THE WOLVERINE ;he 'l0ftovrfen )fficial student newspaper for the omer session of the University of chigan. Issued Tuesday, Thursday, 1 Saturday afternoons. vertising rates-Furnished upon ap- lication to the business manager. ice hours: Managing editor, 1:00 to :00 o'clock; business manager, 11 o 12 o'clock, daily. iress, The Wolverine, Press Build- ug, Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich, ussell Barnes-Managing Editor Phone 2414 or 319 goes L. Abele-Business Manager Phone 960 or 1892 Editorial nes C. J. Martin...-*'. .. .....Detachment Editor lse A. Irish ..... Women's Editor A A. Shinkman ....... Dramatics relle Kemper ..............Music Reporters y Rhodes Naomi Bradley A. Gleason. Herbert Hobart Business Assistants liam Wachs Warren C. Parmenter TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1918 NAVAL RESERVE he opportunity now offered to Un- sity students to enlist in the naval rve, and return on extended fur- gh for collegiate work in the fall ns to them a two-fold chance. for rice. The plan, as recently out- d y Lieutenant Jaeger, provides a combination of academic and al training that will enable the stu- t to serve his country and com- a his education at the same time. Ter the authorities working on plan from the salesman's stand- it, they would undoubtedly em- size as the "selling-point" the fact t the course is intended to fit the i enrolled for commissions as en- i in the line. In addition to get- an education, the real primary of the University, those who en- now will, after the completion of course, be qualified to accept com- sions in the naval reserve force, a four, for general service afloat. such opportunity has .ever been of- d by the University before. The ance courses, instituted under or- Bursley fitted students to be- e non-commissioned officers in that s of the army, but did not include he course of preparation, any ac- mic work. The same general ores were true of the quarter-, ters' courses, under the same di-, ion. >r the student under the draft age, ould seem that his enlistment in, naval reserve, u der the plan as ined, is his clear ty. For it isI best opportunity Coffered him, a man's conscience, In these troub- is, times, is more than satisfied, n he knows that, in addition to be- served, he is also serving. IT FLYING HOURS AT RANTOUL TO CUTDEATHS antoul, Ill., July 2.-In an effort minimize the number of deaths e in training, there will be no ig instruction between the hours 1 o'clock in the morning and 3I uck in the afternoon, word to thisI t having just been received at Cha-, field from the war department., t of the accidents, and especially, e at the.southern fields, are said tof occurred between these hours. 1 DANGER . : careful what you eat during hott her. The Arcade Cafteria has a A choice of vegetables, salads,I s, melons, etc. Nickels Arcade.- 10 T-- Jewelled Delta Gamma Pin.E ward. Call 265-J. 1-2t uunks and travelling bags for all ores-Koch & Henne.-Adv. MICHIGAN MAN O[SCIDES COMPLEJESOLAR ECLIPSE (Continued from Page One.) had an opportunity to view the sun- spots, several of which were visible. As the time for first contact, 5:22 p. in., approached our hopes were brighten- ed as the clouds continued to dis- perse; although a constant state of anxiety prevailed, lest the sun should be concealed during the critical min- ute and a quarter of totality. Volunteer assistants arrived, prepar- ed to carry out their part in the pro- gram of observations. On the west end of a building near by a white sheet was tacked together with a hor- izontal yard-stick near the center, to serve as a means o observe and to measure the "shadow bands," altern- ate bands of "shadow and light which appear a few seconds before and after totality. A thermometer was pro- vided with which to note any temper- ature change during the eclipse. Oth- pr programs contained features of interest for the villagers, including even the small boys with smoked glasses pressed against their noses. Among these items were found: the approach of the moon's shadow from the northwest, the number of stars visible, the time of their appearance and disappearance, the time at which the corona became visible, number of naked eye prominences, the degree of darkness by estimating the distanct at which various objects could be seen and by looking for shadows cast by the coronal light; also for the boys, the action of the dogs and chickens and the form of the spots of sunlight under the trees. For the ladies who came in the afternoon to see the sun- spots, an eclipse program of color scheme was improvised, including the landscape, foliage, faces, say near moon, near zenith, near horizon, the corona and naked-eye prominences. Full reports on these programs were not received. Begins on Time Time for first contact drew near. With watches in hand the by-standers stood in eager expectancy, -all con- vinced at last that an eclipse would take place, although it was reportpd that one man offered to bet $25 that it would not be total. Promptly on schedule time by our watches the dark limb of the moon appeared. (No chronometer had been taken for ex- act time determination). Rapidly the "notch' grew as the moon pushed its way between the sun and the earth. The telescope brought out vividly the contrast between the sharp ragged limb of the moon and the soft and uniform outline of the sun. No fringe or shaded band could be seen at the edge of the moon; which indicates a lack of perceptible atmosphere. As the black image of the moon approach- ed a sunspot, which appears very dark against tht bright photosphere of the sun, the spot changed to a mild shade of brown or golden brown; which phenomenon corresponds with the facts, that a spot in itself is bright, while the moon is a dark body only by reflected light. The face of the moon could not be seen beyond the disk of sun, although the limb was faintly perceptible for. a short dis- tance. After watching the progress of the eclipse, for about a half an hour, we left the instrument, walked to a tree and saw the crescent spots of sun- light underneath. A pinhole made in a shingle served to show and to ex- plain the same phenomenon. It seem- ed advisible to rest the eye until the time for totality to begin. Scarcely had this decision been reached when someone announced that clouds were appearing again. We watched with dismay as a dark cloud thickened and approached the sun. Twenty minutes before the time of totality the sun was completely lost from view. We thought of the one thousand mile railway ticket to the one-minute-and--a-quart- er show, and the door might be clos- ed! 1 "There it is." "Now, it's gone." "What a shame!" came from the Five minutes before the crucial time the clouds parted and the sun shone through. An unobstructed view for the entire period of totality was our re- ward.. Stars Appear During the progress of the partial phase the dark notch increased, the light diminished slightly and the temperature in the sunshine fell from 98*F to 76*5, part of which may be credited to the ordinary drop between 5:20 and 6:30 p. m. (E. S. T.) Just before the sun was entirely eclipsed the atmosphere became strangely electricized; comparison With the lull before the break of a thunder-storm ill befits the Ease. The landscape as- sumed a lurid hue. Silence reigned among the beholders. The strange shadow bands flickered upon the sheet, so the observer thought at first that a breeze was playing upon its sur- face. One man saw the black shadow of the moon break upon the distant .ridge to the northwest. and sweep across the interveningsprairie. Sud- denly the last ray of sunlight disap- peared. Jupiter flashed out accompan- ied by several stars. The black ball of the moon was enveloped in a halo of glory. The pearly glow of the cor- ona, enriched by the ruby light of the prominences, called forth expressions of wonder and delight. "Oh, what are those three red ,spots?" asked a naked-eye observer. Don't bother him now," replied an- pther. In spite of the teacher instinct to ,espond to an eager question, it would have taken more than a volley from the entire population to tempt the at tention from the view in the telescope at such a time., "Bailey's beads," were first observ- ed as totality approached. The dim- inishing crescent of the sun's eastern limb did not disappear as a thin con- tingous line, but owing to the irregu- lar edge of the moon the line broke at frequent intervals and the decreas- jng patches of light became circular in form resembling a string of shin- ing beads. As soon as our atten- tion was released from the last dis- rate of one foot per second. Co appearing bead, the whole field of the explains this phenomenon as a telescope glowed with the beauty 'of illation effect produced by the the coronal streamers. Numerous red sphere of the earth. The directio prominences shone at the base where rate of velocity at their recu for a brief interval the white arc of the after totality remained the sa chromosphere could also be seen and before. one white prominence was suspected The darkness of a starlit The coronal streamers exceeded in seemed to prevail during totali length the field of view of the tele- cording to reports. An artificia scope: one of them on the east side ac- was required to read the thermo cording to naked-eye observers had and to adjust the camera. an extension three times the diameter A hen took her brood of chick of the moon. The wealth of detail of th ecoop; and a flock of poultr the inner corona beggars description, seen marching homeward at the The short polar rays arched toward the of the period of totality. Mos longer streamers of the sunspot zone, swarmed out as at nightfall, a. which showed greater contrast be- boys reported that their dogs d tween the rays of light and interven- know how to act. One woman ing rifts or lapses, These difts were was the most beautifullest sigl so numerous and so noticeable that had ever seen. some of the projecting rays appeared like mere filaments extending in open - fan-like form. "Back to Earth" All too soon the sunlight returned and the coronal beauty faded away. The stars disappeared and the earth gradually assumed a normal aspect. The last reading of the thermometer, ten minutes after totailty, indicated a rise of five degrees. Observations of the shadow bands fixed their position roughly parallel with a line tangent to the point of contact at the time of totality. They apeared on the sheet at about four- inch intervals and traveled diagonally from the upper right to the lower left, apparently at right angles to the line of their extension at an estimated Special Value in Writing Papers and Correspondence Caj Sheehan & C C. W. Graham, Pr THE EBERBACH & SON COMPAt 200-204 E. Liberty Street CHEMICALS, DRUGS, SUNDRIES Always Good Qual ity The Best the Market Affc TO HE P-EOPLE OF ANN A.RBORl TUESDAY NIGHT JULY 30, You will have the opportunity of attending one of the finest entertainments ever presented by a company of soldiers. These boys will only be with you a little while longer-and before they go away-they are anxious to Offer for your approval some of the talent recruited from the different companies. The boys participating will have the assistance of some well known professional artists, including-Frances Ingram, Contralto, Chicago Opera Co.; Robert Dieterlepopular local Baritone; and Eddie MacGrath and Dick Whiting, two clever boys from Detroit. The money will go to the Company fund to buy things for the boys in camp. We want you to come and help make this a big success. Send the boys away with a smile. Don't forget THE TIME Tuesday, July 30, 0 'clock THE PLACE Hill Auditorium THE PRICE 25c and 50c Tickets now on Sale at Henry & Co., Moe's Sporting Coods Store, Quarry Drug Co., and Crinnell Bros. Music House P. S.-Hill Auditorium is the coolest place in town---Splendid ventilating system