THE WOLVERINE THE DETACHMENT NEW rrn iirii MEN WEATHER IS HOT SUP [0o NE.W MElN AT CAMP GORDON ASE NOW ON WAY HEHE The weather at Camp Gordon has been rather hot, according to a let- Order Includes Every Article Issued ter recently received by one of the to Detachment; Will Be Ready for Them men who left Ann Arbor to attend the officers' training camp. The let- Equipment for at least 900 men; ter is as follows: who will report for duty here during "Some hot place and some work. the months of August and September, Some of the boys are ready to come is now on the way, according to in- formation given out last night by back home. Many of us are about all Quartermaster Stotter of the Univer- in from the heat, but the only way that sity of Michigan training detachment. they'll give in is to topple over and Every article that is issued to the have to be carried in. This will hard- men, including field shoes, regulation ly happen for we are all working our hats and leggins, has been ordered. heads off to gain that commission. The equipment will probably arrive "Talk about eats-well, I won't tell sometime this week. what we have, but at dinner time I Quartermaster Stotter plans to have would rather be standing in the mess the clothing issued to the men within hall at Ann Arbor with one of those a few days after their arrival. When cans of cream. Of course I have the the previous detachments arrived the best of eats if I want to buy them men had to work in the shops, drill, myself." and attend class lectures in their civ-_ ilian clothes. This will be a thing of To learntowri K well the.past for the future detachments. requires olose applioatioZ Tailors in some sections of the coun-, A typewriter and free try are making a specialty of turning instruction book from men's suits inside out, as a war econ- O.D.Morrill. 322 S. Statee omy measure. will do the rest. Save the Pieces Broken Eye Glass Lenses ground In our own shop, same day TRY OUR SERVICE. EYES EXAMINED LET US SHOW YOU OUR ARMY AND NAVY FRAMES You Should Have One Haller & Fuller State Street Jewelers THE EBERBACH & SON COMPANY 200-204 E. Liberty Street CHEMICALS, DRUGS, SUNDRIES Always Good Quality The Best the Market Affords Go to LYNDON'S 719 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. Eastman Kodaks Eastman Films GUARANTEED AMATEUR FINISHING ENLARGEMENTS FROM YOUR NEGATIVES A SPECIALTY I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve years. Now we are still leading. We guarantee perfect results or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results" as we have a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $50.00 per lb.) and we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing. If you want the best results you will bring your films here TwoDoors from TY N DON c 'N'S 1 Nsrthl Hill Auditorium L41 .J.1J 1 13 University Avenue THE WATERWAY BETWEEN DETROIT & BUFFALO The D & C Steamsbip Line, with daily service from Detroit to Cleveland, and Detroit to Beuffslo.afferd s faorite route for teavel hetween these peiucipal Great Laepoeints. Theto Gint Steamerso e t eLahes"-ofsi neCetrtI IadCity of CievelaudII-n-ues she bheut obtainahis in thao[luxusrsious apouintmuenis eceiisaineendeplinstaunservice The D xCu.dinitgeservice isnunsurpased. Gernh Lahes Fin oods and other appetiing menus being noteworthy features. The safety andhalmthfa n isengers ase alobhndantd y provided ior , auasteame heing equipped with wireiems service and ther sese ity devisem. - STEAMER SCHEDULES nunao steamerieaveDeiroitdaiyat ho00PH MCentralTime, arriving at Buffalo, 9.00 A. M., CEsenTime. Cievelad stenmers ienve Detroit daiy nt i0:45 P. H.. Ceo- trai Time,aeivng at Cleelnd, 6.00 A. H.,Centrai Time. Ohms imseshedulein effect feom Buoil to Deteot nad Cleveiand te oetroit Als reguiareamer service iroms Toiedo and Detroit toeMakichislSand and Lahe Huron wiay poeis. Cuss tiehets honoredioretruansporttien on D.a&. C Linestenmees ineitherdir"eion. Ash youe ticket agent is reute yeu vieD. & C. Line, making connectious wish eil linus toue sEast s. + ®ND 2 STAMP Per riustrated pamphletand OreatLakesMap. AddressL. 0. Lewis, G. P. A., Dsetrot, Michigen. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY Phiip B. Mcllanie Pes. A. A. Schatz, eVise-Prese.l. tMgr.0 ! ~ 4 VICE ZONE RADIUS p II ffl Tear Gasitis ORDERED EXTENDED DUAI a ND YhLI IN (By Black Fly) Sweeping regulations for the rigid ENTERTAIN 1S IN11 The Barrels' Almost Gone, Gang! restriction of vice have been issued by Sing a song of sugar, Secretaries Baker and Daniels. The Talent Recruited From Audience Whe Two spoonfuls you may eat, former local vice zone limit has been Company C Artists Fall to If you take it in your coffee, increased from 5 to 10 miles. You skip your shredded wheat. Officials of the University of Mich- Go easy on the butter igan training detachment are consid- And leave a Hoover plate, ering ways and means of complying For some reason not explained Coo And at the end of August with the new vice regulations. The pany C's talent for the entertainmex You'll get a slight rebate. new zone will include the towns of last night in the Y tent did not a - Ypsilanti and Dexter. Ypsilnti nd Dxter , , pear and entertainers were recruite "Kaiser Again Gives Thanks"- "The prohiition against vice in the Headline in the Detroit News. He vicinity of military camps, stations, from the audience. Neither was tl ought to know the Grace Before and posts and cantonments, and all dis- audience disappointed for, judgin After Meals by this time. Or is he tricts under naval jurisdiction will ap- from the applause, last night's affa learning his own version? ply hereafter to all territory within a was one of the most enjoyable ys radius of 10 miles from army camps held So Has Ii Ever Been and naval districts," says the new or- (From the Chicago Tribune) der. Conley of Company C, and Buch C the author of "Erewhon" hazards the There have been but few violations B clampered on the platform for tl hallowed conviction that it doesn't of the first ruling in this city. The first number. It was supposed to Sir:-Somewhere in the Note Books causes, which were responsible for a boxing bout, but as neither of t matter much what a man hates, pro- the small number of violations, have men were experienced boxers, it we vided he hates something. A useful been removed, and at the present time comic rather than scientific. The t little thought. And so, meditating von there is practically no public vice performers joined in the fun, a Gott from whom all Bissings flow, source present. swung arms and clinched in reguli Gen. Hell, and the legions of Below comic supplement style. who have devoted weeks of special ISSUANCE OF FIELD SHOES Johnson of B, and Gordick of C, the training, far behind the lines, to get- COMPLETES MEN'S EQUIPMENT put on a real fight. They mixed it ting the reception committee ready for genuine style and before the mats our c. 1. a., it struck me like the flutter Field shoes were issued to the mem- had progressed far both were posses of a sibylline leaf to open again, at ber of the training detachment last ing noses which bled profusely. random, and read: "Dragon-slayers week. This completes the second is- D. Anderson, 138 pounds, and McCle did not take lessons in dragon-slaying. suance of shoes to the men. This lan, 165 pounds, wrestled. McClel . Small things may be rehearsed, also completes the issuance of all took the first fall, but after the fir but the greatest are always do-or-die, equipment to the men, with the ex- neither was able to pin his oppone neck-or-nothing matters." ception of a few of the men who have .The program for tonight has her orders in for clothing and shoes of arranged by Mrs. Root of the Unive THE CLOWN QUINCE is having a large or small sizes. sity Music Store. Tomorrow nig deuce of a time getting his half mil- Estimates are being made by Lieu- Frederick Thieme, who spent seo'r lion out of the Soissons-Rheims tenant Stotter for the equipment nec- months in the Western front as a pocket. If he doesn't the Allies will essary to outfit the men of the third ambulance driver, will tell of a few have mince meat to go with the Turk- training detachment. As soon as the his experiences. Thursday night the ey Thanksgiving Day. definite number of men to be detailed will be moving pictures, and Frid to Ann Arbor is known requisitions night another series of boxing ai Illustrious Headlines will be sent out for the outfits. wrestling matches. "Off for Camp Custer, Twenty-Two --------------- Lefe this Morning." Shades of Her- bert Spencer. BOOKS FOR SOLDIERS "Ate Pancake Left by Queen, He Moss-Manual of Military Training----------------$2.25 Brags of It." Quite a scandal in in- Moss-Oicers' Manual-------------------------2.50 ternational society. Ellis & Garey-Plattsburgh Manual---------------.---2.00 "Paper Essential." Well, for good- Infantry Drill Regulations------------paper 3oc, cloth .75 ness sakes. Kilver MacEroy-Contentment Manual----------------- 1.00 "Thousasa Soldiers in Threshing Drill and Service Regulation for Field Artillery---------1.25 CreW." Faintly I seem to remember Blue jacket Manual -----------------------------------i.oo from my childhood a use of the word R UNIVERSITY "threshing" that Webster never wrote W A IHB O S R about. In this shade of meaning we BOOK STORE have several more good sized crews in Francethat are doing efficient ser- vice. "Must Get Coal Now or Freeze, Says Couzens." We have been doing very well the last few days, thank you. "What Caused the Wrecki" We bite, of the What did? "Shock Troops in Wheat Field." Didn't they object? Or was it that they were greatly amazed? K. of C. Program Thursday Night The regular Thursday night enter- IS NOW READY tainmeht will be given in the K. of C. tent this week. No definite arrange- ments have as yet been made, but the committee in charge of the K. of C. Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools war activities expect to have one of the LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS, EN- best, programs they have ever sched- GINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHARMACY, uled for the war tent. The complete HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, GRADUATE, AND program will be printed in the next issue. THE SUMMER SESSION A An EXPERIENCED TEACHER, holding A.M. degree from the Univer- sity, will tutor in Greek, Latin, He- brew and English. Mr.Kearns, 715Oak- land Ave. Phone 1471-J-Adv. 16-It THE Farmers& Mechanics Bank SOUTH MAIN STREET CORNER HURON STATE STREET OFFICE 330 SO. STATE STREET A Good Strong Bank With Every Banking Need Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Land- scape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a Course- for those preparing for the scientific administra- tion of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Michigan