aiu-eight Out of 100 in Graduating
lass Are from Ann Arbor; Be-
come Ensigns
chigan led all other universities
colleges in the number of repre-
tives she had in the last graduat-
class at Pelham Bay naval train-
school, 28 sons of Michigan re-
ng ensign's commissions out of
100 granted. Two more would
been among the number but one
transferred to steam engineering
01, and another could not pass the
physical test. In the number of
esentatives the Unversity'of Chi-
was second, Yale third, and Bos-
Institute of Technology fourth.
1e 30 men were from the d tach-
t of 9 sent down to Cleveland last
Ih 18. They were among the 100
est in the large naval reserve de-
ment stationed there for training,
consequently were chosen first to
the special training for com-
ions at Pelham Bay. A second de-
mnent of approximately the same
or larger, of Michigan men has
a been chosen from the original
nd is now located there.
ter leaving Ann Arbor the men re-
sd at Cleveland, were given some
minary work there, and then
t on a two months cruise on the
. It was on the basis of ability
nstrated on this cruise that selec-
a for Pelham Bay were made. The
wing men received commissions
asigns: .
R. Adrian, ex-'18; C. M. Anderson,
William Balgooyen, ex-'18; H.
nan, ex-'18; F. W. Culver, ex-'20;
Campbell, ex-'18; E. Daskomb,
; N. D. Ireland, ex-'18L; J. H.
n, ex-'20L; J. M. Mumford, ex-
; J. E. Mason, ex-'19E; E. S., Pet-
in, '18; C. H. Daly, ex-'20; C. For-
r, ex-'19; G. K. Fizel, grad; R.
ox, ex-'18L; F. A. Gariepy, ex-18;
I Hedin, ex-'18; R. Habermann,
OE; F. E. Philips, ex-'19L; G. B.
son, ex-'19; D. Racoosin, ex-20;
,. Iobinson, ex-'18; R. D. Smith,
9E; L. D. Sulivan, ex-'120E; H. D.
z, ex-'19E; H. Groves, ex-'19E. A
lar transferred to the setam eng-
ring school at Pelham Bay.
xcursion Party
to go to Jackson
of. C. 0. Davis of the department
lucation, has made arrangements
Ike his class to Jackson on Thurs-
of this week in order to inspect
new Junior high schools in that
In addition to visiting the schools
party will inspect the state prison.
party leaves the interurban sta-
at 12:45 o'clock, and expects to
rn leaving Jackson at 5:05 o'clock.
persons not members of Professor
s' classes but who would care to
the party are invited to do so.
es of such people should be left
Professor Davis, phone 1867.
meeting to draw up plans for a
to College" campaign to, be con-
ed throughout the state by the
idents of the various colleges was
this morning in the presiden's of-
The committee of which Presi-
Hutchins is chairman, consists of
presidents of the colleges and
aal schools all over the state and
e state board of education.
i i i * " t t " " " " e
* *
* *
* The student nurse campaign
* which ends this week has been
*very successful, over 100 prospects
* have called and many inquiries
* made. The exact number of en-
rollments cannot be determined
* because a number of the college *
* women who are considering it can- *
* not decide finally until they go *
* home after summer school. Most *
* of the college women seem to pre- *
* fer being placed in the army train- *
* ing camps, while the local girls *
* favor being trained in schools *
which will be established in hos- *
pitals in Ann Arbor.
* "
Neither is a Ballad Genuine If it is
Written or Printed, Says Prof.
W. R. Humphreys
A ballad is not really a ballad if it
is printed or written, said Prof. W.
R Humphreys In his lecture yester-
day afternoon on the "Popular Bal-
,lad," because as the name indicates
the original ballad was a combination
of song and verse to which music the
ministrels danced as they went about
the country singing to the villagers.
In fact, no rhyme is real poetry un-
less it can be sung, continued Profes-
sor Humphreys, because poetry un-
peals to the sense of hearing just as
painting does to sight.
Students sometimes complain that
they are not educated up to it, but
because it is not addressed to their
understanding. The old idea that a
poet must be learned is quite false be-
cause rhyming is a great deal older
than learning. Poetry was made long
before either the rhymers or the list-
eners could read or write. As soon as
a ballad is printed it is only the fossil
of a real one.
A letter has been received from Miss
Marion Wood, director of the women's
gymnasium for this year, outlining
plans for the work. Because of the
absence of Miss Alice Evans, former
director, who has now gone into the
orthopedric reconstruction work, it
was thought that the work would have
to be cut down or a new assistant pro-
,curd. But by a plan of enrolling a
few upperolass girls who are interest-
ed in gymnasium work as assistants, it
is thought that the work jan be con-
ducted as usual.
Plans for the lawn fete to be given
by MissAgnes E. Wells and residents
of Newberry dormitory are complete,
and the affair will be held this Satur-
day night from I until 11 o'clock.
A reception will be given from 8 un-
til 8,o'clock followed by dancing.
i A picnic for summer school women
will be given this Thursday after-
noon by the Women's league. Every-
pne intending to go Is requested to
meet at 5 o'clock at Barbour gymnas-
ium equipped with lunch, and cups
for the coffee which the league will
furnish. In the event of rain, the
picnic will be held in the parlors of
Borbour gymnasium..
Fifty Non-Coms Remain to Assist in
Instruction of Third De-
More than 650 members of the sec-
ond training detachment have left
from the different barracks in the city,
having been detailed to six army can-
tonments. Fifty non-commissioned
officers, together with the regular
number of officers already stationed
here, have been detained for the third
detachment. These men will act as
instructors to the next detail of men.
First Lieutenant William A. Monta-
gue left at 5 o'clock Monday night with
105 men for Camp Hancock, Ga. He
was the only officer of the second de-
tachment who left with the men on
First Men Left Monday
The first men to leave were those
detailed to report at Camps Hum-
phrey, Va., and Sherman, O., who left
on the 11:30 o'clock Ann Arbor rail-
way train Monday morning. The next
detail of men left at 2:39 o'clock Mon-
day afternoon for Camp Custer.' At 5
o'clock Monday afternoon 182 men left
Via Ann Arbor railway for Camps
Hancock and Wheeler, Ga.
Reveille was at 5 o'clock this morn-
ing, and up to noon small bodies of
trops left on the trains for different
army cantonments. At the present
time the number of detachment men
has dwindled down to less than 75
Detail to Camps
Orders were received by Captain
Ralph Durkee Sunday night, and the
men were ordered to pack up their
belongings. Transporation slips were
made out by Lieutenant Stotter Mon-
day and Tuesday. The detail of men
Monday to the different cantonments
was as follows:
Camp Hancock, Ga., 105 men; Camp
Custer, Mich., 41 men; Camp Hum-
phrey, Va., 6 men; Camp Joseph E.
Johnston, Fla., 2 men; Camp Sherman,
0. 19 men; and Camp Wheeler Ga. 77
men making a total of 22 men who left
Ann Arbor Monday.
No definite word has been received
from the war department as to when
the third detachment will arrive in
the city although the men are expect-
ed about Aug. 15. Arrangements have
already been made to house, feed, and
equipithe men upon their arrival in
the city.
What Nefarious
doings Are These ?
(By Black Fly)
The quiet stillness of last Friday
evening was suddenly broken by the
horrible sound of metal meeting metal
in deathly combat. Frightened house-
holders gazed with ashy faces out of
their shacks-for well might they
tremble. The KU-KLUX-KLAN was
abroad, and none could foretell the
spot on which the lightning of their
wrath next would fall. Soon an awful
spectra, clad only in Nature's raiment,
fled with copious steps down State
street, leaving in its wake terror and
destruction. Each shack was visited
with a Presence, manifested only by a
gleaming light and a nefarious cackle.
,Dark and uncouth threats were mut-
tered-horrible deeds were perpetrat-
ed, and great was the flow of blood
Later, their blood lust having been
satiated, their penance duly extracted
the KLAN dissolved into the myster-
ious nothing from where it came, leav-
jng behind it violated shacks and ire
t i * #* t t t " i t e
* *
* Alumni House, the dormitory on .
* Washtenaw avenue, will be run
* this winter on a co-operative plan.
The work will be arranged in
* shifts which rotate weekly. Each
* girl will pay her room rent at the
* beginning of each semester, and
* will then be paid for her labor
* in the house at the rate of 20
* cents an hour. This money may
be used to reduce living expenses,
* or may be spent in soe sort of
* war work. The dining room and
kitchen will be in charge of Mrs. *
* Cameron, the chaperon for Collegi- *
* ate Sorosis, and the rest of the *
* work under the direction of the so- *
* cial head. Miss Hollands, who *
* held this position last year, has *
resigned to enter war service and *
her successor has not yet been*
* y*
Dancing and Musical Program Are
Features; More Than 100
Couples Attend
The open air carnival, which was
given last night for the benefit of the
men in Company A and their friends,
was a decided success. While file of
"Ike's best" played the latest one-
steps, more than 100 couples danced
on the spacious lawn adjoining bar-
racks, No. 3.
Japanese lanterns, hung at regular
intervals around the spacious courts,
and strings of electric lights were the
chief decorations. A stage was built
on the south end of the lawn for the
musicians. American, British, and
French flags were draped in the back-
The first dancing number was "The
Victors." This was followed by another
one-step, a fox-trot, and a circle two-
step. Two square dances were also
played during the evening. Punch and
sandwiches were served between
During the intermission ice cream
bricks and cake were served to the
guests. Priv. W. W. Davis, accompan-
ied by Private Kreiger, sang "Some-
where a Voice is Calling," which was
immediately followed by a piano selec-
tion by Private reiger.
Noise making instruments, a package
of cigarettes, and a handsome program
Were given to the members of the com-
pany. Confetti was also issued to the
soldiers. After 11:30 o'clock the dance
was held in one of the large rooms
of barracks, No. S. The affair ended
at 12 o'clock. The arrangements com-
mittee was as follows:
Harry R. Harrison, general chair-
man; James D. O'Rourke, Grant N.
Starbuck, entertainment; Fremont
Loeffel, Harry Hurni, decoration; Har-
ry R. Harrison, Omer F. Hall, finance;'
and Amassa C. Hatch, Harold T. Hill,
Charles E. Hawkins, refreshment.
This entertainment marked the close
of the three company socials, the pud-
pose of w lch was to dispose of the
company fund. Company B gave a
chicken dinner, company C, a military
ball, and Company A, a carnival ball.
Leland Thompson Commissioned
Word has been received from Leland
S. Thompson, '18, who joined one of
the first ambulance units to be sent
to France, that he has been made a
first lieutenant in the S S U., 505 Di-
vision. Mr. Thompson is a member
of Acacia fraternity.
Approximately 900 Men in Detachment
That Takes Place of One That
Just Left
Approximately 900 men will arrive
in Ann Arbor Thursday to begin spec-
ial training in the University engi-
neering shops. Seven hundred and
twenty-one wil constitute the third de-
tachment of student mechanics, tak-
ing the place of those which completed
their work last week and left Sun-
day and Monday, and 131 will be tele-
phone electricians making up the first
section of the signal corps to be es-
tablished here.
. No arrangements had been made for
accommodating the signal corps men
as the government had not signed the
contract, but a telegram was received
yesterday advising the University that
100 men, together with 31 men to be
attached to the signal corps staff, was
enroute and would be here Thursday.
The telegram explained that the con-
tract had not been signed because of
a slip in the offices, and urged that the
men be given the best possible care
under the circumstances, that it was
absolutely necessary that they get un-
der training as soon as possible.
As soon as they arrive Thursday they
will be taken to the new Union build-
ing where arrangements have been
made to lodge them in what was orig-
inally intended to be the main dining
room on the first floor. Cots and bed-
ding are to be provided by the govern-
ment, and all that the Union will be
required to furnish is the shelter.
Cement floors are being laid as fast as
possible, and the lower floor will be
ready for occupancy by Thursday.
No more men will be lodged in the
Union until later. The new detach-
ment of motor mechanics will be hous-
ed, as was the last, in University
houses and the gymnasium. The lat-
ter will be abandoned as soon as
school starts in the fall, but by that
time it is planned to have more houses
at the disposal of the University.
Future increments that cannot be ac-
commodated thus will be lodged in the
new Union. All of the men will eat
at the Union.
The telegram yesterday informed the
University that an official would bein
Ann Arbor the first of this week to
sign the contract, not only for the 30
signal corps men, but for the 500 men
that University officials were informed
would be sent here. He is expected to-
day or tomorrow.
Farmerettes Now
Six girls from the farmerette unit
which went to Traverse Bay to pick
cherries and have since made them-
selves useful in all sorts of farm
work, have been telgraphed to go to
Midland, Mich., to pick cucumbers.
Owing to a scarcity of pickers the crop
was spoiling. The girls were expect-
ed to arrive yesterday. News as to
how they like the change and the gen-
eral conditions will be had later.
Much Interest in Naval Course
Letters are coming by every mail in-
quiring about the naval training course
to be given here next year. It is
thought that this course and the stu-
dent army training corps plan will
bring back a number of students who
would otherwise enlist and discontinue
their education, and will also bring
new students who would otherwise
not come to the University at all.