............ ... M r \ I '1I I LAST TIMES TODAY d "Bill Jack Pickford in Apperson's Boy" "THE SIMPLE LIFE," Larry Semon Comedy TOMORROW, MONDAY, TVESDAY D. W. GRIFFITH'S "True Heart Susie" Another Great Romance by the Famed Creator of "Hearts of the World",''The Birth of a Nation" A Picture of Smiles, Tears,. and Human Appeal That Goes Straight to Your. Heart -Irine Se'ymour in a scene fror . D.V. GRIFFITH'S "True Heart Susie An AkTCIAFT Pictre Shows Sundays 1:30, 3, 4:30, 7, 8:0So "Whenf Love Is. SENdET 1iftcl"C@MEDY BEN TURPIN and MARIE PREVOST Adults, 25c (Inaclidix1 Children, 11 . . I . Read the Wolverine for Campus News. MAJESTIC MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Shows Sunda Aug. 17-18-19-D. W. Griffith presents "True Heart Susie."GLillianpGish, Robert Harron. "When Love is Blind." Sennett Comedy. Aug. 20-21-Charles Ray in "The Sher- if's Son." Bray Pictograph. Selected Comedy. AT THE THEATERS AT TILE ARCADE During the summer months people's tastes seem to lie in the direction of light, breezy comedies and comedy- dramas. The Arcade has some espec- ially splendid offerings along these lines during the next five or six days. Today Bert Lytell's latest picture, "One Thing at a Time o' Day" will be presented. 'This is a pleasing com- edy based on the experience of a quaint youthful character who joins a circus to win the bareback rider. The story is rich in humor, with many pleasant thrills, a love element, plenty of laughs, and a final punch that will send you away with a hearty laugh. Sunday and Monday, Mabel Normand will be on hand to furnish plenty of laughs. Her latest picture, "Upstairs" is claimed to be another "Mickey." First she is seen as the overall-clad rascal who slings hash in the big kitchens of a big hotel. Later she is seen, garbed in queenly finery-the center of all eyes at the Ragtime Step- per in the carbaret of the famous Ritz, New York. The story appeared in Munsey's magazine. Mr. Weiss to Lead Wesleyan Guild The Wesleyan guild of the Methodist church will be lead at 6:30 o'clock Sunday Weiss. "Life's 1 evening by Mr. Henry L. meeting during the Summer E Mr. Weiss' subject will be and it is expected that a large n Purposes." This is the last will be present. . . . . Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large, or small. The Ann Arbo[ Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $5O0,00.00 Reso~urces ......"0,00.00HLO Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave., WUERTH THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Sat-16-William Desmond in "Bare Fist- ed. Gallagher" with a News and Ar- buckle Comedy.' SUN- MON17- 18-WILLIAM RUSSELL IN "A SPORTING CHANCE." ALSO A TOM MIXdCOMEDY, "SOFT TEN- DER FOOT." Admission 25c, Children 10c, tax included. Tues-Wed- 19-20--J. Warren '{errigan in "The Best Man" with a Lloyd Com- edy and Knogram Weekly. Thurs-Fri-21-22-Theda Bara in "The Siren's Song" and an L-Ko Comedy. Sat-23 Sessue Hayakaw in "The Man Beneath" with a News and Arbuckle Comedy. ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Sat-16--Pauline Frederick in "Out of the Shadows" with a Scenic and Com- edy (Ret.) . SUN-MON - 17-18-"THREE GREEN EYES" STARRING JUNE ELVIDGE, CARLYLE BLACKWELL, EVELYN GEELY, MONTAGUE LOVE, AND C JOHNNY HINES. Also a Mutt & Jeff Cartoon and Ford Weekly. Tues-Wed - 19-20 - E. K. Lincoln in "Fighting Through" with "The Silent Mystery" No. 14. Thurs-Fri-21-22-G. Anderson in "The Son of a Gun" with a News Weekly and Comedy. 19 DETROIT UNIT.D LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (March 30, 1919) (Central Standard Time) Detroit, Limited and Express Cars-8:o a. in., and hourly to 8:1o p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-7:48 a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (x presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound- :oo a. m., 905 a. m. and every two hours to 9:05 p. in., 10:50 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:45 p. m., 12:20 a. m., 1::o a. m.., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:48 a. m. and 1 1:20 p. im. BERT LYTELL - in - ; : aLec n Q 10 pie:: t fasLe NOW TODAY ONLY ARCADE Shows at 3:00; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, 296-M Mgr's Res., 2316-M Sun-Mon - 17-18 - Mabel Normand in Sat-16-Bert Lytell in "Oe Think at a Time O'Day;" Burly-Q Comedy, "Worst Is Yet to Come" and Outing-Chester Scenic. "Upstairs;" Christie Comedy, "Too Many Wives" and Fletcher's Jazz Mono- logue. "One Thiig At a Time lZ' Day"~ From the Saturday Evening Post Stor Although he felt that she was a queen w he was nothing but a poor ten spot;; joined the circus to win the cute little b= back rider. Eileen Percy is the girl. IT'S A RIOT OF LAUGHTER FROM GINNING TO END! I BERT LYTELL I T SUNDAY AND MONDAY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I MABEL NORMAN "UPSTAIRS" ARROW 7R.9Y IA IL OIED SOFT COLLARS FIT WELL-WASH EASILY Chett, Peabody& Co.; Inc., Troy, N. Y. Regular Session 1919-1920 begins September 30 For information address the Dean or Secretary of that School or College of the University in which you are interested, or Leave Copy at Quair's and ADVERTISlNG F- m I' Leave Copy at Quarry's and. The Delta I SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary of the University * *" . She didn't know a soup ladle from a salad spo * ",' but oh, how she could shimmy! She used to ba a , dishes in a swell hotel, but every time that gi jazz band started syncopating, she just couldn't mx S <.:. her feet behave! Then she decided to show the high-kickers e stairs in the cabaret some new wrinkles in the ge art of fast living. ' a = She "borrowed" a swell Lady Duff Gordon ou and one-stepped into the cabaret. *"+"An eloping heiress who looked like our hap heroine; a bungling detective; a million-dollar bellhop and then fun started. MABEL NORMAND WANTS TO MEET YOU UPSTAIRS! COMING-TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY VIOLA DANA " S O M E BRIDE " kThe Story of a Bewitching Imp of a Bride who Just Cou. make Her Eyes Behave. IT'S SOME PICTURE- -.. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Furnished rooms for club of 12 to 15 boys. Modern conveniences, parlor with fireplace. Near campus one-half block from car line. Phone MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS - You can reach everyone through the Wolverine. Let it speak for you. Use The Wolverine for results.