v zi SI. H AJESTIC ESTIC ORCHESTRA ightly-All Shows Sunday us Calls I A rhitects For Fri-Sat-11-12-Billie Burke in "Good GraciousdAnnabelle." "Flirts," Select- ed Comedy. Sun-Mon-ues- 13-14-15 - "Yankee Doodle in Berlin." A six reel Sennett Comedy, featuring Ben Turpin, Marie Prevost, Ford Sterling, and Six of the Original Sennett Bathing Girls in per- son. A RC A D E Shows at 3:oo; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, 296-M Mgr's Rea., 2316-M Thu-Fri-10-11----E. K. Lincoln and Grace Darling in "Virtuous Men;" Christie Comedy, "Welcome Home" and Ford Weekly. 25c. Sat-12-Bert Lytell in "The Lion's Den" andsBig-V Comedy, "Fares and Fair Ones." Unusually numerous demands for men of architectural training are re- ported by officials of the College of Engineering and Architecture. The architectural schools of the country have been flooded during the last few* weeks with, requests for trained men, but have been unable to meet the calls. This unusual demand is due to the almost complete discontinuance of construction work during the past two years, this abnormal situation having been followed by a period of waiting for readjustment of building costs. Now that it is apparent that the cost of building construction will, for a considerable period, remain fairly con- stant, a great number of important building projects are pressing forward, owing to the increased need for larger space. Corporations ate being formed in many cities to make it easier to se- cure money fbr delayed building pro- jects, many of these aiming particular- ly toward relieving the housingsitua- tion. BASEBALL TEAM ORGANIZED TO ADVERTISE UPPER PENINSULA Calumet, Mich., July 9.-The upper peninsula development bureau has or- ganized the Cloverland baseball team, with the intention of touring Michigan, 'Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa in the interests of on advertising campaign for the northern peninsula of Mich- igan. The team is made up of the best amateur players of this section of the state and will play six days a week. The tour will be started shortly and vill run the greater part of the sum- mner. It is anticipated the team's por- tion of receipts will about defray ex- penses. American Casualties Total 297,147 Washington, July 9.-Total casual- ties in the American Expeditionary Forces up to July 2 have been given in an official report, as 297,147. AT THE ARCADE "Virtuous Men" will be the attrac- tion at the Arcade today and tomor- row. E. K. Lincoln is the star and is supported by Grace Darling and Clara Joel, two well known actresses. People have different ideas as to what constitutes a virtuous man. What- ever your individual opinion may be, you will be interested to see the opinion set forth in this big melo- drama. Ralph Ince, who has produced some of the best photoplays during the past few years, is responsible for the direction of "Virtuous Men." Those who missed the Willard- Dempsey fight will have a chance to see a real fight in this picture-be- tween E. K. Lincoln and Robert Cum- mings, which "literally brought the house" as the New York Tr: puts it. "Virtuous Men" contains manyt tiful interior settings, a ball scene claimed to be the most e sive ever shown on the screen. love interest is provided by a hi young business leader's wooing shipbuilder's daughter. lb MIA J EST 'last Times Today Pauline Frederick "PAID IN FULL sA IA UERTH THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Sat-12-Sessue Hayakawa in "His Debt" with a News and Comedy. Sun-Mon-13- 14-ANITAdSTEWART in ""TWO WOMEN" with a Tom, Mix Comedy, "The Soft Tenderfoot." Tues-Wed-15-16--Tom Mix in "The Wilderness Trail" with a Lloyd Com- edy and Kinogram Weekly. Thurs- Fri - 17-18 -Mitchell Lewis in "Nine-tenths of the Law" and a two- reel L-Ko Comedy. Sat-19--Billie Rhodes in "In Search of Arcadia" with a News and Comedy. B ath ing Suits WE HAVE THE TWO PIECE KIND WITH THE WHITE BELT GEO. J. MOE, "Sport Shop" "Foolish Agle" Sennett Comedy TOMORROW -- -- SATURDAY Billie Burke - "Cood Gracious Annebelle° Leave Copy at Quarry's and The Delta 4DVERTfS LNG Leave Copy at Quarry's and The Delta i ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, :00, 8:30, 10:00 TIhurs-10-Jahn Barrymore in "The Test of Honor with a News and Com- edy (Ret.). Fri- -I-Marguerite Clark in "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" with a News and Comedy (Ret. ). Sat-12-Enrico Caruso in "My Cousin" with a News and Comedy (Ret.). Sun-Mon-13-14-Carlyle Blackwell in "Hit 'or Miss" witha Mutt & Jeff Car- toon and Ford Weekly. Tues-Wed-15- 16-Bessie Love in "The Little Boss" and "THE SILENT MYS- TERY" No. 9. Thu rs-~Fri-- 18-Charlotte Walker in "MEN" with a News and Comedy. LOST LOST--Near the river, silver necklace; large links with white opal set in pendant. Finder notify Wolverine office. LOST-Black bill fold containing six dollars, Union card, etc. , Liberal re- ward for return to Wolverine office. LOST-Conklin fountain pen between 517 East Ann and Chubbs. Finder phone 1314-W. LOST-Between Lincoln Avenue and Campus, pocket book containing money and papers valuable to own- er, Reward if returned, to M. W. Patterson, 1005 Lincoln Ave. LOS'S SUNDAY 3 DAYS, Six Original Senneit Bathing Girls In Person LOST-Phi Beta Kappa Key pin, small size. Return to Quarry Drug Co. Reward. WANTED WANTED-Girls for domestic work in pantries, nurses dining rooms, and as maids. Reside in New Employees' Home with matron in charge. Ad- dress the Grace Hospital, John R. St. & Wills Ave., Detroit, Michigan. WANTED-A few rooms with kitchen- ette, either furnished or unfurnish- ed. Wish to occupy it by middle of September. Box A, Wolverine. SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS YOU WILL FIND JUST WHAT YOU WANT AT THE ONLY STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE Try Us - We Lead Them All - Phone 1160-R -1111 S. Unlversi - Patronize our advertisers.. .,- L I I SHOWS AT 3:00, 7:00, and 9:00 CH RISTIE COMEDY "WELCOME HOME" FORD WEEKLY Adults, 25 Cents, Children, 10 Cents E. K. LINCOLN IN "VIRTUOUS MEN" a Supported by GRACE DARLING AND CLARA JOEL A Ralph Ince Production YOUNG MEN! which of these young women would YOU choose? Which Does E. K. Lincoln Choose? YOUNG WOMEN! What Do You Believe Constitutes a Virtuous Man? Should he steer clear of all hard drinks and part his hair in the middle? Should he refrain from using cuss words or fighting? Should he roll the coffin nail? DO YOU BELIEVE THERE ARE VIRTUOUS MEN? See this big melodrama with "hansum" hero a i - GRACE DARLNG APPEARING IN "VIRTUOUS MEN" CLARA JOEL IN "VIRTUOUS MEN"