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June 29, 1918 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1918-06-29

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STRONG ~~~Twenty-seven students received an M 1TP 5 F
M D IA grade in every subject for the last
semester. Ten of these are freshmen, First Day's Registration is Greater
eight juniors, seven seniors, two soph- Than That at Same Dhte
is Recitals, Dramatic Productions, ooe n w pca tdns h Ta hta aeDt
aid Motion Pictures are onstores and two special students. The One Year Ago
AloOfrdlist is a follow: ___
Also Offered Julia Brittain, '18; Fred Frostic, '18; Although exact statistics are not yet
ST NUMBER IS ON MONDAY Lynn, Glover, '18; Olive Hagen, '18; available, the summer school enroll-
Roland Hussey, '18; Margaret Klein, ment promises to be as large as usual.
strong program of lectures and '8; Lavanche Rieger, '18; James P According to Registrar Hall the num-
rtainments has been prepared for Adams, '19; Harcourt Caverly, '19; ber of students entering in the Liter-
amusement and instruction of Helen I. Davis, '19; Hal Gladhill, '19; ary college is perhaps even in excess
mer session students and the Ann Glanche Goodell, '19; Isabelle Han- of the first day's enrollment of prev-
sessbic bsthen Unersit The mford, '19; Harold Shapero, '19; Ross oe years.
>ers are to bethelUdfrsmty thoWalker, '19; Ida Mines, '20; Mary Es- In view of the fact that so many
in the auditorium of the Natural ther Oakes, '20; Los Brooks, '21; men have left for the service the num-
uce building, and will be free. Joseph Friedman, '21; Anna K hent, '21;Iber of students entering is considered
noon attractions are scheduled James Landis, '21; Marcella Moon, '21; particularly satisfactory. The loss pf
5 o'clock,and those at night, at Elinor Mullett, '21; Bessie Rosenblum, men of draft age has been counteral-
'k1; Margaret Rottschaefer, '21; Albert anced by the geater number of men
e lectures will deal with current C. Jacobs, '21; Mary Stimson, '21; Ern- under age who are entering and by
special educational topics. In ad- est Lloyd, special; Florence Stevens, the increasing numbers of women
in there will be Shakespearian and special. students. Many men who expect to be
n productions in the campus the- called soon are attending the summer
by the Elsie Herndon Kearns com- WELLESLEY GIRLS VOLUNTEER session in the hope that they will be
y at which admission will be TO FARM SIX-ACRE GARDE-NS able to finish their course before leav-
ged. Visitors' nights at the ob- iug.
story, and excursions to Put-in- Six hundred Wellesley girls have
and Niagara Falls are also sched- volunteered to each raise six acres of
The following program is the sweet corn, three acres of potatoesR
sed program. an acre or more of tomatoes, cab-
1, 5 p. m.-How to Read the bages, beets, and other vegetables, . ut 01v WAD WUDKEHS
ewspaper, Prof. F. N. Scott. this summer, in order to help in the
m.-Educational motion pictures. solving of Uncle Sam's food problems.
3, 5 p. m.-Educational Value of They will continue the farm work all andt MReceive FuAll rPat Tme
otion Pictures (Illustrated), Prof. summer, and will harvest their crops the UniCeitr
E. Myers. and prepare them for delivery to the heUniversity
m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni- markets.
ret colo ui.(ils- The girls will work from 8 in the Stuents interested i Red Cross
rsity School of Music. (Hill au- Thgehome service work are offered a war-
torium.) morning until 5 o'clock at night, each time course in the summer session,
4, 5 p. m.-Causes and Issues of girl spending two hours per day on with full credit in the University. The
e War. Prof. C. H. Van Tyne. the farm. They have so far shown ex- corse was arranged by Dr. J. L. Gil-
5, I p. m.-Reception by the Pre- cellent spirit, and have exhibited e a rnge J. Lh . il-
dent for the students of the sum- much skill and ingenuity in their l aiesnti o the edcon-
er esson.AluniMemria hal.method of handling their farm imple- al division of the American Red Cross
er session. Alumni Memorial hal. to fhnln hi amipe society, Prof. E. H. Krauss, dean of
p. rn-Parental Care in Michigan ments. scey rf .N rus eno
bee, Illuated). Crof. JiEg.nMiss Margaret C. Ferguson, of the the summer session, and Mr. A. N.
shes, (Illustrated). Prof. J. E. botany department of Wellesley col- Wood of the sociology department.
jigtard. de arenof telw c-k. To Give Credit
8, 5 p. m.-Psychology and the lege, is in charge of the work. University credit will be given for
ar. Prof. J. F. Shepard. the course and students may give all
9, 1 p. m.-The Jew in English Men Wan Current Magazines or part time to the work. The re-
terature as represented by Chris- Men of the second training detach- quired subjects are community prob-
pher Marlowe, William Shake- ment, all of whom are enlisted, are lems, under Mr. Wood; and practical
eare, and Richard Cumberland, constantly searching through the piles hygiene, under Wr. W. E. Forsythe.
abbi Louis Wolsey, Cleveland, o. of literature on the reading tables for Students completing these courses
i.-Orthodontia and its Relation current issues of popular magazmes. and supplementing them with 150
Health (Illustrated). Dr. M. T. There are a large number of old hours of field work will receive a cer-
atson, Detroit, Michigan. , issues, but the up-to-date numbers tificate of proficiency in civilian relief
10, 5 p. m.-The Jew in English are not present. Any students de- and welfare work from the American
terature as represented by Walter sring to donate the latest magazie Red Cross society. The field work
ott and Charles Dickens. Rabbi after reading it can leave it at the may be done on week-ends ding the
suis Wolsey, Cleveland, Ohio. "V' tent, or telephone and a mes- summer session or after the closing
m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni- senger boy will be sent after it. of the session in Ann Arbor or De-
rslty School of Music. (Hill au- troit.
torium.) Professor's Book Chosen for Camps Courses Offered
11, 5 p. m.-The Jew in English "German Liberty Authors," a col- For those desiring to put their
terature ts represented by Ben- lection of essays, by Prof. W. W. whole time on the work, the follow-
mi' Disraeli, Robert Browning, Florer, has been selected by The ing courses are offered "Food and Food
Cd George Eliot. Rabbit Louis Wos- Gorham Press, of Boston, to be sent, Values, under Prof. F. C. Newcombe,
y, Cleveland, Ohio. among other books, to the various of the biology department; "The Great
m.-Educational motion pictures. camps, cantonments, and other army War," under Prof. Edward R. Turner,
r 12, 4 p. m.-Shakespeare's "As posts in this country. of the history department; and either
tu Like It," This book has been chosen as be- labor problems or social organization,
. m.-Shakespeare's "Romeo and ing particularly appropriate for the under Mr. Wood.
elit," Elsie Herndon Kearns and men in service, since it contains a "These subjects have been offered
r company. Admission will be message of liberty for the readers. in previous. years," Dean Kraus ex-
arged. (Campus theater.) plained, "but this summer they will
13, 4 p. in--Ibsen's "The Master- Wisconsin Mechanics Learn French be dealt with especially in their re-
slder," A "French house" to give intensive lation to Red Cross work. This course,
m.-Shakespeare's "The Tempest." training in French conversation will which is superior to the six-week in-
sie Herdon Kearns and her com- be maintained at the University of stitutes given elsewhere by the Red
ny. Admission. will be charged. Wisconsin during the summer session Cross, will fit teachers to take a
'ampus theater.) for the benefit of the soldiers who are leading part in such work in their
Continued on Page Three) in the Madison barracks. home communities.



"The Swan and the Skylark," a
choral work by Goring Thomas, re-
quiring a quartet of soloists, a chorus,
and an orchestra, has been selected
by Earl V. Moore, conductor of the
summer choral union, for the choral
concert to be given August 14 in Hill
An innovation to be attempted this
summer is the organization of an or-
chestra to play the accompaniment to
the choral work, and also to play sev-
eral concert numbers if it is found
possible to do so.
The composition is said to be tune-
ful, and not so exacting but that sing-
ers without previous experience in
choral work can handle it.
A meeting for those who wish to
sing with the Unionthis sumser will
be held at 7 o'clock Monday evening,
June 8, at the School of Music. Those
who wish to play in the orchestra are
asked to come at the same hour Tues-
day evening, June 9. No fees are
charged for either the chorus or or-
chestra work.
Bathing in the river must be re-
stricted to the new bathing beach on
the river at the entrance of Long Shore

Officers Will Arrive Shortly to Make
Arrangements for Feeding and

drive, just north of Saunders' boat
house. The "Bend," where is situ-
ated the "ol' swimmin' hole," is forbid-
den mainly for the reason that there
gre no adequate facilities for dressing,
by order of the board of park commis-
stoners. During the summer months
there will be a woman and a man su-
pervisor at the beach and an attend-,
ant to look after the building.
Will Mold Last Muster Roll
The first and last muster roll will
be held from 4 to 5:15 o'clock tomor-
row afternoon for the members of the
second training detachment. A new
government order, effective in July,
eliminates the muster rolls. Week-
end passes will expire at 4 o'clock to-
morrow afternoon, instead of 11
Princeton Revises Summer Course
The summer course of work at
Princeton will consist of 18 hours of
theoretical study in addition to the
military work, and final examinations
will begiven in all subjects at the end
of the term.
Penn Gives Military Degrees
The faculty of the University of
Pennsylvania has decided to award de-
grees to all seniors in good standing,
who left for military service at the
end of the first semester.
r Columbia Omits Dress Parade
The customary alumni dress parade
at the University of Columbia will be
left out of the commencement exer-
cises this year, due to the fact that
few of the alumni are expected back.
Eighty Harvard Men Dead in War
Up to date, fi Harvard men have
given their lives in the country's ser-
vice. A tablet containing their names
has been presented to the university
by the Memorial society.

Arrangements are now being made
to bring from 300 to 400 United States
signal corps men to Ann Arbor, where
they will undergo an intensive course
of training for four months, commenc-
ing July 15, in the shops of the Uni-
Several proposals and plans for
:housing and mess have been submit-
ted to the government for considera-
tion, and it is expected that within
a few days, government officers will
visit Ann Arbor. The purpose of the
visit will be to inspect the opportun-
ities offered for laboratories, housing,
and mess.
Three housing Plans
Three housing plans have been sug-
gested. The first plan considers trans-
forming the Law bu'ilding into a bar-
racks. This suggestion was made ow-
ing to the fact that but a small num-
her of law students will be present
when the semester opens in the fall,
and they could easil be transferred to
other buildings on the campus.
The second plan is for utilizaing the
various giuld houses on State street,
for barracks. The majority of tile
guild houses are but partly occupied,
and in the fall, there will be hardly
a sufficient number of students to war-
rant their operation.
SMay Build Barracks
If the above suggestions do not meet
with the approval of the government,
the building of permanent barracks,
on the campus or some government
ground, has been suggested. In case
the third plan is adopted, the carpent-
ry squad of the second training de-
tachment may have the opportunity to
erect the barracks.
At the present time there is a small
number of students enrolled in the
engineering college, and since a large
part of the engineering equipment is
practically idle, it is probable that the
signal sorps will be instructed in the
new Engineering building.
Wisconsin May Bar Slackers
The University of Wisconsin is con-
sidering the passage of a general
blanket rule automatically dropping
from the university all slackers who
attempt to evade the draft.
Tryouts are wanted for both the
editorial and business staffs of The
Wolverine. Work on the editorial
staff consists of regular reporting and
writing of news. Members of the
business department care for the busi-
ness affairs of the newspaper, includ-
ing the advertising. Experienced men
and women are especially desired, but
previous knowledge is not essential.
Working hours may be arranged to
suit. Apply for either staff between
the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock Monday.
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