More than 300 courses conducted by a staff
of the regular faculties of the University.
facilities available
of 250 members
All University
Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering and
Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, Library
Methods, Biological Station, Embalming and Sani-
tary Science, Public Health Nursing, June 30-
August 22; Medicine and Surgery, June 30-August
8; Law, June 23-July 26 and July 28-August 30.
The work is equivalent in method, character and credit value to that
of the academic session, and may be counted toward' degrees. All
classes of students, and especially those who desire to shorten their
period of residence at the University, or whose work was interrupted
or interfered with by the war, or associated activities, will find many
courses well adapted to their needs. Certificates of credit and attend-
ance issued. Many special lectures, recitals, concerts and excursions.
Cosmopolitan student body. Delightful location.
For further information, address
Box 20
Ann Arbor, Michigan
to the
and by authority
(Continued from Page One)
worth the school has done work which
has gained considerable nation-wide
notice in its field.
Two year ago there was establish-
ed a school f commerce and finance.
A somewhat extensive curriculum is
offered, aiming to train young men
and women to enter the profession o
business under favorable conditions,
or to come on to the University for
further and more special training
along the same lines. This depart-
ment, like similar departments in col
leges and universities over the coun-
try, is popular and growing rapidly
Library Training
Last year, by a special arrange-
ment with the library commission the
schol began the development of a
department of library 'training. Aca-
demic work of a varied nature is of-
fered under the auspices of the Junior
College, and students are given part-
time employment in the city library
system. This department, which has
been considerably interfered with dur-
ing the war, shows signs of a rapid
and worth-while growth in the near
Realizing the inadequacy of the
education of nurses in our great hos-
pitals, Pres. Jesse B. Davis, of the
Junior College, last year worked out
a plan of academic work for nurses
in training. This plan was adopted
by two of our three major hospitals
and has proved so successful that it
will be greatly extended for the en-
suing year. It is hoped to bring all
of the hospitals of the city into the
one scheme, and if this can be done
there will be in the neighborhood of
200 undergraduate nurses carrying
work in the Junior College this fall.
The past year there have been about
60 so enrolled. Courses were offered
in chemistry, bacteriology, hygiene,
psychology, English literature and
public speaking. The writer feels that
there is no part of the work of the
Junior College which is of more im-
mediate importance than this.
Evening Classes
The most important Junior College
development projected for the com-
ing year is the establishment of a full
curriculum of work in evening classes,
duplicating in every way that given
during the day. The board of educa-
tion feels that no one with intelligence
and ambition should be kept from ob-
taining the very best that can be had
in higher education. Every facility
will be offered to men and women of
initiative to complete at least a part
of the4r college course in the evening.
Supper will be served at the school,
and the library and study rooms will
be open until late in the evening. The
Junior College is located close to the
center of the city, so that it will be
quite practicable for one who wishes
to do so, to come straight from work
and spend the evening in study and
discussions under the best possible
Space forbids my continuing longer.
But I hope that I may have convinced
the reader of this short article that
the Junior College may be made an
integral and important part of the
life of his community-leading it up-
ward to better and higher things,
through the presence within it of a
continually more enlightened and in-
telligent citizenship.;
The New Season's frMost
Authentic Nodes
are here in scores of distinctive suits, dresses, wraps, blouses, and
IIE SUITS are of Crystal cloth, tric tiiie, velours, and serge
in navy and the fur shades.' Suits coats are noticeably longer, while
nearly every style displays a narrow belt of some sort. Fur collars
enhance the beauty of not a few suits.
TIHE DRESSES show a decided preference for the overskirt,
and also favor the new bloused waist. Elabo-ate braiding is a con-
spicHous style feature, whicb vests and collars of tricolette are de-
cidedly in vogue. IMvaterials are tricotine, serge, jersey, satin, and
taffeta, with navy and taure shades leading.
TH WRAPS of wonderfully soft and luxurious materials
are loose comfortable coat affairs, affording a wealth of smart style.
BI,()USES are of Georgette in the leading suit shades as well
as in white and lesh tints.
MI LLINEFRY MIODES reveal interesting style tendencies in
the way of shapes, combinations of materials (such as Duvetyne
and velvet) and color-in fact they are altogether charming and
distinctly up to the minute.
(Second Floor)
I '
Try Our
Chocolate Ice Cream Soda
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tiing. It was made just prior to
"Shadows of Suspicion," which picture
was not yet quite completed when the
star died and a "double" had to be
used in the final scenes, as perhaps
some of the Arcade patrons noticed
when they saw the production.
(Continued from Page One)
inary drill. The entire coaching staff
will be on hand for the opening day's
work, and with more than 20 "M"
,men in the squad the fall training is
expected to go with a rush this year.
This will be Coach Lundgren's first
attempt at coaching football. Lund-
gren played four years in the Illini
backfield while attending the Univer-
sity of Illinois, in addition to playing
baseball. He is attending the school
for coaches at the University of Illi-
nois this summer.
The signing of Lundgren as Yost's
assistaint .is in line with the athletic
policy at Michigan. Part time coaches
are being gradually done away with,
their places being taken by men who
can handle more than one sport so
that they can remain in Ann Arbor the
year round.
This arrongement is not only more
satisfactory to the men, but it re-
suIts in a great saving of time and
money to the Athletic association.
Harry Tuthill will not train the
football men this fall. His successor
has not been named, but Dr. George
A. May is regarded as his likely suc-
cessor as a result of the fine work
done by the latter last fall, when, with
Tuthill away in service, he took charge
of the football training.
Tuthill's work on Ferry field has
been of the best, but the fact that he
was not available during the entire
year was one of the factors that re-
sulted in his departure. Tuthill will
train the West Point eleven this fall,
going back to the team he left when
he came to Michigan.
Floyd A. Rowe, '08, will not return
to the University this fall. Rowe was
Director of Intramural Athletics until
he left to enter service. He will go
into national play ground work.
Rowe's successor has not been nam-
ed, but it is rumored that Elmer
Mitchell, Varsity basketball coach,
will be offered the interclass director-
ship. Mitchell's work in basketball,
baseball and football has given him a
splendid preparation for this work.
The Intramural ,department will be
given especial prominence this year
as a result of the great demand for
mass athletics.
Get your news first hand. Subseribe
for The Wolverine.
Patronize our advertisers.
Others Like Them
709 N. University
double star program -with
Chaplin in "Sunnyside" and
Mason in "The Winning Girl"
shown for the last time to-
n the Majestic theater. The
ogram arranged for Sunday,
and Tuesdty brings to Ann
ne of the most stirring drama-
ductions on the screen this
and marks the first post-bel-
pearance of Robert Warwick,
major, who recently returned
creen after nearly two years
ce in France. The production
"Secret Service."
Supporting Major Warwick is one
of the strongest supporting casts ever
assembled for a screen production.
Included therein are, Theodore Rob-
erts, Wanda Hawley, Raymond Hat-
ton, Irving Cummings, Guy Oliver,
Lillian Leighton, Edyth Chapman -and
Norman Selby, formerly known as
"Kid" McCoy, the noted pugilist. The
production was staged under the
direction of Hugh Ford and the
scenes are laid in Richmond, Va.,
during the time when the capitol of
the Confederacy was seriously threat-
ened by the Federal army. The story
has to do with the two Drumont
brothers, members of the United
States Secret Service, who have been
detailed to secure control of the
Richmond telegranh office. By send-.
Ling a false message to the general
commanding the Confederate forces,
ordering him to withdraw his forces
from a certain point, the Union army
is to capture thencity. A beautiful
romance is woven into the theme,
presenting on a whole, a fast moving
story with plenty of human interst.!
The management has arranged an
"Old Soldiers' Night" for Monday and
ingvites all the civil war veterans in
Ann Arbor and their families to at-
tend as the guests of the theater.
For today only the Arcade has se-
cured a return date on "The Proba-
tion Wife," claimed by many to be
Norma Talmadge's most successful
picture to date. It tells the story of
a girl who, after having spent most
of her life in a fast cafe and two years
in a reformatory, offers herself to a
wealthy New Yorker in exchange for
clothes and the luxuries of life. Much
to her surprise, he marries her. She
calls herself his probation wife. The
term of probation does not last long
when love enters their life.
Tomorrow . and Monday, Harold
Lockwood will be shown in the only
one of his" pictures which has never
been shown in Ann Arbor. It has
been saved by the Metro conipany as
the last of his releases, because they
feel that it is one of his finest pictures
and the Arcade is glad to present it as
a tribute to a fine and manly char-
acter, the man of honor, who helped
to .pmake the screen a finer, better
i '
tuet Director
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