days The Magic of Your Eyes Mammy o' Mine Oh! Lawdy Tell Me Ang'ut 7 5 p. m.-Where Are We Coming Out in Vocational Education? Prof. G. E. Myer. 8 p. m.-Educational motion pictures. 8 p. m.-Joyshow, under the Auspices of the Michigan Union. Admission will be charged. (Hill auditorium.) Augus 8 5 p. m.-Glimpses in the Production of Munitions (Illustrated), Prof. A. E. White. 8 p. m.-Books and ManusCripts of the Fifteenth Century (Illust'rated), Li- brarian W. W. Bishop. August 11 5 p. m.-French Letters and the War, Prof. A. G. Canfield. August 12 5 p. m.-The Duties of Sappers in War, Prof. A. H. Lovell. 8 p. m. - British National politics, Prof. J. R. Hayden. August 13 8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni- versity School of Music (Hill audi- 5 p. m.-The Political Situation in Korea (Illustrated), Dr. W. C. Rufus. Rufus. August 14 5 p. m.-North Africa under Roman Rule (Illustrated), Prof. J. G. Win- ter. 8 p. m.-Miscellaneous readings. The class in interpretative reading (Uni-] versity hall). August 15 5 p. m.-The All Year School, Mr. Paul C. Stetson, superintendent of schools, Muskegon, Mich. - 8 p. m.-How Fishes See, Hear, and Learn (Illustrated), Prof. J. E. Reighard. August 18 August 18 8 p. m.-Recital. The class in Shake- spearean reading (University hall). Rock River Valley Club Annual Picnic Beloit, Wis., Aug. 6.-The fourtenth anual picnic of the Rock River Val- ley association was held today at Ho No Ne Gah park. Thomas A. Gill of Rockford was speaker. Read The Wolverine for Campus news. Use The Wolverine for results. GEO. J. MOE, "Sport Shop" WE HAVE THE TWO PIECE KIND WITH THE WHITE BELT Summer Session. 1919 GRUEN WATCHES SILVERWARE CUT GLASS LEATHER GOODS ALARM CLOCS FOUNTAIN PENS FINE JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING HALLER ft FVLLE R STATE STREET JEWELERS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN t-ntverst ftiustc douse More than 300 courses conducted by a staff of 250 members of the regular faculties of the University. All University facilities, available Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering and Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, Library Methods, Biological Station, Embalming and Sani- tarygScience, Public Health Nursing, June 30- August 22'; Medicine and Surgery, June 30-August 8; Law, June 23-July 26 and July 28-August 30. The work is equivalent in method, character and credit value to that of the academic session, and may be counted toward degrees. All classes of students, and especially those who desire to shorten their period of residence at the University, or whose work was interrupted or interfered with by the war, or, associated activities, will find many courses well adapted to their needs. Certificates of credit and attend- ance issued. Many special lectures, recitals, concerts and excursions. Cosmopolitan student body. Delightful location. 1I 4 READY FOR REVIEW ACIFIC FLOTILLA TODAY geles, Cat', Aug. 6.-Secretary eft today for San Diego to e Pacific fleet tomorrow. The Is accompanied by Mrs. igo Cal., Aug. 6.-The Pacific fleet, under command of Admiral Hugh Rodman, is being assembled today at a rendezvous off the Mexican coast, 17 miles south of here. At 8 o'clock anore than 20 vessels had anchored. CLUB OF DRASTIC LAWS HELD OVER WISCONSIN PROFITEERS Madison, Wis., Aug. 6.-Governor. Philipp issued a proclamation today asking dealers in necessities of life to desist from charging abnormal prices. He says that if "profiteering is per- sisted in the people will in self-defense protect themselves by drastic legisla- tion." For further information, address T. E. RANKIN Box 20 Ann Arbor, Michigan Read news. The Wolverine for Campus GHT O'CLOCK TONIGHT HILL AUDITORIUM I /' Su ER SPOTLIGHT ANOTHER UNION SUCCESS! A MINSTREL AND VAUDEVILLE EXTRAVAGANZA PRODUCED BY E. M. SHUTER OF "COME ON DAD" FAME n TICKETS 50c AT BOX OFFICE AND STATE STREET BOOK STORES O'CLOCK TO IGHT HILL AUDITORIUM