THE WOLVERINE ._ MMER SCHOOL ROGRAM STRONG (Continued from Page One) July 15 n.-Practicing Democracy in ool Administration, Mr. T. J. app, superintendent of schools, ,land Park, Mich. n.-The Hospital and the Com- nity, Dr. C. G. Parnall. July 16 n.-Education and Patriotism, n J. R. Effinger. n.-Concert. Faculty of the versity School of Music (Hill itorium). July 17 n.-Niagara Falls and Vicinity ustrated), Prof. I. D. Scott. n.-Educational motion pictures. July 18 .m.-Excursion to Niagara Falls er the direction of Mr. F. W. stic, via the Michigan Cent'ral road to Detroit, and steamer to .alo. 1.-Edwin M. Stanton, secretary war, Prof. E. S. Corwin, of tceton university. .-Reading, Halm's Ingomar, the' barian, Prof. T. C. Trueblood iversity hall). July 21 i.-Important Factors in the De- pment of Latin-America (Illus- ad), Mr. J. del Toro. July 22 t.-North Africa under Roman (Illustrated), Prof. J. G. Win- July 28 5 p. m.--Indutrial Democracy, Prof. R. W. Sellars. 8 p. m.-Recital. The class in Shake- spearean reading (University hall). 5 8 5 8 July 29 f p. m.-The American Public and Its Six Million Automobiles (Illustrat- ed), Prof. W. T. Fishleigh. p. m.-Some Phases of War Sur- gery, Dr. J. F. Breakey. July 30 p. m.-The Bataks of Sumatra (Il- lustrated), Prof. H. H. Bartlett. p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni- versity School of Music (Hill audi- torium). 8 p. m. - British National politic Prof. J. R. Hayden. August 13 5 p. m.-Some Survvals of Ancie Korea (Illustrated), Dr. W. Rufus. 8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Ur versity School of Music (Hill aud torium). August 14 5 p. m.-Chemistry and the War, Pro F. E. Bartell. 8 p. m.-Miscellaneous readings. Ti class in interpretative reading (Un versity hall). August 15 5 p. m.-The All Year School, M Paul C. Stetson, superintendent schools, Muskegon, Mich. 8 p. m.-How Fishes See, Hear, ar Learn (Illustrated), Prof. J. 1 Reighard. August .18 8 p. m.-Recital. The class in Shak spearean reading (Jniversity hall ~July 81 5 p. m.-The Effect of the War on Sec- ondary Schools, Prof-C. O. Davis. 8 p. m.-Educational motion pictures. + August 1 T 5 p. m.-Ancient Athletic Sports and Festivals (Illustrated), Prof. A. R. Crittenden. 8 p.rm.-Reading-Barrie's The Will, Mr. L. Eich (University hall). ,t' A ugust 2 5:30 a. m.-Excursion to Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie, under the direction of Prof. I. D. Scott, via Michigan Cen- tral railroad to Detroit and steamer to Put-in-Bay. August 4 5 p. m.-La France et l'Amerique pendant et apres la Guerre (in French), Prof. Hugo P. Thieme. August 5 5 p. m.-The Origin and Nature of Color in Plants (Illustrated), Prof. H. Kraemer. 8 p. m.-Medical lecture, subject and speaker to be announced. August 6 5 p. m.-The British General Election of 1918, Prof. R. M. Wenley. 8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni- versity School of Music (Hill audi- torium). Unionists Fail to Hasten Strike Paris, June 27.--The Executive conr mittee of the Metal Workers' Unic has failed in its attempt to have th proposed general strike begin befoo the date already selected. The met, workers in the Paris district are o' strike at present, and hope to he ab to get the support of a general strik The committee in charge of the ger eral strike decided that to advanc the date or in any way modify th plans might endanger the success c the strike. The metal workers, how ever, will receive financial help. Emperor Planning to Return Berlin, June 27. - Former Emper or /William is planning to speedily re ;turn to Germany before the Entent can demand his surrender from Hol land, according to a Stuttgart dispatel to the Neue Berliner Zeitung. The dis patch states that the Dutch govern ment "thoroughly approves of his re turn, as the former emperor is an tin welcome guest and his presence i- Holland is increasing the problem be fore that co'untry." War in 10 Years Is Predicted London, June 27. - "After peace i signed I wil return to Germany ti live on my estates in Silesia and per form my duties as a landowner," sait the former German crown prince iri an interview last week at Wieringen: according to a Brussels dispatch to th Daily Mirror. The prince also is quot ed as declaring that East Prussia an Silesia will never consent to be gov erned by Poland. "There will be an other war in 10 years," he said. .-Why the Public should be in- sted in the Education of Nurses, . Dora M. Barnes. July 23 .-The Landscape Cemetery, An rican Creation (Illustrated), A. Tealdi. .-Concert. Faculty of the Uni- ity School of Music (Hill audi- Im). July 24 .-The Manufacture of Beet r (Illustrated), Prof. W. L. Bad- .-Educational motion pictures. July 25 .-Some Present-Day Educa- ,1 Problems (two lectures), Dr. Chadwick, superintendent of ols, Chicago. m.-Same lecture. Augut 7 5 p. m.-Where Are We Coming Out in Vocational Education? Prof. G. E. Myer. 8 p. m.-Educational motion pictures. August 8 5 p. m.-Glimpses in the Production of Munitions (Illustrated), Prof. A. E. White. 8 p. m.=Books and Manuscripts of the Fifteenth Century (Illustrated), Li- brarian W. W. Bishop. August 11 5 p. m.-French Letters and the War, Prof. A. G. Canfield. August 12 5 p. m.-The Duties of Sappers in War, Prof. A. H. Lovell. !nt C. 11- jl- of. i- Ir. of 1d I) at 01 le Cl" He .... ADLER-ROCHESTER CLOTH ES TRUE CLOTHING VALUE is determined not by the sum of the purchase, but rather by the sum of service rendered. C&K Hats Vassar Union Suits 0 Merton Caps Emery Shirts LUTZ CLOTHING STORE 217 S. Main St. w t Come S and T __ ---_1 smner school students-Listen Don't fail to attend our TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL SALE of SUMMER SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS AND Everyone realizes the necessity of an absolute knowledge of Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic but it is just recently that the value of SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING to every individual is being appreciated. Aside from the value of the use of Stenography in openino- the way to Secretarial positions we have its great PERSONAL value to the Student and to the Professional man or woman. It means better, fuller, more accurate notes and letters in less time. STUDENTS' SUPPLIES We are offering great quantities of good Second Hand Books for all departments at prices that will do you good Enroll in our Drawing Instruments and Engineers' Supplies. Some unusual bargains in Sets of Instruments The "Standard" I LOOSE LEAF NOTE BOOK SUMMER TERM-JULY 1 TO AUG. It has no equal-price $1.50 to $6.00 HA MILTON BUSINESS Fountain Pens, Laboratory Supplies, Aprons, COLLEGE Coats, Etc., Etc. State and William Sts. A WARM WELCOME-COURTEOUS AND BEST OF SERVICE ARE SPECIALTIES AT __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ ' 1 Wahr's Vniversity Bookstores WE A STUDENTS' ARE "THE ONLY" SUPPLY STORE MAIN STREET STATE STREET ALL KINDS OF ENGINEERING SUPPLIES STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS, I. P. 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