I Detachment Squirrel From Vantage
. a n of Signboard Watches Hen Perform
HlU II I IIIU U I U1IilI ' Keeps Score of Ball Game While Sip-
ping from Bottle of Pop and Eat-
th French and English Doctors ing Ice Cream Cone
and Twelve Americans
in Baden The detachment squirrel perched
himself jauntily on the Headquarters
PECTS TO BE EXCHANGED signboard this morning, promptly at
10:29 a. m., and had himself all ad-
)r. William H. Gordon, '16M,serv- justed comfortably, with a bottle of
in a front-line first aid station, pop in his front paws and a straw do-
o was taken prisoner by the Ger- ing a Suez between the contents and
as on April 15, has sent the fol- his easophagus. Promptly on the sec-
'ing letters to his family. They ond switch of his tail, the detachment
the only two bits of news receiv- officers came out to begin their morn-
from him since his capture. ing baseball game.
octor Gordon was captured by The squirrel gazed hungrily at the
mans who entered his station un- enormous ball which Sergeant Lazarus
the disguise of Red Cross workers carried under his arm and murmured
Ile he was in active service. He to himself, "Now if all the
s taken first to Karlsruhe and then mucks on the campus were that size,
Villingen in Baden. The letters and looked as appetizing as some of
ow: these bone heads in the detachment,
Only American Taken life would be one grand sweet song."
May 2, 1918. . The squirrel sat down his pop bot-
dearest Mother, Brother, Sisters, tle and took up an ice cream cone.
nd all else:- "This makes a pretty somfortable
.1 is well with me. There are now seat," he said to himself. "I used to
lye of us American doctors to- like the cupalo over the Medical build-
her here. There are more coming, ing, in fact I thought there 'was no
elieve. With the exception of one place like it next to the mane of the
er, I am the only one who was conscientious objector, but Sergeani
en with our troops. The others Lazarus knocked so many fouls at me
e with the British. Am well and I had to move. I used to think that
See about having packages sent tree near first base was also a pretty
mx France, England, Holland, or good spot until Lieutenant Milberry
itzerland, so that they arrive every began hitting straight for it in his
er week. Have plenty of soap and enormous efforts to beat out an in-
d as sausages and bread, etc., also field hit. And from then until I found
te often. Also, write to all in the this place there just wasn't any cor-
tes that I am all right. Tell cousin per of the ball grounds safe to live in,
,rio I got her letter the day I was pro h algonssf olv n
red. IGivher allty le.a I ws for about then Captain Durkee began
tured. Give all my love. I wish sitting his stride and there wasn't
old write more, but must do ac- any corner of the ball park safe for
ding to reglations. With much either man or beast. I didn't like to
a and hoping all are well, your son get stepped on or run over."
1brother, e tpe n rrnoe.
William H. Gordon . By this time the squrel had fin-
Two Leta H Gordon. lished his ice cream cone, knocked the
April 2, 1918. bottle of pop over switching a fly
dearest Mother, Brothers, Sisters, with his tail, settled himself com-
ndalese Brhfortably to observe the atrocities. By
dind allnot expect that would write this time also Lieutenants Godfrey
dou fothexrebtatIyouldnowrone and Jacobson had compromised their
rot wrm hatre nxtsyourwilnldaily dispute over which team was
>ws an as Iwamhatlhe adinextoodto bat first, and Lieutenant Thompson
ig, and as I am alive and in good had been assigned to a position back
Is I- should continue to smile and of the outfield where he would be apt
e for that which is to come. Wet
'e not pei'mitted to write letters to do the least damage.
il we arrived. at our permanent The teams were now aligned and the
ip and that is the reason I have squirrel reached for his box score and
written to you before. First of all began counting up the errors. After
'ant to inform you that I am per- Isending several fielders as far as the
ted two letters and four postal Ann Arbor depot after foul balls Lieu-
ds a month. That means that I tenant North finally managed a pot
not write often and for that reas- j fly which was easily sought after and
you will have to see that every one equally missed by the entire enemy
rs of me. That includes Mother infield. The ball was recovered and
kett, Sally, Marie Brocker, the sent to first just in time to be too
s in Ann Arbor, and every one of late, and as the argument waxed fast
relatives. Also I would certainly and furious as to whether the runner
to hear from all if they will write. was safe or not, the squirrel's ap-
have some duties for you which I petite for nuts grew again. With ang-
ald like to have done. Please write ry shouts of "play ball," four days
the Riggs National Bank in Wash- kitchen police for exercising lungs
ton and tell them I am a prisoner considerably, went on duty.
war and I want them to keep my Lieutenant Jacobson earned first
'is account good so I can draw on base and insisted that the ball had
Paris bank if I should ever need come to him by parcel post and still
money. Then, find out if my would have had plenty of'time to make
taincy has gone through as I un- him out, but the runner took so long
stand it has although I have had to get to first that he was in grave
official notification. Then will you danger of being AWOL. Lieutenant
to to my Paris bankers and tell Jacobson insisted further that he had
(Continued on Page Three) 'the ball so long waiting for the runner
to reach first that he ball would have
had plenty of opportunity to have be-
come covered with rust, gangerine,
and carbon. s
The game finally managed to get
started again and the comedy of errors
was continued. The next man at bat
was one of the non-commissioned of-
ficers detailed 'at headquarters, who it
is understood is one of the sergeant-
majors, and refused to give the score-
keeper his name. He sent the first
ball pitched in a general direction of
Lieutenant Thompson's upper blonde,
where it landed and dug itself in.
Needless'to say this was the star fea-
ture of the contest, which ended with
a score of 16 to 1 in favor of the
side that got to the scorekeeper first.
Concerts Barred
To Wailing Babes
Hereafter, concerts by the School
of Music faculty and those by Ann
As-ors juvenile aristocracy will be
staged separately, for music school
authorities have decreed that wailing
infants, and children who must ex-
press the reaction to that Sonata in
C minor by gamboling playfully in the
aisles of Hill Auditorium,or examin-
ing in detail the-bald pate in front of
them, are to barred from the weekly
No age limit has been set upon these
outcasts from the musical world but
that of self control. In general,,it is
safe to bring them when they require
neither a bag of neanuts nor a straight
jacket and gag in order to get them to
maintain the proper sense of decorum
during the program. Speaking of*
peanuts, it has been suggested that
the ban also be put on their devotees,
at least those who favor the noisy
shucked variety. The two chums be-
hind you who are trying to decide
what the prima donna's dress is trim-
med with, or the town cut-up who is
counting the lights as a means of
keeping up a running fire of conversa-
tion with his best girl, are other 4ypes
whose absence would not be unduly
regretted at these concerts.
Among the Michigan men recently
receiving commissions are James L.
Kennedy, ex'20, Lansing, formerly on
the business staff of the Michigan
Daily and a member of Phi Delta
Theta fraternity, whose name appear-
ed yesterday in the official list as a
second lieutenant in the air service,
Stanley T. Mills, '13E, Ann Arbor,
who has received a commission as
second lieutenant in the engineering
corps, and Herbert C. Smith, pharmic,
special, who has been commissioned
a second lieutenant in the air ser-
Children's Worker to Speak
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge Thompson,
of the children's bureau of the Unit-
ed States department of labor, will
speak at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the
city Y. M. C. A. on "The Protection of
Children in War Time."
* "What', in a name?" Horton
* Kaiser, '14,,has decided that there
* are too many unpleasant sugges-
* tions in his, so he has filed a pe-
* tition in the court of Pomeroy,
* Ohio, asking that his name be
* changed, to Thayer Horton. He
* considers that his name is both
* a nusiance and a liability.
Entire Detachment Take Time Off to
See Game in Which Title Is
(By Neal E Allen)
Company A's ball team trimmed
Company C's team to the tune of 7 to 5
at West Park Friday afternoon. The
game was attended by the entire de-
tachment. It was quite a surprise to
the boys to discover that they were to
witness a ball game instead of going
qn a six mile hike. Companies A and
C carted along their light artillery to
quell all riots and disturbances, but
as nothing of that nature happened the
army retired from the field at the end
of. the fourth inning.
Goodrich started the firing for Com-
pany C, and he had a very generous
disposition, Kennedy gnd Finnise re-
ceived passes good for first base. Bur-
gett, the next man up, flied to Gradziki.
Hatch came up to bat and missed
everything that was offered. While
MIatch was doing the manual of arms
Kennedy pulled a Ty Cobb and stole
third. Baird, who was receiving the
untamed ones for Company C, made
a wild peg to third and Kennedy double
timed it home for the first run of the
No Other Camp or Cantoment in
Country Has Less Sickness Than
Local Organization
"The sanitary report of the Uni-
versity of Michigan training detach-
ment during the month of July is ex-
cellent," stated Captain Vaughan yes-
terday afternoon. "The percentage
of sickness among the detachment men
was .t.02 percent, according to the
healh report. This is much lower than
Camp Custer, for it usually runs about
16 men to every 1,000, while this per-
centage is about two in a 1,000."
There is, no other training detach-
ment or cantonment in the country
that has even come near this wonder-
ful record, according to the medical
officers in the detachment. Credit is to
be given to the line officers and the
medical officers who looked after the
welfare and comfort of the men. From
the viewpoint of general health the
month of July was nearly 100 percent.
Statistics show that Company A
stands first in the report for they had
but four men sick during the month,
although there were 40 days lost on
account of the sickness. Company C
is second with seven men and 20 days
sickness, and Company B with eight
men and 49 days sickness.
The strength of the command at the
present time is 742 men, and the num-
ber of days of absence from work on
account of sickness was 109, divided
among 19 men. The total number of
men excused from work on account of
sickness was 93. This includes men
who were diseased prior to and after
enlistment in the detachment.
The loss of time because of these
men was 74 days. In other words, 35
days were lost due to sickness since
the men enlisted.
Sixty-four of the 109 days were due
to diseases which existed at the time
of enlistment. The number of cases
developed since the detachment has
been in Ann Arbor has been prac-
tically nil. There were 16 cases dur-
ing the first part of July, and at the
present time there are but three.
These figures prove that a man.Ai
benefited by joining the army. In
nearly every case the percentage of
disease is exceptionally high upon en-
listment and vice versa after they have
been in the army for one or two
Des Moines, Ia., Aug. 1_Howard
Drew, crack Negro sprinter of Drake
university, will report at Camp Dodge
within a few days with the colored
draft contingent from Des Moines.
Western Normalities to Banquet
Graduates of Western Normal Gou-
lege at Kalamazoo will hold a ban-
quet Monday night at 6:30 o'clock in
Newberry hall. President Waldo and
Dr. Jones will be present. All grad-
uates and former studegnts are invit-
game. Kuhn flied to Goodrich, retir-
ing the side. One -run. No hits.
Carr in Box
Carr appeared in the box for Com-
pany A. Drieberg, the first man to bat,
lined one at Finnise, and as it was too
hot to handle, Drieberg landed safe
on number 1 sack. Ryduchouski pop-
ped up to Ephafen. Drieberg went to
second on a passed ball. Grazichi
singled over third scoring Drieberg,
and advanced to second on the throw
home. Pyne drove one to right field
for two bags, scoring Grazichi. Apel
sent a little fly to pitcher. Miras flied
out. Two runs, two hits, one error.
Ephafen came to bat for Com-
pany A. He stopped one with the mid-
dle of his back and Umpire Vetter
wouldn't allow him a ,walk because
he was out of step. Finally Goodrich
gave him a free ticket. Drieberg
knocked the first ball pitched across
No Man's Land and over the river
Mlarne. Outfielder Pyne had to have
a boat to cross the river to recover
the horsehide. In the meantime Grie-
berg touched all four sacks' sending
Ephafen ahead of him. Baxter singl-
ed. Karr and Kennedy popped out.
Baxter refused to stay on post num-
ber 3 and was sent to the guard house
fot trying to steal home, for the third
out. Two runs, 3 hits.
(Continued on Page Two)
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