oee 11 r
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harp, ex-Ambassador to France,
oe of Men on Program In
Hill Auditorium
r addresses characterized by
:e of Victory and dealing large-
h the war and Michigan's part
six speakers made the Victory
i mass meeting held Wednes-
1 Hill auditorium one of the
memorable Commencement
in the history of the University.
Ident Harry B. Hutchins, who
as presiding officer, introduced
er speakers, each of whom de-
a message -well-adapted to the
n. President Hutchins himself
ed the alumni present for
reunions and was followed in
yMr. Francis B. Swift, '70, Dean
Miller, '84, Brig.-Gen. Oliver
iding, '95-'96L, Prof. Rene Tal-
and ex-Ambassador William
Sharp, '81L.
Theodore Harrison and Mr.
Moore, '12, furnished the music
a meeting, the former singing
anders Fields" and the "Mar-
e" and the latter rendering
ca" and "The Star-Spangled
" on the organ.
Separated from University
Lare learning that one is not
ea- from the University, by
tion, but that you become a
t it," said President Hutchins,
welcome to the alumni. "The
sity is composed ,of the stu-
the faculty, and the alumni,
am glad that the alumni are
worthy things which reflect1
on the University.
ditions were different a year
en we gathered in this hall,"
.tinued. 'Today, however, we
the note of victory, and we are
ud of the part which Michigan
in the world struggle. Patrio-
as at a white heat at the dec-
a of war and men did not wait
drafted. Our incomplete rec-
low that 10,416 men were in
rvice, of whom 173 made the
e sacrifice."
Mr. Swift's Speech
Swift, a veteran of the Civil
eclared: "Anglo-Saxon rights
fter a long conflict, and the
es for suh things as free
and the right of habeas corpus
be told to the immigrants who
iothing of these. When they
I they will know of the greatest
,1 product in the world, the
an republic, whose liberty is
mushroom growth but the out-
f centuries of progress."
Miller,- the first American to
taly in uniforni, paid tribute to
who died in the service. He
d graphically the conflict of
,ontinued on Page Five)
ical training for men will be
his summer in Waterman gym-
and on the outdoor track be-
he gymnasium and the Medical
g. Arrangements for instruc-
Ly be made by applying at the
f Dr. George A. May from 10
r. from 2 to 5 o'clock daily ex-
,turday afternoons.
er tickets may be secured at
ce of the treasurer of the Uni-t
the fee being 50 cents for the
r session. Regular students
11 also attend the Summer term
btain new lockers.
Woman To A tend
1919 Camp Davis
For the first time since its gygani-
zation, Camp Davis, the University
summer surveying camp, will num-
ber among its students a woman. She
is the first and only woman who has
ever enrolled to take the summer
work in higher surveying.
The party of 70 odd students who
are signed up for the summer work
will leave Friday morning for the
camp. Among those who will leave
are in cluded seven students of for-
estry. Actual work in the camp will
not begin until Monday morning al-
though the party will arrive there on
Prof. Clarence T. Johnston of the
civil engineering department is in di-
rect charge of the camp. He will be
assisted by Professors J. H. Cissel and
Bouchad and Mr. C. 0. Wisler. The
instructors in the camp will be Messs.
E. F. Metz,H. T. Corson, E. C. L. Mat-
thews, G. W. Holcomb, and H1. W.
Slack. The health of the attendants
at the camp will be cared for by Dr.
W. E. Forsythe of the University
Health service.
Topics on which essayists compet-
ing for the William H. Baldwin prize
are to write have been chosen by the
council of the National Municipal
For the year 1920 a prize of $100
will be offered to undergraduate stu-
dents registered in a regular course
in any college or university in the
United States offering direct instruc-
tion in municipal government. The
two topics which have been selected
are: "The present status of the city
manager plan and its applicability to
small cities and towns," and "The in-
fluence of the foreign-born leaders in
municipal politics."
The prize will be awarded by judges
selected by the executive committee of
the league and the names of the win-
ners will be announced at the next
following annual meeting.
10,000 Word Limit
The essays must not exceed 10,000
words in length and must be typewrit-
ten in duplicate and both copies mail-
ed or delivered to an express company
not later than March 15, 1920, ad-
dressed to Clinton Rogers Wood-'
ruff, secretary of the National Munic-I
ipal league, North American building,
Philadelphia, Pa. They must be mark-
ed "For the William H. Baldwin
It is also necessary that all com-
petitors mark each paper with a I
nom-de-plume and enclose in a seal-
ed envelope the full name, address,
class and college corresponding to
such nom-de-plume.
.., 1918 W inners
In 1918 the prize was awarded to
Harris Berlack, '20, of Harvard. Hon-
orable mention was also given to
Maurice Hitchcock Merrill of the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma. The judges for
last year were Prof. William B.
Guthrie, of the College of the City of
New York, and Capt. H. S. Gilbertson,
executive secretary of the National
Short Ballot organization.
For any additional details concern-
ing the scope and conditions of the
competition, inquiries may be ad-,
dressed to the secretary.
Paris, June 25. - Cardinal Ain-
mette, archbishop of Paris, today
ordered the Te Deum to be sung Fri-
day in the Church of the Sacred Heart
at Montmartre and on Sunday in all
churches of the diocese. The order
adds: "Let the prayers for peace be"
continued until the treaties are ter-
,minated with which the powers and
France were at war."
Professor No Accept Position on Fa.
silty of Vale Law
Prof. Willard T. Barbour of the
Law school tendered his resignation
to the Board of Regents at their
meeting Tuesday, the resignation to
take effect immediately.
He leaves to become a member of
the faculty of the law school of Yale
university, where he will teach equity
and the history of English law, at a
salary nearly three times as great as
Michigan paid him.
Professor Barbour, though a young
man, is acknowledged to be one of the
leading professors and scholars in
equity and history of English law in
this country.
Graduate of Michigan
He was graduated with a Bachelor
of Arts degree from the literary col-
lege in 1905, and a Master of Arts de-
gree a year later. He was then ap-
pointed assistant in histoy in the
literary college, and pursued at the
same time a course in the Law school,
graduating from the Law school in
1908. Ile won a Rhodes scholarship
in 1908, and went to Oxford, where he
was graduated Bachelor of Literature
in 1912, and that same year was ap-
pointed professor of law at the Uni-
versity of Michigan and promoted to
a full professorship in 1914.
Regents Grant Degrees
Besides accepting the resignation
of Professor Barbour, the Regents
granted degrees to the following st u-
dents in thedgraduate school, who
have completed their work:
Master in Landscape Gardening-
Dorothy Probst, IJighand Park; Clara
Stimson, Detroit.
Master of Science (in engineering)
-Ray Beshgetor, Alma; Adolph Wen-
dler, Mt. Clemens; Franz Zimmerli,
Lyons, N. Y.
Master of Science-Dwight Carpen-
ter, Ann Arbor; Ona M. Fowler, North
Adams; Harry Hammond, Ann Arbor;
Ada Inglis, Menominee; Edna Jack -
son, Davisburg; Mauritz Censtius, De-
troit; Frederick Sullivan, Battle
Creek; Elmer Wirth, Sandusky, 0.;
Adolph Ziefle, Corvallis, Ore.
Master of Arts - William Bowen,
Ann Arbor; May Cady Detrot; Kath-
erine Chamberlain, Port Huron; Gracel
Crockett, Wailuku, Hawaii; Orpha
Culmer, Odon, Ind.; Mary Dew, Jack-
son;. Shirely Field, Mason; Guy Fox,
Coldwater; Fredericka Gillette, Ann
Arbor; Benjamin Henry Griesmer,
Royal Center, Ind.; Laura Parkhurst
Hindman, Grand Rapids; Martha
Jourad, Paris, France; Edith Layer,
Unionville; Esther Layton, Nauvoo,
Ill.; Mabel Mather, Buchanan; Jamesl
Michie, Bryan, Texas; Elmer Mitchell,
Ann Arbor; Merle Moore. Brooklyn, N.
Y.; Ruth Norton, Jonesville; Yuki
Osawa, Seattle, Wash.; Theda Palmer,
Ann Arbor; Walter Pielemeer, Chel-
sea; William Schultz, Sparta; Helen
M. Scott, Ann Arbor; Eva Vincent,
Chesaw, Wash.; Roxie Welbourn,t
Union City, Ind.; George Wilmer, De.1
troit; Mabel Wood, Lansing; Crystal
Worner, Grand Rapids.
Doctor of Philosophy - Frank N.
Blanchard, Somerville, Mass.; Elmer'
Brandes, Ann Arbor; Wyzie Chang,
.Yung-Ning, China; Lloyd Click, Ann
Arbor; Charles Griffitts, Ozawkie,
Kans.; Alfred Lussky, Detroit; OrinI
Madison, Ann Arbor; Oie Stephenson,;
Ann Arbor; Russell A. Stevenson,
.Iowa City, Ia.; Pei Chien Yang, Yung-
Ning, China; Hessel Yntema, Holland.1
U. S. Will Issue Short-Term Notes
Washington, June 25. - Two new
series of short-term, 4 1-2 per cent
certificates of indebtedness, were an-
nounced today by the treasury de-3
partment, to be dated July 1.
Uronze Fountain
Placed on Campus
A bronze drinking fountain, the gift
to the city of Ann Arbor of the late
Francis M. Hamilton, '69, mayor of
Ann Arbor from 1905 to 1907, was in-
formally unveiled last Monday. The
fountain has been placed near the
diagonal walk on the northwest cor-
ner of the campus, but is not yet ready
for use. It is the work of the sculp-
tor, Albin Polasek.
Mayor Hamilton's gift comes to the
University on the 50th anniversary of
his graduation from the literary col-
lege. At his death in May, 1914, he
left bequests to many good causes,
and remembered both the ity and the
University. To the University he left
the sum of $1,000, from which was
established the loan fund called by
his name; and to the city an equal
sum to erect a drinking fountain at
the corner of State street and North
University avenue, on the northwest
corner of the campus.
The three basins of the fountain are
sunk in the top of a circular drum of
bronze, surrounded by a procession of
figures in relief, representing Youth,
Labor, Poetry, and Philosophy. First
come exuberant boys with cymbals,
trumpets, and pipes, then two grace-
ful women bearing water-jars, a
child with a basket of flowers, a young
man with a scroll in hand and a
maiden leaning on his arm, a grave
young shepherd with his sheep, and
finally a youth spreading a scroll of
figures before a sage of noble and
kindly mien.
Above the top is the inscription,
"Presented to tie City of .Ann Arbor
by Francis M. Hamilton, Mayor 1905-
1907, University of Michigan Class of
A bit of wholesome fatherly advice
was that given to the senior engi-
neers by Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, in
his farewell address to them on Tues-
day, in their. Clss day exercises in
the Engineering quadrangle. He
warned them against an inflated idea
of the value of their own services-a
feeling whichbmight come to the senior
who goes from the classroom directly
into business at a salary that hovers
around the $175 a month figure.
"These higher salaries may not last
long," he said. "There will probably
be a period of hard times following
the war, and after the readjustment,
prices will go down and salaries will
decrease, and there may be a panic,
but even with a lower salary you must
remember that a dollar will purchase
more than it does now. The
dollar today has the same value as
the old Mexican dollar, and that
should help you to a realization that
you are not worth more than you are.
The high cost of living comes from the
high wages of the employed, and not
high wages from the high cost of liv-
ing. In figuring the cost of anything,
fully 75 per cent of the cost of the
article is due to the cost of the labor
that went into it.
"Render the best service you know
how. Do not make the mistake of
thinking you are a great success in
the world. You are a success, per-
haps, in being able to earn a large
salary, but success is measured in
other terms than dollars. Do your
work so that it satisfies you, and if
you have been conscientious, it will
satisfy your employers.
"Live so that you can say you do
not owe anyone a cent, and then have
a hobby; this will lighten your life.
It was not till I had reached the age
of 55 years that I annexed a hobby,
but it immediately-became a great ii-
spiration to me, and now I want to
live to be 100 years old, that I may
get all the joy out of that hobby."
President Roland Cooper made a
telling appeal to his- classmates to
preserve through life the friendships
(Continued on Page Three)
Pays Lasting Tribute to the American Doughboy, and Delineates the ti
portance of Role Played During World War by Men from
Universities; Gives Rules for Life
As Taps rang clearly across the Campus this morning, more than
men and women, holding their new diplomas in their hands, stood silen
at attention in a last farewell to undergraduate days. Reveille for
alumni years sounded a moment later, and with its last note the 75th
nual Commencement Day exercises o f the University of Michigan came
an end.
Martial music was entirely in ke eping with the whole tone of t
ceremony in Hill auditorium, for this Commencement has shown from t
first the victory spirit desired by Pres ident Harry B. Hutchins.
The Honorable Frederick Paul Keppel, third assistant secretary of wa
made the address of the day, and dre w in no uncertain pictures 'what tb
Nation had learned from its Universities during the war, and what th
Universities should learn from the Nation, now that peace has again settle
upon the United States.
. Following the opening 'music, and the prayer by the Reverend Jol
Mason Wells, Mr. Keppel spoke to the class, which included more than 5
students from the graduate school, and a. dozen men who were receivin
honorary degrees, upon the subject o f "What Have We Learned?"
He said in part:
inspiratin '"What single group made the fine
impression in the great war?
For Lit Prophet "The American dough-boy did. .
one saw the American dough-boy
France he was absolutely youth i
Senior literary class day exercises carnate, and he is a cross section
were held Tuesday morning in the our complex population. If anyo
still doubts that all these stocks ha
apenairtheaer earthe ibrry.been willing to do their share, even
Laurel Lundquist, senior president, therisk of cost of life, let him re
presided and talked briefly on some any of the lists of battle casualties
of the events in the University's life, the list of honors for heroic condu
telling anecdotes of old students and and he will have the best kind
processors ad at the same time'
sketching the rise of the University in
a scholastic way.
Ralph Gault gave the class history,
and told of the activities of the senior
class, and its participation in the war.;
"During our time we have seen many,
things," he said. "President Angell
has died, President Hutchins has re-
signed, the Union building has gone
up, and the Library has been built,
all of which took place during our,
stay in the University."7
Jean Maclennan, class orator, toldf
of the present world conditions, and
the part which the class of 1919 was
to play in adjusting affairs. The class
poem, which appears, elsewhere in this
issue, was read by H. C. L. Jackson,,
class poet.
Owing to the lack of aids to futuris-
tic vision, Archie McDonald, the pro-
phet, was compelled to resort to tea
for insights into the future, where he
saw prominent members of the class
in widely different roles. For the
class he prophesied a great future
and a prominent part in world events.
The singing of "The Yellow and the
Blue" closed the exercises.
Following a salary-increase agita-
tion several years on the part of the
University faculty, the Board of Re-
gents recently acted upon the mat-
ter, raising the pay of instructors and
assistant professors 30 per cent and
that of full professors 25 per cent.
This is the result of a petition by
the faculty to the Board of Regents
and an act of the last legislature
which made possible an increase.
From now on the salary scale at the
University will be as follows:
Instructors $1,300 to $2,100; as-
istant professors $2,200 to $2,600; as-
sociate professors $2,700 to $3,000; and
full professors will receive all the
way from $3,000 to $5,000 a year.
Four Fields
"There are three or four genera
'ields in which Americans have had
chance to learn lessons of great valu
as a result of our war experiencE
First, it seems to me, we have had
chance to learn that we are a rea
nation, potentially strong with th
strength of youth; second, that to ful
fill our mission every man and woma
and all of every such individual, is a
object of national concern; that w
must be mobilized and that we mus
continue our lessons in team play. W
have still plenty to learn in this fieli
Third, that we must have and mus
recognize the leadership of those wb
know, which, after all, is the great tea
of a democracy. Finally, to bring ou
the best that is in us, as individual
or as a nation, we nlust have an ain
high, clear cut and clearly understooc
"If we apply these four lessons whic
we have had a chance to learn, to edi
cational conditions, and particularly t
university conditions, it will be fo
three reasons:
"The first is, the general wisdom c
confining one's remarks to things h
knows something about. The secon
that there is no single institution moT
characteristic of the best in our Ame:
ican life than a great American un
versity. And there is this third ree
son, that without the supply of your
men with the stamp of the :America
college upon them, wecould nev
have met the call for nearly a quart
of a mililon of officers. I am told the
the Germans were prepared to adm
our wealth in money, materials at
man power, but they looked forwai
confidently to a complete failure c
our part in training officers to lea
our men in battle. Not all of our cit
-zen . officers who made good record
were college men, but it was the co
lege trained citizen that set the pac
and made the standard.
Army College Life
"The university, like the country
(Continued on Page Six)
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