No. 20
dive to Temperment of Young
o have Longing for Theoret-
eal Beauty
hematies appeal to the idealis-
niperament of the young, even
time when they graduate from
e or university, said Professor
~Ford, of the mathematics de-
ent, before summer students at
atural Science building Friday.
id it would be against the pur-
if the Creator to attempt to stifle
idealistic impulses in the first
f a person's life. Geometry, par-
rly was suited to gratify the
ig for theoretical beauty' of the
Some, he added, remained
all their lives and became col-
rofessors and stayed poor.
e yearning of people up to 25
of age for ideal conceptions;
oughts that are not compromis-
st absolute, is a psychological
Prof. Ford declared. It is
imes urged that as far as men-
aining that the study of mathe-
s involves is concerned that the
its could acquire that in the.
of economics, but the study of
mics involves the study of ma-
things which Is alien to those
stic impulses.'
history of mathematics was
1 by Professor Ford. He said
t originated with the Egyptians,
used it empirically and arrived
tain rules by testing out many
. The Greeks made it a deduc-
seory, and Plato was largely re-
ible for this. The Romans re-
i to the Egyptian idea, but in
.ays those who used it are of
classes: engineers, who only re-
formulae from It; those who
it for its own sake, and those
use it pedagogically. He said
hree were so widely separated
hey hardly understood the lan-
of each other.
e Cathedrals and Chateaux of
ern France" which is the sub-
f the lecture by Asst. Prof. Kim-
1 ' o'clock Tuesday evening, will
war topic as it deals wth the
made by the German bombs. The
e first announced for this date
The Economic Garden," by Prof.
don, Aug. 9.-Rumors are cur-
in Dutch political circles that
;y Nolens, who has been charg-
ith the formation of a new
nment, intends to prepare the
for peace by suggesting to the
et- that it make an offer for
ry Class Recites From Tennyson
program of the class in inter-
e reading under Prof. R. D.
er for their recital at 8 o'clock
Thursday evening in University
will consist of selctions from
'son. Announcement of the par-
r poems and of the students tak-
rt will be made Tuesday.
muates Should Fill Out Blanks
students expecting to complete
equirements for graduation or
achers diplomas at the end of
mmer session should call at the
of the college in which 'they are
ed to fill out the blanks neces-
before paying their diploma fee.
Miss Margaret Rottchafer, who has
recently returned from India -where
she spent several years engaged in
msissionary work, will speak about
conditions in that country at the Wes-
leyan guild meeting tomorrow night
at 6 o'clock in the Methodist church.
In her lecture she will try to picture
the situation there in a way that will
be of interest to people interested in
world conditions. She is now study-
ing in the medical school preparing
to return to take up her work. The
general public is invited, especially
summer school students and men from
the training detachment.
Demands Are Great But with Ser-
vice Comes Sense of Satisfaction
in Doing Part
Nursing demands a good deal, but it
also brings its own rewards and sat-
isfactions. There is, first ,of all, the
solid satisfaction of knowing that you
are doing something that is practical
and constructive ,and of seeing act-
ual, tangible results of your work.
Then there is the joy of good com-
radeship and fellowship with so many
other workers and the intimate contact
with human life and all its vital prob-
This absorbing world of the hospital
with, its wide range of new exper-
iences is intensely interesting, and
offers a field of activity for engross-
ing and often more full of real ad-
venture than the life of the modern
soldier. It opens up new branches
of study of fascinating possibilities,
and bring out new and often unsus-
pected powers. The work will need tOe
best ability you can bring to it, and
its tests will be tests of accomplish-
ment-not of book knowledge only.
You will need something of the
heroic spirit-the spirit of endurance
and self-sacrifice which is sending so
many of our men into posts of danger
and incredible difficulty. Like the
soldier, you will have to learn to obey
orders promptly and cheerfully and
to subordinate your own selfish and
personal interests to the general good.
You will have to be alert and ready to
answer any call of duty, and you will
not be able to drop out when things
are unpleasant, or to shove your re-
sponsibilities on others.
But there is always the spur of hu-
man interest to carry you over the
difficult parts, and the consciousness
of human need which raises-the hard-
est work above the plane of drudgery.
There may be physical fatigue some-
times but there is no boredom in nurs-
ing. Florence Nightingale said long
ago that of all the women she knew,
nurses were the happiest-"the most
thankful for their lives"-and she
would probably say the same thing to-
day. The women's committee, Council
of National Defense is conducting a
recruiting campaign for the students'
nurse reserve. Enlist at the nearest
recruiting station.
Fund Not as Large as Hoped but
Money Will be Used to Startt
Work Immediately
Approximately $80,000 in cash and1
new subscriptions have been received
by the Michigan Union in its cam-
paign for funds to speed up work ont
the new building, so that training de-
tachments may be housed and fedt
there. On the basis of this fund work
has already started, with the laying
of temporary floors in the rooms to
be used in messing the men to come
August 15.
Philadelphia alumni were more gen-
erous than any other alumni body,
with those in Omaha second. The
campaign was not as successful as
hoped, due it is thought, to the large
amount of soliciting going on over the
country for various war activities. It
was carried on with committees in
every city, working under direction
of Homer L. Heath, general secretary.
Now that the Union building is suf-
ficiently completed to mess the next
detachment there, it will not be neces-
sary to feed them in two divisions as;
has been the custom heretofore. They1
will all be seated at once in the din-
ing room which has been equipped
for them on the second floor. Their
eating hours will be, breakfast at 6t
o'clock; dinner at 12 o'clock; and
supper at 6 o'clock. All of the bench-
es made in the carpentry shops for
the mess hall have been carried overE
and installed. By August 15, whent
it is expected that the new detach-t
ment will arrive, the hall will be en-
tirely ready.
, , ,, , , ,, , , ,
Enrico Caruso, famous Metropolitan
tenor, has been secured by the Univer-
sity School of Music to open the choral
Union series of concerts next fall with
a concert Oct. 19 in Hill auditorium.
It will be his first apearance in Ann
Since his appearance with the Metro-
politan grand opera company in 1901
Caruso's career has been meteoric.
Only on very few occasions has he
been heard outside of New York, and
the choral union officials consider
themselves very fortunate in having
secured him for the concert here. He
will sing in Detroit, Oct. 6.
Lacks Bismark's Astuteness in Deal-
ig With Other Natiois, But Justs
As Unprincipled
Three times during the nineteenth
century the German people tried and
failed to throw off the yoke of autoc-
racy which has been placed on them
by the Great Elector, and later
strengthened by Frederick the Great,
and later still ly Bismark, said Prof.
W. A. Frayer in his lecture on "Dem-
ocracy versus Autocracy" Thursday
afternoon in the Natural Science aud-
itorium. The Battle of Leipzig in
1807 won from the German sover-
eigns promises of constitutions but
the Hohenzollerns failed to keep
theirs. In 1848 another attempt was
made, and in 1862 the issue of increas-
ing the army brought Bismark into
power in the question of whether the
parliament or the king was supreme.
Prof. Frayer gave an outline of the
inherited policy of the Hohenzollerns
'since the Great Elector in 1840 where-
by every king left to his successor a
little more territory than he had re-
ceived. In accordance with this idea
a series of wars have been caused,
of which this is the fourth. In 1864
the war with Denmark won Schles-
wig-Holstein jointly with Austria, but
two years later Prussia took away her
former ally's share. In 1870 the val-
uable territory of Alsace-Lorraine was
snatched from France. But Bismark's
scheming which caused and won these
three wars was not only unprincipled
but it was prudent. Therein lies the
great difference between him and the
present Kaiser. whose so-called di-
plomacy is merely unprincipled, but
not wise, and therefore is bound to
German autocracy was begun in
1640 by the Great Elector who suc-
ceeded in his three aims, to have a
professional stantliing army which re-
quired a permanent system of taxa-
tion, which in turn made the sover-
eign independent of the provincial
diet. From this developed the abso-
lute autocracy which, try as the peo-
ple might, could not be thrown off.
And it is this German autocracy which
is now in conflict with American
democracy, and it is the business of
the Americans to fight until the say-
ing of Lincoln, "The world cannot en-
dure half slave and half free," is
War Department Adises Men to Enlist
in Student Army and Remain
Until Draft
Information regarding the Student
Army Training Corps, and the pro-
gram of work to be covered, is includ-
ed in the following article received by
President Harry B. Hutchins from
P. C. Claxton, commissioner of the
bureau of education.
"How can I render the most valu-
able service to my country during the
period of the war?" Every young
man over eighteen is asking himself
this question.
The War Department has just of-
fered a new answer to the question.
They say: "Enter college if you are
fitted to do so or return to colege if
you already enrolled, and enlist in the
Student Army Training Corps.
Enter Regular Service
"By enlisting in the Student Army
Training Corps you will become a
member of the United States Army.
You will receive a uniform and be
given military drill under officers de-
tailed by the War Department. Dur-
ing the early part of your course you
will receive ten hours of military in-
struction a week, six of which will be
drill rifle practice and other outdoor
training and four of which will be
academic work, for which military
credit is given, such as mathematics,
English, foreign languages, history,
science, etc. You will be carefully
rated both by the college authorities
and by the military officers who will
help you to discover a special line of
military service for which you have
the greatest capacity and preference.
Later in your course you will have an
opportunity to specialize in a branch
of training designed to fit you to be-
come an officer of field artillery, med-
ical or engineer officer, an expert in
some technical or scientific service,
and so on.
Register at 21 Years
'On reaching the age of 21 you must
register with your local board. You
may remain in college until your call
Is reached under the Selective Ser-
vice Law. At that time it will be de-
cided whether you will be called im-
mediately to active service or wheth-
er you should remain in college to
complete the course you are pursu-
ing. The decision will depend upon
the needs of the service and upon
your achievements in your military
work and in your studies as determin-
ed by the military officers at the col-
lege and by the college authorities.
"During the summer you will have
an opportunity to attend a summer
camp for intensive military training.
Your traveling expenses to and from
camp will be paid and you will be on
active duty under pay and subsistence
by the War Department.
Are Subject to Call
"As a member of the Student Army
Training Corps you will be subject
to call to active duty at any time in
case of emergency. If you desire to
enter active service before complet-
ing your college training, transfer to
active duty may be arranged through
military channels with the consent of
the military officers at the college and
of the college officials. It will be the
policy of the Government, however,
to allow you to remain in college un-
til you reach the age of 21, or until
you complete your course.
"Previously there have been two
methods by which a young man might
enter the National Service. He might
(Continued on Page Four)
Credit for summer work will be
recorded and credit coupons mail-
ed by the Registrar in strict ac-
cordance with the blanks as filed
in the oflice. All literary students
* should make sure that their elec-
* tion cards and the addresses on*
their coupons agree with the*
o facts. The office wiiiebe open for
* this purpose after Aug. 13. *
* Registrar.
"Impressions of Australia" is the
subject of the lecture by Prof. T. C.
Trueblood, Tuesday afternoon at 5
o'clock in the Natural Science audi-
torium. Professor Trueblood has re-
cently returned from a six months trip
to Australia and New Zealand, where
he studied the political conditions,
the public schools, and the character-
istics of the people, as differing from
those of Americans.
Battalion Review Yesterday
Formal battalion review was held
at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon on
Ferry field by members of the train-
ing detachment. A large number of
spectators witnessed the review.
Last Sermon of
of New York City
SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 10:30 A. M.