THE WOLVERINE Ube U olverf ne Official student newspaper for the summer session of the University of Michigan. Issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons. Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- plication to the business manager. Office hours: Managing editor, 1:00 to 2:00 o'clock; business manager, 11 to 12 o'clock, daily. Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Russell Barnes-Managing Editor Phone 2414 or 319 Agnes L. Abele-Business Manager Phone 960 or 1892 Editorial James C. J. Martin..... .............Detachment Editor Louise A. Irish ...... Women's Editor Paul A. Shinkman ........ Dramatics Cordelle Kemper .............Music Reporters Mary Rhodes Naomi Bradley N. A. Gleason Herbert Hobart Business Assistants William Wachs Warren C. Parmenter SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1918 THE CALL FOR NURSES Among the thousands of pages of his- tory that will be written about the war few can be more radiant with the spirit of heroism and self sacrifice than those devoted to the part the women of our Allies have played. Un- flinching and resolute they have labor- ed in their homes, in factories, and in hospitals that the men at the front might have their supplies, and that extreme good care be given the wounded. Their's has been a fine spirit of devotion to country that per- mits of no slighting of duty. We can expect nothing less from our countrywomen, for already they have shown themselves to be of the same fine strain of womanhood. They have evidenced as keen a. realiza- tion of the seriousness of the conflict as have the men, and this without the stimulus that goes with uniform, martial music, and glint of glory. We need be no less proud of them since the war than before, Now the opportunity has been given for another concrete example of will- THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IO:o 30A.H.-Morning Service Sermon by J. M. Wells "Faith Purified by Fire" ingness, for the call has been issued for women to serve as nurses, either in hospitals in this country, relieving other nurses to go abroad, or in hos- pitals in the war zone. College wo- men should be the first to respond to the call, as were the college men. They are eminently fitted for the profession -they have trained minds, which will permit of an early grasping of the knowledge of the profession-they have adapability to conditions and they have social training, which will make them cheery companions for the sick. As a class they should make most excellent nurses. Every woman on the campus should be considering this call in its relation to herself. WHAT'S GOING ON Aug. 12, 5 p. m.-The Popular Ballad. Assist. Prof. W. R. Humphreys. Aug. 13, 5 p. in-Impressions of Au- stralia. Prof. T. C. Trueblood. 8 p. m.-Cathedrals and Chateaux of Northern France. Asst. Prof. Fiske Kimball. Aug. 14, 5 p. m.-Picture Books of the Ancient Greeks Pro. C. Bonner. 8 p. m-Concert. Faculty of the Uni- versity School of Music. (Hill au- ditorium.) Aug. 15, 5 p. m.- The Pan-German League and America. Prof. Wallace Natestein of the University of Minne- Xsota. 8 p. in-Miscellaneous Readings. Class in Interpretative Reading. (Uni- versity hall.) BAPTIST SERVICES SUNDAY ARE LAST UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15 Next Sunday morning there will be services at the First Baptists church at the usual hour, 10:30 o'clock. The pastor will preach on "Faith Purified by Fire." During the coming week Mr. Wells and his family will leave for the East. From Aug. 16 to Sept. 11 Mr. Wells will be engaged in Chau- tauqua work. Mrs. Wells and the children wil spend the month at Pe- conic, Long Island. The church will open Sept. 15. Last Sunday the service flag which hangs above the pulpit contained sev- eral new stars.nThere are now 56 names on the honor roll. LOST-Black seal scarf on road be- tween Lakeland and Ann Arbor. Return torWolverine office or ral 960. Reward. 18-4 To learn typewriting well requires close applicatioll A typewriter and frp instruction book from O.D.Morrill. 322 S. State. will do the rest. SPEND YOUR VACATION ON THE GREAT LAKES Travel via Detroit & Cleveland Nav- igation Co. Daily service between De- troit and Buffalo. Leave Detroit 5:00 P. M. Leave Buffalo 6:00 P. M. Daily service between Detroit and Cleve- land; leave both points 10:45 P. M., arrive at destination early following morning. Day trips Detroit and Cleve- land July and August daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A. M., arrive destina- tion 4:00 P. M. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mac- kinao Island via coast line to Mac- kinac. Railroad tickets are honored on all D. & C. steamers. Dancing at the Armory every Sat- urday evening. Fisher's orchestra.- Adv. Special Values in Writing Papers andE CorrespondenCe Cards Sheehan & Co. C. W. Graham, Prop. EARLE WILLIAMS and Beautiful GRACE DARMOND In "THE GIRL IN HIS bOUS] If you came home from a sev ( f , years' trip abroad and found a be tiful girl living alone in your hor Today 15c War UwoU ' a y Ut)aoIJuU it r See this picture at the ARCADE THEATRE Go to LYNDON'S 719 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. Eastman Kodaks Eastman Films GUARANTEED AMATEUR FINISHING ENLARGEMENTS FROM YOUR NEGATIVES A SPECIALTY I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve years. Now we are still leading. We guarantee perfect results or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results" as we have a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $50.00 per lb.) and we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing. If you want the best results you will bring your films here Tw YDsfrom T Nh D Nort Hiil Auditsriuem L 1 N11SD O S ~University Avenue Ifrusic Will Help Win the War Have you a Mandolin or Guitar? We are Exclusive Agents for Gibson Mandolins and Guitars and Vega Banjo-Mandolins Tenor-Banjos and Guitar-Banjos Goo d Board, AT FREEMAN'S Per Week Per Week Light Breakfast Per Week Lunch and Dinner Per Day Dinners $6.00 5.50 4.75 1.00 .50 Take the late Patriotic Songs home with you. They Should Be in Every Home. Drinking Water Boiled and Cooled Everything Glean and Sanitary 803 East Washington Street One Block North of Hill Auditorium 3flIninrrxit j u icI nuti Mrs. i. i. ualS 601 EAST WILLIAM STREET 1111111N11111111111111111] irnr irrtrttr tttttttttttr ruuttt rtttrtturunntrutttttttuttti