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July 11, 1919 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1919-07-11

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Fr = '°y
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More Enjoyable

if you have a


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d to Have $30,000 Foundry
d, July 10. -- A foundry to
ut $20,000 will be put up in
by the Brownwall Engine
When the plant is completed f

working force0will be doubled.
it is expected that the company's

Subscribe for The Wolverine.
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Summer Session 1919

Ilore than 300 courses conducted by a staff of 250 members
f the regular. faculties of the University. All University
facilities available
Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering and
Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, Library
Methods, Biological Station, Embalming and Sani-
tary Science, Public Health Nursing, June 30-
August 22; Medicine and Surgery, June 30-August
8; Law, June 23-July 26 and July 28-August 30.
the work is equivalent in method, character and credit value to that
f the academic session, and may be counted toward degrees. All
lasses of students, and especially those who desire to shorten their
eriod of residence at the University, or whose work was interrupted
r interfered with by the war, or associated activities, will find many
ourses well adapted to their needs. Certificates of credit and attend-
nce issued. Many special lectures, recitals, concerts and excursions.
"osmopolitan student body. Delightful location.
For further information, address

Johnson Greatest
Track Man of Day
(Continued from Page Three)
Horner's Best Marks
llorner'sb est marks in the outdoor
events in which he won points for
Michig n were as follows: shot put
47 feet, discus 127 feet 10 4-5 inches,
haniner 137 feet 7 inches, high jump
5 feet 9 inches, 100-yard dash 10 2-5
seconds, pole vault 10 feet 6 inches,
broad jump 20 feet 6 inches. Indoors
lie put the shot 50 feet 3 1-2 inches,
:and set the 35-yard dash record for
Waterman gymnasium at 4 seconds flat,
a mark that stood until the enlarging
of the gymnasium made that distance
Carrels won points in but six trackj
events, but he did what iither Horner'
nor Johnson have done in making the
Varsity team in two major sports. Gar=
rels played end in 1905 and fullback in
1906, the former eleven, especially, be-
ing one of the "big" point-a-minute
teams of the early years of Yost.
Garrels Still Hoids Records
Garrels' marks in the hurdles and
discus have stood the test of time far
better than have those of Horner. He
still holds the Ferry field records in
the high hurdles, 15 2-5, since tied byj
Johnson, and in the discus, 140 feet
4 1-2 inches.
At the Eastern intercollegiate meet
in 1907, Garrels scored 13 points, win-
nin both hurdles and placing second in
the shot-put. The year before, in his
final Conference meet, Garrels had
,cored 18 points, winning the two
hurdle races and the discus; and plac-
ing second in the shot put.
Time of Hurdles
Garrels' best records in the hurdles
were made at the 1907 intercollegiates
when he ran the high hurdles in 15 1-5
seconds, and the low in 24 seconds flat.
His best maerks in his other events are
as follows: shot put 45 feet, discus 140
feet 4 1-2 inches, and 440-yard dash
53 2-5 seconds (indoors). Garrels was
also a member of the indoor relay
Besides these records of Garrels',
Johnson can show two Conference rec-
ords in the jumps and one intercolleg-
iate record tied in th.e 100-yard dash.
In the h.urdles, Johnson has tied Gar-
rels' Ferry field record for the high
hurdles in 15 2-5. Johnson has yet to
equal Garrels' mark of 15 1-5 seconds
made at the Eastern intercollegiates,
however, as well as the latter's mark
of 24 seconds in the low hurdles.,
Johnson has still another year be-
fore his record can rightly be compar-
ed with that of Garels and Honer.
Already he has won his way " into
brackets with these - earlier cinder
heroes. His final season may witness
an advance into a still more select

(Continued from Page One)
America entered the war to protect
no private or peculiar interest of her
own, but only as the champion of
rights which she was glad to share
with free men and lver v justice
The fact that America is the friend
of the nations, whether they be rivals
or associates, is no new fact. It is
only discovery of it by the rest of the
world that is new.
America may be said to have just
reached hr majority as a world pow-
Our isolation ended 20 years ago
with the conclusion of the war with
We cannot turn back. We can only
go forward.
The light streams upon the path
ahead, and nowhere else.
Without the League of Nations the
peace treaty would be a scrap of paper.
Th~e League of Nations covenant was
demanded by the people, and they
would brook no denial.
It was America's fighting which
made victory for the Allies certain.
America shall in truth show the way
to the world.
The treaty squares with the fourteen
points as well as the practical needs
cf the situation.
To America is offered the moral
leadership of the world; the question
is whether we accept or reject it.
Rejection of the league would break
he world's heart.
It is not exactly the sort of treaty
'he United States would have written.
America has sought for herself no
special reparation, but has borne her
part for the restoration and assurance
of liberty for the whole world.
It was recognized that our material
:id would be indispensible in the days
o come, when industry and credit
must be brought back to their normal
Treasure Ships
London, May 16 (Correspondence).
There is a spice of adventure in the
salvaging of steamers sunk by Ger-
man raiders. Round the British Isles,
in the Mediterranean and off the Mur-.
man coast are rich fields for the sal-
vage service as well as private enter-
prise. In the North sea the water is
too deep to make any considerable suc-
cess but in shallower water not only
cargoes but ships are being saved.
Some of the sunken vessels contain
huge fortunes in gold or goods. One
is known to have carried $5,000,000 in
gold. The diver sent down to work
on her borrowed the key to the ship's
strong box but it is not recorded
whether he retrieved the gold.
If the divers after an investigation
decide to attempt to float the ship,
barges are moored over her at low
tide. Nine-inch wire ropes are then
passed under it and fastened to the
barges above. As the tide rises the
barges rise with it, bringing the ship
along, as it lies in the great wire cra-
dIe. The damaged ship is then tow-
ed into shallow water and the neces-
sary repairs made.
Several Floated Again
In the case of vessels only partly
submerged compressed air is some-
times pumped into her hold, driving
out the water while the ship slowly
floats to the surface. Occasionally it
is necessary, where ithe hole is not
too large, to make a great patch, float

it over the hole, and then fasten it
sufficientlytight in position until the
ship can be pumped out and floated.
One vessel was torpedoed in the
channel, but almost reached the shore
before it went down. When it finally
sunk it was exposed at low tide, and
not so very far from a railroad. Heavy
locomotives pulled the vessel into a
perpendicular position and the vessel
was finally refloated.
Sailors Get in Salvage Corps
While these salvage operations have
ben remuneratively successful, leaders
in the industry declare that it is next
to impossible to save a ship lying in
water deeper than her masts, and that
very many ships will never be brought
up. But they do not despair as to the
cargo if the ship lies.in less than 200
feet of water. Divers can operate with
comparative ease at that depth.
Many sailors recently demobilized
have cast their lot with the govern-
ment salvage corps or with some one
of the private corporations which have
taken up the work. The pay is good,
while there is always ar element of
U. S. Will Release Aliens Soon
Washington, July 10.-Enemy aliens
now on parole will be unconditional-
ly released from the obligations of
their people after July 20, Attorney
General Palmer has announced.


"Virtuous .Men," the big melodra-
matic production featuring E. K.
Lincoln, Grace Darling and Clara
Joel, will be shown at the Arcade the
last times today. E. K. Lincoln makes
a splendid hero; Grace Darling is very
attractive in the feminine lead, while
Clara Joel is an alluring "vamp." The
comedy relief falls to Danny Hayes,
who makes the most of his chance as
a comedian.
Tomorrow Bert Lytell; star of "The
Spender" which was so successfully
received by his audiences, will be
shown in another picture by the same
author -- "The Lion's Den." This story
by Frederick Orin Bartlett was pub-
lished in the Saturday Evening Post.
The star plays in this production the
same kind of a human, likable role
which made "The Spender" so success-

(Continued from Page One)
come to be born. If Christians would
become more christian to those who
are not Christians, to Jews, we would
have a better world. As George Eliot
quotes at the head of a chapter in
Deronda, 'As the heart is to the body,
so is Judea to the nations.' The Jews
a needed in the world to teach toler-
"The world is coming to appreciate
the Jew at his real worth. When that
time shall have come, then will we
have the true fatherhood of God, and
the brotherhood of man."
Wolverine delivered at your door
three times a week at $1.00 per term.
Subscribe for The Wolverine,


Bathin g Suits
GEO. J. MOE, "Sport Shop"
Quick, easy and clean
way - to cook your
breakfast right on the
table with an
At the snap of the
switch you can fry or
toast or broil sitting at
the table. How appe-
tizing the food is too!
Maybe it is an evening
party or club, the Elec-
tric Grill is indispen-
tau u sable.
Let us show you.
it 4 r
. ..Y- --EDISON
William and Main Sts.
Ann Arbor, Mich,




.,., _




Lake Erie's
Finest Resorts are
Reached via Ashley &
Dustin* Steamer Line



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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Y's and



Leave Copy
Quarry's and
The Delta

Excursions Every Day
Put-in-Bay-Cedar Point reached every day
on the magnificent steel steamer Put-in-Bay,
capacity 3,200 people.
Big Hotel Victory now open at Put-in-Bay.
Hotel Breakers and the'world's greatest bathing beach at Cedar Point.
Excursions every day to Put-in-Bay.' To Ohio Points via A & D Line and
Fare round-trip week days - $ .8o coulfting trolley - lines reduces
Fare round-trip Sundaysand Holidays 1.10 f er te-half.
Five hours onthe boat. Leaving Detroit at 9:00a.m., returning at &:00p. m.
Cedar Point Excursions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Steamer Frank E. Kirby laving Detroit at 8 a. m., returning at 11:50 p. m.
Five hours at Cedar Point. Fare round Trip $1.00. On Steamer Put-in-
Bay Friday and Sunday $1.35 round trip.
Filsel's music for dancing Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line
on Steamer Put-in-Bay. Ball FirstStreet Wharf Dtreit, Migh.
room, largest on lake steam- is tre hr ~tot ih
ers. No charge for dancing. Write For Our Map Showing
Lake Erie Resorts

-Near the river, silver necklace;
e links with white opal set in
lant. Finder notify Wolverine
-Black bill fold containing six
ars, Union card, etc. Liberal re-
d for return to Wolverine office.
-Conklin fountain pen between
East Ann and Chubbs. Finder
ne 1314-W.
-Between Lincoln Avenue and
pus, pocket book containing
ty and naners valuable to own-


LOST--Phi Beta Kappa Key pin, small
size. Return to Quarry Drug Co.
WANTED-Girls for domestic work in
pantries, nurses dining rooms, and
as maids. Reside in New Employees'
Home with matron in charge. Ad-
dress the Grace Hospital, John R.
St. & Wilis Ave., Detroit, Michigan.
WANTED-A few rooms with kitchen-
ette, either furnished or unfurnish-
ed. Wish to occupy it by middle of



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