1 1. 1 ' L~j ..'J.V L 1\ 1 IN tucators In Convention 7th Problems of Teaching e - Following is the f extracts from ad- d before the National lation, now in conven- :ee.) will follow'as a matter of course. Who can question that the colleges, en- couraged by what has already been ac- complished, will measure up to their enlarged opportunity'?" rar has opened up a larger education," said A. A. Pot- of engineering, State Agri- college, Manhattan, Kans., .ng on "The Effect of War thods of Teachinig." "Many icators took an active part in ,nd this has resulted in stim- nd in broadening their life )ok. Teachers who were en- war work in the military and n-military branches of our nt were forced into doing .tirely unorthodox and un- , and this will certainly have eneficial effect upon the cur- d methodsof teaching in our colleges, and universities."' tter went on to explain the effects which the war would chool organizations, teaching and teachers, declaring: tional institutions are becom- ested in the intelligence or ical tests of the Army. Such irefully handled, should prove erable value in guiding stu- [ore attention should also be rating students on certain traits as well as academic nce. atensive courses which were he training of about one hun- usand vocational specialists J. S. Army indicate that too ention is often paid in higher al institutions to prerequi- connection with technical * * * . ;ood teacher lives up to the cs of a professional man, does contrdcts which he does not keep, and has such human as enable him to keep the f his students, his colleagues, he people in his community." iparison of business and col- loses the fact that although ose of the business house is r profit while that of the col- he training of men, it is not to observe a close parallel re- the business methods which perly applicable to both in neral administration," stated V. Hilton, chief of settlement war department, Washing- C., in his speech on "Modi- of Business Methods for Our nal Institutions." Lucius L. Gould, professor of geog- raphy, State Normal school, Milwau- kee, spoke on "The Necessity of Sharp Differentiation Between the True Function of the Teacher and the Actual Function of the Administra- tion." He said: "Teachers as a class should under- take the following constructive meas- ures: "A careful study of the details of the administrative system in order that these changes in the system may be gradually effected. "(1) The change from a military au- tocratic form of school government to some form in which co-operation rath- er than dominance shall be the key- note. Provision must be made for a mutual criticism among the parts of the whole. "(2) A change to a system in which the teacher is assured of a very defi- nite area in which she functions as expert. "(3) A change which shall eliminate the isolation of the teacher and which shall substitute direct contact between her and the people whom she gladly serves, to whom she is really respon- sible." "School libraries are potentially as important in present day education as has been the part played by books in the progress of civilization," said 0. S. Rice, president library department, Madison, Wis. "Germany, in comparison with the care she exercised over other matters in education, paid little or no atten- tion to school libraries. School libra- ries are a liberalizing agency in edu- cation. Hence, they did not fall in with the narrow and selfish plans of Prussianism. "The past called the mighty force of books and libraries into existence, the present must train the rising genera- tion to use that force for the greatest good to the greatest number - for the success of democracy." henceforth mobilize the entire youth, we in America are no longer isolated, not a selected portion of it, for the he must study the makings of the service of democracy in peace. It Europe of today. Unless our high must take every boy and girl from 13 schools insist upon these studies as a to 18, discover his aptitudes, his abil- minimum for all, we shall not equip ity by a system of intelligence tests, our boys and girls for service in a and give him a training which shall democracy. so enlist his'.interest that he shall * * * develop a habit of success, not failure. "Democracy demands equality of The supreme task of the high school opportunity, not equality of achieve- is to abolish the long established, ment. Education for the service of de- cheerfully accepted habit of failure. mocracy demands that the 10 talent "Boys and girls alike have one vo- man as well as the one talent man cation in common, that of citizens in a shall have opportunity to realize his democracy-soldiers of the common utmost self. The high school in the good. During the past months we have service of democracy must individual- learned as never before that the su- ize its pupils. Though there be 5,000 preme good is a good government. In of them, it must know the problem of America we have assumed good gov- each. This is the supreme problem of ernment to be a free good, obtained the principal. With a proper delega- without effort, without sacrifice. We tion of duties, he may still be a Mark now realize that good government is Hopkins to the Garfield. In the years the product of good citizens and good immediately before us, the most vital citizens are produced only by good I educational work lies with the expand- training. Whatever else it may do, the ing high school. No matter what the American high school must give every form of organization, the program of one of its students a definite training work, it will fail in its mission unless for the duties of the citizen. He must it can enlist in its service men and study the operations of government, , women of broad training, human local,,state and national; the economic ; sympathies, social ideals, who believe forces which dominate our industrial j in our American way of life. Such life to which the actions of government ren and women we are now losing are but the reaction; he must study rather than gaining. To again enroll the events, movements, measures and such men and women in the great men which have made America what army of education cannot be an im- it is today; and in the realization that possible task for a democracy which really believes that in its schools lies the future of the nation." gOLICE CHIEF (ETS BLANKS FOR MOT'ORliSTS' LItCEN SES The chief of police has received blanks whereby anyone dsirous of securing a motor operator's license may comply with the recent state. legislature act that requires persons, other than chauffeurs, to secure such licenses if they wish to drive auto- mobiles atter Aug. 14, 1919. All applicants must be at least 16 years old and must be able to satisfy their chief of police that they can operate an automobile in a capable manner. Any person violating the act requiring the procuring of a license will be subject by the provisions of the act to a fine not exceeding $100 or to imprisonment not to exceed three months, or both. A fee of 50 cents is charged for each license. Patronize our advertisers. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Summer Session 1919 More than 300 courses conducted by a staff of 250 rmembers of the regular faculties of the Uwniersh. All University 4 facilities available L t i t i Literature, Science; and the Arts, Engineering and Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, Library Methods, Biological Station, Embalming and Sani- tary Science, Public Health Nursing, June 30- August 22; Medicine and Surgery, June 30-August 8; Law, June 23-July 26 and July 28-August 30. The work is equivalent in method, character and credit value to that of the academic session, and may be counted toward degrees. All classes of students, am especially those who desire to shorten their period of residence at the University, or whose work was interrupted or interfered with by the war, or associated activities, will find many courses well adapted to their needs. Certificates of credit and attend- ance issued. Many special lectures, recitals, concerts and excursions. Cosmopolitan student body. Delightful location. THE "Y" INN 0 --- at Lane Hall GOOD HOME COOKED FOOD ATTRACTIVE DINING ROOM N. Lunch and Dinner $5.00 per week, or separate meals Lunch-11 :45 to 1:00-40 cents Dinner-5:30 to 6 :30-50 cents For further information, address T. E RAN KIN Box 20 A Ann Arbor, Michigan Service Table d'Hote r B AJESIC A go& 10 X40W sivowiftst- ial resources and good will. ial for both, the latter of nportance for the college. record of college men has i to silence criticism and the feeling of good will colleges have generally en- re still remain certain valid of their business methods on )d will is largely depend- of concentration shown un- has been -lacking under nor- tions. ting systems appear to be ,nting or inadequate in nine ut of 10. to fulfill assurances has jury to unsophistigated stu- ance of intercollegiate ath- been overestimated. of selecting trustees hash been faulty. al equipment has not been zed. s have been insufficient. Re- riences of college teachers s serve to emphasize rela- ences. nure for teachers is not s disadvantage. - .g competition between state s and privately endowed col- t be appreciated and met. :ation of the above business will serve to establish the iore firmly than at any pre- in the good will of the pub- necessary financial support' "There are now upwards of 300,- 000 teachers in the United States that have had no training beyond the high school; there are 100,000 that are less than 20 years of age; there are more than 30,000 that have had no train- ing beyond the eighth grade," stated Miss Margaret S. McNaught, commis- sioner of elementary education, Sacra- mento, Calif., in her address on "Better Teaching in Elementary Schools." "To raise the professional standard of the school teacher there must be then: increase of remuneration, im- provement of conditions of school work, fuller freedom from control by politics or, by favoritism and higher education." John L. Tildsley, associate superin- tendent school, New York City, spoke on "The Reorganization of the High Schools for the Service of Democ- racy," declaring: "Notwithstanding the marvelous grdwth of high schools during the past two decades, the high school has had but a faint vision of its rightful place in a democratic state. It has been content to see millions of children pass by its doors, other millions enter, re- main but a brief time, and go forth with a possibiliy not a probability of realizing the chance that was theirs. With this record of service not ren- dered, it has prided itself on training the leaders in our American democ- racy." "The lessons taught by. the War must not be lost with the coming of peace. American industry has justly prided itself on its scrap pile. The American Army has abolished the hu- man scrap pile. The American high school has heretofore scrapped its aims, its methods, its organization. "The American high school must Now released for Public Exhibition The only film ever showm in America at $10 per seat IN , MEN 1 11 11 will Featuring the beautiful Armenian Refugee Aurora M adgna Herself Sole survivor of half a million Christian Armenian girls, in her own story of two years in Kurdish slave markets and Turkish harems This epic film produced with 5000 People and 83 Principals is the most sensational revelation of conditions in the near East yet at hand Auction IOIofulN From the Book "Rabished A rmenia" vhich is Aurora Mardiganian's Own Story substantiated by the reports of the British Investigator, Viscount Bryce, and American Ambassador, Morgenthau 7 Iie Truth, and Nothing V ut the Truth" A Film that will make you thank Providence you America live ix sTir'IV 'Leme Copy at Quarry's and the Delta L1 'OR SALE 0 shares of Internation- a Company stock at $500 kddress Jos. Hardy, care al Company, Columbus WANTED WANTED-Girls for domestic work in pantries, nurses dining rooms, and as maids. Reside in New Employees' Home with matron in charge. Ad- dress the Grace Hospital,'°JohnIlR. SI. & Wilis Ave., Detroit, Michigan. MATINEES, 2:00, 3:30, 25c Last Six Rows, 50e Balcony, 35c 20 Years Of Age Admitted Under No one NIGHTS, Lower Floor, 35c V T-w%,m rd hlVn~imw Q a9