w LA - . RAIN TODAY R LY riu rt t e AT YOUR DOG THREE TIRES A WEEK X. No. 23. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Saturday August 16, 1919 PRICE THREE CEN' 25 REPUBLICANS TO FIGHT CHANGES MUNZ TAKES TITLE IN SINGLES FINAL I N TREATY TEXT, G. 0. P. SOLONS OPPOSED ICAL RESERVATIONS, HITCHCOCK JOIN DEMOCRATS TO RAD- SAYS TO SECURE RATIFICATION Stenographie Report to Be Taken of Wilson-Lodge Parley Next Tuesday Lewis E. Munz, of Detroit, defeated Robert C. Angell, of Detroit, 3-6, 8-6, 6-4, 6-1, for the campus singles cham- pionship on Ferry Field yesterday. Munz' playing throughout the tour- nament has been of a high class, and he will make a valuable addition to the Varsity tennis team next spring. Munz met a worthy opponent in An- gell, in the singles final yesterday, both anen playing fine tennis throughout the match. Angell took the first set rather eas- ily and forced Munz into a deuce set to take the second. After that however,j the winner's placement shots proved too much for Angell, the last two sets going to Munz 6-4 and 6-1. Angell had won his way into the fi- nals by defeating Merry, Cobane and Breakey. Munz beat Kyser, Theumis- sen, Moulthrop, Bowers and Worth in his preliminary round.matches. As a result of his victory in both sin- gles and doubles, Munz will be given one dozen tennis balls, a racquet cover and press. Merkel draws a racquet cover and press for his share in the doubles victory.' Angell will receive a racquet cover and press as runner up in the singles. REISHAO EXPLEAINS FISH' SENSE THEORY R.O.T. C UNITS TO BE ESTABLISHED NEXT FAL IN, EN6IEERING COLLEGE Washington, Aug. 15.-Twenty-five Republican senators will join with 45 Democrats in opposition to textural amendments or radical reservations that would split the treaty of Ver- sailles "wide open,' or send it back to the peace conference, Senator Hitchcock, ranking Democrat of the senate foreign relations committee, told President Wilson at the White House this, afternoon. Mr. Hitchcock called at the White House following a conference with Senator McNary, Oregon, leader of the group of "mild reservationists." Senator.Hitchcock, after seeing the president, said that he was confident all proposed textural amendments to the treaty would be voted down. Textural amendments to the treaty were proposed by Senator Fall, Re- publican, New Mexico, at today's ex- ecutive session of the senate foreign relations committee. No action was taken on the amend- ments. They were for the purpose of preventing participation by the United States in the 18 or 20 minor commissions created under the League of Nations and other provisions of the treaty. Washington, Aug. 15.-More than 20 Republican senators are ready to stand for quick ratification of the peace treaty with reservations, Dem- ocratic leaders in the senate were informed today by leaders of the Re- publican group of reservation advo- cates. Republicans favoring reservations said a poll disclosed that upwards of '30 senators of their party would sup- port reservations along the general lines laid down by the seven Repub- licans, if the treaty could be brought promptly out of committee *and rati-e fied, on that basis. Although /Senator Hitchcock still disclaimed any part in the negotia- tions for a settlement, it was appar- ent the move had reached propor- tions which might threaten the plans of the committee for calling addi- tional witnesses and prolonging con- sideration of the treaty. Stenographic records will be made of the conference between President Wilson and the senate foreign rela- tions committee at the White House Tuesday for discussion of the, peace treaty. Chairman Lodge was so in- formed in a letter from the presi- dent made public today. The president said he would have a stenographer present in order that the committee might have " a full and trustworthy record of what is said,' 'and suggested that the com- mittee also have a stenographer pres- ent. It was understood the official ,transcript would be made public. Exam Schedules e II 11 R.O. T. ed at thet C. units will be re-establ4sh- men then taking courses at these in- University of Michigan and stitutions would have been necessary at other ftiversities and college< throughout the country next fall, un- der an act of Congress of June 3, 1916, revised to suit present conditions. The training here will be under the super- vision of Lt.-Col. John P. Lucas, pro- fessor of military science and tactics. Under the new plan no military drill will be given on the campus, but stu- dents joining the corps will be requir- ed to attend three summer camps, each, of six weeks duration. This means that the work at the University will be confined to preparatory train- ing for technical branches of the ser- vice, and will appeal principally to students enrolled in the engineering college., Units of the signal corps, the engin- eering corps, the ordnance corps, and the coast artillery corps will oe es- tablished. Those who enroll for the work will not be required to decide which branch they desire to enter until the second year, as all men will follow the same course during .the first year. Alowances from Government Each year members of the corps will receive $18.32 for uniform and during their junior and senior years 40 cents per day for rations. In addition all ex- penses of the summer camps will be defrayed by the government. The government will also supply the unit with such technical equipment and supplies as will be, necessary for instruction of the students. The status of a member of the new R. O. T. C. will be that of a citizen, as he will not wear the army uniform or be subject in any way to military law. The following letter from Lieutenant Colonel Lucas explains in detail the plan of the new system: I s! i, e r ' ., as officers in France had the war con- tinued a few months longer. As a matter of fact, I have heard the opin- ion advanced by officers who , are much better informed than I am on that phase of the situation, that, had not the Germans thrown up the sponge when they did, our advance would have been stopped in a very short time due to shortage of officers. I know, per-, sonally, that it was often difficult to get men in the ranks, who were officer material, to consent to take the course at a training camp, because a very short period of service at the front showed them the immense responsi- bility that went with a commission and the difficult and really terrible position in which the inadequately trained officer was placed. This was due not to incompetence on the part of the officer, but to the fact that it was impossible to teach him all that he had to know in a few short months inten- sive training. 7,500 STUDENTS EXP1 CTED IN FALL ICommenting yesterday upon the prospects for a 'record enrollment next fall, Registrar Arthur G. Hall said, "I expect that 7,500 students will register in September, and of the 2,000 atteknding the Summer ses- sion, 1,000 wild probably not be back for the fall term. This will make the total enrollment for the year of 1919-1920 8,500, the largest enroll4 ment in the history of the University and one which will place this Uni- versity among the largest Universi- ties in the country. The greatest number of students at the University was in 1916-1917 when 7,517 were registered, but it is thought that next year 'this mark will be passed by 1,000. This last year, although more than 9,000 were registered, only about 7,300 of these could be considered real students, as approximately 2,500 were taking only engineering mechanics in Section B of the S. A. T. C. Despite the severe handicaps of. the last year. Registrar Hall stated that Michigan could be pasily placed among the first six universities of the country having the greatest enroll- ments, and that Michigan undoubted- ly had the largest S. A. T. C. unit in the country. This was in spite of the fact that the University did not lower its requirements and admit students who were not high school graduates, as did many of the larger universities. COPY FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT TAKEN TO PRINTER FRIDAY UNDERWATER CREATURES FEEL, SEE, HEAR, AND LEARN Explanation of the development of the scientific theory that fishes have senses of touch, smell, sight, and hear- ing the same as humans, com- prised the substance of the lecture "How Fishes See, Hear, and Learn" given Friday evening by Prof. J. E. Reighard, head of the zoology depart- ment. Professor Reighard stated that there were something like 12,000 species of fish, and that as these experiments had been conducted with only two or, three dozen of then, scientists assume that the results would be substanital- ly the same for all varieties. He explained that fish avoided strik- ing obstacles in the water by-means of the sense of touch. This sense is de- veloped in all parts of the body, al- though it is particularly sharp in the fins and nose. He also stated that fish have'a sixth sense, which enables, them to detect slight changes in cur- rent and temperature of the water, permitting them to stvim up streams and find quiet pools free from all dangers. Salmon find their way up stream, af- ter their growth in the ocean, by tak- ing the tributaries of the streams which are the coldest. The spawning places of the salmon are generally at. the foot of glaciers, said Professor Reighard. He exploded the theory that talk of the fishermen disturbed the fish, for he said that only when the noise was communicated to the water could it be heard. Professor Reighard stated that the bump of an oar against a boat would be heard by the fish, and that it would frighten them away. Owing to the greater volume of the water, sounds are more easily heard in the water, and consequently fish do not need external ears to detect sounds, internal organs sufficing. According to Professor Reighard, fish have a sense of vision which ex- tends to all parts of the horizon. The rays of the suns all penetrate into the water, bringing with them the images of the objects around them. The fish then see all above water in a distort- ed manner, things being entirely out of proportion. Professor Reighard closed his lec- ture with a short account of how fishes lean to use these senses. PRESIDENT AND MRS. HUTCHINS TO SPEND SUMMER AT COTUIT l U. S. AGENTS SEIZE, 9,300,000 EGGS -IN DETROITFOOD RAID FOODSTUFFS TAKEN FROM TWO WAREHOUSES VALUED AT MORE THAN $350.000 OHIO DEALERS MOVE MEAT, DESTROY BOOKS Governor Cox Informs Washington of Hoarders' Plan to Evade Federal Penalty Editor the Wolverine: - In compliance with your request I am sending the following information as to the military work at the Univer- sity 'this fall. In the Act of- June 3, 1916, congress provided for the establishment and maintenance of the reserve officers' training corps which should consist of two divisions, namely: a senior divis- ion organized at universities and col- leges requiring four years of colle- giate study for a degree, including state universities and land grant insti- tutions; and a junior division organiz- ed at all other public or private insti- tutions. The object was,-of course, to qualify a certain number of students at civil- ian educational institutions to become reserve officers, this to be accomplish- ed by establishing a system of training in the institution which would teach the rudiments of military science and, thereby, lay a foundation on which the trained officer could be built in a minimum time in case of emergency. In compliance with this act, units of the R. O. T. C. were established at the various universities and other edu- cational institutions of the country, theT Universtty of Michigan responding very patriotically with the largest unit in the country. As usual, however, no sooner had we started a system which would, un- doubtedly have accomplished the re- sult desired, namely, an increase in the military preparedness of the coun- try, than something happened which broke it all up. We declared 'war on Germany. Four-Year Course The R. O. T..C. plan called for a four-year course of instruction. It very soon became evident that, unless every nerve and fiber of the resources of the country were strained to the utmost to meet the German advance, the chances were greatly in favor of our having a 'German-speaking mili- tary governor in Washington before four years had passed. Anyone who was on the British front in the springj or early summer of 1918, as I was fortunate enough to be, will realize that this intolerable situation was not; beyond the realms of possibility. This called for an immediate- and drastic change in the system institut- ed in the colleges becase the young Different System A different system at the educa- tional institutions was, therefore, nec- essary and the students' army training corps, or S. A. T. C., was born. In order to speed up the work more time had to be spent on the military training and, consequently, less on the sacademic work. This meant govern- ,ment interference with the control of the institution, which was unfortunate but necessary in view of the fact that the war had to be won no matter what the cost and that these young men were indispensable if we were to win it. Then the matter was further com- plicated by the fact that all of our officers of experience were either in France or on such important work here that they could not be spared for detail as instructors. I do not mean that the officers who carried on this work at the various institutions did not do remarkably well, because they did. I simply wish to point out that most of the mistakes that were made could be traced to lack of exper- ience on the part of these officers. Now, as I stated above, nothing we attempt to do in the army ever gets a good start before something comes along and blows it into a thousand pieces. The R. 0. T. C. was just well under way when war was declar- ed. The S. A. T. C. was just well under way when the armistice was signed. In either case the result was the same and was destructive. Had. the war gone to its natural conclusion, or until, say, September, 1919, everyi one of the men in the S. A. T. C. would have been leading a platoon in France. Confronted with New Task Now we are confronted with the; task of starting our building again1 where we stopped in April, 1917, and, unfortunately, we are starting with a formidable handicap in the fact that our citizens are, as John Bull would say, "fed up" with the soldier game and have found out that there is more work than romance in a soldier's life with a consequent loss of enthusiasm for things military. This is unfortu-< nate because the same need exists for reserve officers today that existed in 1914. This brings us down to our own case and -an answer to your question as to1 what will be carried on at the Univer- sity of Michigan this fall.I The faculty decided against military drill on the campus. This means that the units established will'be confined to those of the technical branches of the service and will appeal principally to students enrolled in the College of Engineering. We expect to have units of the signal corps, engineer corps, ordnance corps, and coast artillery corps, all of which however will have the same course (Continued onPage Four) 1 AMrs. Kraus Entertains Women Members of the Women's league were entertained at the home of Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, 722 Church St. last Thursday afternoon. There was an informal program to which Marian Bath, '22, contributed several piano solos. This was the last of the Women's league parties given by faculty women for Summer school students. Copy for the fall announcements was taken to the printer's Friday by Registrar Arthur G. Hall, and it is expected that printing of the an- nouncements will be competed a week or so before registration. They are never issued before this time, for by waiting until a late date, it is possible to have the hours and places of class meetings correct. Catalogues are being published and will be finished by the end of this week. They are out later than usual this year because of the disorganiza- tion of the University by the S. A. T. C. In normal years the catalogues are printed by May. GRADUATING STUDENTS ASKED TO SEE COLLEGE :SECRETARY Students expecting to complete dur- ng the Summer session the require- ments for degrees or teachers' diplo- mas are requested to call at the office of the secretary of the college or school in which they are registered to fill out the necessary blanks, prepara- tory to paying fees to the treasurer. Owing to the fact that it is the fac- ulty of the respective colleges that passes upon tfie student's qualification for a degree, students in certain of the colleges will not receive their de- grees until October, when the facul- ties meet again. KENT ASSOCIATION TO OCCUPY KELSEY'S HOUSE ON TAPPAN Kent association, which has occu- pied the Phi Delta Phi house during the past year, will be located in Prof. F. W. Kelsey's house at 826 Tappan street. It is expected that about 20 girls may be cared for in the new quarters of the association. Professor Kelsey will leave the last of this month for a research expedi- tion in southern Europe, and has con- sented to the use of his house during his year's absence. CREDIT FOR SUMMER WORK GIVEN ACCORDING TO CARDS Credit for work during the Summer Session in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will be recorded and the credit coupons mailed as us- ual in accordance with the blanks in the office of the registrar. All lit- erary students are urged to make sure that their cards and addresses there- on are correct. The office is now open for the making of changes. DEAN BATES AND MRS. BATES LEAVE FOR SUMMER VACATION Dean Henry Bates of the Law School and Mrs Bates have left for New Hampshire where they expect to spend the remainder of the summer. They are expected back about the middle of September. Cleveland, 0., Aug . 15. - Two hundred thousand pounds of sugar held in storage in Canton, 0., were seized this afternoon on complaint of federal officials, who have insti- tuted libel and, condemnation pro- ceedings to enable the government to dispose of the supply. Detroit, Aug. 15.-Seven hundred and eighty thousand dozens of eggs- more than 9,300,000-held in cold stor- age by A. F. Thibodeau company, of this city, and the Rock Island Butter company, of Toledo, were seized by federal agents Friday afternoon at the cold storage warehouse of the Detroit Refrigerating company, Howard street. The value of these eggs at the present wholesale price of 45 cents a dozen is more than $350,000. This is the first seizure of food- stuffs in this city since the cam- paign to - prevent profiteering and hoarding was started and follows closely on similar action in other ci- ties. United States District Atorney John E. Kinnane issued the order for the seizure, acting under the provisions of the Lever law, which authorizes the government to take such food- stuffs as are believed to be held for high prices and place them on the market. For several weeks, federal agents under the direction of Arthur L. Barkey, chief of the Detroit office of the department of justice, have been hunting hoarders and food profiteers and the discovery of the huge stores of eggs in the Detroit Refrigerating company plant was made and report- ed to Mr. Kinnane. Of the stok seized, 6,000,000 eggs belong to A. F. Thibodeau company, Detroit jobbers, the others to the Rock Island Butter company, of To- ledo. According to the wholesale price quoted by A. F. Thibodeau- as 45 cents a dozen, the total value of the eggs is $351,000. Mr. Kinnane, in his writ of libel, asks the federal court to; issue an order placing the eggs on the market Aug. 25. Columbus, O., Aug. 15.-Governor James M. Cox late today wired As- sistant United States Attorney-Gen- eral Frank Davis at Washington that the Sheriff street markethouse 'of Cleveland, to avoid federal penalty, is moving its meat products 'to CM- cago warehouses and that records as to previous shipments in Cleveland are being destroyed. Approximately 40 warrants charg- ing Ohio food dealers with violations of the cold storage law, many of which are against local managers of the big Chicago packing companies, were issued by the state of Ohio to- day and arrests will be made imme- diately, according to Governor Cox and Attorney General John G. Price. In addition, Governor Cox appeal- ed-to United States Attorney General Palmer to seize approximately 2,500,000 pounds of meatand poultry which have been held in cold stor age houses longer than the period allowed under the Ohio law. INTERURBAN FARES TO DETROIT FROM ANN ARBOR INCREASED Fares from Ann. Arbor to Detroit on the Detroit, Jackson, and Chicago railway were advanced Friday from 59 to 75 cents, but the 15 cent charge from here to Ypsilanti remained the same. It now costs 59 instead of 49 cents to go to Dearborn, and the price to Wayne has been increased from 30 to 43 cents. Fares from here to Jackson remain the same, although betwee here and such points as Kalamazoo and Bat- tle Creek the rates have also been raised. The examination schedule for both literary and engineering colleges is published below. The schedule is the same for both colleges. The time for examinations is: 7 o'- clock classes, Friday, 10 to 12; 8 o'- clock classes, Thursday, 8 to 10; 9 o'clock classes, Wednesday, 2 to 4; 10 o'clock classes, Thursday, 4 to 6; 11 o'clock classes, Friday, 8 to 10; 1 o' clock cl sses, Friday, 2 to 4; 2 o'clock classes, Thursday 2 to 4; 3 o'clock classes, Wednesday, 4 to 6; 4 o'clock classes, Thursday, 10 to 12. Examina- tions for irregular and conflicting classes will be held Friday from 4 to President Harry B. Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins left recently for Cotuit, Mass., where they will spend their summer vacation. They expect to re- turn about Sept. 15. Massachusetts' Minister to Speak Here The Rev. A. W. Littlefield, of Need- ham, Mass., will speak Sunday morn- ing in the Unitarian church. His topic will be "The'Signs of the Times." [ students desiring credit for work during the Summer School will equired to nass examinations ac-