LX. 1 1V ..r..... .. 1 a A 1E I Notable Reductions On Summer Apparel ENID BENNETT Friday and Saturday, we will offer phenomenal values in wo- men's voile, gingham, organdie, and linen dresses; white tub skirts, Georgette blouses, silk suits and coats. This is an unusual opportunity for the woman who wants to supplement her vacation wardrobe at but little expenditure. The following reductions will prevail: I "HAROLD, THE LAST OF THE SAXONS" $8.50 Georgette Blouses ... .....'..$5.95 STomorrow and Saturday THE SECRET GARDEN OUTING-CHESTER I Sunday---3 Days Margueret Clark in "Let's Elope" $3.95 to $10 tub skirts at...... Half Price $35 to $77.50 silk suits........Half Price $27.50 to $62.50 silk coats at... Half Price $10 to $25 tub frocks at....... .Half Price ALL LOW FOOTWEAR At 25 Percent DISCOUNT Our entire stock of low shoes, including a splendid as- sortment of white oxfords and pumps in Nubuck, kid, and Reignskin, and the darker low shoes, will go on sale at this substantial discount. Every size is represented, but not every size in every style, so consequently an early visit to this sale is suggested. (First Floor) I MAJES TIC MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Shows Sunda Aug 6-7-Enid Bennett in "Happy Though Married." "Harold,the'.Last of the Saxons." Bray Pictograph. Aug 8-9-Lila Lee in "The Secret Gar- den." Outing-Chester-Ford Weekly. t WUERTH THEATRE. 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Thurs-Fri-7-8--"WHAT EVERY WO- MAN WANTS," STARRING. GRACE DARMOND. Also a two-reel L-Ko Comedy, "A Pair of Deuces." Sat-9-Bessie Barriscale in "Tangled" Threads" with a News and Comedy. Sun-Mon-10-11-KITTY GORDON' in "PLAYTHINGS OF PASSION" AND A SUNSHINE COMEDY, "LADY BELL HOP'S SECRET." Tues-Wed-12-13-Harry Carey in "A Fight for Love" with a Lloyd Comedy and Kinogram Weekly. Thurs-Fri-14- 15-"Ruling Passions," a six-reel special with an L-ko Comedy, "Two Gun Trixie." .s ... ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Thurs-Fri--7-8-"Red Blood and Yellow" (special)r with ;a News and Comedy. Sat-9-Henry B. Wathal in "Humdrum Brown" with a News and 'Comedy.' Sun-Mon-1-I 1-Montagu Love in "The Quickening Flame" with a Mutt & Jeff r Cartoon Comedy and Ford Weekly. 1 Tues-Wed-12-13 -Corrine Griffith in "The Girl at Bay" with "THE SILENT MYSTERY" NO. 13. Thurs- Fri -14-15- House Peters in "Thunderbolts of Fate" with a News )and Comedy. Sat-16---Pauline Frederick in Out of the Shadows" (Ret.) with a Scenic and Comedy. - Coming - , "Three Green Eyes" Foch Invited to Visit U. S., Bepont Paris, Aug. 6 (Havas).-Marshal Foch, commander-in-chief of the Al- lied armies during the war, is report- ed by the )leho de Paris to have been invited by the United States govern- ment, as well as by several organi- zations In this country, to visit Amer- ica. AT THE THEATERS ARCADE TODAY AND TOMORROW ALICE JOYCE -In - AT THE ARCADE "The Spark Devine" ', V , 4 "The Spark Divine," featuring Alice Joyce, which, will be presented at the Arcade today and tomorrow is said to be a worthy successor to her last previous tiiumph, "The Third De- gree." It is a different kind of a role that she has here. She is not 'the warm-hearted Annie Sands of "The Third Degree" who sacrificed her good name and left no stone unturned to free her husband from a murder charge. As Marcia Ardale she be- comes embittered against the world because her socially ambitious par- ents have crushed her spirit ever since she was a child. A day comes when she meets a certain man who holds the impression that beneath her cold exterior her heart is warm and responsive. And though she marries him for convenience he resolves to awaken her inward beauty. How he accomplishes his purpose is dramatic- ally told in a series of absorbing situ- ations. ENGLAND TO WAGE WAR ON FOOD PROFITEERS, DECLARES GEDDES London, Aug. 6.-Great Britain pro- poses establishing a central authority ,to deal with profiteering, it was an- nounced by Sir Auckland Geddes, min- ister of reconstruction at the resump- tion today of the hearings as a select committee to inquire into the high cost of living and profiteering: The, tribunals which it is proposed to set up, Sir Auckland continued, would be empowered to inflict penalties up to $1,000 or six months' imprisonment. Methodists To Give . Social Friday A "Last Chance" social will be giv- en by the Wesleyan guild of the Meth- odist church at 8 o'clock Friday even- ing, Aug. 8. This is the third and last of a series of socials given by the Methodist young people during the summer.% A'RC ADEI NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSII Theatr Shows at 3:00; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: re, 296-M Mgr's Res., 2316-M df o LAW SCHOOL 9.. ALIC N~TYCf v ITAG1 -Fi /i M Hhu-Fri--7-8-Alice Joyce in "The Spark Divine;" Judge Rummey Cartoon, "Hash and Hypnotism" and Ford Weekly. Sat-9-Emmy Wehlen in "Fools and Their Money" and Big-YV Comedy, "Healthy and Happy." Sun-Mon-10-=11-Alice Brady in "Marie, Ltd.;" Christie Comedy, "Stop-Look- Listen," and Fletcher's Jazz Monologue. Women Like Mental Gymnastics Mental gymnastics are the only kind which appeal to women in Summer school if one may draw conclusions from the size of the gymnasium class-- es. Gymnasium is entirely voluntary during the Summer term and the wom- en of the University prefer trigonom- etry to tennis, and sociology to swim- ming. Classes are becoming still smaller as examinations approach. Consul General Chamberlain Resigns Washington, Aug. 6. - Announcing the resignation of Consul General Chamberlain at Mexico City the state department said Mr. Chamberlain wanted to pursue his literary work. Founded 1859 JOHN H. WIGMORE, Dean ANNOUNCEMENT Increase in Requirements for Admisson and Graduati o Admission: After Septenber 1st, 1919, applicants for adm d the first year class will be required to submit proof of the sat h completion of three years of college study. College credit for a navy service given by the college from which the student coi% be accepted. Graduation: Students entering the Law School with a ba i degree representing a four-year course in an approved colleg, complete the course in three years. For all others, four ye resident study is required. Fall term begins September 29. Descriptive circular mal request. She was a poor rich girl and never knew what it was to be loved. Nat- urally when she blossomed into wo- manhood her spirit was crushed and she looked upon the world with a cold indifference. She told him: "I want to go into this thing with a clear con- science. As you are willi'mg to pay the price I'm prepared to take your name, run your house and look after you." What awakened her? SECRETARY OF THE LAW SCHOOL 309 Northwestern University Building and Dearborn Sts. CHICA Cor. Lakeu OFFICIAL PRINTERS ADULTS 25c CMlLDREN 14c SATURDAY-EMMY WEHLEN "FOOLS AND THEIR MONEY." in to the Read The Wolverine for Campus news. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . Patronize our advertisers. and by authority Mid=Summer Sale All Light Three-piece Suits LOST LOST-A box containing themes, .the- ses, etc. Please return to Dorothea Comfort, Newberry Residence. LOST-A Delta Upsilon fraternity pin. Please return to Wolverine office or call 33. Reward. WANTED WANTED-Apartment or upper floor for all year, by two graduate wo- men students. Refined neighbor- hood. Call 251. WANTED-Good second hand banjor- ine with 4 strings. Call 1387. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOJTU - You can reach everyone through the Wolverine. 140ff OF ITS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS RUNNING DAY AND NIGHT PRESS BUILDING, MAYNARD ST. OUR WORK IS LIKE OUR PHONE N.- F. ALLEN CO, The House of Kuppenhelmer in Ann Arbor FOR SALE dotorcycle in flli F_'R. NO.1