0 :j .. . ... . ...... _ _ ....,...: _.. . _ .... ... .:... ,,,, ,.,., _... ,; _ . ., . i,,,. ,....:.., finding a place that counted per cent of the drafted men. Chance for Every Man for 98 I ALUMNI ontinued fron Page One) nust make itself responsible for ach and every student, his bod- lition, for example, just as di- as his mental. It is a signifi- ct for those of us who are in- . in the welfare of college boys 1s, that the United States gov- t deliberately built up what was tents and purposes an under- e college life for the young the army, with athletics, draamatics, singing and all the 'he hardened old army officers d this as civilian foolishness, y came to see that the pro- as a vital fadtor in building up body of fighting men as they rer seen. And this is only an- ay of saying that if you want the human machine for any , you must concern yourself e whole of it. Human nature t come in air-tight compart- e of the lessons which the army rned are more significant than vhiah have to do with mobili- and classification. The record ?rovost Marshal General of the tee on Classification and Per- in co-operation with the Come on Education, furnishes the cord of large scale human en- ig in the new science of per- of which we have any record, n this country, or, I think, else- University In Army aiversity like this is an army. .ited States found it was ab- - necessary in view of the time to find out everything it could very man in the army. What led physically to increase his y; what he needed to keep4him ed and out of mischief; what ild have in the way of training on what he had already had- e him of the greatest useful- hether he had the will to win, ot, whether anything could be get it into him. In a word, ited States wanted to know ch man's possibilities were. officer material or non-com 1? Should he go into the line one of the special corps-or to or battalion? As a result of >gram, the army succeeded in "I realize that a university can't do- all these things with its army in just the way the government can. It really can't transfer a man from en- gineering to scnooi superintendence, nor a girl from philosophy to cookery, no matter how desirable such a trans- .fer might be for the individual and the community. But it can do a great deal more than it does do in finding out about all its members, informing them of their strength and weakness; in seeing that every student gets a chance to enjoy in so far as possible the high privileges of youth, and to get a helping hand over the bumps in the road. Every student ought to leave with some definite aim in life, and if possible an aim high enough to be called an ideal that is worth working for. The university is 'not doing its full duty if its athletics and social life are limited to those who need these the least; if its alumni are regarded merely as fillers of the grand stands or possible sources of pecuniary sup- port. The alumni are the best possi- ble sources of keeping the faculty in- formed as to what the world really wants in the way of trained men and women, and for the students, of infor- mation, suggestions and jobs, both temporary and permanent. "Fundamentally the human relation- ships are what count, and the quali- ties leading to team. play and co-ope- ration and away from isolation and insulation. Three Functions "In our educational institutions, scholarship has three functions; to broaden the field of existing know- ledge-and the war has shown us that every field has its valuable practicable application; to train the coming gen- eration of experts; and to inspire a recognition of what scholarship is and a respect for it in the minds of the general students. Our nation needs a respect for expert knowledge and it needs a respect for intelligence. "Any country needs not only a hand- ful of leaders but a great body of well trained men and women who, when the emergency arises, stand ready to meet it. We Americans are proud of being called a nation of in- ventors, and the scientific boards in Washington during the war received more than 60,000 suggestions of a me- chanical nature, but, I am told, by those who ought to know that of all coming from untrained minds were of any practical value. "The most serious charge against the American undergraduate in the past has been a lack of a sense of re- sponsibility. We now know from their war records that the sense of responsibility lay latent in thousands of these boys and was only waiting' a sufficient impulse to arouse it. There is in every normal, wholesome minded student some motor nerve that can be touched in such a way as to release that type of co-ordinated energy which we call a sense of re- sponsibility. Motive Force "I am confident that the normal young American either already pos- sesses as a motive force some worth- while aim or can be guided toward such an aim if approached in the right way. We have underestimated up to the present, the power of the straight L tellectual appeal. Any doubts as to the instinctive reaction of the normal healthy young American toward edu- cational opoprtunities were dispelled by the experiences in France after the armistice. They let down after the terrifFic physical and emotional strain, the impatience regarding any delay as to return home, combined ti make a pretty serious situation as to the morale of our troops. ' Some of the older officers tried to correct this by the old fashioned method of heavy drill for long hours, but this did not work at all. What did work was a thorough stimulation of all welfare activities and a real educational pro- gram; and it was the straight old fashioned book-work more than it was the movies or athletics, which turned the corner for us. In all, 209,0004men volunteered for the privilege of study- ing. There the military order was often revised and majors sat at the feet of corporals or privates who were selected as teachers. n Discipline, a Means "Just now we are hearing a great deal about the benefits of discipline; what it really is the benefits of a state of mind, which accepts and welcomes discipline. We are not, even as a re- sult of the war, a disciplined people yin the sense that Germany is or was, and we can thank God for that. We shall never want, in this country a general subordination of the individ- ual will and initiative to external con- trol. Discipline is a means and not an end. In a month you can teach an enthusiastic man who is fired by a big idea all the discipline he needs for the process and incite enthusiasm as a result of the application of dis- cipline. "Finally, let me apply these lessons to you young men and womeri of the graduating classes: Keep in good physical condition. Be honest with yourself. Do your own thinking and do it straight. Keep your intellectual interests and your interests in your Alma Mater, recruit men and women whom Michigan should have and who should have Michigan. Keep your human contracts. Don't be a glad hander, but do at leastyour share. It takes two to make a friendship, just as it does to make -a quarrel. There is something worth while in everyone. Give' yourself a chance to find what it is. Keep your enthusiasm and your ideals. Keep your youth. In choosing your life work get into something in which the policy and the practice are such that you can throw your whole soul into the job. Don't take yourself seriously but take your opportunities for usefulness seriously. "We no longer have to prove that it pays to know about anything that is really worth while. It pays in money, if that is what one wants; it pays in the more\' enduring satisfactions of life, in the pleasures that come from exact knowledge and intellectual pioneering, in the most unique joy of creation without the responsibilities of possession, and in the feeling of individual readiness to be of use in meeting the problems which the years allotted to your generation will surely bring forth." THE "Y" INN GOOD HOME COOK ATTRACT Italian Sculptor Wins $25,000 Prize Havana, June 25.-Aldo Gamba, the Italian sculptor, last night was award- ed the first prize of $25,000 by the government commission appointed to select a model for the monument to be built to the memory of General Maximo Gomez, generalissimo of the Cuban war of independence. The mon- ument will cost $200,000. -- at Lane Hall ED FOOD FIVE DINING ROOM Lunch and Dinner $5.00 per week, or separate meals Lunch-11:45 to 1:00-40 cents Dinner-5:30 to 6:30-50 cents Service Table d'Hote r 1 SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS -- WELCOME- WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF SUMMER CLOTHING Palm Beach Suits White Flannel and Fancy Serge Trousers Sport Shirt In fact everything for Summer Wear J. F. WUERTH COMPANY ,d 322-4 South Main St. next to theater these not more than five of those' carrying it out, but you can't reverse I' -- On May 11th THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK completed its Fiftieth Year of usefulness It is the largest bank in the County-evidence of its satisfactory service. Two offices-complete banking facilities at either office. Main Office, Northwest corner Main and Huron. Branch Office, 707 North University Avenue. } O f i{i i