THE ONLY OFFICIAL J~ i4 u rrirwSUMMER NEWSPAPER K No. 23. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1918 PRICE THREE CENVTS ISO HIACHMENT IJISO51 MEN Have Been Examined, Measured for Uniforms, and Assigned to Quarters ALITIES GOOD, SAY OFFICERS he entire number of men in the d University training detachment ived Tuesday. The present detail sists of aproximately 851 men, in- ding 100 members of the signal ps. .t 4:50 o'clock Thursday morning first contingent of men arrived in city. The last detail of men arriv- at 9:50 o'clock Thursday night. On ir arrival in the city Boy Scouts es- ted the men to the headquarters of detachment. The mobilization was bly smooth and orderly. The gen- t procedure was as follows: Are First Recorded 'he Knights of Columbus war tent used as a listing personnel office, it was here where the future hers were recorded. Then they at to the "Y" war tent, where they 'e assigned to the different branch- of shop work. inmediately after they had been ed and assigned to the different les, they underwent a physical ex- ination in the basement of Water- n gymnasium. Captain Bedford E. ighan and his staff of medical as- ants examined the men. Measured for Uniforms leasurements were then taken by utenant EdWard J. Stotter, quar- naster, and his assistants for uni- ns, shoes, and regular equipment, ch will be issued to the men as n as it arrives from the quarter- ster deparment of the war depart- nt. h men, when they finished the liminary steps, stuffed their bed ks with straw and were assigned cots in the barracks. After they ipleted all these duties, the major- of them put their suitcases over r knees in the barracks and wrote ers to the folks at home. Hooslers Were Equipped .11 of the 100 signal corps men de- ed from Valparaiso, Ind., were ipletely equipped, and it will not necessary to issue an entire new fit. These men had previous ex- lence at Valparaiso. They were ed on guard andorderly duty. . quantity of signal corps field ipment arrived in the city Tues- . Yesterday morning one of the e army trucks, accompanied by of the signal corps men, went to roit for additional equipment. In- sive signal corps training will baly commence Monday. Officers Are Pleased flicers in the detachment are high- leased with the appearance of the v detail. They claim that the men, enera, are younger and more spir- i than those in former detachments. he personnel of the companies has been changed somewhat. Lieut. ries J. Harrison, formerly in rge of company B, is now in charge ompany A. Every officer .of com- y C has been transferred to com- .y B. Lieut. John P Norvall has n placed in command of com- .y C. Unitarian Services ,ecture at 10:30 o'clock on "The tarian and the Missionary Spirit," Miss Carlisle. Miss Carlisle is a duate of the University, and goes tember 1 to be a missionary to the 'th Carolinian mountaineers. Fete Tonight Last of Social Events All faculty members and their wives and summer school students are invited to the annual lawn fete to be given this evening on the lawns of Newberry residence. The affair is in the nature of a reception, followed by several hours of dancing, with Miss Agnes E. Well, social direteor of New- berry, and Newberry residents as hostesses. This event marks the social climax of the summer session ,and has al- ways been looked forward to with a great deal of anticipation as a fitting end to the summer activities. Strings of Japanese lanterns will transform the lawn into a veritable fairyland. In case of rain it will be impossible to hold the fete. OBJECI OF AYEHIISN 10 COMPEL PUBCHSE Bond Should Be Established Between Need and Trade Name of Particular Product It is only in the last few years that the relation of psychology and adver- tising has been established, although its relation to grammar painting, eco- nomics, and rhetoric has long been realized, said Dr. H. F. Adams in his lecture on "The Psychology of Ad- vertising" yesterday afternoon The main object of advertising he said is to establish a bond in the mind of the public between some need and the trade name of the commodity which can satisfy this need The ad- vlertigement is entrely satisfatory only when it really compels the public to buy what it approves A study of psychology has helped greatly in mak- ing the pure business of advertising more successful because it trys to discover what is attractive to the gen- eral public and then these features can be put in the advertisement A picture colored is especially good. Illustrations of familiar things paint- ed in their most attractive aspect in bright colors red if possible, are the ones that take the best. Another way of attracting the public is by a clever name, or slogan, or even a witty verse if it is short and to the point. The name "Nabisco" has been valued at $15,000,000 and "Bon Ami" at $5,000,- 000. Sometimes headlines are very suc- cessful in cating the general interest. The best ones of these contain no more than three words because the 'average mind cannot take in more than that at a glance. The idea con- veyed in headlines should never be complete; there shoul always be something omitted to pique the curios- ity to read on farther. Symbolical names if the idea in them is perfectly plain are an effective means. This is shown for instance in Ivory soap, which brings the idea of its whiteness equaling that of ivory. Dr. Adams gave a brief history of the development of advertising. The earliest form was merely praising ob- jects which were to be exchanged, but later in Rome placards were posted announcing things for sale. When the guild system was at its height each town was divided into districts, in each of which a different article was sold which objects were announced by a town crier. It was not until the art of printing was well known, and until the masses of the people could read easily, that the modern form of advertising was established. CAPTAIN BOCBVSTELLS MEN WAD'XPEIENCES Detachment Informed of What Com- pany E Baa Met -And What It May Encounter Pointing out valuable lessons for men who are going to France, Cap- tain L. S. Bachus of Company E, which he left but a few weeks ago In France to return to this country to act as an instructor, told a capacity audience of detachment men and in- terested Ann Arbor people last night in the Y tent some of the experiences of that company since it left Michigan for the firing line. He reviewed its history up until it went forward, the first company of its division to be so honored, to take over a sector of about a mile of the front line. By means of blackboard he diagrammed the various positions of different parts of the unit, explain- ed why they were so dispositioned, and what the part of each one would lqe in case of an attack, such as did occur, and which was repulsed. Gas, he explained, was the most ter- rible weapon the enemy possesses, and then proceeded to demonstrate with a British gas mask, which he carried around his neck, just how an Allied soldier protects himself when gas is coming over. He told the different kinds of gas the )ermans use, and what the particular effect of each is. He warned the men to put on their masks whenever the alarm is given, and to keep them on despite bodily dis- comfortures, and the nauseating ef- fects of some of the gasses, which gasses are always followed with others of a deadly nature. Company E, he said, has been mak- ing a record of which the relatives of the men should be proud. It has par- ticipated in the American drive, and is probably now in the midst of the fighting. Captain Bausch kept his talk en- livened with humor, and had his au- dience laughing mucq of the time. Football Player To Hit Hun Line Frank (Count) Villa, one of the greatest football players Michigan ever produced, and whom football de- votees of the last years of the nine- teenth century well remember, was re- cently in Chicago, according to infor- mation received here. This time he was in an army uniform. He is on his way to France asH a first lieutenant of engineers, and expects to hit the Boche line as hard as heedid the lines of rival teams in the four years he was all American tackle at Michigan. During the years of 1896 to 1900 Frank Villa played on the Varsity teams. His marvelous speed, to gether with his weight, made him a terror to opposing teams. After grad- uating from the University, Villa went to the Klondike for adventure and gold. He made a name for himself up there, for a tramp of 1,700 miles from Dawson to Nome, and for carrying a 350 pound flywheel over a .mountain pass on his back. Later he became a construction en- gineer in Seattle, where he has lived for the last 17 years. Gets Position on General Staff Prof. H. A. Kenyon of the modern languages department has been com- missioned a captain in the army, and ordered to Washington, where he will take up executive duties on the gen- eral staff. Registrar's Office to Handle tiers Men in the University who have reached their 21st birthday since June 5, and on or before August 24, should register at the office of Regis- trar Arthur G. Hall, if they are not residents of Washtenaw county. The office will be open for this purpose Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week, between the hours of 10 to 12 o'clock, and 2 to 4 o'clock. It is necessary that the registrations be made early, as they must be mail- ed to the local registration boards in the home cities of the registrants. This is the same method that has been employed in previous registrations. OBCANIlATIINS PROVIDE WEEKS ENIERTAINMENI Full Program of Movies, Lectures, and Stunts Arranged to Amuse Detachment Members of the third training de- tachment were entertained for the first time since their arrival in the city by the Y. M. C. A. last Thursday night with motion pictures. On ac- count of the "Y" tent being occupied by the officers of the detachment a sheet was stretched on the side of the Chemistry building On Friday night Captain J. L. Bach- us, who has just returned from abroad, spoke to the men on his personal ex- periences in France and in the front line trenches. At 8:30 o'clock to- night motion pictures will be shown in the "Y" tent. Dorothy Dalton is fea- tured in the "Love Meet." " Entertainment, both social and re- ligious, is scheduled for next week by the "Y," the K. of C .and the Eastern Star. Mass /will be held in the K. of C. tent at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow mornig At 10:15 o'clock the go-to- church groups will start from the "Y" tent to attend the various church- es. A general detachment stunt night wil be held in the "Y" tent Monday night, while the tent on Tuesday even- ing is in charge of the Eastern tSar. It was customary with the members of ofrmer detachments to sign up if they desired to be invited out to din- ner on Sunday. The same system will be in vogue for this detachment. Any members desiring to go must sign up at the "Y" tent immediately after the noon mess. FACULTY OFFICERS LEAVE FOR CAMP Prof. F".R. Finch, Mr. Harry N. Coles, and Prof. C P Wagoner have left for Fort Sheridan training camp to take one month's course offered for officers in university military organi- zations Prof. Finch and Mr. Cole left Thursday night, and Mr. Wagoner yesterday morning. The camp was scheduled to begin yesterday. Prof. Wagoner has been conducting the R. O. T. C. at the University this summer ,but arrangements have been made to continue the work during his absence. All three men were faculty officers for companies in the R. O. T. C. during last winter's session. Contract Not Yet Signed Government officials who are to sign the contract between the Uniyersity and the government for the signal training school, and for the extra mo- tor mechanics, have not yet arrived, according to Prof. H. H. Higbee, who represents the University in the con- duct of. special war courses. ; CEBMAN LEACUE Kaiser on Side of Peace Until Forced by Public Opinion . to Slake Declarations WANTED TO DOMINATE WORLD That the German Kaiser was not the force instrumental in bringing on the war, is the belief of Prof. Wal- lace Notestein of the University of Minnesota, who spoke Thursday in Natural Science auditorium on "The Pan-German League and America." Prof. Notestein has been conducting a course on The Great War ,in the sum- mer session, and prior to that was employed by the government in com- piling the book, "Conquest and Kul- ture," which is being scattered broad- cast as part of the national education campaign. Rather, he would place the blame at the feet of the Pan-German league and its subsidiary organizations,which since 1890 have been engaged in a systematic campaign for rousing the national spirit in Germany, and edu- cating the people to the belief that a war was inevitable if Germany were to occupy the position in world pol- itics to which her superior civilization entitle her. Kaiser Kept the Peace The Kaiser was a friend of peace up until 1911, and probably later, accord- ing to Prof. Notestein. He demon Strated this in the Moroccan incident, when he compromised with France over the administration of Morocco, when France was in such a feeble military situation that she could have been crushed easily, and her ally, Russia, was meeting with disaster in the East. His refusal then to declare war brought down upon him the most bitter criticism from the Pan-Ger- mans, who kept up their cry for ag- gression. His position became unten- able, and he went over to the side of those who wanted war. There is no doubt, according to Prof. Notestein, that he then went ahead and forced the war, on no grounds whatsoever. To Unite All Germans The league, he said was organized in 1890 in southern Germany, and had for its purpose the prospering of Ger- mans, and the furtherance of German ideas, in all parts of the world. At first it was composed of comparative- ly little men in German political life, but it soon gathered unto itself some of the biggest men politically Branch- es were established all over the world, in Holland, Belgium, Russia, South America, and even in the United Stats, in New York. Through these branches it sought to reach every per- son of Germanic origin in the world, no matter what his present allegiance, and try to bring him into close touch with the fatherland. It also had as its object the protection 4If all Ger- mans no matter where they lived. Employ Best Writers The best writers in Germany were employed to prepare the propaganda. They travelled all over the world, and then wrote books on the progress of Germanism in various lands, com- menting on the possibility Germany had to get control of that particular country. These books. were issued in very cheap editions and had enormous circulations, which proves their popu- larity. At every point, according to Prof. Notestein, they pressed home the fact that Germany was the power des- tined to rule the world, and that the war was near in which the Germans would demonstrate to the world their great superiority. In this way there was created a (Continued from Page One)