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August 15, 1918 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1918-08-15

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IX. No. 22
een Michigan School Presidents
Meet and Make Plans for
t steps in a campaign to get
under 21 years of age to enter
e and continue until called by
overnment were taken Tuesday
presidents of Michigan colleges,
public and private, and the
superintendent of public in-
.ion, who met in the office of
Harry B. Hutchins. They adopted
tions, and discussed plans, the
s of which will be announced
m as action is taken The reso-
adopted are as follows:
Auld the Boy Under 21 Attend
Presidents of the University
f the Colleges and Normal
la of Michigan met at Ann Arbor
esday, August 13, 1918, to con-
the question "Should the boy un-
I attend college?" After delibera-
hey came to the following con-
us which they give to the public
interest to boys under 21, to
ts, and to the public in general.
The Government of the United
is desirous that young men
college and remain there so long
ey can be spared from active
ry service. President Wilson,
ary Baker, and Secretary Dan-
ave publicly so stated. The rea-
or the attitude of the Govern-
lies in the fact that college train-
m are in demand as officers and
ecialized war service and will
aded in the reconstruction period
ing the war.
ro connect the college directly
;he prosecution of the war, mil-
training will be introduced this
nder direction of the War De-
ent into the University, Col-
and Normal Schools of the State
nerally as possible. It is ex-
that military training will be
ration in the higher educational
tions of Michigan the coming
The War Department is now
sting training camps for men
will be in these institutions and
ssist in giving military instruc-
We therefdre urge that boys un-
1 enter college as a means of
g the country both in war and
years following the war, and
pe that parents, the press and
-minded citizens generally will
a the. nation-wide campaign
is under way to keep our
sities, colleges, and normal
s filled with students during
years of war.
B. Hutchins, President, Uni-
Ity of Michigan.
S, Kedzie, President, Michigan

cultural College.
W. McNair, President, Michigan
ege oftMines.
n L. Freeman, President, Adrian
1 Dickle, President, Albion Col-
M. Crooks, President, Alma Col-
L W. Mauck, President, Hillsdale
d D. Dimnent, President, Hope
rt L. Stetson, President, Kala-
oo College.
ore H. Wilson, President, Olivet
is McKenny, President, Michigan
e Normal College.
Warriner, President, Central
e Normal School.

'y r e





Ann Arbor Plant
Working Women
It is not necessary to travel to the
cucumber fields of Midland, the mu-
nition factory at Jackson, or the cher-
ry farms near Traverse City to find
bloomeretted girls trying to take the
places of the men in uniform.
t Twelve girls between the ages of
'16 and 18 years are at present em-
ployed by the Ann Arbor Steel and
Metal Co., to replace men in service.
One of them has already been made
a forewoman, and when interviewed,
said that the girls had made such a
good record, in some cases even bet-
tering that of the men, that more were
'tt be employed. The girls work eight
hours a day.
Assumed Control at Start of War on
Platform of Full Support to
A brief outline of the conditions' in
politics and education in Australia, as
well as a summary of his trip, was
given by Prof. T. C. Trueblood in his
lecture on "Impressions of Australia,"
Tuesday afternoon in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. For the 12 years im-
mediately preceding the war the la-
bor party was in power there oppoc'd
ly strong conservatives, he said. But
the question of sending military help
to England split the laborites, the best
elements of which joined the conserva-
tives, thus forming the national party.
While forcing through conscription
was a hard fight it was finally success-
fully accomplished. Now, however,
the quota at the front is maintained by
voluntary enlistments. Every day at
noon meetings or "recruiting bees," as
they are called, are held at which of-
ficers returned from the front speak
and urge enlistments, o far this
method has been successful in keeping
the ranks filled.
The system of education is quite ex-
tensive and well regulated. Each of
the six states into which the country
is divided has its state university lo-
cated at the state acpital. In the
method of arrangement they are like
English universities, having different
colleges. But their divisions into
schools as the literary, law, and medi-
cal, resemble more the American type.
Because the caste sytsem still sur-
vives to some extent the public schools
are not patronized by the children of
wealthy families. They are educated
is schools managed by the church for
the most part. Graduation from high
school does not permit entrance into
the university, which can be gained
only through entrance examinations.
This causes considerable waste of
time as the courses are all arranged
to prepare pupils for these examina-
tions, the last six weeks of the term
being spent wholly on the questions.
Graduates Should Fill Out Blanks
All students expecting to complete
the requirements for graduation or
for teachers' diplomas at the end of
the summer session should call at
once at the office of the college in
which they are enrolled to fill out the
blanks necessary before paying the
fees at the treasurer's office.
Dwight B. Waldo, President, Western
State Normal School.
James H. B. Kaye, President, Northern

State Normal School,
Fred L. Keeler, State Superintendent
of Public Instruction.
Dancing at the Armory every Sat-
urday evening. Fisher's orchestra.-


"The Swan and the Skylark" Sung by
Chorus of Fifty with Four
"The Swan and the Skylark," given
by a chorus of fifty with four soloists
and piano and organ accompaniment,
furnished a fitting close last night to
the series of Wednesday night con-
certs given during the summer pes-
sion by the faculty of the School of
Music. The four soloists were Miss
Ada Grace Johnson, soprano, and Mr.
James Hamilton, tenor, of the School
of Music faculty, Mrs. E. F. Chase,
contralto, of Detroit, and Mr. Robert
Dieterle, baritone of Ann Arbor.
The work, which is by Thomas, is
full of melody not beyond the mid-
summer audience and to Prof. Earl
. Moore, of the School of Music, who
directed, goes much credit for the
'very effective presentation.
* Miss Johnson's voice was at its
best in the high clear notes of the
skylark, while the dramatic interpre-
tation of the melancholy spirit of the
swan's death-chant given by Mr. Ham-
ilton brought forth a round of appre-
ciative applause. ,
The prologue and epilogue were
sung by Mr. Dieterle, who has achiev-
ed great popularity with Ann Arbor
audiences. The poetic lines were
sung with a dignity and ferver which
furnished an admirable intraduction
and conclusion for the number. Mrs.
Earl F. Chase is newer to local audi-
ences but her work last night insures
many more successful appearances
here. She has a pleasing contralo
and handled her solo admirably.
The piano accompaniment of Miss
Susan Snow was well handled in spite
of its difficult character, as was the
work of Prof. Burton A. Garlighouse
at the organ
The program was opened with the
aria and recitation, "0 Santa me dal-
gia" and'"Dio Possente" from "Faust"
sung by Mr. Dieterle, accompanied by
Mr. Otto J. Stahl, of the School of
Music. Mr. Dieterle received enthusi-
'astic applause and was forced to re-
spond with an encore.
Lectures Tomorrow
Will Close Series
The two final lectures of the sum-
mer session will be given tomorrow.
In the afternoon at 5 o'clock Prof. H.
F. Adams will give an illustrated talk
on "Psychology and Advertising." In
the evening at o 'clock Regent J. E.
Beal will speak on "Mexico and Her
People." Regent Beal has travelled in
Mexico and has considerable personal
knowledge of the country.
The recital to be given this evening
in University Hall by Prof. R. D. Hol-
lister's class in iiterpretive reading
will consist of selections from the
shorter poems of ;Tennyson. The
poems will be divided into three
groups, patriotic, character sketches,
and lyrics. The following students
will take part: M. W. Budd, J. Z. Cor-
ey, Z. B. Cutler, Dorothy Duncan, W.
J Jenkins, Anna E. Kunert, Vera Lane,
A. G. Leonard, .Ruth M. Powers, Le-
Vern Ross, Maysie Stratton.

FOR RENT-Four most desirable un-
furnished house-keeping rooms with
bath, half way between Main and
State Sts. Inquire 344 Liberty Ct.
Phone 1557-J. 21-2t

Tough Luck For
2nd Detachment
When Sallie Ann spread the last bit
of frosting on the cake and sent it
off to her detachment lover, little did
she know that a captain, a lieutenant,
and a sergeant, were going to devour
said frosting with the same gusto that
they clamored for the pan and the
,poon in their more youthful days.
It all happened because of the post
office regulation which says perishable
mail shall not be forwarded, and the
fact that the detachment men left
rather suddenly, After their depar-
ture, box after box kept coming in
marked perishable, and looking sus-
piciously like there might be a delecti-
'ble fried chicken or something of
equal interest therein.
After a consultation it was decided
by authorities that it would only be
furthering the plans of Hoover to open
the boxes and try to keep as many of
the contents as possible from further
ruin. Sergt. G. L. Wright acted as the
official opener, and great and varied
were the gustatory feats he called
upon his followers to perform. Every-
thing from the humble pork and beans
to Ladies Home Journal confections
were enjoyed. Several of the hungry
Wolverine reporters were allowed to
eat the cake from which the frosting
had been requisitioned by the three
Occupied Same Relation to Children
as Building Blocks Do to Modern
Common, household pottery decorat-
ed with pictures illustrating classic
stories, is the medium by which most
of the ancient Greek myths have been
handed down to present times, said
Prof. Campbell Bonner inhis lecture
on 'Picture Books of the Anciept
Greeks" yesterday afternoon.
Papyrus was too expensive during
the fifth and sixth centuries to use for
drawing, and the sculptures and friez-
es on many of the buildings could only
show certain kinds of art, so ordinary
earthenware dishes were painted. Two
colors were used for the most part,
either black for figures on a light
ground, or pale red for figures on a
darker ground. Complete technical
mastery was reached in the latter.
New stories, or variations of the fa-
miliar ones which are nowhere found
in writing, have come to us by this
means, said Prof. Bonner. For in-
stance, in the well known version of
Jason and the Golden Fleece, the hero
is successful, but one of the drawings
on a vase shows, the serpent, that
guarded the tree on which the fleece
was hung, killing the hero.
The latter part of Prof. Bonner's lec-
ture was devoted to showing a col-
lection of pottery on which are repre-
sented all the brave deeds of Her-
cules Slides were shown of pictures
representing Hercules combat With
the serpents, with the hydra, and lat-
er his trip to get the Apples of Hes-
perides. This decorated china served
the same purpose for the Greek chil-
dren as do blocks for modern ones, for
they learned the letters and names of
animals from them. Their dishes were
their Mother Goose rhymes.
We carry the "gun" for many a mile-
We triangle with wonderful style
But we're telling you

The best thing we do
Fischer Party at the Packard every
Friday evening.-Adv.

700 Stident Motor Mechanics Arrive
Today, Detailed by Michigan
Draft Boards
More than 700 members of the third
training detachment arrived this
morning. The men were detailed to
the city by the various draft boards
throughout the state. The Y. M. c.
A. and K. of C. tents were used as per-
sonnel offices
One hundred signal corps men re-
ported at the University of Michigan
Training detachment Tuesday night
from Valparaiso, Ind., accompanied by
31 civilian instructors. Lieut. G. I.
Back will have charge of the signal
corps men.
The signal corps course will train
men primarily for field battalion work.
It will consist of three branches, ca-
ble men, line construction men, and
switch board and combination men. It
is contemplated that the work toward
the close of the course will be the es-
tablishment of lines of communication
in trenches which will be similar to
actual war conditions. The field near
the Observatory 'may be used for this
Definite periods for class work, shop
work, military drill, and a great deal
of actual field work are now being
planned. The main idea is for the
men to do practical work and not be-
come electrical engineers. If condi-
tions are satisfactory, night operations
will 'probably be undertaken.
This is the first time that any mem-
bers of the signal corps have been
detailed to the University. The course
will be thorough, rapid, and practcal.
enabling the men, when they leave the
city, to be sent to various canton-
ments as instructors or abroad for ac-
tive service.
Invite All To
Newberry Fete
Faculty members and their wives
and summer school students are cor-
dially invited by Miss Agnes E. Wells
and residents of Newberry dormitory,
to attend the lawn fete to be given on
the Newberry lawn Saturday evening.
The affair will begin at 8 o'clock with
a reception, followed by several hours
of dancing.
Speaking about college athletics as
a result of wartime conditions, the
official publication of the University
of Pennsylvania says: "We are pre-
pared for come radical changes in the
management and operation of college
sports when the war is ended. Cer-
tainly many of the evils which fas-
tened themselves on intercollegiate
sports during their tremendous de-
velopment will never be tolerated
again. We doubt if the training table,
at least the expensive brand, ever will
be revived. It is unlikely also that
exorbitant salaries l pr athletic coach-
es, who work but a few months of a
year, will be endured."
Credit for summer work will *
be recorded and credit coupons
* mailed by the Registrar in strict
accordance with the blanks as flu-
* ed in the office. All literary stu-*

* dents should make sure that *
their election cards and addresses *
* agree with the facts. The office is *
* open for this purpose now.
5*5 * 5***** *5 5**

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